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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1886)
GRANT’S PASS ACADEMY JACKSON VI IX E IHR ECT< )B V. the maximum feed of this to an or dinary cow is 70 pounds per week / costing 65 cents. If you give your JACKSONVILLE VKOKTABI-K CBtHTHHIl- cow that—to pounds a day—and a This well- known School will be open for the Fall Term on the little hay or good straw, or anything A potato went out on a masb Is-ave« Satur-l.iv And sought an onion bed ; to fill up and plenty of fine salt, your . • , r »Wia Arrives sain ■ day . '■ 01 u “That’t pie for me!” observed tlieaquasb larder will always be full. (Xcourse, And all the beets turmsl red ; OrriCK IKK KS. two ponnds a day of oil cake meal “Go way!’’ the onion weeping cried, otliee I.|»!1| every day except Sun v— added, will make a big difference in W ith a F ull C orps op C ompetent T eachers . J. <'. • NV 11 I 1’1», •’Your love I cannot be. from 7:30 1. m . togglo x. m . O i ,.,, The pumpkin be vour lawful bride, the color of the milk and butter. day from 8:3 » to 10 i. M. 1 < »i-m-ral < 'ontriietor Rates of Tuition for Non-resident Pupils: Yon cautelope with me” lu my next I will endeavor to J. W. H ow . ikd , P. m give what seems the best class of But onward still the tuber came W eeks . T welve OF PRIMARY—$3.00 P er T erm —IX— Ami laid down at her feet; cattle adapted to this region. I had >r SOCIETY NOTICES. > » » > ’’You calitlower by any name GRAMMAR SCHOOL—$500 ” | almost forgotten one class of food to » r G r int '» P.wt L oix . i :, N o . 84, A. y , TT » » And it will snieil a« wheat; help the milk pail —clearcold water ACADEMIC—$8.00 ” A. M.—Meet« in their hall, Odd Felkw's And 1. too, am an early rose, MARBLE, STONE or GRÄMTE. and jetting, kindness. Flurry and , Hiilding, Friday evening on or Moro the And you I’ve come to <ee, full moon. Smiting brothers cunliallv Ko don't turnip your lovely none. excitement, chasing with a dog and invited to attend. But «pinacli at with me.” all that knocks off the cream and J. W. H oward W. M For Particulars, Address irritates the secretary- glands and “I lio not carrot all to wed. .1. T. < < ii . vin . Sec’v So go, «ir, if you pieaae!” i checks the flow of milk as well as G oi . ihn Rri.i:, I. 0.0. F.—Meets every HENRY L. BENSON, A. M., Principal. The mu-tent onion meekly «aid, ! makes it feverish and unhealthy. Saturday evening at 7 :30 at their hall nll •‘Ami lettuce pray have pean: * * * * Sixth street. Visiting brothers cordially Ho think that you ha.« never seen invitisi to attend. 7 Myself or smelled my sigh ; Growing Grapea For Wine. •losfi-H Mos.«, N'.(; ALL ORDERS BY LETTER Too long a maiden I have peen J. A. J knnino », Sec’v. For favors in viair rye.” That California is the great wine Kitnin vn.i I.oiHii:, No. 55, I.o. (, p “Ah! «pare a i-ress,” the tuber prayed; Promptly Attended To. producing State of the Union, is one — Meet« every other Saturday evening •'My cherry-shed bride you’ll I«-, thing that ‘ goes without say ing’’ DR. W. F. KREMER, Prop ’ r, Visiting brother« cordially invited tn at You are the only weaping maid but Oregon has some pretensions in tend. D ix ’ l H i nt , N. <i. That's currant now with me'.’’ Main Street,...................................................... Grant’s Pass,‘Oregon. that quarter, nevertheless. In the O beron S t ., J acksonville , (><; n . S. W. F ohhfs , See’y. Ami as the wilay tuber »poke, He caught her by surprise, Willamette valley the humid cli ---------- o---------- P. nt II. Jox«*phine Lislge, 17!», meets at And giving her an urticluAie, mate and cold nights militate severe I Grant's Pass, first Saturday of each month Devoured her with Ins eye«. at 11 o’clock i. M. W. -M. P ollock , ly against grajve culture save for ta W. M. ble uses, and even then the grapes [Coininiinicuteil 1 are vastly inferior to those grown in . B anner Umui:, I. <». <i. T., 4!»3—Meet« JACKSONVILLE, OR. —DEALER IN— every Friday evening at Hale’s hall. Southern Oregon, to say nothing of( Letter No. 5. •ER II ale , W.C T — T 11 1-: California, whose vineyards are JOHN A. HANLEY I’ropr. As pastures grow smaller in area within sixty hours’ reach of us by through cultivation of lands, farm steamer. But th?two coUnties of OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA ers are compelled to either feed or Oregon ly ing next to the California —VIA----- curtail the number of their herds, boundary have a climate totally dif Oregon & California R. R. Caton A Garrett, General Agent«. generally the latter. While the cat ferent from that of the Willamette AND CONNECTIONS. tle were running in the woods or valley, together with an arid soil in Kiiiliev A Wolter«, Agent«, Medford. —Timo, '2 l-’2 I >avs.— prairies, little attention was paid to many places that is not only favor ■ ■ ■ - —o - breeds; but when they have to be able for grajxt culture but absolutely Fare from Portland lo San Francisco. $32.00. feil, some farmer will remark some unfit for any other kind of products. Fare irosi Portland to Sacramento, $30.00. thing in this style: “Dear me, but To produce good grapes no irriga-1 Cinse Connection« n-.mle at Ashland that critter seems to eat enough, but tion is necessary after the first year; —Article of— with the stages of the California, Oregon don’t get fat;’’ or, if a cow giving a and, as has lieen observed in the re A Mallo Stagli Conipanv. little suj> of weak milk, he may re nowned Johannislierger vineyards of mark, “small lot of milk for so Germany, and the still more re DAILY EXCEPT SI NDAYS.) much feed.” That is just the point nowned Clos <le Vosgeot of France, E ast S ide D ivision . o —And— I desire to argue to-day too little ‘.lie drier the soil the richer the qual BETWEEN PORTLAND. l ASHLAND. -OF — milk. If you will take the trouble ity of wine. A belt of land answer M ail T rain . CORN WHISKEY, of visiting the different farm houses ing this description extends from LEAVE arrive . Portland . .7 : :;o a . M. Grt’s l’a.«.« 1 :1.1i. m . from Oregon City to Ashland, to ( Grant's Pass in Josephine county to —In Quantifie« ami at— Gr’ts Pasa I 2il i. m . Ashland. 4 :15 a . m . the right and left, from now till, Ashland in Jackson county, nearly Ashland. !l r. m . < iri's Pass 11 :55 i -. m . say the first ol March, more than forty miles in length, and from seven I < irt’s l’iiKs 12 .00 m . Portland. .4 :2ò r. ji . PRICES TO SUIT. half, I might say three-fifths, have to twelve miles in width, covered no milk or butter during these with a scrubby growth of the nian- A i . ii . inv ExPBr.s» T imin .* "HURRA FOR GRANT’S PASS, HURRA!” months. And this county is no ex zanita bush. Wherever that brush S A TIS F A ( TI ON G U A R A N T E E D ' I.ltAVE. ARHIVK. JOSEPHINE COUNTY. Portland 4:00»-. u. Lebanon. !l :20 pm . ception, not at all. Now whose thrives there is gm«! grajx.- land, at Lebanon 1 :45 i. m . Portland 10:05 a . m . fault is it, to be without those neces least suqli has been the exjterience K K R BV VILLE DIR ECTOR Y saries of life, pure rich milk with its of viticulturists in Napa and Sono Fmiman Palace Sleeping Cars adjuncts, cream and butter. Those ma counties in California, whose Daily Is-twecn I'ortland and A -ldatid. iis Now l-.o ist or HIVING THE UNION HOTEL. progressive farmers, or rather those wine exports are nearly double the TlieO. AC. R. R. Fi rry makes Con nection with all the Regular Trains on tlio that are farmers, who look out to I k - value of what they now export in FINEST STORE ROOM IN SOUTHERN OREGON. East Side Division, from foot of F street. always suj»plied, will tell you it is wheat or barley. Of course great One oí Best Hotels in Southern Printed at Grant's Pass, Oreg' their own fault; they are t<M» lazy or care should I k - taken in laying off a Oregon. W i '. xt S ide D ivision . shiftless. The other fellow will tell viney ard to get a proper exposure, | BETWEEN 1’0 RT1. A N D & COR V AI.LIS you, "well, you see the cows had I by taking the north side of a ravine M au . T hais . GOOD TAKLE! calves in the spring and when feed so that tlie vineyard will slope to GOOD BEDS! LEAVE. ARRIVE. got kinder short, why they went ward the south. Next is to lie con- And the Iw-st of Accoinin<«latiane. Portland. 7:30 -.i. Corvallis 12 :25 I’.u. Corvallis. .1 :30 r. m . i’ortland .0:15 r. st. ary, but they’ll calve in the spring i sid«red the selection of vines, for I At ('orvallis connect with trains ot O P. nnd then we'll have plenty of milk, I which we should prefer those of On their Cheap Counters in all such lines as Conm-i-teil with this lioti-l is a tor Yaqiiinn Bay. Excursion tickets on and till that time I guess we’ll have Germany or the northern provinces DRY GOODS, sale from Grant’s Pans to Yaqllina I’.av to get along without it. So ------ ” of France. In California, the grapes -FIRST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE.— and return, via Albany, at *13.70. Tick«» DRESS GOODS, Well, to my thinking, its a pretty I used for raisins have originally been ets gixid to return until Sept. 30th, 1880. Mrs. Ellen Ryder, Proprietress. poor reason, anil yet the writer of imjxirted from Hungary and Croatia, E xi 'H esh T rain . • 0 THING, this has heard it many times. Now while their l>est wine grapes have K ehhvvu . lk , ..... . O rkoux . LEAVE. ARHIVK. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. HATS AND CAPS, I’ortland 1:50 r. m . M'Mn’vlle 8 i OO c . m . the man with the milk on his table come from Germany anil the south M'.Mn ’ ville 5:45 1. . ‘ i. Portland . .!»:<>) a .. m . will tell you soincting like this; “I of France. But in our own state, BOOTS AND SHOES. WILLIAM NAUCKE aim to have a cow or two calve in as we have a less tropical climate, Lmal tickets for sale ami baggage GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, checked at Company's up-tuwn office, the fall or winter so as to have a the vines selected should properly -KKHI-S- GROCERIES, corner Stark and Second streets. Tickets fresh cow occasionally and sell some I come from a further northern lati for principal points in California can onlv surplus butter when it is high and tilde. Our own belief is that the ; PROVISIONS, Is- procured and baggage checked at the in demand, nnd besides, a fresh cow Catawba grajK-. so successfully ctil ('oinpuny's «ili FHîS't RHTtoN RATES: CROCKERY, in the winter will bring from $5 to tivated in Ohio by the late Nicholas For good hurgainM in the line of Corner F and Freni Streets, Tortland. OregGH. $10 dollars more than in May or Longworth, would lie the proper TOBACCOS, Freight will not be received for Hhip- Hals. Caps. Boots and Shoes or Genera I Groceries One year (ill advance) June, provided I desire to sell her.” ■ wine grajie for Southern Oregon, $2 25- CIGARS, ETC. nient alter 5 o’clock r. u., on either the Come now, is that not so? The ! It made a sparkling wine of great And everything in the wav of East <»r West Side I>ivisionH. Six months. . .. I 25- R. KOEHLER, E. P. RfXiERS. shoe pinches, no wonder there is flavor, vastly suja-rior, in our l»e — MINING SUPPLIES. — Manager. G E. & piMW grumbling about hard times, for lief, to any of the chamjiagne wines Three months . fdF All our goods ;tre entirely new and will lie exchanged fur cash 75- butter, milk and eggs are half the : yet evolved from the soil of our sis CAMPBELL A- TUFFS, Single copy IO. or farm produce. living, and for children, with some ter State; and wc believe that a col Th ise wixliing bargains »limild call on Grant’s Pass, Josephine County. Oregon bread, often times all. Many a ossal fortune awaits the far seeing WILLIAM NAUCKE, meal the writer has made of the wine grower of Southern Oregon, 11 above, and far more healthy than who has the enterprise to introduce K ram 1 n.i.g. I I I «KM.ON. strong coffee and bacon. When , and the courage to stay with it tin IKK» I there is no milk in the house it has til its success is fairly established THOSE DESIRING TO SETTLE IN N DELEMATER. to I k - supplanted by something else, The vineyards of Josephine and This Hotel lias been thoroughly —IIEAIER IN— and for that very rca-*n if the farm Jackson counties will I k - their most renovated and er will consult his |MK-ket, he w ill valuable jMirtiou of taxable projierty THE — see his mistake in being without. by the close of the current century. Will do well to consult the undersigned at R efurnished T hroughout It is a great privation for children to —[Sunday Mercury. Ami keep« constantly on hand I k - without milk; a little mush and CENTRAL 1 ’O I ?N» I , Ji'lc’lcsi >1 1 C'< )t I I 1 tv, THE TRAVEUlta PUBLIC IVII.L TINY Wc doubt if there is a finer post H ats , C ats , B oots and S hoes , milk or bread and milk in the morn IN THE CENTRAL PART OF THE ing is the best f<Kxl that can lie office in Oregon than the Lakeview --- AKIF— BEST ACCOMMODATIONS. given them, anil all they need, and office is now. A full set of glass liosruo liivor Valli-y. on the < ) iXt <’ K.-iili-osuL General Mining Supplies. and lock boxes were received last really it will not hurt you. "Oh, ------ (o)— • The shipping Point for the principal portion of the grain producing yes,” will lie the remark, “all that week from the Yale works, and they part of the County. will do for theory, but not for prac make as nice a piece of furniture as Those wishing good bargains must not fail to call at I lie [Lake tice. It’s all very fine to talk that a person cares to look at Address or call on C. MAGRUDER. Central Point, Oregon. way, but suppose that a jierson has view Examiner. Kerbyville P. O. Building, Is Connected With This House. only one cow and she has gone drv, K VRHYVtl.l.K,.......................................... OBKOOH, Choice Land for Sale. THE BAK IS SUPPLIED WITH THE what am I to do?” First, unless WALDO DIRECTORY she is within six weeks of calving TWO Hl N DR ED Acres of choice land FOR SAI.E in lainliill cisintv for sale, 18 mile« Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars, she has no business to lx- dry. Sec , South»est ot Portland. The wagon roml Situated on Murphv Creek, .loxephim ond, if it was imjtossible to keep F W hile the Reading Table is county. Oregon, eight miles south of leading to it from Portland is int i- WAL1X», OREGON. more than one cow which case only 1 )epnrtnient Grants I’a««. a First Fl.fiFKING mfeed tour mile« ami double trucked five applies to those living in towns or 'Illi with Patent Machinery, doing miles more. Tlx1 remaining nine mile» is SUPPLIED WITH THE LATEST J. A PECKHAM, PROFRIKTOR —The Best Oí— something like that, or whose occtt gissl work and ha» 11 past clixtom The excellent road. Fine springs on th.- land FARM contain« .'Ckf acres of land: AO 1 nee, |2,000. Enquire of, <>r address NEWSPAPERS. pation or smallness of ground, say GOOD BEDS' GOOD TABLE! W. WIMER. acres in clover, and over >00 acre« under a lot, or acre of ground, then it i> 18-tf] Has recently lx.-cn supplied with a cultivation; also gi«>d Orchard, gissl knd tlu> l» «( <>( ai'i'niiumslatioiiH. excusable. But persons having 10, Hou»e and Barns and irrigation ditch. A POOL TABLE MAY ALSO BE fine selection of 20 or too acrcr of land certainly can Fine situation for a dairy farm. Can ir In connection with thi« Hotel, I have a Can he Supplied at Reasonable Prices. Z. rigate almost any part of tlx- plant. For have more than one cow, and only large and eniumodlone FOUND HERE. further particulars call or addrvss through carelessness have them all NEW TYPE. NEW PRESSES. BARN AND CORRAL, CQ LEWIS STRONG. Murphy, Oregon. CHEAP FOR CASH coming in at the same time. Some F- O one will say, “but I am t<xi jxxir to With the lieat water facilities in the KvRXVVH.tR, • I propose to keep a strictly first- I »KK.oN 3 buy a cow." Well then, win didn’t' county. and even thing necessary to do fint -a flax.« house. Give me a call. you begin at the Iwginning, get a o RICHARD P. GEORGE L-. calf; surely you could have worked RATES VERY REASONABLE class Z3 J. B. HUTCH, y. somewhere for a calf, or money No |iain« will lie spared to make gm'«t« — Keep« the Finest— [I'Sf enough to buy one and raise it. At comfortable. Grant's Pam, Oregon AHLF A MESSERVE Propr’». » X two and a half or three years at X J. WIMER & SON, X most, bossie would have repaid the M ain S trut , G rant ’ s P a trouble. Let me remark right here Have the large»! »ton« in Joarphine » X (ouly I .shall reiterate it again > that county, which i» t»x32 fret, and two to it costs no more, and net» less, to Which will be executed promptly »tori«««, till«! with O —MK %IAO KKKHI THK — £ raise a calf of good 1>1< xk I than a ami m neat style scrub. IXm't forget that; there is situate I on the \ rtl; Fork of Butto '-reek, Verr Be-t Brands of Cigars, * £ 3 money in renieinlx-ring it. IX) yon ■»J mil«”« from Ja<-k.«onvil1e, in a enol can o Y Ml TTON, suppose that the merchant, niechsn WE BI’Y FOR CASH, Ikm't fait V» call at the yon near Mt M» Tanghi in, an» a deliglit- X AT REASONABE RATES. n>l n^rt for ic, or any one else in a citv. goes AND SEU. FOR CASH, THE KERBYVILLE SALOON z PORK-SAUSAGE. without milk or butter’ Not much;, a he’ll have that, you may depend Out Hoitsl Wfini ill Mrasort. watvm are highly medicinal, cur X AND BOLOGNA iti it in a Abort time up»on it—milk in his oriit and but X> I X a ter on his bread Rut the farmer, TRAVELERS. MINERS AND Bacon nnd Lard DYSPEPSIA not» TH* »1»T e-3 the very chap that ought to have Special attention given to And all Summer CompUinta, as well us f. FARMERS SUPPLIES Washing, Ironing and Fluting. these things, he goes without and many X ALWAYS ON HAND. goodness knows, it nerves him light, CHRONIC DISEASES! All kinds of plain »nd fancy w >rk done when he does The cost of keep We keep everythin' iw*ded by the The Spring« arerwvoi acce», ami par- Meat Iteiivered any jdaec in Town SATISFACTION GUARANTEED »ng a cow is very slight, a little X nex who comi> witl««u u.,,,« f,w camping people. corn-stalks, or potatoes or squash, • »it . an be a.i-nmn»«fat,«l with cabin« at Will al»otaker-intra, t*.lor< hrippiap, C HIKE OF CHARGE X inning expetme. OFFICE on Main St between pr, better than all, bran and shorts CHFAP FOR CASH OR PRODCCF. clearing, etc. s M.-r A LUSTER, rmp. .-©»ting 90 cent* .« hundred pounds. Walae, .... Oregon K Waeh ho»«- on Hilkert creek. Water for « lie at J B Hnteh’a ami I 4th and jth Grant > Pa» Oregon w in. Nvwratti -, Grant’s l’a.- 2»‘-3ru AGRICULTURA! T H E Mi s, First Monday in September, 1886, ROGUE RIVER An Extensive High-Grade Course of Study. Cemetery Work a Specialty. C R U R I E R , NATIONAL The Rogue River Distillery, Druggist and Apothecary, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Shulder Braces, Trusses. OFFICIAL PAPER - Pure BOURBON. RYE Wines and Liouors for Medical Purposes. Physicians’ Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night. ! CAMPBELL à TU FF 4i Bargains! I W. J. WIMER, g ’ ' * DRY GOODS à GROCERIES notici : r ., A‘ ! NOTICE ! ! NOTICE! Towns of Southern DRY GOODS à GROCERIES Oregon C OTRI ER Till: I.IIE lllk XILIION .1 <> It r Flouring Mill and Farm WALDO HOTEL. Flour, Cracked Wheal, Coro Meal I Citv Mar Whisky Brandies and Wines, JOB WORK z McCallister’s Soda Springs, Fresh and Salted Beef, Pork. Choice Goods in Every line. I N V A LIDS! SING LEE b Legal Blank and County Werk JL » • • t > . 1 I i * -