Wihl Cherry and Tar. Circuit Court Docket* V ThOl IJtT FOR A 1.11X1 I V l>f ITII ■ children who have the svmpathv of There will be a business meeting I1UI». Every ls.lv knows the virtues of Wild of the Ladier Library Association the entire community in their sad In the Circuit Court of the State Cherry and Tar as a relief and cure for any Mfections of the Throat and Lungs, Olciil Pauer of Josmii? Conati. Oregon. A new butcher shop is now open. | at the Good Templars room. Mon of Oregon for Ji«ephine county. InM-nlxsl to th <> m i»T. tiviiti , I*» a friend. affliction.—[Record. day evening Nov. 1st, at half past NovenilxT Term tSS6. combined with these two ingredients are “If < iod eutnpeih .1 me to this destiny. J acksonville , <K-t. 27 »886, Our town must 1« incorporated. seven o'clock. All lady members a lew simple healing remtsima in the To die alone, with none Iseide my I« 1 .1 S. 1». D. & .L. Co., plff, vs J. C. OCT. 29, t886. FRIDAY The Keut-Cotvig case has come ixmiposition of Dr. Bosanko’s Cough and round with cobs my last word Chas Gilmore cautc up from Rote arc requested to be present. Taylor and Mary Taylor def ts.— To rutile to an issue after considerable skir > ling Syrup making it just lire article you «aid, STATE ANDCOUNTY OFFICIALS burg a few days ago. , His Hoti. J. E. Murphy, of Cres Action at law to recover money. And murk with tears, the pulses ebb mishing. The plaintiff conies by should always have in the liouse, for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Bronchitis. STATE orriclAU»: from me, Mary J. Knapp, plff. vs Finey A new sign down street indicates cent City, says the Record, came motion and asks the court to pass Price 50 ¡xmls and *1.00. Samples free. Pray then alone, “<>. Christ, come ten ................ < iovemor Z. F. M<x>uv Knapp, deft. Suit for divorce. very- near losing his life by suffoca judgement u[x>n the pleadings. Sold by W. F. Kremer, Grant's l'-ass. derly ! Ssretarv another butcher shop. R. P. E akiiakt G. M Strickler, plff, vs M J. S. tion on the night of the 19th iust,, This takes the case from a jury and my f> makeii s.,;,-hip in the red Treasurer E. H irsch Mrs. Henry York is quite sick at by a gas and smoke from a lamp in Strickler, deft. Suit in equity for By Cur* For Pile«, I »rear wine press, by the wilderness out compeils the court to say who is . .. Senator H. B. M illir Piles uro frequently preceded by »sense her home on Applegate. spread, divorce. his room which had been turned up Representative S. F. Mm urn. district attornev. We will proba weight in the back, loins and lower Supt. Pub. Instruction E. B. M c E lkov J. S. Gage, [ilff. v» F. M. Nicker And the lone hilltop, where mini* n/ony ldy have the decision in the mom <>i Mr. Mansfield of Kerbyville IS too high. part of the abdomen, causing llie patient Fell bloody from my brow,—by all of Circuit Jiiil^e Hos E. R. W rbstek to xup|KMe lie bus sonic aflVction ot the Mrs. Florence Patty and Son son and C. A. Hervy, (lefts. Act those 1 ing. S am . District Attorney building a house in town. W m . M CoLvto kidneys or neigh I siring organs. At times, ion in law to recover personal prop- Permitted desolations, comfort mine: Mrs. J. W. Griffith was over Oll Charles, from Crescent City, are cot STY ufficiai .» : Another rich discovery is reported symptoms of indigestion are present, flat Appealed from Justice court, j No earthly friends being near me, in- visiting Walter Sitnntons and family cr D ’ • County Judge Applegate visiting last week. Volnev Colvig ter|M>so from the Gold HiU section, a pocket ulency, uneasrnexx of the stomach, etc, Abram Cole, plff, vs John Tay lor. for a few days. Mrs. Patty is the J M. Payne No deathh an_" l 'twixt my face and with several thousand dollars ha\ A moisture, like izesperilttorr, pnslix ing j- Commissioner* Now is the time to secure bargains Action in law to recover per- . 11 very dixagns-al Je itching, after getting Simeon Nleasonger sister of Mrs. Simmons, she and her 'h’tt. theirs, ing iH.eu tound sotne new comerb warm, iA a common attendant. Blind» Hind, ................... Clerk at Geo. W. Riddles. [28-41 C K Chanslor sonal property. lint stoop to gather my life’s rose husband formerly residing nc that have been prospecting thejv Bhvtiing and Itching 1‘i’t s yield ut wm ’ h ...................... Treasurer J Howard And siuilv away my mortal to divine i" ls G. A. Milpret. plff, vs Lucy Mii Waldo in this county. Mr. P. Kitty Thornton is attending the Sheriff for a short time past. The names to the application of l»r. Knanlxi’s Pile T. <«. Patterson' wharingcr for the C. C. W. & I). pret, deft. Suit in equity for di A Circular Letter to United Sfjtes Mar of the parties we have Ixen unabk ’‘•'J,1 " ■ ? ,ai ,A. Suiierintendent Sisters school in Jacksonville. Ed. F. Hathaway . Schoo! I vorce. parts etlected, absorbing the TiinyiH, al wish Co. at Crescent City. We Ciacrir CofRT—Convenes ontl.c Second shals. I to learn.—[Sentinel. Jeff Haq> is engaged teaching them a happy visit and safe return. laying the intense itching, and eJVeeting a The Grave Creek Ditch and Min Monday in April, and First Monday in school in the Lee'district on Apple- A NASAL lNIKCToR free witk e.i,,li permanent cure. Price 5l)cenia. \d>trcx.s. ing Co., plffs, vs C. W. Triplett ct Noveuils-r The department of justice has bottle J. Binswanger, traveling sales al. defts. of Bhiloli’» cutorrli rvtnisly. Price The l»r. Boeanko Medicine Co., Piqua, (>. Cocxrr Cot kt —Convenes on the First gate. Sold by \V. F. Kremer, Grant's Pass. sent the following circular letter to , 56 ceiHs. At Kremer’». t man for Hecht Bros, ft Co., Port Monday in January. April, July and S. B. l ’ cttengill, plff, vs William We learn that John R. Spencer land, has been in this section in the each U. S. Marshal; WILLIS L. ( FLYER of Pavilion, N. September . D r . J. B. PILKINGTON, has bought the T. T. Bybee place interest of his firm. This is one of Ramsey, deft. Action at law to S ir : In pursuance of a letter of Y.. xavs that Gilmore's Magix lie Elixir Surge o>. Oculist, Aorist, and proprietor recover money. cured liiiii of a long standing Thniat and near Waldo. OUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY. the 5th iust. from th.1 president, di of the Eye Intirmaey, and Sanitariam, <>t the oldest, best established atul ; John F. Kelly, plff, vs J. Bourne recting the attorney general to take Lillig trouble. Kremer Hell» it. Portland, Or., may until further nutice Mr. Morifan of the S. P. D. & I., most reliable boot and shoe houses ct al, defts. Suit in equity. GRANT’S PASS. The books for the Ladies Library Ire consulted at the charge of the appointment of spe Co. has just returned from a pleas- 1 on the north-west coast. Their (IKSHlt ll. MC.Bl II 1XI11SE. Kasper Kubliand John Bolt, plffs, tlaKl.'A Uiml*. (Irani1. **«•«, tire trip to Portland. goods always meet with readv sale vs Angeline Teters, now Angeline cial deputy marshals, the perform Association have arrived, and will um I hr 2xd .l/,,sdrr*/ <*f ere?',*/ wioxlA, all day. L. V inci ;—<’or. (>th nml H street». lx 1 ready for use Thursday evening of their duties and their com ' ’ ' It h Newman, G eo . W Rnmi.E—Main st., near 5th. A. K. Russ and Prof. M. E. Don an<i R've satisfaction. ........ and Wallace Newman, ance The afflicted by disease in any form ar«> pensation, together with the com Nov. 4th, at the room in use by the made C ami ’ bhi . i .ATrrrs—cor. litliA lists. welcome *•• a free consultation. tnyer called and paid their respects 1,0 sll,a11 honor to a salesman lor (lefts < ,s.* Suit in equity to foreclose Good Templars-. There are now S. 1*. 1). A I. (’<>.—office and store cor- pensation of supervisors at congres His siK-cialticK are all form» of Eye and mortgage. to the C ourier office. !suc“a house. morty 6th and Main streets. 139 volumes of Historv, Travel and sional elections tn Novemlx'r next, Josephine Mansfield, plff, vs J. T. your attention is directed to titles Fiction. A cordial invitation to any Ear Ailments. Rectal 4 Nervous Diseases. GROCERIES. Public sale of cattle and other' E. Bennett a practical quartz mi Mansfield, Refers to almost every old Portlander; deft. Suit for divorce. J. M. Ciiti i;s eor. 4th and Main sts. who have not joined this Associa Jas. S. (berry, Albany; R. A. Raip- property at the T. T. Bybee place I ner who resides in East Portland, H. B. Miller & Co., plffs, vs G. 2i and 27, chapter 7, of the revised tion is extended, Ijie memlx-rship also J B. M msii 11.1. A S .s■ >r 7th A Main. is in this vicinity looking for quartz. Harrisburg; I \V. Rond. Irving; Rev. py. statutes. Under sections 2022 and near Waldo tomorrow. Gil t. IM A ('llAI M IN—Main st near tith. He informs us he has just been up W. Riddle and J. B. Hutch, defts. I 2024, R. S., yon have power to keep fee Ixittg $t.oQ and dues 50 ce“ts \. ('. Faifoliiid, Jas A. Eblrert, Eugene; E. A. E stes —Main st., bet. 4tli A 5th. N I lk(y. Wilbur; R B 1'ixoii, \V. (\ Frank Straight and family have on Louse creek and that a German Sol Abrams, plff, vs H. S. Daven ATTOKN EYX-AT-I. 1« ■ Winston. Roseburg ; las Thornton, W;n. moved into the upstairs portion of! living up there is prospecting a port, deft. Action at law to recover peace, protect supervisors, preserve [ kt quarter, order, prevent fraud and enforce the IM POTENCY in man or woman dired ('. Butler, Ashland, iftid over a hundred D avis B rower —<>th st in ai l’ostoifiee. the old C ourier office. ledge which assayed $60 to the ton money. S V. M itc H ei i .—Main st next door to law in towns of 20,000 inhabitants by Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine. For sale eases of the worst forms of /•</<■», Kcrlnl State of Oregon, vs G. W. Lewis, 1 firm /•'inf la*, etc., now Is'ingsuceessfully C ockier oilier. f W. N. Campbell and John Wil on top, but at a debth of 30 feet it and upward. You should make at Kremer's drug store treated, without using the knife. S am W hite —Main st , bet. 4th and 5tli liams on last Saturday made 120 is running into silver. The ledge Sen. yourselves familiar with the statutes Farmers I am selling many thing» ItRCG STORES Il»r,l Thnri. State of Oregon, vs J. B. Hutch. ! gallons of cider over at J. Wimer's is three feet wide. Mr. Bennett referred to and see that they are tin that are gixxl and useful at cost. N ation ai 1 » hi <i Srem—Main st neariitli. While money *s < bee,wages and laiee-* William Bybee, vs Thomas T feels confident it is a continuation of derstood by your deputies, who 28-it] G eo . W. R iddle . C ity D rcg S tore —Maili st Ix't 6th a 7tli. farm. low, ex|»'nscs should Is1 cut down in every the Starve-out ledge and thinks that Bybee, lx: discreet men. impressed THE REV geo . II. THAYER of household. Economy the watchword tor fllVStClANS AND HVROEONS Mr. Simpkins of Grant county, ledge runs through just east of Thomas T. Bybee, vs William should with the importance of an honest Bourbon, Ind., xavs: “Both myself mid Mothers, head off Iks-tor bills, bv always W F. K rimeh —at National Drug Store. formerly of Southern Oregon, has Bybee. in the house, a Ixittle of Dr. franchise. F. W. V INDYK—Main st bet litli and 7th. just returned to this county to Grants Pass. We ho[>e lie may 1 wife owe onr lives to Shiloh's eousiHiip- i ! keeping State of Oregon, vs M. L. Woody. i 1 Bosanko'a Cough and Lung Syrup. Stops strike it rich. W. II. F i . a . nagan —6th street below II. |tion cure ” For aidcat Kremer's drug “ The manner of discharging these | a Cough instantly, relieves Consumption, reside. , t WATCHES IND JEWELRY. duties by yourself and your depu- I ' store. One evening last week a man cures Croup and pain In the Chest in one A Cool Boy. Everitt the photographer has our REV II B. EWELL, of Pavilion N C. L. G ray —cor Main and 5th stx. night. It is just the remedy for hard times tics is largely left to your discretion. walked into our office and demand M. V. L oom ;:—Main st bet 5th and' th. thanks for a fine photo of the noted ed our money. We have often won Alxiut three weeks ago Ix>uie In matters involving questions of Y.. say# of Gilmore's \nmiatii1 Wine: “I Price ('lets and *1. Samples flee. Sold lielieve it to Is 1 a most desirable remedy .MISCEt.l. I^EOCX. specimen of cones sent to exhibit dered how we would act were a Strong son of Lewis Strong, over on law you are directed to consult the lobe placed in every family." For sale Id- W. F. Kremer, Grant's Pass. S herer A J cdson —Hardware and Stoves car by Wm Chapman. E. MARTIN 4 CO. ! ! highwayman to put us under his Murphy, aged about 13, while en- attorney of the United States for at Kremer'» drug store —6th street, lx-tweeu Main and II. your district for needed information C. B. Carli se secretan1 of the Orc- "muzzle “muzzle and barrel." We supposed gaged in hauling straw, str he being Dr Will Jackson the dentist will In1 in ! Col. Iturnsoccupies tlx1 proud distinct, J R Ilu.r—Furniture Ac.—tith street, betwe -n Main and I! • gon State Board of Immigration. ! we would “wilt,” go right down in on the load came very near losing j and advice. It is assumed that the I ¡rants l'ass Noy. 1st and will remain dur-' ion of representing the uldext an I most ing circuit court week. All work warnui-' reliable house in the trade in the. United P hixey A C<xiK—Blacksmiths—If street, has probably been appointed Post ! our boot and look up the leg of his life. The team became fright-, duties can lx1 [lerformcd without in ted and sat ixf act ion guarainevd. Teeth Stajes, and lie airahi greets his many near eoreer of 6tii it innocent like, but ready at the ened and ran away, the boy got 1 fringing 011 the rights of any citizen, extracted and a new act put in next day. ti iciuh, leminding th< in that the sea- oif J ohns A W' xidm iki >—Saddles ami Har Master at East Portland. hold of the lines but fell from the 1 in a manner that shall lx: firm and riio.-s* desiring first class work will do of "(K-aeeon earth and good will toward ness—Main st lH't 4th and 5th. A very interesting letter from flash to dodge back into the big load down Ixtside the horses. Know at [27-tf the same time free from unncccs ( well to wait for the doctor. S. A. G keeni : A S on —Gunsmith» and place where pulsates the chief corn men’’ is rapidly approaching, when pros Machinists—Main st bet 4th an l itli. I i Hon. W. W. Fiddler which came, of the family and bid defiance to1 ingthatifhe fell in front of the I sary display of authority. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shi perity and generosity go band in hand, too late for this issue will appear; C itv M irki t —Main st near 5lh. wheels the wagon would run over| “It is not expected that the super loh’s cure will give immediate relief. Price and (lie whole civillMxl world seeks for (). IE S tar —Tin Sli p—-cor 6tli A II »ts. next week. We thank the do>i<>r ' his old “fusee,” but on this particu IDetx . 50 ets., and $1 For Hale at Kre those tribute» and meinentix's which lar occasion we did nothing of the him. he got a firm hold of a tug and visors and deputy marshals will re mer's S i ' ears A F rasi he —Painters—5th street. serve to bind closer the friends of tleeting drug store . t E. !•:. Bradley & Co., Assayers and kind. We just laughed at the holding fast allowed himself to lx1 i ceive coni|X'U»ation for more than S hitii B ros .—Feed »taf>l<‘—tith st. years. After the lull comes the storm, REV. W. F. REijUA. Baptist eiiurcli, C e . ntuai . H otel —J B Hutch, Proprietor Mining engineers, 323 First St., : crauk for we had no money and we dragged a hundriri and fifty yards, five day s’ service, .and they should Anrorw, 111., xavs that ¡(ilmoro's (roinatic tlx1 season of depression is rapidly pasxing —Main street near 5th. Portland, have our thanks for an in-1 brusing him up badly and crippling i lx1 so informed. Within this time Wine is a household remedy and that no away. The signs of the times indicate a G rant » P ass A< idkmv —Henry L. Ben- vitation to visit them while in the: felt so certain that he knew it, that one foot. He says he thought once . lietter and more active future, and in an all can lie done, it is thought that family should Is1 without it. For sale at ticipation he would not fire, so we requested of mi increased demand for lino Hon. Principal. Kremer's drug store. t he would let loose but looking back M rs . M. H vdi —Milliner—Cot kick build j c*ty- ought to lie. him to sit down which he did, then whiskies, he will g'vo |M*rsonal attention ing, Main street, Ix’tween 1th and ath. Just received a car load of coal to the best of Euro|>ean and Eastern We saw very fine moi tar the' we put him through the regulation he saw the wheel immediately lie [ "You need vigilant men, who are L imestone . C avi —25 m'le» from this city, liquors, lie now offers to patron»the ad other day which was made from I series. We Would like to have you hind him so he took a new hold conscientious workers, and 110 other. oil direct from Cleveland, Ohio, that vantage of »electing from these tine whis bet Sucker and Williams creeks. E creki limn Seiiix i— J H Kobins n. clean white granite, without lime. subscribe for the Cot RIKR he was and held on until the horses made! Before [layinent. each deputy and I am offering at very low prices in kies, which lie guarantees will not I»1 ex a short turn where he let loose anil sttjiervisor will present to you his ■ quantities to suit. These oils are celled un the coast. Tim firm lie repre Principal—Wilderville. The wall laid in it being firm and ! glad to get away. H ealth G iving W.\ria:—S. Met allister. was thrown out of the way of the commission, oath and badge of of all high test, including the Ruby, sents lias In stock J. F. Cutter, Extra, good. The holiday number of The West Proprietor—:'.5 miles Irani J u k-onville. wagon. His escape front death is fice, with an affidavit that he is the 19(1’, Excelsior Light, 195*, Water <>ld Bourbon and Argonaut whiskies from J II (iHiEi ls, Gold Hill—Real I.-t.de, The mother of our former fellow j ", Shore, in addition to containing very miraculous, his cboluess sav [x-rson to whom the cotniuis»ion was White, 165°. Cal! and examine E Martin A Co.’s distillery, Ky. Put up in half and whole bbls , alxoeaseKiif Cut Lumber, Grain, Insurance etc. townsman Hon. A. A. Porter is now numerous fine colored engravings, ing him from Ixtitig crushed beneath issued, that he jierforttied - day s' these oils and the [latent saving cans ter, etc Orders adreased to John L JACKSONVILLE. will be accompanied by a magnifi the wagon. It is a mystery that service as charged, which will at the home of her Son on Grave . Burns, commercial agent for E. Martin A be liefore buying elsewhere. Rixit r. Ifr.itK DisTU.LKitv—John \. Han 'creek, having just arrived from the cent picture of Alt. Hood, printed the horse did not kick hint to a pulp. annexed by you to the pay roll, as Co., I Front street, San Francisco, will lev, Proprietor. 3o-2t G W. R iddle . I in eight colors. It is something receive th1 sain’ eirdul attention »1 states. J acksonville M aiibi . i : W orks —J. vouchers for its adjustment. The everyone who has seen the noble We arc in receipt of a note writ same facts should also lx1 known to ARE YOU MADE miseralik1 l>v indi though the order w . h given him. l'r. W Whip, Proprietor. Mrs. M. Hyde has just received “Monarch of the Cascades" will de ten “on the train" by our esteemed gestion. eoHstipiitjon, dizxinesH, loss of F. Kremer, agent. < ¡rant’s Pass, L emeeht —1‘hvsii ian and Surgeon. apjietito, yellow »kin ' «Shiloh's Vitiilizcr you, through other means. On a large stock of new style hat frames, ' sire to possess, and it can only A rroRNEVs- v t - i . au . friend A. S. Jacobs, ex-sheriff of payment being completed, these ac-1 is a ]»isilive cure. For sale at Kremer’s New Millinery Store. fancy feathers, ribbons, laces and H. Ki.,.l.Y. II. K. H ann ut. T. B. K ent . lie had by subscribing for the mag- Jackson county, bearing date of counts should be approved by court, 1 drug store t j other milinary goods to numerous azine, as WALDO. 25th. ........... in which lie says he will REV E J. WHITNEY of Clarkson, t the ‘ supplement will ‘ I k - (let. 2-.. -j-.., ..____ ___ and forwarded to this department J W imer A S on —General ^lerchandise to mention. N. Y xays Gilmore's Arumatie Wine for MRS. FLANAGAN & M. TUFFS sent to yearly subscribers only, only. , arrive home at Ashland in the mom- moni- fol >u lion. *' * female weakness, »lands without a rival. —Main street Have <)|Minv<l n now The publisher announces that this ing. John Wells and wife were over His aged mother and his C”n xh . I»! < i;. '—(¡eneral Merchandise. t Under the executive order men Kremer has it for sale. picture and the October, November from Sucker creek last Wednesday, brother I*. H. Jaco'js and wife are tioned, in a circular letter to United Hotel ami l.iverv stable— Main st. Millinery and Dressmaking J. A. P eckham —Hotel and Livery barn reporting everything prosperous and December numbers of this year with him atul we presume will make ESTABLISHMENT States district attorneys on the same —Main street. over there. Mr. Wells has our will be sent free to all who subscribe Oregon their home. His sister subject, the attorney-general invites Op|H» ilo (‘ainpbcll a store, on 6th CENTRAL POINT. now lor 1887. The West Shore is Lvilia accompanied them west, but thanks for favors. ztrivt. their attention to the letter addressed R out . W estroi «—Feed and sale stable. J. S, H oi ck —Stoves and Tinware. Mr. Daley Jr., of Kerbyville. now in its thirteenth successful year sto|>pe<l for a visit in Modoc county to the marshal», and asks them to HAIRWORK aul STAMPING DfallF (lone publication, ranks with the first- before coming on to Ashland. She assist the marshals in execution of L ewis 1’ ankhy —Central Point Hotel. came over on Sunday bringing the of [37 bm magazines of the Union, and will arrive in a couple of weeks.— ('. MuiRCDI R—Real Estate. Grants Pass boys who worked on class the law, without friction, while they KERBYVILLE. is the only one on the Pacific coast I. N. Jacobs the brother also of Mr. the Cal. Co's, ditch, home includ W m . N ai ( K; —General Merchandise. publishing original illustra‘ ions. Jacobs returned with them to his maintain the right of suffrage in N lb i. im i rn i: -General Merchandise. ing our correspondent Alpha. The subscription price is $2.00 [ kt home in Mcxloe' county. We shall tact. U nion H otel —Mrs. Ryder, Proprietor. A good many immigrants are to year. L. Samuel, publisher, Port' I k ; pleased to meet Mr. Jacobs for Unfortunate Accident. K erhyvili . e . M ill —I'. M. Miller, I’ropr. be seen moving through the country. : land, Oregon. R ich hid 1*. Gt ohih :—Saloon—Main st. further particulars of his visit to the A sad accident ix-ctirred in this On last Wednesday another lot of The sermon from 22 chapter of old homestead in Iowa, an account HOHN. Persons desiring pictures should three wagons passed through town Evangelist Mathews, by Rev. John of which appeared in our last week's city last Saturday evening. While preparations were lx-ing made for not delay until winter sets in, as who were well prepared for a long McIntire ,t the M. Ii. church last issue. the Democratic 111a s meeting, and Everitt the photographer may be ab trip. \Cl.VEIS, >11.KS, Sunday evening was both interest On Thursday morning Wilber INK IN IS. I,Ml I ON- sent from his office at that time. Mrs. M. Crooks and daughter ing and instructive. The church Williams presented this office with all was bustle in the political ranks, LADIES’ I NDl.ltW I II' [>5tf Alice arrived from Grangeville, Ida was packed full to overflowing with a splendid broom from his factory and bonfires were blazing along — amt — SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY—a ho Ter., last Thursday evening, the best people of our city, and so on Applegate. Mr. W. is a young Front and Second streets, and giant cartridges were Ixxmtitig along the jxxitive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, and and are guests of Dr. I>. S. Holton perfect was the order during the man ot geniut. he m LACES OF A 1.1. KINDS. beach* John McLaughlin. Jr., who canker mouth For sale at Kremer'» and the family of ex-county clerk 1 discourse that every word of the tnacliinery for the manufacture of was in charge of the artillery, had drug »tore F. M. Nickerson. speaker was caught by the large brooms and from th. ■ sanqde shown his left hand blown off. He was LATHES, i» life and health worth pre IF YOU WANT TO SAVE Nev/ Goods Constantly Arriving, tini congregation. Some of the illustra he is sure to succeed. Broom corn serving? It you think xo, use Gilmore's I11 our item last week about our ' firing cartridges in front of Mayer Yo'.ir^f’lf and temn, buy an Aromatic Wine. Kremer keeps it. t tions of speech were very beautiful has to 1« ship[K-d to Portland there C. L. GRAY, friead Phil Ream's apples we made At Brennan's saloon, on Front street Having two of the finest and l>est a mistake in the nutnlx-r of apples and were applied to the worldly to I k - made up, while in Southern and having lighted the fit <■ in one 'of HC< >N< ).\l 1ST I »radica I, WatchmaL 11 improved small farms in Southern and their weight. There were five man with telling effect. The s;x?ak Oregon it is Ixnuitifully produced the fires held it in his hand too long — AM)— Oregon. I desire- to sell one of them. apples which weighed seven and er denounced the idea that any from the soil. Our men hunts will when it exploded. He was ktvx-kd Sulky or Walking Plow. Church of Christ would exclude the show a proper spirit of enterjn isc some six or eight feet, and when All under cultivation. For terms, three-fourths pounds. ‘M «11 run mi u I icv I h . N<>Tonsil«’, J !•: W E LEK, poor from it by excessive pew rents by contracting with Mr. Williams brought into the saloon it was found no Snlki< enquire of R. I). S andford , Kliding. L.i nd *ido runs f ) \ K-d’l 11 ii I > Grant'» I’.isx, ... t>nx"ti. G ’ eat reduction on lamps at Kre and held that a man rich with in for their brooms. We pronounce that most of his finger1 on the left «•a’der Hian th»’ old Ntylt. S«j|d |,y 19-3111] Grant’s Pass, Or. mers Drug Store. If you contem tellect is as rich in this worlds goods the broom of choice quality. JAS. W. WIMER, ALL WATCH WORK WAIlRtNTEl» hand were gone entirely, while hi# “IIACKMF.TAt'K" a lasting and fra plate buying, give him a call before grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cent», purchasing elsewhere. He has a as he who possess an abundance of The Review say i that Caro Bros, hand was hanging in shreds. Dr. .MIRPHY,...................... Okie.ON. FOR ONI. YEAR. money. Those who desire to hear of Roseburg have failed and regrets Knox was immediately summoned, f or sale at Kremer’s drug »tore. AI ho , Agent for the <’♦delwate«! Wdlclitt. Jewelrr Spectacles of ill Kindx GIVE YOUR CHILDREN, for cough» good assortment of cheap, durable ’ a real good sermon—gixxl enough it saying that it is owing mainly to when a stretcher was brought front MASON & HAMIJN [3>-rt and coldil, croup, whixiping cough and and elegant lamps. to command the undividsd attention the Owens' failure. ---- KEIT o.N HAND.---- - the Undertaker's rooms and the hoarsene#», Gilmore's Magnetic Elixir. ORGANS h nd PIANOS Mii»ii .il Insilimi'his Repaired. A. J. Wolcott and wife who came of all the hearers, will do well to wonnded man conveyed to his resi The display of the Sugar Pine F or S ale —Ata Bargain—Two up front Portland Wednesday, in attend the church of this Rev. For JoHophiiHi ('ounty. Door and Lumlx-r Company, of deuce. After an examination of the choice lots bordering on Rogue forms tu> that a slide in tunnel No. gentleman. . M. V. I. Oo.M I S , JAS W WIMER \ I'lr. x“, hand by Dr. Knox, it was thought Grants Pass. Oregon, contained Murphy Gr gon. river, immediately south1 of Jno. 4 delayed the train alxnit two hours. While in Woodville last Tuesday, some fine specimens of native woods, best to defer further operations un 2Htf| \\ ¡ifidioiukcr »N .liiw<iliil1, Galvin's, described as Lots 5 and 6 They speak very highly of the Mr we witnessed an attempt on the part til the next day. and after doing up GKlYi’1 I'» -, - • • • <)M(. j», in block "U" Bourne’s addition, chanics Fair which they visited of several men to hitch up and work all of which are obtained from the the hand the Dr. retired from th1 manufacturing district. The laurel, containing nearly two acres which three evenings. WAIT If FA, to a wagon a pair of cayuce horses. of which we understand there is a scene A messenger had Ix-en dis Hix ndlt’M Huuth <4 < »rantV I' h " have been improved. Address. I IXA E.S, One of them, a white one, which good «ttjiply, is of large growth and patched for Dr. Thorwarth. of Smith We have noticed that on two oc ( ’ ounty, <>r*» gon. C has . H. H ale . JEW E'.KV,« from appearances was plumb full of capable of beautiful jxzlish. The River, as s«xiti as the accident oc casions during church services a Care. Oak Cltib, A. H. CAH ON, Prop’r. vinegar, but of an honest make-up. sugar ¡line is similar to that so ex curred, who arrived about 12 o’clock HI'Et TACLIA. AND considerable amount of yelling out 30-3t] Portland, Or. side has been indulged in by parties The lxiys put the harness on and led tensively used itt California; it is and ujxm an examination of the HEWING MACHINE NEEDLES E >VE WARRANT Gilmore'* Magnetic unknown to us. We do not sup them up toward the wagon where TOR SALE neatlv equal to the Eastern white wound, thought amputation al*o EUixir to relieve the A»thma in cue min upon old honesty reversed engines pine, and is tin loubtedly the best lately necessary, and that at once. pose the parties doing it mean to do <4 —In »t'x’k, c’>ii»i: ute. Kremer haa it for »ale. All Work Guaranteed to give and stood with her head to the wa |>inc on the co 1 t. The yellow pine This was done, taking the lmnd off wrong, but it is wrong to do so. Paid up subscriders or new sub gon as much as to say "were a going is also of handsome grain. The just below the wrist, it wa a s.i-l Apple. Pear, Peach. i BATIST A TION. No butter and cheese in the to kick and for that reason this end scribers to the C ourier , by paying affair, ns McLaughlin has a large Plum. Prui ■•. Apricot, Froduct itf Xidih Tain is Ficin the sum of J; cash, will receive both country—if we had a road to the must go toward the wagon. It will white cedar i - similar to that of family dependent ttj»>n his salary, Nectarine, A'rn.nd, Etc. Port Orford, but as it grows at a coast we could sell 3oo,<xx> pounds the Cor* 1 er and ’ West Shore one never do to point us the other way.’’ higher altitude is of closer grain as janitor at the court house for PIGKEY CCOK, -• the ( elnl.iatx«)— year The West Shore w.ll lx1 ac of flour, half as tnnny onions, a But the boys were upon the “old their supjwirt. It is 1 great wonder and consequently more durable. large amount of oats, bacon and companied by a magnificent holiday way" and ixgan to fix her “right This eoniiiany only commenced op that he was not killed instantly at K c I hc »’ .Jfipnn I’ltun! G ra . xt '.- P aís , - - - O«i. , o . n . engraving of Mt. Hood, 18x24 other Southern Oregon products, about" which culminated in a gen eration* the time, as it was thought he was — All tni'< Wnrrenl« I- alxmt a year agy and at printed in eighr colors, alone worth taking in exchange the choke eral melee and dash aiound the barn present employ Blacksmiths and Hirss Stas, men. A large injured internally by the »hock. t ir 1 ’ E rr< > n \ m 1:. more than the amount paid. tf cheese and butter of Del Norte Co. “two Ix-st in three; ' that's the way quantity of their u»» manufactures arc Tilts was but too true a. Mr. Me And growu on natural fruit latel Millxxit The undersigned has two farms J Goldsmith, son of B. Gold it looked to it»: at anv rate the <’ri- exported to Idaho and the ncigli- Laughlin died on Tn -day morning Irrigation, and fi't1 fnmi all inwt i1"-!- Wiws Md Kdílüs RtpdriM i Sw’Uiir iititnber of buuring Slate ,. The local trade has a’xmt half past eleven from the mtd (liHeuMe», »u<li a- I alilornta tnv» are to rent in Jump Off J1* precinct, smith salesman for Mason Ehrman AGENTS Ve»R THIS » of the doubly exceeded auticipati M and shock to hi* system produced by xuf'ji ct |at. both improved and have comforta i Co. of Portland, was in town last i I Tie»«- »ho ('Hileiiqil.ite trv 1 plaiilin# week. The Goldsmith firm former- 1 1 the the « xplosion. His funeral l<x»k ble building« For further particu the demand js already tfl'irc thm M ill «Io well to get mv |>rii e li»t. iH lorv 4 seal lars enquire of or address C. D. Sex ly had a large store in Phoenix and ii the omp ally's milk. t»l i<-r Wednesday afternoon from the li id w as lire largest latterly an immense w holesale dry o Tin st I’l'Rf BASING ELSEWHERE. Commerce. ton, Luckey Queen, Josephine Co.. odre 1 of Ct pi» goods house in Portland. The first w d ki t ace in Crescent Oregon. ¡>j * Murphy, .f<w pit ine t -< shi ( y uid li dry goods the writer ever !x>ught 1 De .-.H a member of BIIILOH'MCI KE »ill irtimediareiy n- were from L. Gold >u(ith Ac Co.. re alar fog * M r Morte A.O U. W.. No. \rt Ilex# ctexip. *>hoof ng »«sigh and I»r**u- Ik i wills .m l three i Portland. ui , DU al L < hit.» For »al»- st Krearet'* TUE COL KIEK l_<*cal and Personal. REIILIMI MHSERV. f