II |] COI K I FjL Publisher " j WIMER •UBSCBlPriuX il l TES. Year in advanee) 12.25 Month« je Month« *» 10e ROGUE RIVER COURTER. An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. ¿Kb Printing of all Kinds —IX TMK— | fe,v Latest and Best Styles, oxvest — AXl> AT THE— Ltvinu Kates. (¡RANT’S PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OR.. FRIDAY OCTOBER *29. ISS6 YOL. 2 NO. 31. TO ADVERTISERS. < nuit’» l*.w>, ho muneil after General (»■Hit, i» a county neat ceiitraliy located in Southi-rn Oregon. It i» a i.rogrexHire railroad town it tilM) iiiliabitant», an.l ia tliw main auujtiy |«>int for a large- |»>rtion of aountry dvvoteil to uuning, sumliering agrii-ulturv audfruit-niMUig. Climate un- ewelied Tlu- Col kikk Is-iiig the only pa^er pub- bailed in Juaepliiue county, with a good i-in-ulatiun in ,la G-one of tbe bestadxeHiainii Mediums in Soutlieru Oreg. ai. f or rate», address T11»: C oi kikk , Grant’s Pass, Oregou. Railroad Item,. for the murderers neck. You may lie fairly tried, fairly convicted ;uid alxilish capital punishment in law fairly hanged.^^ DAVIH BROWER, Our Sacramento river correspon­ The following essay was read be­ but r.ot in fact; it is already the case dent. now at Sissou's. scuds us Ute THE PUBLIC LANOS. Attorney at Law & Notary Public fore LaFayette Lyceum 011 the night that men through fear of the ineffi­ — manufacturers of — following Rents of Feb. 8tii, 1875: ciency or slowness of the law. assem­ Synopsis of the Annual Report o< ¡ ka NT*R B ams , . . • • O regon . Track was laid Thnrsday aeres.% I am in favor of capital punish­ ble in mobs, march over guards, Commissioner Sparks. Lumber, Doors, Windows, the Sacramento River for the last ! Will practice in alt thè court» «>f thè ment. not because I like to see men break down jail doors, seize the time on this end of the line, making late. (Itfiee on Sisth stn-wt. near pwt- W ashington . Oct. 9. Commis­ hanged, but because I deem it un­ prisoners and hang them to the Brackets, and Mouldings. 18 times this stream lias been e. safe to abolish this safe guard to nearest lamp posts. When there is sioner Sjiarks of the General Land spanned. The grade is being fin Office has submitted to the Secre ­ no law that will hang a professional society and check-mate to the mur ­ S. r. MITCHELL, — ANU ALL KINDS 17— ished very rapidly, so that track derer. I believe a crime so terrible murderer or any other man who en­ tary of the Interior his rejxirt for laying will coutinue without further ATTORNEY AT LAW. in its nature should l»e met with deavors to liecome scienced in the I lie last fiscal x ear. The sales, en­ delay until this, Sisson's place is. . G bast ’» P a »«, - - - • O beuox . terrible punishment. The punish­ art. mob violence will act “quick tries and selections of public land reached. ment should lx? adequate to the as lightning and as sure of its under the various acts of Congress, The long trestle is reiuty ior the- J Will practice in ali State and Federai crime and how coutd imprisonment mark." 1 can account for your ef­ says the rejxirt. embraced 30,991,- rails. The trestle across "Little fcourt». (»Ilice on Main street. 967 acres, and of Indian lands 1,- with its sundry chances of escape, forts toward abolishment under the Canyon" is alxnit completed, also SAM. WHITE, commutation of sentence &c. be head of one extreme following an­ 133,596, making a total of 33,124, what lias been known as die "high —The Introduction of— 5(13 acres, lieing an increase- oxer equal to cold blooded premeditated other. ATTORNEY AT LAW. trestle" across Big Canyon. In the days of Julius Caesar, the last year of 1,1 39,050 acres. The murder? It is argued that the pun The nearest grading is one mile I Gusti Pu», - - O heoox . ishtnent by hanging is not so great mode of punishmeut was very little jniblic surveys reported during the Ix’low Sisson's. nor so restraining as imprisonment regarded, since that time the pun­ year embraced 2,302.376 acres. On Mr. Scobie moves a large force it AV ill pra.tice in all the Courts of the State HAS ENABLED THEM TO REDUCE PRICES FIFTY PER for life would le: then why do not ishment has been growing lighter tins subject the Commissioner sax s out of the river canyon in a day or 11. KELLEY, great generals in time of war adopt until now our prison« are paradises that 14,000,000 acres of the Territo­ two, where he has had a long hard the imprisonment process why do and our gallon s sekiom ornamented, ry of Arizona have liet-n surveyed, job. His new camp will be ut Joe CENT. BELOW ALL FORMER RATES. ATTORNEY AT LAW. they not fill their home prisons with When we reach the farthest ex­ princijially in the central and south Cavanaugh's place, near here. Dust J acksonville , .... O regon . ««-ir For Price List, address, S. P D. &. L. Co. men to remain there until the anger treme in the direction which ty.- P'V.e ern portions of the Territory. Alxiut on the road to upper Soda Springs, I of the powers that be, has licen fully now moving, we will turn ouif+wMc^ f 1,000,000 acres have been sttrx-eyed averages about ten inches. Grant s Pass, Oregon. Will practice in all the Courts of the ii Caiifoniia and about 58.000,000 satified’ They do not for the rea­ toward tl«.- other extreme b from in State. (lllice in Court H oumc . The right-of-way is camped at the son that imprisonment for any whence we came, and will doubtless in Colorado. In Florida the sur­ steam saw-mill in the Shasta valley­ H. K. HANNAH, length of time would not answer pass the equilibrium without mak­ veyed area is 30,678,663 acres; in side of the divide. Mr. Joe Hood Idaho, 10,256,409; in Minnesota, made a living trip to the city, and their purposes. Were they to abol­ ing a halt. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ish the death penalty, an army Man is not sufficiently perfect to 42.831,887; in Nevada, alxy.it 71. back. ( >REGON. JACKSONVILLE, could not be kept together. Even enable him to maintain the equili­ 500,000; in Montana about 18,000,- The BennettMackey Telegraph Proprietor. J. JORDAN, Washington as in the case of Major brium. therefore this alxilishtnent 000, and in New Mexico about 31.- i Co. have their piles set over the Office in Orth building, Oregon strict Andre, “though his heart was filled theme will lx- abandoned only when ixxi.iioo. In sjx-aking of survexs mi mountain as far south as Upp-r So with the keenest sorrow for the fate we shall have arrived at the farthest New Mexico the Commissioner da Springs A large gang of their GRANT S PASS, OREGON. S. W. FORBES, of one so universally beloved and extreme—a time when men will not quotes from the report of Julian, hands, with special cars, arrived at NOTARY PUBLIC. ¡assessed of such noble qualities of legally lie hanged, dragged dow n Surveyor General of Nexv Mexico, Dunsmuir Thursday morning to put KERBYrILLi: \NI) A l TIIOUSE, JOSEPHINE heart and mind, refused to arrest to the prison cell nor even have the in which he exjire-.se' the opinion up piles and line along the track. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL IS THE C ocxty , O regon . the course of justice." This is en­ magnitude ol their crimes taken that the Territory xvill have to I k - —(Yreka Journal. resurveved on account of previous forcing the death penalty for under consideration. Then again we cannot or do not inaccuracy and of fraud. The area ; Tlic Yaqttina Post has this to (’•»llertions a Sftecialty. Legal Instru­ mere desertion, while we projxi.se to ments promptly executed. hang men for taking life without exist without a variety of almost of surveyed land in Wyoming is es­ say: “Work is pushing along live­ sufficient cause Perhaps you would every thing, we have a variety of timated at 47,txxi,ixm acres. “The ly enough at the p>int below the MEDIC il . In This Part of Southern Oregon. regard the strictness of military di- criminals, and must have a variety country,” the rejxirt says, “isiK-cu- ied chiefly by cattle companies, moving the mountains into the sea also does outraged society lixik upon to their respective cases. The dif­ who control the lands along the gradually but surely, and soon Physician and Surgeon, the gallows as a necessity. The ferent heads of crime should not streams under desert and other en­ where once a tall cliff reared its G rant ' s P ass , . . - • O regon . case of Charles Howard who was come under one head of p""i ihment. tries.” proud head towards the ckmds. hanged recently at Des Moines Iowa To send murderers to prison with 1 The work of the office is reviexved there will l>e a broad level plain. Calls responded to at all hours, day or The Tables Supplied With the Very Best in the is a case in point, society revolted men guilty of crimes which pale in­ at length, showing that 3087 cases1 up>n which n grand terminal dep»t night. and Howard, desjiite the shrieks to insignificance when compared to of entries were investigated, ot for the (). P. will lie erected, and Market, and strong grasp of a loving wife, theirs', is giving them pre eminence which 1168, embiacing 17.505acres, on each side will stretch great lengths W. H. FLANAGAN, M. 1». ANI) THE ROOMS ARE FITTED UP WITH A VIEW TO were canceled as fraudulent, and of steel rails, suppirting numlierless was soon dangling in the air. Caji- over men guilty of lesser crimes. Physician and Surgeon, Where alxilishment of capital 1485 cases, containing 225,000 acres cars laden with gay jicople, onbusi ital punishment has been abolished CLEANLINESS AND COMFORT. in Iowa, yet they continue to hang punishment has been tried I am in­ have I k - cu held for consultation. ness or pleasure bent, and vast car- G rant ’ s P ams , ... - O regon . —o— men and the jieople favor a return formed, it has invariably increased The Commissioner says that his at , gix's of rich merchandise seeking to the old law prescribing the death crime. Take the case of the pick­ tention lias I k - cii called to unlaxxful an outlet to the markets ot the Officp* at residence, corner Main and street*. Call attended any hour, jienaltv. Doubtless men hitherto pockets at our own State Fair; can i inclosures containing 6,410,000 world. Three cheers and a tiger e said that their high regard for acres, and that proceedings to com for those w ho planned, and for those ticipated in the execution of Mr. human lite prevented them from |x-l the removal of fences have been who are carrying these wise plans DR. F. W. van DYKE When yon come to G rant ' s P ass , stop at the C ommercial Howard. Where almost an entire' murdering for money when the} recommended in eighty eight cases, to a conclusion, for a grand and community engages in mob violence could not get it by other means? involving 2.350,000 acres and filial busy future for Yaquina Bay." G rants P ass - - O regon . H otel , and your wants will be properly supplied. J. J ordan . it embraces men of all grades of They robbed without fear of the decrees ordering removal obtained “The Portland and Satem papers English and German Spoken. sentiment, hence in the case alxive penitentiary, but were carefull to in thirteen cases, involving i.ixxi,- evade the death jicnalty. Remove 000 acres. The agents rvjiort sixty- arc quarreling over the proptsed re­ alluded to, you must have had a Oilice on Main street, near drug »tore. few representatives in the mob who th. death penalty and thirsters for five inclosures remox-cd from 1,374,- moval of the State Fair from Salem forgot for the moment that they cool, pure, human blood will then 862 acresand forty sexen inclosures, to Portland next year. Wc can’t C. LEMPERT, M. I»., ever advocated the alxilishing of have no scruples forced or otherwise covering 350,000 acres, removed for the life of us sec why it should Graduate Leipsic Vniversity.Ger. capital punishment. Mans blood to prevent them from murdering without resort to the courts. In’ not lie brought to Eugene w ith even C. M. STONE, P rop ’it, several cases no area is given and in more propriety. The displays at is susceptible of living stirred to a men for the money there is in it. ................................................ Grant’s Pass, Oregon, fever heat, then mob violence is Does any one here present lielicvc one case the amount of fencing is our ow n late County Fair were Ix t (‘alls reponded to at all hours, dav or Maine Street, night Office op|Mjsite Slover’s hotel. substituted for civil procedure in for a moment the Modoc murderers stated as 130 miles. Two hundred I let than those at the State Fair as ------ DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Jacksonville. Oregon. which case the victim may have of the Brotherton ami Body families and forty-seven case«, embracing many declared who saw l»>th, and have escaped the gallows? 3.750.000 acres, are (lending exam half of the $5, given by the State cause PR. CHAS. W. BEACOM, Drugs. Patent Medicines. Perfumery, Toilet Articles. Sboulder Braces, Trusses. Etc. sealed. to tremble, for his fate is should Are you ready to say that John illation. The total area over xvhicli would get up as big horse races, Detntist, You say humanity cries aloud for Wilkes Booth, the murderer of fences have I k - cu , or arc lK-ing re­ w hich, by the way was all the State the abolishment of cajiital punish­ Abraham Lincoln “the Nations moved, is t ,714,1426 acres, mastix- in Fair amounted to.'' G rant ’ s P ass ... O regon . BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS ANO TOBACCO The Eugene Register has the ment, but she cries still louder for martyr" should not have 1>cen put Colorado. The rejxirt continues; “Txvelve alxive in last week's issue, and wc Books. I Books I and I Stationery the abolishment of murder. Abol­ to death’ He t«x»k what he could All work warranted. Office at Com­ School I ish murder and you have abolished not return; the noblest bhxxl of the hundred and nineteen cases ot titn fully agree with Bro. lhxlson to mercial Hotel. ———o--------- capital punishment. It is to lie land, the life of the head of the Na lK-r depredation.-, have lxx-n rejxirt take the State Fair to Eugene, and MISCELI. \NEOl'S. for the welfare of the country tion, ami does any one suppose that ed. involving a value in tinilxr and then shoot tlfe first Hotel, or hack A Full Line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes. hoped that society will not disarm herself an outraged and indignant people timlK-r jirixlucts amounting to in. man who attempt, to ovet charge by alxilishing capital punishment, could have remained easy in sight 339.679 recoverable to the United any attendant up>n the Fair. St. NEW TIN SHOP; thereby extending the territory of of this chief of mtirderi-rs? Nay, States. Alxiut $100,000 of this h i« Louis ami Salem ought t<> lie con PIISICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. <». II. STARR, P bui ’ rietob , the murderer that he may ply his the very foundation of Washington been recovered." The Cotnmis demned from the Atlantic to the would have been made to tremble sioncr recommends that an act I k - Pacific.—■( Review. vocation with impunity. —Healer In— No matter where it is held if it is lx/fore the imjxtuosity of a fiery jiassed making false and fraudulent If one person takes the life of an ­ BOB E H T \V EHT HOI’. Stoves. Tin-Ware. Pump', Pipes. other knowing that the law will vengeance seeking death dealing returns of jiublic rurvex s and of sur­ hold duling the btiisy time in the vey-. of jirivate land claims oflen-.es season as has lieeu the case, it will —PKOPKIF.TOIt— hang him therefor, his friends have mob. Etc., Etc., Etc. no right to complain if his expecta- i John D. Ixe guilty of one of the jittiiishable by fine and imprison never t»e a success. \Vc predicted tions are not disappointed. It is blackest crimes on record, richly incut. The recommendation is also JOB WORK DONE ON SHORT not the fault of the law that hanged deserves to I k - hanged. In a few made that the lax.- author’/ing sur this when the time was changed for NOTICE. linn, but his own fault; he violated minutes one hundred and thirty xeys to I k - made under the sjx-cial holding the State fair. Prices Moderate. that law and received no more than men. women and children bit the dejxisit system I k - repealed. F. Clarno reports that a new and O kfgos . he cxjiected. If a man ties a hun­ dust at his feet, and all too that he (Jackson County) GRANTS PASS, - - - ORMGON. C entral I’ oixt , rich strike has been made al the AnEnglith Offlier Haul« Down th' Ami-r- dred pound rock to his neck and and his followers might gain posses Queen Mountain mine, Starve Out. icin Flag. WILL. Q. BROWN, -------------)o(------------- casts himself, rock and all into the sion of about one hundred and tliir H alifax , Oct. 11. The Amcri A new tunnel, No. 3, has Ireen run waters of the deep, knowing that ty thousand dollars which he knew Assayer it Analytical Chemist, —Having Completed my new Stable 1 am prepared to He val can si h-xin- r Marion Grime«, Cajil. in between the Green Mountain death will surely follow, the rr emigrants had mine and the north extension whii li, OREGON NICKEL MIMI, which dragged him into eternity tied each emigrant at one thousand Landry, which 1« detained .it Slid and wild them to eternity at borne by Captain Qtngley for a at a depth of twenty feet, struck rock OF HAY AND GRAIN. should not lie faulted his death was dollars KIDDLE, IKH’GLAS COUNTY, OGN. FURNISH THE BEST as rich as any yet discovered in that indirectly the work of his own hands these figures. Failing to accom breach of the customs laxvs in not vicinity. A party who thsh his designs disguised as In rejxirting to th«- Custom H oiuk on To Hay and finan I ’ er Head. < »ver Nitriti, Take the case of a suicide- a man Annlv*<'fl nifadt* of Coinplti RubBlRBP**®. second south extension Ix-g ui work who cuts his throat, is the knife dians, he and his men retired from entering the harbor last Thursday BEST OF ACCOMMODATIONS FURNISHED FOR HORSES. which inflicted the wound responsi a three or four days siege of that night, xv.is lying at am hor in that with pick and shovel, ami getting .MINES EXAMINED AND REPORTED CPoN. tired, Ixirrowcd a stick of giant p>w pie. and if so, as you argue, would formidable wagon fort, only to re harlxir this aftrnuxm xxitli the Assay for Gold and Silver ♦ 3 00 der ami blew out some very rich Assay for Nickel or Cnhalt 0 00 it not lie better to speedily prepare appear in the skin of satin for lie American flag flying from her mast r an PROPRIETOR excitement over it, anil claim-, are CHANGE IN| MANAGEMENT chisel off the sharp corners of her ren and add one hundred and thirty chored 100 yards I k -I ovx - the scliixni laws because some of our peculiar thousand dollars to the wealth of er, ordered Captain Landry to haul l»cing taken up for miles. Mr. C., —or Jr nr— leaves to-day for the mine, anil ex­ customs seem to require that other the company of men of which he down the flag. The latter did 1. pects to l>c ..nding in brick iKforc If we violate the law« of nature we was the leader This time they but shortly afterward it was again Central Point Hotel, long.—[Oregonian. succeeded in marching lioldly into must abide the punishment so sure seen flying from the masthea I — UF A I K 11 IX— LEWIS PANKEY, - IV-pr to follow even though it frequently the camp of the jxx>r unsusjTecting Cajitain Quiglci again ordi rc! tl . M arkiko . At the resilience of emigrants. Ixe carried a flag of flag to lie hauled down, 'flu« time T costs life. Meal«, • 25 Cents. 1 nikoiier Shi tit!'ll, Or, An <>< t 9. 1886, Mr. Lee Bogue and You propos* to abolish capital truce and tinder its protecting in the American refuse»! t-i ol« —JOB work , «felt A«— punishment Wl:- not alxilish war’* fluences was enabled to deceive th« armed crew who at one- di«|>.iti he«! Mi—. Lora !•*. Faulcoitcr. Also, nt War with all its attendant miseries. jxxir mortals into their prairie graves from the Terror The i-,iigii«hr.i< 11 the residence of P. \V. Morgan. Having lately taken charge >f thia hotel Roofing, Spouting, and Repairing of all kinL i spe< ialtv, -prostrating influences, loss of life with 11« coffins other than the wolf Ixiardcd the sch'xmer and Caj'tain North Yamhill, Oct. loth. Mr. Hat- the undesigned would respectfully inform Quigley him->< !i h nl.'l down the vev Bogue and Miss Lilly D. Moi and devastation of the country and raven. the public that the table, will he supplied AND DONE AT REASONABLE RATES. In violation of G«xls laws and tin American flag should I k - abolished first of all were ,;.i;i. Eld. F. Dillard Holman offi­ with the beat the market afford» * >r<-gon. it possible. More men are put to laws of tlx- land he jx>ure«t out the Jackson <'«»., J S. Houck L ewis P ankey Centra! Point, ciating in 1x>th instances. In tin -a What th« Mormon» A.k. death in one liattle than are hanged life blixxl of these di fenet les« per marriages biothers, bc«?.anic cou.sin«, in ten centuries It »trikes me you son*, taking the j»rccantion however S ilt L ake C itv . Oct. i? Jno. and cousins, sisters. [Christian New Blacksmith Shop, can as easily alxilish war as you can to gain full possession of all their T. Caine was renominated for dele­ Herald, LEWIS PANKEY. Proprietor capital punishment, for both arise arms and march them out ahead of gate to-day bx the Mormon Terri­ from the self same human imjxilsc* him before making the attack To torial convention. Resolutions were D. S. K. Buick, whois In charge C bxtbal I’ oixt • • O moox the same lust for vengeance and consúmate Ins jilans and complete adopted demanding l ’ rd J’ixiprietoi*-. possibly are both necessary in the the c rime was the work of but a eminent, denouncing the attempt to Septetnl»er 30th he began his jour­ Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Sixth Street, Grant's Pa»». visitation ti|x»n wii ked man of the few minutes. Now, tin« man John confiscate the Mormon church pro ney homeward. Yesterday he was I would rve|.-rtfully inform the ¡wihhr wrath of an angry G«xl. One is as D. Ix-r having but a few more years perty. to disfranchise the Mormons at Indianapolis. During the two that having lately taken charge of the •<> easily controlled in the direction of to live, owing to age, does it seem and declaring their loyalty to con­ day that the car was at Ulka. Y., Black-smith Shop at Central Point. I would a«k a liberal ehare f the p : HAVING COMPLETED ' OUR NEW RTARI.ES, WE ARE atxilishment as the other. But you that this few years imprisonment stitutional law«, closing with a de­ i6,<»jo ¡noplc inspected it. Mr. patronage L bwib P ankey . cannot alxilish war, neither can you xx on Id mete out sufficient punish-! mand for Statehood. Buick says that while he was at PREPARED TO abolish capital punishment so long me nt for the atonement of »0 das Utica he almost Iro.c to death front Subscribe for the COVRIER- as there i» men there will be war, t.irdlx- a crim«- No. ten or fifteen the cold. I Review Furnish the Best of Accommodation" for Horses, and so long as hemp grows, a cer­ xears imprisonment i. not in coin THE PICNEEi IND ONLY NEW8P1FEB Sulxnb tain —r cent thereof v.ill be tw: '.cd >n to the c!:::u. Ik -------------AT REASONABLE RATE------------ Í 'mi J’ROFEWMloX AL—LEG iL. SUGAR PINE DOOR & LUMBER CO and Store Finishings The Latest Improved Machinery, COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Largest and Best Regulated Hotel (¡TESTS WILL ALWAYS FIND T E R MS R EASON A1 i L E. CITY DRUG STORE:. Ventral Point Tin Simp. S T O V E S A N 1) T I N W A R E, Feed Stable' Capital Punohment.