til ; coruiEiv. p -pit. and consequently less di> trer. > in bp iness tin ies. The indi­ vidual who would pay out large sums of money as interest ou capi tai which be had lo* ked up at home would either be considered a fool or a rascal, and some how we. in our weakness, have a way of thinking that the government is no smarter nor is it a bit more honest than the individual; hence the locking up in the United States trearury of fabu- lou > urns of money; the payment of fabulous interest on the money Not < c. Selling Out to Close Business!! The Collage and Normal School. NOTICE. All ivrsona know ing tbeinaulvMindebt­ All jH-r.»on; bavin * , ed to nr- -jliei by note - r on account arc requested to pay t;p. 1 need money and thur .1 Charmaii, .¡vc -.t mean bu ■>: ess. Gru. V R uiult man at Kerbyvilli*. l2S-4t . The Ashland College and Normal k- School has been closed since Prof. Hcial Pwr et Italie Cmlr urenti. Royal resigned his position, and it —O' ' u4^ is understood that the trustees do W.'.I CHAPMAN OCT. »5. 1M6. FRIDAY. not intend to reopen it. The deed rib > m vs , i] Having concluded to clos- business at thi- place, I am offering my Sealed Proposals. Keibyville, Or,, O. t 4th, US by which the property was conveyed Kegi»t*-re I ut the l'*»*totfi*-i* ill Grant’» large stock of to the trustees provides that if the Pass. Ore., a» Si*i-*>nd-( I.,»-* Matter. SEALED PROrosAl S WILL BE Rl . . M. E- conference shall fail to main­ • ’ < rived »t the otlice ol the undersigned Nfflice cf Admin;»trator> Sal» sonal Property. ■ up to noon, CORRI SPUNDEN'T. tain a six months' term of school in Wednesday. January Sth. 1837, any year then the conference for NOTICE is h. reby inveo. Uwl ¡, We ins it** •'< >rw«|«>ndeiii-e from all »*•* For the ' ire, imtinti-n.im.«, nur.-iu«*, cloth­ seance of an unkr ul II..- c,,. feits its title and the property shall lion» on nub)«* ti of Io. al and other in* ing, toba. . '*. medicine* and medical at ­ the State of Oreg..,!. i„r be tendered to the state of Oregon tere»t». tendance of Comity pauper*, and the da.-.» Josephine, sitting as E’onrt .4 for use as a normal school. If the Willi each letter the namo invi addre** I known as “State pauper»,“ lor the j»-ri.»l made ou the »ixili .lav ,.i S< 1,1,.,,,) ’ ■ of tii<- Hviuii-r la required, <- {<••• ¡ally if state declines the proffer, then the ' of one year, couimeii.-ing February 1st. 11 ' A*>, in the matt'ei <,f q,.. , '•A 1 1HS7. Bid» may *•“ mad • i»?r capita, p-r lb 111; *T. Bylxe, late o| «am,.,,„,*^(1 «.•nt for pui'Ii.-ation — property is to be >old. and, after the t------------- -------------------- - - , day, or by the week j .-eased. The undereignod, u.lminisiLc I so locked up and lying idle, means liquidation of liabilities, the pro­ i’ll'- )>artv t>> wh 'in the contract »hall Ol »ai 1 -lat". will »“11 at pub EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS. ceeds divided among the donors lai awarded Willie i-.-quiri-d'« hnry, at to the highest bi.Mer, on either stupidity or rascality or both, through whose gene rosity the pro- AT GRBATEY bin ow n expense, and in a »uital.le man-1 day of October 1 . The Chicago Anarchists have re­ and the people who suffer fro;n hard perty was paid for and turned over ner. »11 |>:iti|»-r» who die underbiieiitirge Saturday, the 9th IS83, D- during the continuance of said contract. A Full Line of ceived the sentence of death, and times are the proper ones to coni­ to the M. E. conference. At present under the terms hereinafter stated at n All bids must J» 1 accompanied with a plain in tones loud enough lo be the debt upon the property amounts are to hang on lice. 3rd. l»*nerty. to-w!t: on the nth inst. for foreign ports Three cows; Five 4 ye.ir-.!d ¡ the contract legislature. Meantime the Will lx- kept in Stock. They F-'I W* the Authorities by Ship- the ’flu' County Court reserves th- light to Four 3 year old steers; Four 2 * ...lr,L taking, combined, 171,132 bushels plng^laves to Philadelphia. building will l»e idle, unless, ?s has steers; Six yeariing»; One Imrse’ |4|"] reject any an*! all bid-. lieen proposed by some, the school . of wheat. Done by order of the County Court, hav by the ton: Wheat by t|1P PlIII.ADKLI'tltA, Oct. II.—Since directors should rent it for the use ami lot of |»,tat<«*s. SeptemlxT s<*H»ii>n, I»“'» Sale hi < otiimenec at 10 .>’r;<«-|, ¡n CHAs. K. CII AN.'I.OR It is rumored that the Oregon Im the pauper law ha» lx.-en construed of the district. It is recognized by I lorenuon ol sai l *1 hv and euiitiniie i>n*,' ('lerk "f Josephine Co., (>r o provement Company intend, to in New York to prevent the landing all as unfortunate that the normal tin- said property is sold. Grants 1‘ass, < let. 12, 1X86 [29tf of Mormon proselytes from Europe department should be closed, and i TERMS OF SALE One lliirdofth, build a railroad to connect its pres­ at that port, sjx-cial agents of the an effort was made by prominent Thanking the public and my many customer, for their patronage in bid to I»* pai'l in c^sh, balan. .- ,,n s;t Dissolution Notice. ent system with the Canadian l’a Latter Day Saints have selected months time, w ith interest from dais,,( citizens of the town to have it car­ tile past, I can now make it to their I Philadelphia a* the l*»t place to ried on until the meeting of the leg­ cific. Notice i. hereby given that the firm ■ale at the rate of eight |»-r cent, p r an- escape from the restrictions of Goth­ islature, but thus far the project has heretofore known as Holt A Hardin, Erick num, to lx- secured by note, with appHn-J makers and contractors, of < .rant’s 1’asH, wi-iiritv. All | roperty tub* selllel f*,rag The State Department lias re- am. It has been learned that num­ not met with succes.-,. [Tidings. Josephine county. < lie ;<>n. is this day dis­ above ix-fore delivered. ceived official dispatches corrolior bers of women, with a sprinkle of I W. .1. WIMER, solved by mutual consent. D. W. Har­ Grand Jury. din w ill continue th“ business ot the firm, Administrator of the estate of HiouiasT ating the reported seizure of an men. have quietly landed here un­ Bybee, deeease.1. der the care of custodians, and tak and all outstanding accounts will lie paid This body, composed of C. Min­ American schooner by a Russian Septendvr 7th, lssii. to him. en their wav West to Salt Lake gus, foreman, J. W. Baker, A. Long, war vevscl in the Alaskan waters. City without the interference of the GEORGE W. Hol.T. The above sale is ixistjsjned until Octo- W. U. Baltimore, W. E. Finney, D. W. HARDIN. l»*r.loth, lxxt!. collector. The converts are careful Dated this 7th day of October, 1X36 Mr. B. Campbell, general freight )y instnittC(l cspctiaily tht. j.;tlgll,h W. Addison and I Kimes, hax been CITATION. [211-It I and pqsscnger agent of the Union shaking portion, to steer char of in -cssion all week and has trans­ IN Tl11;(•uis.i Han .-n, Faiinia Hansen, . .. , , .. , .. . , many a» ¿issibfc amHo'get"them V*rc? Ca'"l,bc!.'' f',r ’aIcc”y.' T fi'.m < ¡rant'» I ’ .i-.» North-id-ot Rogue 1 he nnmt dmle dehvery ofall kt s( ir(e() t() (>t |b t|lc a„tlli(ritiv., dictments against each \ eit Schutz Fredricka ILui»<-n. You ar.- hereby uoti- diver. This farm contains 12'. a.-res of ti.-d to apjx-ur before the uudersignol, ters bearing the special delivery |,ert. tagc a„y decisive measures to and RaphaeMorat, one f r selling rich river bottom land in cultivation, also on the Begs leave to inform the public that he is now nice!., located on the corner uf liquor without license and the other ■Klaeresof the same quality ea»ily cleared, lo-ccnt stamp" is now in force at cause their detention, 9th Day of October, 1886, the balance is of tlx- finest sugar pine and for selling to minors. Indictments GTH AND H STREETS, GRANT ’ S PASS, OREGON, and slmw < air«-, if any exists, v. I.v .in or­ nil Po»tofficcs in the United States. ( other timlter and pasture land. This is a The N-w Rai road. were also found against Peter Ann s, good mil! site; county road runs by the der of »ale should not la- made, to s-U the With a Large Assortment of The distance letter» will lx- carried of Gold Hill, Henry Banten, of place, gnging to said estate, to being one mile. 1 , S an F rancisco , Oct 10. The i Boormans creek, and Robert West the place near buildings ; also good well; pav off th ■ indebtedness ol’ same as pray­ ------------------ Call says: "A surveyor in the em-1 rop and E. B. Caton of Central 1 large Imus«*. 2 large barns, granary, ed lor in th- petition of the administrator 1 smoke house and other out building»; of .»aid real estate, to wit.- Our yowy taelboxesofthel» t' I’1"' Southern Pacific starts Point, for selling liquor without a The undivided half of the fol!..v-.ingde­ And everything to be found in a First-Class store, wliieh 1 will sell i it 1F on Tuesday I Hxjklilno young 0ri hard ; garden and bottom ¡and ¡out next to travel license. The grand jury yvas still opium was seized at San Francisco all under fence; very healthy locality. scribed tra. t of land : The S E ’4 of .»re. through southeastern (Jregon, north in session when we went to press VERY LOW FOR CASH. OR MARKETABLE PRODUCE. On this farm can lx- raised the finest of live "> , township N . 10, S R 7 W, and by lns|>ector Breezee on the 10th eastern California and Idaho, to corn, sweet potattH’s. melloim, toin:iTi»t*s. the S W ' of th.. S W 1, of Sec 1 Tp 10, I and there is no telling where the •nirCall and see me before purchasing elsevvlic-re. inst., while in transit from the wharf make a careful examination of these peauhes, grain, timothy, clover, etc This S R W. end will lie. [Sentinel. VOI.NEY ( (HA IG, would male several good h lines, and a- sections, and report upon their pro ­ to the store The drug was mug County Judg“, the climate ami other advantages cannot aiin.it Mrs. Harriett E. Chambers who I t.it-d at < mint '.» P ass, (h'Dgoii, Scptusiibcr gled in tea boxes, consigned to the ducts and capabilities, with a view lx* equalled in Oregon it woui. ' (27t.l for eolonists or others, to investigate I»--• Ching Yeik Co. the (Jregon Short Line He will lx- April, to visit her old home 111 fore buying elseuhen'. V iut< i in mi -i \ t i !■ i'.ii' rm e-tate "i M. V M. Knight, in -'lvi > ' GEORGE 1:. GOWAN, Win. M. Turner's condition seem.» [ absent a month. The new road Michigan, returned to tbi county debtor: The limit i -igned having l«-n t’Uii Grant's Pass, Or. will lx a branch of the California about two wicks ago very low with to lx- growing wor e and hi* recov­ Inly sele.-ted assignee . f the estate of the \ Oregon, and will not interfere consumption, and died at Medford above named in-olve.t debtor, tm-l.-r and ery is only a possibility. Drs. Ai | T h '. ih . • with the construction of that road 11 *t l-'i¡day hv virtue >4 in a.-t of th.' legislative as ken, DeBar, ami Parsons of Ash to Ashland." ».-in lily of the State of < Iregf.n, ent it led an G rant s P ass , - _ _ O regon . land, held a consultation over hi» a.-t to secure to creditors a just di.i»mii oi S an F rancisco , Oct. u The case Thursday and agreed on it lx- th*'estate» of debtor, wlm convev to as- Bull, tin to night aeain asserts that »in.-.'.* f*'r tlv* bem-!'! -*f • r -dit'-r ,;i*.pr*'.' ing cancer. [Sentinel. Yotir.mlf uml (cam, buy an the Southern Pacific will turn off t<> ed O-tolxr ]'(, 1-7S, and aim-t-iiient., We regret very much that our thereto nppr-tve-1 February I, USA. a!I E .stein Oregon, and not soon form old friend Ttirm r d»es to build ’’asit-r th.m the ..I t »tvle. Sold by and — A -signee. JAS. W. WIMER, respecting the proposition 1 in snp|x»tI <.t ers so seriously as was at first ex I Addivi, .1 VS W WIMKK hi.» . lain., and that said proof will la- pending when 1 went West. peeled. This is in a measure due 2Xtf] Murphy. Oregon. mad.' before the Judg. or Cleik of the to the large crop abroad There is ( omit v i otirl of Jo.*, phine County. Ore­ A party consisting of eleven min heavy competition among importers ¡rant's I’.iss. tlre^rui, gon, at < irant'» ' ‘ ,.n Situi 6th stre.-t, Ix'tween M lin and II. lav Nov 2:1th I i '■ I • < ill IS' I ers who arrived at Sail I rani iw o on 111 this country, ami g West ing mines on the Yukon. The par­ cents a pound in this city »«-■•, ,, >•»( W. « « . M. ,| . ’ 4 ’ ?** ’ ' -*h I P- ■•* though Hie ten l. ti \ 1. tipi« ml. the _ * lie names th*- billowing w'tncr- *s t*v ty ha, lieen there all summer, but 1 ■ . ■ . market is unsettled, and quotations; cultivation ot. mud land, vi».- Jacob were unable to find any gold. It range all the way from 25 to jocents ESTABLISHMENT vv liner, Adam Dimer, J.ewis Strong, there was gold in the country, the |s«ite ( ’.iiiiplwll ,( Tutt,' »lore, on Ut h J.-tr.-rson Wim.-r.all of Murphv, Josephinu From 1 letter received in this city season^ wet. to., holt, ni.l it would Mtrvt’t, ( ountv, Oregon. horn the Green Mountain mines in < H AS W. lOHNs roN, I k - next to iin|H>ssilde to woik the HAIKWJRK and STAMPING lljatlF ÖM’ Josephine county, it is learned that Rcgmter. mines. 2. aim Messis. Wilson and Jones, whost­ Notice For Publication. rich fine was re|M>rtt- w J . tu front of thè I .*< f »1 » . R'e I.m i;*,, < I«., S-pt. ?4. I 4X4ÌI phine county is convincing pi.xd 000. with plenty more in sight Mr. Notiee 1» herel.y *iv. n ti.at the follow II.is a in-» linei..' 1 c CZ j that the brush is fast getting full Jones, who had Ixen working on the ["-' nan.... settler l .s til,. I , ,4 Gl ll\ I S CORSI PS. tunnel for some tune, one day »truck mteiiUm to make final ,4 ¡„ Kl)..r,rt rx ] his » cssiou ol the countn and doing a soft substance with his drill and 01 l-.is .lami, and fl. .1 »aid j r.»4 will I»- HI ( IIINGS, Il 1 VII». 50 -=► 11 set ions amount of damage to the 0 W made-before th. fb-giM. r ,,r l;.,- nerol Tir.' rihiion . sì , i : i > nni : i ». concluded to use sonic powder. the I . ,-». hand O'li,.. ;,t ap|H-arati. 1, -2 and !i. and N. E,'. ol country by ttavcling through it and found the floor of the cave complete w z M MIN.» INI ÏNTN. I U KÌIOX- On t ” ■*' I '” * S1''- 71. Ml I-, I vidi - I NOI KW I \ 1: wnndets why tlu- people do not cut ly covered with rich quartz TJ Tp. A». > R. 5 West, W. 5f. making a "cleaning up." he had X r* — and — He num.-s the following witnesses to down and burn out the brush In wtiers prove liis continuous resi h ue*- upon, ami LACES OF ALL KINDS. short, if this is not done, the couii h ive Ixen quiet to all letters written -illtivHmn of. »aid land, viz.: J:,.<4> U I.uams Lewi, Hyde, J.o. s f.age and try will 1111 be a howling wilder them, regarding the proapects of the New Goods Constantly Arriving. ha». W illiams. a||,,f i,rant» |«iW!< mines "holding out. ' The last ac ness. pinne county, < iregon. i aw count explains the cause of their „■ . , Uli 's-W. J oii \-» ti » n , A freitid called our attention to silence. Mi Wilson is an old citi­ S A GREENE & SON, Register I OHM K M AIN A F ront S t *. (¡ hint ' s P ass . O hm - on the ti |x>it ot the Yivka races ot the zen of East Portland, having lx-cu Main St., i it<>\r Grant’s Pass, Or. SUMMONS. Brsata Oregon. engaged in the trucking ‘ business KR IX — •vurth day as follow * .« (hr K. K S||O|VA for yeats. | ‘‘ h tends will lx- glad His IN th. < in ait ( <„,rt .4 the st ,t.. ,4 ore. Having iqx'iied a Family Grixery. I hereby announce to the public that . -jiing mile and re|>cat. to hear of his rich find, Ron, for the County of J.wphine. ................. [East Port I have a new mid well aelectcii stock of Vs >2.»i, Jas Sutherland named land Star. G. A ................ WILI’RET. 1 x ilophone, anil J C. livens Maint iff, j — Ih'.tlerM ill — i N'lit in F. juity va. nanieil bg Siphon Zilophone drew At the convention of the Sw er (, KOfì.KII S, (.'(»M i t IIOM RII S \\|i \V\RI j for Divorce. inside position First, second and cigli (Dami I.ixlgc, I. ( i O. F.. held LUCY WfLPRtT, . TOBACCO, third hi lt» bv Zilophone. time j 41, recently in Boston a resolution was Ivtendant. I ll.>"Kla -ill.*. 11» Swiping l:,..l„( ||..„ in frerphr». troni .1» Kn.t. :lml \ M r N ITIO \ CIGARS. ' 2 (X and 2 ty Siphon sjx.ilcd his offered and 1 adopted ix-rmitting L> 1 m y Wilpret. defeu laut marked down at Bottom Pri. * » I also sell (I k * chances bv breaking Izaitlv. Time lodges loom.t their weekly meeting' Fiüiii-Titiut. cuierr Fire Wtrto, &c à; CANDIES. In th.- „. hup of the State "f Oregon, von of last heat was much ahead of lx-»t when they occur on legal and genet CELEBRATED DAVIS VER I If Al SEWING MACHINE, » to apilar in said Court and , NUTS, ETC. Kwer the complaint of slid l’lnintiff. stallion rceord made on track lure alh recogm •< d holiday s In lieu of REPAIRING, A SPECIALTY ,ed a/amst .vu w,tlu„ t,.,, da,-» troni the which has no equal in vase of manag, inent ami great range of work tofore. other regalia, tnemlxrs ot Grand urn of the »-m.-cof this «r.nim.ms .m All work guaranteed 1 - 1- • may wept a scarl« t ribbon, The alxivc was 1 hpix-,1 from the Coiintrv Produce. Hides. Furs > " ■ ’ rerv..*l wtthin ».,»1 „ M. ■ . • ■ Ulf Sentinel and inn t l< a mistake md m. mlx-r» of the ('.(.m l K m am| ■ dner, to trade with me. 1 Ktc . Et,.. hn, . ta . . th. n «.ihm twrntv .livs from The mother The race must have kx-.i a trotting nient a imrple riblxm Give me a call and lw Convinced •I. M. < 'I I 1 l.l f,v „)x AHLF & MESSERVE Propr’». J C. GILLAM. j CHAPMAN. Weivatch clo»dy nowadays tor of the Degree ot Rebekah The t 7h“ int^'f ‘"r"' Klv"r' pnor (. rant ’ s I' im "bond calls" and note with much tollowing officers were elected for M ain S tbkft , ■ , J] ’ V rn N-v.-nd-r V 1> LT, '"'■’"'' ire msilm.1 that. j( v„u — -«V- —. pleasure the purchase ot the bonds Hie next two years Grand sire. J lai I t f• 41 i > » u. O( i «V t r to S-»4 'll<(*llll.li-t]f ax xrw»vv rv- H White, of Ww York IVputv I (iILLAM ACHAI'MU«. I ’ ro,„. which constitute the indebtedness quirt J the Ihuntlff V.ilt ,(>14. fl„, grand sue. J C Uuderw.xxl, of M un Street, Oppose the Depot. ^o'lrt tor th- reimt Al s \GE, .nt f "'U “r»n>*.t»s I. d,s,,.lv, t CHARLES DECKER. Prop’r. long been ¡>ay mg interest oil a large urer. A S Shejsird. ot Penn»vlva AND B< H.OGN \ “arid ,7 a.n!' '"'N' "•»’ plamuff t* [Ex RF.ffT KKAND.s OF WINE!», l.lql'ogs i\p (IGAKs indebtedness, at the same tunc had ni.i (T./ V ! - h ’ ’ 'I 'arr ••r'' ’•>>"t -«' ”i » ik ! KE1*T TN ->T«M K Bacon and Larri ftnOmTi d-rrr“ that Nnts and Candies a »urplus of money locked up in the — --------------- <> — th- « : y, _____ y.,,, _ h ,,. w,u ln 1 . e / wneiahip ALWAYS HA n D. ON andtitl* ..th, V,,., th( ,^"\V’"*7 Lein treasury vaults. The payiugontof Grants |* — on». 2”; F ’ tgx ’tr - m — « So, ----* |»i ••'( will remain m i NTh>N U Fi fòt the bonds now pay able means more e>lr*«< te«l ■* “I 4 h. » ». t put it) |lt t( Lunt h Room. I-KI E Ot CHARGE nMW dvsinng first f-*’ e c ’ im ' U. -MITCHL! I.. w motley in < in ulatiou among the well t<> w.ut hu it® he d.«t, do „ . . . I'toruev ter riamtiff á "ih7 gì rii.K Livery Stjbl»' in Connection, FANCY GOODS, DRY GOODS. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Queens Ware, Glass Ware, &c., &c., REDI : cej > PRICES STALER GROCERIES PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Advantage to Call on me Before Purchasing Elsewhere. GEO. W. RIDDLE, NEW GOODS! Home Seekers, Attention! NEW PRICES! LIVINGSTONE VANCH BOOTS and SHOES, DRY GOODS. 2"' L. VANCE. PIGNEY & COOK, IF YOU WANT TO SAVE Blacksmiths and Horse Snoers, KC< >N< >.\l 1ST Sulky oi' Walking Plow. John Deere Moline Walking Riding Plows and Cultivators. SHERER & JUDSON, New Millinery Store. Millinery and Dressmaking MKS. M. 1IYDE Store and \cw Goods G U N S M I T H S. Tropical Fruits, Staple and Fancy Guns, Revolvers, Pistols and GRO( ERIES, Citi Market. GO TO THE SUPPLY STORE Fresh and Salted Beef, Pork, For ainl Groceries. Grant's Pass Variety Store, Staple and Fancy Groceries. • ifiwr* Waldo, Oregon. I I : . " ‘ 'in. ' .”*>*. rx > ‘I •**