I H E (Ol KI EK HARD TIMES. Why is money •«' *carve atwl the The Ho»ti!e Apache Warriors to be Sepa rated From Their Famihe» and . Confined at Ft. Fkkr-ia. Home Seekers, Attention! Selling Out to Close Business .Udii Paper oí Josepötie Cosuty. Oregon complaint of "hanl time«" so often I—------------- Sealed V'!jhis.i|4 <EAl.l.l> ritOl'oSAl.S |;| i ....... WU.I ,, (sived at ,a»l.--J •»..... UKd I — ut the the " ‘t'ee ut the Ai'l;E' < fimiiinn «ml timber up to n«x>u, Wedtie»Jay. January Mb. 14*7 land fai f2d ]»•!*. iv. h milt * west i’totn tJrwuri» Pa*s»u NortlJI<iu«i Rogm- For the care, inaintynance, nnniint.drf ’.¡iver. Thi* farm contains 12A aeres of ing. ................ tobacco, medicine» ami medi^ , am offering my rich river »• .<f"fw land ill cultivation, al»’ tendance of County piiu,,.rM a, . ,,c’*« • Hia. n-sof th.- same quality easily . Ii areil. known as "State pau|vrs," j,, „ ill. balan, i’ - >■: tl..- I.te -:t_-.ir ¡'lite ami of ,,¡ one ,,ne year, commencing l'<t, 1, rn^,"i otlwr liinls r anil tuasture land. This is a 1SS7. Bids may he made iwr L-anh’1,1 • •..»I mill site; county road rmis by the day, or by the week >1 Tiie party to w honi the contract pl.u-e. good living wat-r running tu-russ the pla««- m-.ir building»; also g'»*i "•U; be awarded will bo required to i,,,p I large house, - lorg«' barns, granary, Ilia own ex|a-nse, and in a suiul^ . smoke bous«- ami other out bnil.Iings; ner, all i>.im>ers who die under hi» v.mngorchard; garden and l»itU>ui lan«l during the eontinnanve of sajj , All bid* must b« ac> on,panied WE I all under feuue; very healthy locality. On this farm «-an be raised the linest of I h . ik I in the sum of $1 ,(H mi mdiu, ’ corn sweet lsitatis-«. mclloim, tomatoe», ¡ that if the bid 1» tn'cepAetl, t1iec<H,tr peaches, grain, timothy',clover, etc Dlis will enter into an agreement and |,,4, make several g"‘»i itoin.'s, ami os taithfullv discharg,- the reqnireilleu. prices would the . ’¡mate and other advantages cannot the contract ; )«■ I'.|nalleil in Oregon it would lie wine Th, t'omrtv <''Hirt reaen-es the ri„i„ b"1'« : for colonists or others to investigate I k — reject any mid all bids. Done bv order of the County (' fere btiving elsewhere. GEORGE R. GOWAN, September aee»u>n. I ssa. ('ll As. K. Clf AXSljq. 25f»m] Grant's Pass, Or. Alerk of Jo.-eidiine Co.. 0, < iranU Pass, Oct. 12, lHSil |jki F O R S A L E. 1 W ashington -,(k-t. 2'». -Thef> l- heard? There ire many reasons for lowtng conunuuicatiixi, touching Having concluded to close business at this place. I FRIDAY. OCT. »9, ia both theSe complaints. In the first the disposition of Geronimo and his fellow captive* was this afteruobn large stock of Registen-J at the post iffiis- in Grant's place, by a false system ol govern addressed to I.ietit.-Gen. Sheridan ment which run • back and includes by the secretary of war : Pass, Ori'., a» SismiilTT i-.- Matter. both the Democratic and Republi W ax LHU’A ktment , ) f'tiKKESPo.XDE.X' E. can administrations, the circulating W ashington C itv , Oct. 19 1886. j Wt- invite corrt-Mp,indolii e freni all *e<-- medium, i. c., the money hxs been Lieut.-Gen. I*. II. Sheridan. I'. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Queens Ware, liiiiiM oli subjei ts of l.wal ami otlu-r in taken away from the people aud S. A.;—Sir:—By direction of the forcati«. With <>ai h letti-r thè nume ami aiMress liK-ked up, virtually meaning that president it is ordered that hostile «,f tlie semliT ¡s requirt-d, « -|s-i iallv if the people may do business with Apache* fiit, • 11 in number, t ■ ntly Glass Ware, &c., &c., 1 captured in Meiflcoaiid now at San »"Ut for pnhlii ation. “ each other, but they must not spend Antonio, Tex., namely: Geronimo,1 . EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS, money. Like the old lady who con Natchez, 1‘ercio Fun, Abl.an k-ra, at greatly REDUCED , Nahi, Yahnsza, Tishnolth, Toaze, sented for her M'li to go fishing but In discussing the Kent Colvig he “must not go near the river." Bishi, ChajK>, I.azaiyah, Molzos, A full Line of case we have done so upon principle By this fact we understand that Kilthdigai, Seohonne and Lonali, I k - sent, under proper guard, to Ft. and not upon personalities as Mr. there is a very small pro]x>rtion of Pickens, l-'la., there to be kept in' Kent would make it apjx-ar. tin* money owned by the United close custody until further orders. States actually in circulation, so These Indians have I k - cii guilty of Will be kept in Stock. Notice of Administrator s Sale of p, The Kent-Colvig case we are in that to live without lK-ing "pinched" the worst crime known to law, com sonal Property. form*., ’,”111 probably lie decided by requires the strictest economy which mitted under circumstances of great NOTICE la l.erel.j given, that ¡n , PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. his Honor Judge I.. R. Webster, must lie drawp down so fine that a atrocity, and public safety requires suanee of an older ol the County Cotir- . that they be removed far from the the Slate of Oregon, ,'or the l oin,,, . this week. We suppose about Satur great many who are not schooled scenes of their depredations and o Josephine, sitting as a Court of I'n day. made on the sixth day of Septeinlrr \ in the science of economy, find when guarded with the strictest vigilance. T 11. IStMi, in the mattyr of the i-stai The remainder of the band cap- Thanking the public and my many customers for their jiatronage too late that poverty is knocking at ; Thomas T. Bybee, late o( said county, 4^ The issue of standard silver dol their door. The policy persued by | ■ tureU tured at at me the same same time, consisting unre, voii-ismi^ ceased. The undersigned, adiuinirtm > the past, 1 can now make it to their i r e ,i : of eleven women, six children and' lars from the mints during the week I of said estate, will sell at public aiu-ti..- the people of Southern Oregon is you are {o j to the highest bidder, on ending Octolier 23, was ¿1,008,821. not calculated to mend matters. to pL Mario„ j.la aJld place with Advantage to Call on me Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Saturday, the 9th day of October, A D The shipments of fractional silver 1886, much. Suppose that we should other Apache Indians recently con- coin since October 1, amounts to manufacture our own woolen goods,1 veye<l to and now Under custodj- at under the terms hereinafter statisl, at tfe I late reaidence of tiio raid TIiotnaaT ! ■. $742,429. ________ our wagons and farm machinery, that post. You will see that nil de- , bee, deceased, Near Waldo in said Jo^.. I . .. lit1 tails and arrangements for the pliiui-County, the following incnticned I K our furniture, our syrups, lard and . i at • .- c 'The United States government ‘ prompt and efficacious execution of per* nal property, to-wit: Three cows; l-ive 4 year-old stws I "> "!»•>■ thia ordef are carried o«t. Very lias informed the Spanish govern Four 3 year-old steers; Four 2 yetr-oH 1 ment of the withdrawal of the pro there is an endless quantity used, respectfully, your obedient servant, steer*; Six yearlings; One horse: Ixttof \V. II. E ndicott , hay by the ton: Wheat l>v the bug,.' 1 clamation, re establishing the loper Suppose in short that the rule was to manufacture all the necessaries i Secretary of \\ ar. anil lot of jwlutoes. cent, duty on Spanish imports from , ,■ , ■ ft is stated that the above order Sale to commence at 10 j’clock in th of life and the exception, to buy 7 ( meets . with the approval . of e the sec-1 „ forenoon of saiil day. and continue until ’ October 25. the said pro|>ertv is sold. such things as we could not pro- j rctary of tbc jnterior. From its TERMS OF SAI.E:—One third oith» Since we were appointed admisis duet- can any one say that we i terms it appears that Geronimo and i bid to be paid in cash, balance onrix ' other hostiles are to I k - separated would not be prosperous and have, ’ ‘ :i — — “ rno-d I months time, with interest from date« trator of the estate of T. T. Bybee, from their wives and families, who sale at the rate of eight |K-r cent, ptr an- deceased, we have received eight plenty of money in circulation? By ; are to I k - sent to Fort Marion. tnil. tula- - < tired by note, with ;'| ¡■rs-.-i Ik-gH leave to inform the public that he is now nicelj- Jis ateil on the corner of security. All property to lie settled fcraa letters directing ns very pointedly this course we would surely modify j aliove before delivered. 6 th AND H STREETS, GRANT’S PASS, OREGON, what we shall do. The court also the "penny-wise” policy of our! The General Land Office Preparing to w. .1. WIMEH, Take an Audacious Step. With a Large Assortment of directs us what course to take. Now I government. But we do not do this. | Administrator of the estate of ThoiuanT. Byla-e, deceased. The Call's Washington special of shall we follow the dictates of those j The rule is to buy every thing, and September 7th, 18811. [24td r- .L saj s; : The efforts of con letters or the direction of the court? . the exception is to produce a very the 19th ESTES, The above sale is po-stjained until Uetu- gress “ at * * the last session to forfeit small proportion of what we use. 1 '" ' Ami everything to lie fonml in a First-Class st..re, which I will sell That's the question. ¿rant* I’.- , Oregon. ls-r liOtll, 1880. i lie \T unearned lands of the Northern Pa DKALER IN — Our farms are burdened with im- cific railroad appear likely to lx. CITATION. VERY LOW FOR CASH, OR MARKETABLE PRODUCE. In a love-letter to us dated Aug I ported niachinerv and our stores eclipsed by a plan now in progress ust 1st, 1886, ex dishonest Kent Ii-iY'Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. IN THE POINTY COURT of theCounty i full of wooden aud willow goods of elaboration by law officers of the nt Ii'*. phine, State of Oregon. said "I propose to test my case in "fi j manufactured in foreign lands, general land office and soon to I k - IN the matter of the Estate of Rosina A. the courts." On the 12th inst., in put in operation by the secretary of^ G I ES, Ik ai-h, ile.se.ised. that' ri,’r magnificent water (lowers the interior department. Some time To Mary Hansen, August lltinmn, Judge Webster's court, he sa lid .......... TOBACCO, aud sujK’rior woods remain dormant since the secretary of the interior Chas, llati.i'it, I ilemu Hansen, 8.ipliia he pro|x>sed to hold court in Jose •CIGARS, Hansen. Louisa ILmsmi, Emma Hansen. 1 for the use of generations to follow decided that no land grant road had Fredrick;! llan-s'ii. foil are hereby noti phinc county whether his case was, CANDIES, 'us. Our boots and shoes are all earned it* grant until it had filed a fied to a| ;"-at before the undcntgneA decided or not. We'll bet four eggs NETS. ETC. on the * t|lc importc'l, in fact we buy everything completed plat of its « hole road and . 9th Day cf October, 1886, lie never holds another court in land donated. Taking this rule as Highest U.ish nrirc paid for and manufacture nothing. Is it any a guiding principle the law officers .................. anil sle w i-att-s'. if any exists, why an "1- J United States, big or little. wonder the country- does not pro- of the general laud office arc pre ' I sal.' sli. 'iht a 't I«' i. ,i|r. b■ s“.'.j Country Produce, Hides, Ears, ; .hi real prop'-rty belonging to-»ti l estate, tu The Grants Pass Courier and the gress? Five hundred thousand dol paring a,c;tse against the Northern 4 IIV vrimito 1 ■> ■ ■ w. ■ ............. ........ 1'4 c. Etc, , pay oil the indebt'-ilness .■! same ns pray p ——1 ...... Del , Norte n Record are 1, having a qui I ] woll(d not cover the amount ol Pacific road, alleging that it is not j fi r in tin- p ’titioii of the ailininistnitur Give me a call and I k - Convinced. | ed of said leal «-state, to wit.- ct little «agon road war of their money sent out of Josephine count' ' entitled to the land granted it from |llitt Tiie undivided half of th«' follow iiig <le- own. The pajK-rs arc almut equal each year for goods of all kinds. 1 Duluth to Puget Sound, bj- reason •i r'.i "1 tr.li : of land : The 8 E of Sec. S. A. GREENE <it SON, of its failure to earn those lamLsiuidl ly matched fol size, ami both run five ’> . town-hip No 4 I. 8 R 7 W, mil ieal Add to this another fifty thousand file a plat within the prescribed time. patent outsides, but the comic..! Malw-St., - - - Crant's Pass, Or. tin- S \V t, of the 8 W *4 of See 4 Tp4t, 8 R 7 W. part of it is that the Courier sjK-ak.-. dollars for freights, then go to thej It takes the ground that the road Opposite tile R. ft Shops.) VOLNEY COLVIG, of the Record as "that little patent other side of the picture and reckon could not earn the entire grant, and Comity Judge. out ards sheet." [Gold Beach G t up the amount of money produced upon this h'|>othesis the general GUNSMITHS. I ‘at. J at < ¡rant's Fa- Oregon, Septi-mlier land office will ask the secretary of zette. _ th.lssu, <7t.l by the county from all sources and — Dealer» in — We are not having a war. The after deducting $350,000 from that the interior to declare these lands x’oi'it i:- ix rm: ma iti i : «n mi-: forfeited and opeu to settlement. It simplicity of the tiling is this; We Guns, Revolvers, Pistols and ’ «-state of M. A. ?.h Knij'lit, in-olu nt produced, what have you got left is expected that this audacious step debtor:—Tlie undersigned hiving ben took a leading part in the construc to lie divided among the people as will I k ready for consnnimatioti in A M I NITION «lit*'. -■ ’.-'la -I. nee .1 I bi- *■• ’.it.- o! th. tion of the oul' wagon road in ftnd al' o : ,:n I iii-olveiit debtor, nmh ratal This place is reserved for a profit upon their lalior. Verily a few days, and «bile it maj tug , Fisliim-Tiickle, Cutlery. Fire-Works, &e.. 4c. by virtue of an act of the legisla'ive a • out of Del Norte count'. by which, the county is bleeding to death, have a more effective result than si mtily of th.- Stateof Oregon, entitled mi our firm lost a I irg<- amount of and unless the arteries through numerous bills before congress it is REPAIRING, A SPECIALTY. act Io secure to creditors ti just division i4 likelj to cause the Northern Pacific the estates of J liters wlm convey Io a»- money. Mr. Eldridge, of the Re which this life fluid is flowing I k - B.-Ù" All work guaranteed sinees Im the benefit of creditors, approv roail serious embarrassment. 6th street, between Main and H. cord, is not content to let us alone bandaged and the tlow cheeked, we [14tf ed thtol' r is, I.-78, and amendments thereto approved l iliiu.irv 24, 1885, all in our misfortune, but in his hatred cannot build up the country. As Notice—-G. A. K |ieisuns having claims against said estate of our enterprise he has gone into [ the bl,x»<l is stop[K-d from a several are hereby notified to present the same to Those . 'nt. iri'l.itinj joining the I'o.t at meat mv plan-of r ■¡deuce in Grant» the uusrcpresi ntation and blackmail 1 artery in the human Ixxly so must (■rant's I’.i - m.l holding <li». h.ir.:< H, are Pass. < In-gun. duly verified, as by law re business, la* it said to bis own dis to have them r -adv, ami tluw quired, within thri-e nnmtli from the .late I the flow of the monej of this section reqncaled not hol.ling diacharg. - are notified to pro hereof. F. .M. NICKERSON. grace, for lie had to lie to accomplish J. B. MARSHALL & SON I k - stopped and instead something cure them, ho there » ill Is- no .lelav w hen Assumce. Iris aim. But the Covxttiit is not a I k - done to invoke outside capital to the MusU-ring < itlieer meet- with the \\ Mi to inform the of Grant’r Grants Pass. Sept. 22, 1846. Passatiti Rurio ’ imiing country that r • :;irt patent as you say, brother Sutton! come to 11s or we lnaj" not expect to they have (»¡veneti a n. u H<»ck ut Notice For Pi btica'.icn. Why do you say it is ? A CARD prosper. Our dealers arc not to I'. S. I as o On To the People of Grant's Pass. Rost.r.i Ko, O k ., Oct. lit II, Issa. I We notice that a large pi icmtage blame for keeping full stocks of Notice is hereby given (bat the follow I have <v|MHie<l up a Paint Slmpji nn <»n of the jieople of Josephine county goods on their shelves such as this (»th struct, and 'till d<» all kind* » f Paint ing named settler has filed noth-e of his • ----- AND CIGARS.------ intention to make linai pr-sd in supportai do not take the CoVKHiK. N ow let countrj is capable of producing, for ing, and will collect all aevomitM due the claim, att i that said proof will It tirtn of Snearn A I rvasure, and M-ttle all Glass-ware ar. I Qucens-waie. !,i- us sav that it is your home paper these goods are called for and I m I I h against aaid linn, said bills lo I m * made Is-lore the .lisi, or Clerk of the through compelative strife, each <-uinty Court'H .lo-epbine Counly, Ore prevenirti ini media!elv. mid is your friend against all pub gon, at Grant's I'ass, Oregon, Satur JOSEPH A FKEASPRE. lic enemies, ami it is your duty to dealer is stimulated to keep as full day. Nov '. ili, I - ■ ., viz: Charles I. Erudii -r i. !!ouiest. .ul entrv No. :tjs',.l, t- r give it your support first of all other a stock as his means and trad£ w ill the V’,. of N. E. '4 and N <rf X. W. warrant. To sum this all up it isX Notice—To Tax Payers. papers, then if you wish an outside , 8e<. 20, Tp. 87. S. It. 5, \Vest W. M. ICE CREAM ! ICE CREAM ! ! lie names the followinz witnesses to p.i|K-r in addition, whs of cyurse a sad picture but is a true one. The The mid-rsigneil. Sheriff 14 J«*, plane On, T*i. <- or Three times a Week, mid proti- hits rnntinuous residence u|s>n. an I there are plenty of them for sale/ government should unlock some of the . ■«inly. Oregon, or his deputy, will tms-l will furnish lee-eieiim for Festivals cultivation of, saiil land, viz: .knob tax payers of sai.l county t.>r the pur- Wimer, Adam Wimer, Lewis Strong. Remember, we will take your pro great surplus of money which it com the l»4e of Jetl'er-.in Wim. r, all of Murphy, .hr epliinu «luce and aid you every other way plains so bitterly qf having. Restore Receiving Taxen for 1886, Counlv, Oregon. —Till:'' .U.HO 1>EAL IS— ( HAS. W. JOHNSTON. that we can, and you run ro rrit in the free coinage of silver and doctor our Oil the following days in their n s^s-tive I ’ limp and Provision? Register. 2S-C>t nt their usual pliuv* of voting, becoming a subscriber to out papci extreme tariff system and it will never piyeinetn, will rein tin in each pla. e Irotn U o'- do its full duty short of that. I'ntil Notice For Publication Notice For Publication. G haxt ’ s I* a * s . Ouij.. -X UouxiK M ain A F ko X i S ts . eix-k 'I until I o\l k p 'Lof ea.h for we have no "boring machine' V. 8. Last» OrricK. ) I'. 8. I. iNi> <»rncr. connected with this office whereby then the people must liear in mind <ity, to-wit: o that econoiuj' is their otilj" friend / Waldo. November 15th. R osebi r < i . O k .. Sift. 28. 1SS61 Rosrni in;, Or , OcL 20, ISSB.I you are to be gouged out of motit^ " ltitli. Having opened a Family Grocery, I hereby announce to tiie public that X.>ti,e i-hereby given that tin- follow Notice is hereby given tlsit the folk and in that way alone can they/ Allhouae, 17th. Kerbvvillo ■' ing Itameli settler ba- tileil notice of his ing-nameit settler has filed lioti<T of bis which you wished to apph to some 1 have a new ami well s, leeted stock of I Sth. i counteract the wrongs of false gov Wildervilk- " intention tq make final priwM in support of intention to make final jiroof in MippTt other purpose; then when yout sub lt>th. Mnrpuy his claim, ami that said pnx>f will I kj of his claim, ami that “at.I proof w ill l*> ernment which is conducted in the 20th. Wiliuuna “ scription expires your pajM-t will be made t«fore the .ludg,> O» Clerk of the made Is !■ Te the Register or Receiver of (i-ROt I KIES, (WliilOM RIIS AND TABLE WARE. 22d Gal ice Creek ‘ interests of the banks. county court of Ji»sq>liine county. Or., at the l .S. Land otli.-e at Itneeburg, Or., stopped if we are notified that such 2:M Jump off loe " Grant- l'a.-.s on Saturday Nov. JTtli, Issi., oil Satin lay, Nov l.tth, lSsb, viz: L'"i* 24th Wolf Creek •* Bought sit ee the Swe, ping Reduction in freights, from the East, and viz Henry Gross, lb ine-tea I Entry No. 1’. Ily le. Pre-emption I1. S. No- IT 11 for is desired. If our pajK-r merits jour The Sentinel again urges the com Grants l‘.i»» *• 25th. U44 for the M "f X E ’4 S E '4 of N the Lots No. 1, 2 and n, and N. E.’a “f marked down at Bottom 1’riceH. 1 also sell the patronage, we feel that it will get it. mittee who had the management of At leant one half mu«t I»- paid in emdi. 1 W ' a X E ' a ofs W ' a Sec 11. Tp::;?. s It N. E.'4. See. 2n and lot No. 4. See. 21, IÏ But we feel that we are entitled to the Jack <onvilk Mcdfoid R. R. to Fax payers will phase pay their taxes at 6 W. W M. lie names thef-4lowing wlt- Tp. .T<>. S li.5 W. st, W. M. CELEBRATED DAMS VERTICAL SEWING MACHINE. Mated time The law tn regard to 111*8* to provi'biM eontinnons resilience He natii'-s the following witness«* t’ more subscribers in the county. make a report of progress. \\ c the their collect ton will Is- stri.-tb entonusL which h.i> no equal in ease of management and great range of work. upon, and cultivation of. »aid land, viz: prove his continuous n*idem-o ii|»>n. att'l rib ’* It ITT l.s.tv Again we say, patronize -.our home were in that lieautiful town a few John W. Iz-e, of Grant's Pass. Daniel eiiltivvtion of. saiil land, viz: Jacob Hltet iffand l ax Collector of Josephine M v object is to make it to the interest of those having cash or pro Mathews. A If Thurst'ti, Horace llev- Williams. U'wis Hyde. Jo.'. S- Gage at"l paper fix it is doing its utmost to days ago and were forcibly struck County, Oregon. _ A lt is,his, »4 Wolt Creek, Jiss pinne «'»utity, < has. Williams, all of Grants Paus, Jisc- duce, to trade with inc. build up the county and is one of with the iK-autj of both the town Oregon. C iias . W. J obxstox , pliine eouuty, Oregon. Notice. .1. M. t'HIl.I'.S 30-t>t.) Register. ClL'U. W. JoilXHTON, -y»>ur home institutions, which, if it and its site. There has been large 27-0 Kv_'t All fa'ison» knowtng theinx-lven indebt is not liberally patronized wall un sums of money expended there, and ed to me either by note or on a<xsamt M* NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. J. C. GILLAM. J. CHAPMAN. «knibtcdly godown, for the count v it has many fine buildings. It is requested to |«y up I tiivil money and V. 8. Lvxi>O ffice . ) GO TO THE SUPPLY STORE Gi o. .V R ixulk is new- ami paper* king j our sub filled up with business men who, if mean buairn- s. U'iSERI I.'., Or., Oct 2u, 1HSC. < (38-41 Noti, e i- hereby given that the follow scriptions very numerous. If the the town can be sustained, will car- . 'N -(E ing nane-1 *'’tl. r has file 1 notice of bis Eoi Cot’Kii.R fads, the imotninterne ol rj it safely through, and we hope AUCTION SALE!! GILLAM A CII APM »X. Hops. intention to n»lu’ final proof insupfiort of <*■» bis claim, and that said pn»>f will be Main Strut, ripp.'-itr- the Dip'l. going out of the county to get print they may; but these hard tunes ate I will M*Unt Public Auction, the I«al.»mv made hef.ee rhe Judge or Clerk «4 the General Mining Supplica Etc.. Ite. fug done, such as land notices, <Kc., calculated to try Kith the towns and o( the rMalerw in c vinty > * nrt '4.li»s«-phiiic county, Oregon, Mil l IXF.RY an I F \M Y GOOHS a: «.rmt- I'.. . Or . n. <<t Satoni.iv, would I* verr great the:ct< re sul the people and we cannot afford to CHARLES DECKER, Prop'r. ?< I ' .r i. ■ I:. \ Staple and Fancy Groceries. remaining in my belonging to scribe tor the C oifikk and keep it waste or ignore any of our natural the 1 it. vi ♦ estate of M A M< Knight, «iwolvvnt BENT BRASI* <‘F WINES, Lbjl <»l> AND ClGAltS KILT IN D 8 K ti 'ld- 11'11 -!• a I entrv Xo. . ,.ls, for Hie < 8 1 - - R . V.. -t. \\ M Nuts and <'ml'.-«, alive. ic'ourvcs. Jacksonville ought to delvtor, oimiwndnj on ........ ( » " ■ *~~ H.- name* th-- ti l'..wkig wiineeara k* Orange*. I « molts. Figs build a Railroad connecting them l«n*'«* In* ccmfinnotis resi-k ’ ni-e nrw»n. and ¡uni other Fruit»- Monday, Nov. 1st, 1886. DECKER IUURD1NG IU»U>E! For genuine good sod, good rutti'»: i'll 't. -aid land. \ ,z : John W in «sMitie. lion with th«* a»««>ve *» a , rops g.snd Ine impo . > with Medford and by making it a at 7 o\-h»-k I' M . and irotn .lay to day Kt IT 'X HR-r i l .\88 <TVI F. \N” Till TRAVEI.IXG rt ri.R WILL !**■. of Grant*» Pass, D.uik,l Malltew», A. until all are SI'M. a* the 1 II rtn’r-ton. Iletirv l4r«i»s,«4 Wolf eo-'-k, Mhl.r WITH EAtltA KIXPXEss AND V1TENTI«' V dubious inopie, re«l cheeked ap joint stock affair they could do it thereafter F irst-Class Lunch Room. Saddtvrv »hop near th,« t’ova, >» otti.« J.rs phin»! county. Oregon W b- re can Is-htel 11„* cit.'iia-st oelutw.»-» pies an ! ptettv Girl*. Y imitili take? without in- ■uteiueuce to the t«xk- i At xt< Ki K. m 'X. C ha * W. JeeixsTox. fi..rt t ibrtiee. tie cake. [Da'ton Herald Livery Stable in Connection 11 t< r Waldo, Oregon. DRY GOODS. FANCY GOODS. STAI * le ( ;i\’( )CHRI j : s GEO. W. RIDDLE I X NEW GOODS'.! NEW PRICES'. 1.1VI N( .SIX ).N 1-: VA NO I BOOTS and SHOES. DRY GOODS, iks L. VANC E. Tiopical frails, Staple and Fancy ROGER SHERER & JUDSON New Store New Goods. Groceries. Candies, Tobaccos, Store AND I s. and Groceries. J Grant's Pass Variety Store