'3 TO ADVERTISERS. U R I E R Publisher. ,V J WIMER Sl'BSCHPTK»’ RA Tk'S, )ne Year (in advance) tx Months. "Uree Month* ¡izigle Copies ♦2.25 11.2ft 75e Ilk X lob Printing of all Kinds An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. —IN TJIE— ,'erv Latest aud Bust Styles, — and at tub — laving Ijowest Hatei >NAL—LEGAL. Attorney at Law \ Notary Public - - O regon . • - Will practice in all the courts of the Ktat*. Office on Sixth street, near post- k.ffiee S. U. MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. G rist ' s P ass , - - - Onr.oos. - Will practice in ali State and Federal Courts, Office on Main street. SAM. WHITE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. G baxt ’* P a **, O regon , - Will praetii-o in all the Court* of the State II. KELLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. J acksonville . - - O reoon . - - Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Office in Court House. IL K. HANNAH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. O regon . J acks « » nvii . i . e , Office in Orth building, Oregon street S. \V. I-OBBES, NOTARY public . K errville isn A i . thoi - se , J obei - hixe C ointy , O regon . Collections a Specialty. I<eg;d Instru ments proinjHly executed. MEDIC U.. Calls responded tout all hours, day or ni/lit. W. H. FLANAGAN, M. I». Physician and Surgeon, G rant ’ ii P ass , - - - O regon - Office ar re»id»‘tice, corner Main an i Third struts. Call attended any hour, day or ni di. (in vsrs - O regon . - English and Germán Spoken. Office on Main street, near drig»tore. DR. CHAH. IV. BEACON, Dctnlist, O reoon . G rant ’ s P ass MWELI.ANKOC*. TIN NEW SHOP; O. H. STARR, P roprietor , —I»caler In— Stoves, Tin-Ware, Pumps, Pipes, Etc., Etc., Etc. JOB WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Prices Moderate. GRANTS PASS, - - OREGON. - WILL. Q. BROWN. Assayer & Analytical Chemist. ORBO'.N NICKEL MINK, RIDDLE, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OGN. An*l>*ea mail* or Complex Bwbmtaneo*. MISE* KKAMHtKD AND RETORTED I TON. Assay for Gold and Silver Assay for Nickel or Cobalt Assay for I«oa.i or Copper ♦ 3 no 6 (IO 2 oo CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT —<»r *TnE— Central Point Hotel, LEWIS l’ASKEY, Propr 25 Cents. Meals, H-ving Ut» !y taken charge of this hotel the undesigned would re*|wctfully inform the public that the tab!»* will be supplied with the U*t the market affords L ewi * P ankey New Blacksmith Shop, LEWIS PANKEY. Proprietor. CE5TMJ1L Poi*>*T • • O1BGOM Horse-Shoeing n Specialty. I wixiM roaps-tiiilly inform the public that having lately taken charge '4 the Black -»noth Khr-p at Central Point I wonl.l a*k a liber 1) »hare of the poblw p ,,r n u-., l.> > ;■ iG'*»» Subset tlx "for IE pioxrts AND ruMMi * *■ ’« NO. 37. O •». SUGAR PINE DOOR & LUMBER CO DAVIS BROWER, G rant '* P ass , VOI. A New Hydraulic Gravel Elevator. J-'uynu Cii.y The New Houae. Grant's fass, *o tiaiu.-l aftnr Genera! Grant, is a county neat centrally located in Suuthern Oregon. It is * progreeaivo railroad town of (MIO inhabitants, and i* the main supply poiiil for a large portion ■4 country devoted to mining, lumbering agrieultnn- ami fruit-raising. Climate un excelled The ('01 rich Is-ing tl»e only paper pnb- . lisbisl ju JoMnbine county, with a goo»i circulation in .lackaon county, enable* it | to la* one of the beat advertising mediume in Soutliern O a gon. For rate«, addro** T he Cot kikh . Grant’s I'ass, Oregon. A Stubborn Jury Rebuked by a San Francisco Judge. The following letter from Con The new House is Democratic by Gravel elevators are used in this gressman Hermann fully explains a fair working majority, but it has S an F rancisco , Dec. 1.—The State in gravel mining operations, — manufacturers or— where there is no dump and the ma itself and shows that the friends of lost the control of a majority of all jury in the case of Joshua Hamlin, Siuslaw country have not en the States, which is necessary to the charged with the murder of John terial has to lie raised to secure the the tirely quit working for its develop election of President in case there Massey, disagreed after being out Lumber, Doors, Windows, necessary dump. It must l»e ele ment. Things of this kind neces is no choice by the people. As re eighteen hours. It stood eight for vated sufficiently to be thrown into 1 Brackets, and Mouldings. the tluine so as to pass off, other sarily move slowly, but it has seemed turns now stand the following States acquittal to four for conviction. wise the pit would become choked to us that the investigation prom- are Republican: California, Neva Judge Toohy reprimanded the jury’ muvui ¡sed below and often promised at da, Illinois, New Jersey, Indiana, for not bringing in a verdict. — AM) ALI. KINDS OF— up with material. In fact, without In discharging the jury Judge these appliances, many v nieces of previous dates has been long de- New York. Iowa, Ohio, Kansas, - - at all. fered. We hope it may now take Oregon. Maine, Pennsylvania, Toohy saic: “You twelve gentle ground could not be worked This elevation of the gravel is usu place and that we may have the Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Michi men have lieen entrusted with the ally done by a closed pipe, the up pleasure in the near future of noting gan, Vermont, Nebraska. Virginia facts of this case that have been presented to you by careful and per end in communication-with the the favorable report and the begin and Wisconsin - nineteen in all. The following are Democratic: skihtul counsel, both for defendant main chute or flume, and the lower ning of the development of the bay —The Introduction of — Alabama, 1 Maryland, Arkansas, and the people. I have nothing to end with the pit or hole in the lied, and harbor: P ortland , O r . N ov . 26, ’80. Minnesota. Colorado, Mississippi, say as to what has lx-cn proved and into which the gravel is washed. A hydraulic nozzle connected with a H on . A. G. H ovey —My Dear Connecticut, Missouri, Delaware, what has not. It is your province branch pipe carries water under Sir: I have to-day had a lengthy North Carolina, Florida, South to determine that; but I will call HAS ENABLED THEM TO REDUCE PRICES FIFTY PER pressure into the lower end of the interview with Capt. Chas F. Pow- Carolina. Georgia, Tennessee, Ken- your attention to a few facts before elevator, and the force of the stream ell, to whose charge as U. S. En- tucky, Texas and Louisiana—sev- I let you go. You know that there is a great deal of condemnation of is such that it carries the material gineer, is confided the duty of mak- enteen in all. CENT. BELOW ALL FORMER RATES. behiud it, on the principle of an in- ing an examination to determine New 11 tnipshire and West Vir- the courts of justice of this city and BsiT For Price List, address, S. P. D. &. L. Co. jector, and carries it up through the the advisability of future .surveys ginia are tied. If, however, these country on the part of the public, pipe. and permanent improvements of the States should be added to the Dem expressed through their great vehi Grant’s Pass, Oregon. Lafay ette and Wm. W. Eastlick, Siuslaw bay and bar. I represented ocratic column a jxj II of the States cle, the press. The prosecuting of of Oro Fino, Siskiyou county, in to this officer the object had in view would stand nineteen to nineteen ficers are blamed for failures in the I 4 HURRA The FOR GRANT’S PASS, HURRA!” this State, have just patented, by the recent action of congress in There is but one way by which administration of justice. through the Mining and Scientific regard to the Siuslaw, and expressed this result can be affected, and that judges, so far as I know, have en Press Patent Agency, a new form of the earnest hope that some action is by contested elections. There deavored to do their duty; so have CAMPBELL à TU FF gravel elevator, in which they do will be taken at the earliest moment are two districts in California which the prosecuting officers; and what away with the tight closed pipe and to make the preliminary exatnina- are likely to be contested, and ever wrong there has been in delay C IN NOW BOAST OF HAVING THE use an open-top shute which is ren- tion. Much time has already elapsed ' ground may l»c found for a contest or hindrance in the administration dered effective as an elevator, both so that the report of the Engineer in both of the tied States, so as to of justice, it cannot l>e traced to the FINEST STOKE ROOM IN SOUTI1ERN OREGON. bv reason of its construction and the Corps may not reach the department 1 place them in the Democratic col courts. It is the fault of jurors who «irrangcment of the hydraulic nozzle for action of congress in this short umn. In view of the possibility of are vested with the jxiwer of saying ------ u- or nozzles in communication with session, and we may lie |x»sjx»ned failure of the people to elect a Presi this or that thing has been proved. the lower end, whereby the mate to the long session. But I am anx dent in 1888, the temptation to the When jurors refuse or decline, or rial which is fed to the chute is ious that all that can be done now dominant party to seat memliers fail to exercise their judicial func forced directly up by the steam, not be done at once, so that the patient enough from the close States to se tions, as they swear they will do lj o CD by stiction, as is the case with the and long-waiting people of the Si cure a nujority in twenty States when they go in the jury lx»x to closed pipe, but by direct impact.— uslaw may have some assurance strong. Should both the people and projHTly administer justice as it is On their Cheap Counters in all such lines as that definite action is lieing had. the House fail to elect, the Senate defined by law. the public ought to [Milling and Scientific Press. DRY GOODS, As a result of my interviews with would elect a President who would hold jurors responsible. You have Taxable Property. the engineer department here I am act as President of the United States. lieen eighteen hours deliberating DRESS GOODS, The following table prepared in glad to assure you that an offiicei This prosjicct is not improved by over this case. I have not the least CLOTHING, the office of the Secretary of State, will leave this city next week for the chance that Riddleberger may doubt in my mind, and I know that HATS AND (APS, will show the total value of all the the Siuslaw to make the preliminary have the casting vote in the Senate. the counsel have not, that some thing has lieen proved. There nev BOOTS AND SHOES, taxable property in the several examination required by law, previ (Bx- GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, ¡counties of the State, as returned by ous to further proceedings. Captain A Forecast of the Strubglo in Ireland. I er was a case so clearly proved as the case that you have just tried, the county assessors for 1886. It Powell kindly assures me that noth GROCERIES, N ew Y ork , Nov. 27. The Even and if you, gentlemen, are unwilling also shows the total for 1885. Six ing will be left undone so far as he PROVISIONS, teen coflnties show a net gain over is concerned iij the matter of the ing Post's London special says: Co to determine what has been proved, 1885, of $3,817,045, while eleven Siuslaw. I sincerely hope that every ercion is back again, and in all pro the responsibility’ must rest upon CROCKERY, counties show a total decrease of information as to resourses and fu bability a few days will see I’arncll your shoulders alone. And under TOBACCOS, Si,261,866, making a total gainin' ture ]>ossibilities of the country will members in prison. Reduced to its the circumstances I will have to ex CIGARS, ETC taxable property for the year 1886 l»e furnished Lieutenant Burroughs, simplest form, the government's cuse yon from further deliberation the officer detailed to make the ex piucvedurc, which is precisely that upon this case.” o---- of $2:554.178 amination, when he . shall arrive. J which was formerly taken against 'F mxm Î »lu Taxable From Grants Ta»». I have done all I can do so far, and Healy and Davitl, amounts to offer county. property projierty 1X9.5. ’ 1,886. ’ the rest belongs to the engineer ing Dillon the choice of holding his E ditor S tatesman :—As we are Baker ♦ 2,349,256 corps before congress can take fur- ♦ 2,2.r>2 (MM not much in favor of eulogizing tongue or going to prison. 1 ie will, S..W, 1 M) Benton 3.210,750 thcr action. I have the honor to of course, promptly accept the lat dead congressmen or extinct news 2,370,5»S Clackamas 2,515,020 remain, < 'latiu.p 1.1)31,877 ter alternative. Then O’Brien will pajKTS, but something that takes a \’ery respectfully yours, 1 t'oliiinl.ia 184 720,188 denounce the government in United ¡ively interest in the doings of to Coon 1 ..■!87.">'ll 1,288,613 B inge « H ermann . Ireland, which will lx- suppressed. day, we thought best to licgin with Crook 1,347.722 1,263,131 By this time Parnell will lie coni the Statesman, by saying that in (‘urrv 41!»,">! I 414,667 According to the Rand-McNally pelled Douglas 2,910,210 2,.804.484 upon the scene in May, ’85, we gave your agent, Mr. C. M. STONE, P rop ’«, Niagara Canti-Lever defense to of appear ! Gilliam 1.179,722 Atlas, the 1,023,;'(W his lieutenants, and take Simpson, an order for the paper, bridge, built in seven months in 2,773.420 2,760,220 Maine Street, Grant’s Pass, Oregon, Grant the leadership of the struggle, If principally to gratify a suggestion 2,214,316 1883, from designs by Mr. C. C. Jaekaon 2,280,18.! the government ventures to arrest . of our better half that we subscribe Josephine 653.729 618,024 Schneider, chief engineer of the DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY,----- him there will Ire war. Indeed, it for a Marion county’ paper, that be 709.216 Klamath (130,915 1.635,062 structure, is a double- track railway is difficult to see how they can ing our old home from whence we 1 latke 1,106,330 Drugs. Patent Medicines. Pertœry, Toilet Articles. SSonlder Braces. Trusses, Etc. lame. 3.989.6115 susjieiision bridge, 910 feet one and 4,192,717 emigrated to the land of corn and 5,235,898 five eighth inches long. I.inn 5.502,092 The two avoid it. Such is the generally wine, peaches and large water •( 4,957,396 main girders, termed cauti-levers, accepted forecast. Marion 4.700.777 melons, where wc find sweet pota Morrow 84'1,354 944,587 BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO Multnomah. 18,76.1,610 are anchored or counter-weighted A Jury-ftxcr Find» Himielf in a Tight toes grow lx-tter than grass, and 17,633,145 Plane. on one end. each Ixring 395 feet 2.7, folk 2,931.o;>4 3,014,4*7 I butter sells for 40 ccn’s per pound, 2#5,0H9 inches long, and the intermediate School I Books. I Books I and I Stationery . Tillamook 271,229 and while we luxuriate in all these N ew Y ork , Dec. 3. The arrest 1 Uiniitillii. 4,3OOjk>2 span 119 feet 9 inches. 4,093,181 The two arc all absorbed in the growing of 1 nion. 2.795,407 of the alleged jury-tamperers caused 2,995,613 Wasco 2,518,14» i anti-levers rest on towers of steel the court room, during the trial of vegetables for market, yet »ve find a 1,843,023 2,601,680 and wrought iron 130 feet 6.5 inch A Full Line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes. Washington 2,558,000 ex-Alderman McQuade that is go warm spot in our hearts for thepeo- 4,038,697 es high, and these on piers of ma YamhilL 4,024,623 ■ — ■ o-------- : pie ami their doings in the land of sonry 39 feet high. The clear span ing on, to have a large audience. It 1 our old home where we used to ♦79,122,973 Total ♦76,567,795 is understood that Falkenberg, who PHSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED across the river is 495 feet, the grow strawberries to our hearts’ longest double-track truss span ever attempted to approach talesman 'content, and delighted to look out Decided Favorable to Recd. Gray, was arraigned before Recorder built. The chasm here is 859 feet The suit of S. G. Reed vs, Elijah from bluff to bluff. The bridge was Smith to-day on a charge ofembrac upon the broad fields of waving Smith and L. B. Seeley for posses- built to carry upon each track at the cry. The officer arraigned is an grain as we rode out through the * sioti of the Oswego Iron Works, same time, a freight train extending under sized man, with a long black broad domain of old Marion, while A N I) was decided in favor of the plaintiff the entire length of the bridge, mustache and long hair. Lawyer we piti< instead of envied the 3<x» by Judge Shattuck. On July 1st weighing one ton ]xr linear foot, Hummel said his client was a tailor acres gram farmer, who toiled hard Elijah Smith was elected President. and headed by two 76-ton consoli by trade and 31 years old. He read both early and late, through rain as W. S. Ladd, Vice-President; I. B. dation engines, and a side pressure a written reply to the charge from well : ls through sunshine, to barely out even, financially sjeaking, SMITH BROS., - - - proprietors. Seclev, Secretary, ami Elijah Smith, of 30 pounds j>cr square loot. It his client, who declared he was in come at the end of the year, when a little nocent of any intention to commit C, J. Smith, L. B. Seeley, S. G." was publicly tested Dec. 20th 1883, 6th street, Crants’ Pass, Oregon. diversified farming, with considera ail offense. He waived examination Reed, and W. S. Ladd Directors. when twenty locomotives and twen ------------------- O ■■■------- Reed in his complaint alleged that ty-four heavily loaded gravel cats, and was held in $1 000 for trial ble tact interspersed in the growing, preparing and marketing of his pro Having completed our new Stables we arc now prepared to furnish the two Smiths and Seeley were weighing 3.760,000 pounds caused The McQuade trial was then re ducts, would have placed him in a the best of accommodations AT REASONABLE RATES. non-residents and could not hold a temporary deflection of only 6)4 sumed. much lietter situation financially, office in the company under the inches. It was opened Jan. 1st, Albin* Booming. licsi'ks supplying his table and Horse Shoeing and W ogon Repairing a Specialty. State law. Judge Shattuck rendered 1884, and is one of the strongest and home with many delicacies and com judgment, ousting the Smith set of most elegant bridges in the world. As The News predicted sonic forts that the exclusive grain farmer officers and directors and also lilijah time ago, Albina is now coming knows not of, and while we have K O B K 1? T W EST HOP, Smith as President and restored S The exposure of crime by the rapidly to the front as the most pro- meditated on these and kindred sub G. Reed President and his set of press, which is said by some to have grcv.ive suburb of the grent Metro- ■I’ROrRIETOK— officers. The judgment will proba a deteriorating influence on public polis ot the Northwest, and real es jects, the Statesman has visited us bly lie reviewed in the Supreme morals, has found an eloquent and tate sales are being made daily to regularly each week, richly laden with news and jotting-, in regard to Court.—[News. logical defender in Hamilton W. men who can look into the future the prosperity as well as the ills and Mabie. In the paper he read before atxiut as far as mortals are permit changes of our friends and neigh- A Well Known Scout Killed. the prison congress at Atlanta. Ga., ted to see. b >ts, to say nothing of the new cn Yesterday Mr. Van B. DeLash terpriscs and political aspiration P ortland , Nov. 18.—Umpqua lie said: “The newspaper has laid < »UEGON. (Jackson County) C entral P oint , Joe. well and favorably known as the'toundation of scientific discus mutt made the largest parch.»-.c- that the last but not the least in which ---- )o(----------- chief scout for General Fremont in sioti and dealing with crime. It lias transpired in Albina since the we are a!«ont a > much interested tn his explorations through Northern has played a great part not only in great boom of four year.ngo. The the young man Was who. after get —Having Completed my new Stable I am prepared to— California and Southern Oregon and dragging crime out of its hiding addition to the city owned by- Smith ting left, a ked his girl if lie might as the firm friend and ally of the places and fastening it to the pillory ami others, was txrtiglit for $29,<-o sit on the fence and see her go by. public attention, but in originat '•ash, and, as the property i-vi-. -. As'v ■ hope soon to give the FURNISH THE BEST OF HAY AND GRAIN. white settlers in the Rogue River of Indian war. was killed by his son- ing and securing reforms in the desirable, it wilt I k .-no trouble for. friends at Salem, Turner, and Stay To Iltiy and Gran T’cr 1 lend, Over Niizht, 7.5 < '!-. in-law, Alliert Pico, on the 121I1 whole system of discipline and pun the lucky ptirclia- r to double hi- ton a friendly’ shake, and drop in at his home 0:1 Rogue River. ishment which society has devised money on it in a short time and renew our subscription to the BEST OF ACCOMMODATIONS FURNISHED FOR HORSES. inst. [News. Pico, after receiving a mortal wound for its evil doers.’’ Statesman. I will close for the pre ■ from Joe. who acted in self-defence, ent. R. D. S anfohd . Rough on Timber Purloinsr». We took a trip to Hunter s cove fired three shots li- m .. Marlin rille J. S. HOUCK,- "tie taking effect in Joe s heart and last week and was phased to note Parties who have lx :cn guilty of A ride to Jack one.lie from Ash the other penetrating the right lung the valuable work Supervisor Moore taking timber from government land call» attention to a nunilxr of rnorRiETow Both men were dead in one minute is performing on the new road. He land* do not ap;>e:ir to -land much new buildings recently erected. At after the firing commenced.— [S. F. projNises to have the road opened on show in the U. S. courts, They get Talent there are three nent new the newjoute a» far at Pistol river “cinched” right along, The jury dwelling houses, beside* other new Call. — before tire first of Jan 1 try, weather in the U. S . c irciiit court rendered building*. At Phoenix theic are Farm machinery no longer re permitting The road i- located on a verdict against —DEALER IX ainst Me»>i:.. Messi:. Rowley Howl & several new dwellings, that of Mt. quired for use should lie cleaned an excellent wagon road grade the Whitsell of I loiigla* county in the R > c being the most prominent, STO V ES i I N W A IJ E, carefully, then stored under good entire route. [Gold Beach Gazette. stmt of $32'X>- Rowk-y did not ap "id Otlttr l.-uil'tingr. have l<iu À N 1) shelter. T»> < lean bearings, cogs jx.ar and hi* bail was forfeited and greatly improved, Belov Phoe* n —JOB and other working parts, kerosene , a bench warrant ordered to be i-sued are seen new farm hcmxes <m the- may be used by foe application, for hrs arrest. [Oregonian places of J II. Stewart Mid Jaft. Rooting. Sponting. ani Repairing oí all kinds a $pe» i.ilty. then operating trie m i. bine t » give Hamlin. ( ivhc.x a new Ixitti i-. ecu it effect after which the parts shotild (X the 48.(00 voters in Waahnn’- M* . \ t *r ; r(, . AND DONE \T EEAPONABLE RATES to Territory .it the Lite electfou. me i f d me t Or women cast about on* third of them Hou HOUSE and STORE FINISHINGS. The Latest Improved Machinery, Bargains ! Bargains ! Bargains! T1TY DRUG STORI';. \ew Livev, Feed and Sale Stable! BLACKSMITH SHOP. New Feed and Sale Stable,-