W'll.l « li.rry ami Tar. Receiver K shier and .superin­ Fanners I am selling many things also an order for lumlrer to go to world that w are realty one of the E««-»y body the virtues of Wildi f a mural and «.inn- Cherry and tar knows tendent Bran It Lire been over the O. that arc gixxi and useful at cost. a* a relief and can- for G ' » W. R iddle . Mr. Miller purchased a resaw for ( mercial Ix-isg. N: C. R. R. again ir>|Hwiii.Mi OCT. .s. I8SÓ. l>r. «'.High and _________ FRIDAY «.>. and Tuesday for the nuqiose of levying Luni _ Hyrup <>i The Drama promises to l|d by XV. F. Kremer, Gnuit’s i'ass. Z. F Mtrnm rush. Wednesday evening Secretary R. p E VK1I VK . lurt' Fur Tijea. Mr. Mansfield and wife of Kerby - enroute to Coos Bay where she will Ixst Saturday to see his parents and held on the and day of Noventlier, Treasurer K. H K*’ »1 Judge Davis Brower is building a family drive into town in a carriage. [Record. Senator Prtes are fnapieliUy pwi*-<*lesl by a sense ville precinct moved to town this remain «luring the winter. H. r> M ill *:* residence on liis land. Representative of weight ill U»e tsuk. loins and lower S, V Mill H> ! I. Alex Watts informs us he has Dr. D. B. Rice resides in Ashland week. His grand daughter Miss Elder M. Peterson exhibited at part oi the alslonieit, causing the patient. Supt. Pab. Instruction F.. B M c F. ikuy Circuit Court for Jackson coiuity Ihdtv Dessenger will live with them made arrangements with Messrs. ami is the father of D L. and W B. it Circuit Jndge IS our office a squ ish raised by George I. sitppow' he has some affeeti "Il of the Hus 1 R. Wi in session this week. Kubli & Bril for a nine inch giant Rice. Miss Dunn «laughter of ex Blown of Eagle Point, weighing kidney* or nrighlioriiig organs. M times, and go to school. District Atturaey V»’«k M CuLvtu county clerk. P. Dunn of Jackson svmpUMus 1 4 indigi-stion aje (« imiii , Bat Postal lusjK'clor Reanies is kept COLNTV orrici via : Sheriff Patterson informs us John ami 750 feet of 13 inch pipe which county who lives with the Doctors • 95 pounds. It is of the Mammoth iilem v, uiieasilH-s* id Un «tomaeli, etc. he will place in liis mine on Can­ ('ounty Judge i on the road most of the tune. Colyig variety ami well deserves its name. Void Miller the gunsmith of Jacksonville yon moiiWure, like |.-o*f ration, pi.-du. ing creek. The prospects in this family while attending school at Mr. Peterson sent it to the Oregon a A very » < oinuiissioners T. G. Harmon from Deer Creek, came very near losing his life. Sun­ J 51 /Payne ■ disagreeable Itching, after ye»,ling Ashland also accompanied the wel­ in Messenger 1 claim are very flattering so that with warm, is a common attendanf. Hl'piL State Board of Immigration. — day by hi' team running away with come visitors. It may not lie out .Clerk was in our office Wednesday. C. K. Chansler. Blei-ditig and Iti hiu-j Piles yu l of pressure 1 [Monitor Treasurer J XV Howard of place to say that while n. I.. to the application of l>r B mm -I uu M Pile Hon. G. W. Riddle i* in town as him. Hs is badly hurt. a good result is almost assured. Sheriff T. G. Patter.->11 ileme.lv, which acts directlv ii|*ai tlu- Rice serves the O. X- C. R R. Co., Henry Smith ex-county commis­ Kd. If. Hathaway Sell«*»' Siiis-rintendent full of congenial converse as ever. parts etreele I, ah ,orbing th ■ Tumor*, al­ James Neely p;i"ed through town his diminutive but shrewd brother sioner was in town Monday. Mr. Cun it C ocrt —Convene* on tl e Second Hon. H. B. Miller came home Smith is one of the old pioneers of Tuesday with a fine Durham bull serves the O P, R R. Co. This is The f.illowine i* a lisi <4 ’i-ttiT* rvinait»- laying the intense iti hing, and «fleetinga. ■«Miday in April, and First Monday in p>>rmaiM>iit cure, l'riee ROecnt*. tdilre.*», Sunday after an extended trip tiorlli. southern Oregon having a tine farm two years old which lie bought of s/imething tike brothers enlisting < n init lim ali-J (or in Il >• «ìnMit'n Pass . jiovenilx-r i lio Dr. Bosanko Medii ine Cu., l’iipia, <>. ulluv, S'|4. ,’>.», txari: Elder M. Pete;-.on of Central Point opposite side* during the late war in Brandt, Mr. Sold liy \V. F. Kremer, Grant’« I’aiss Col st y f a er ( ■ ■. -. < on th" First A dime expended at tlu Drama and elegant improvements on Wolf On ena, .Lilin precinct, lion, l-jioch F. Walker as much as there is a freight war about BuUle, B. Monday in January, \pril, July ami will go to the benefit of our schools. creek. Prime. I D r , J. B PILKINGTON. September imported the sire of this ¡nomisiiig to ensue between these two rival < 'liambiT'. John, Rake, Mai' Now is the time to secure bargains As will lx? seen in another column young animal from the east. In companies. The boys are firm for l'order, Hill. Surgeon, < >. uli>t. Auri«t. and prop n t01 Simmons, Vol OUR BUSINESS OIRECTOBY. at Geo. W Riddles. [aS qt of the Evo Intirmaey, and Sauifariam, of Skinner, Harry. and by order of County Judge Col- size he is the regular size for a full their respective companies liowewr. Cxry, l'ila* XV. Stone, I XV I’ortlatiil, <»r., may aivlit further notieu. IXtnnv. .lame*. vig. tiie public sale of property l>e grown ox of the ordinary stamp. A. Creitzfeldt was in town from CHANT’S PASS, lie consulted at tlu? Stralli!, Win. Wm. Coker of the California Hall,’A .1 longing to the T. T. Bybee estate ugxeavt. MHneii vsiusk . Waldo We«hiesday paving 11s a John*, .John XV. Sn u-kr. Id i. Ilaglr) Holl«*., «liaur* r«M, On last Wednesday Messrs. John* has Ix-en jtbstponed until Saturday. & Woodward closed their harness company’s mine below Kerbvville Mivssee.ir, A. J. W. tz -I, .1 .iliu.. ■ 1 .,il I I t/r Jr -.*di^/ r>f tier»/ sH.iitA, nil 'Inff. visit. came to town Monday in the inter JV-rsoii' i-allmg lor aiiv of the altuve . Oct. .totli. G«o. \V. Ilitititt- Main t„ near Mb. The afUil ted by du .L-s? ill liny form ar»> shop at this place. Mr. Johns says Billie Bailey of Missouri Flat has est of his comjLiny. He informs us le‘tvrs w ili ideane sav “ailvertàiasU" CASirttf! 1. A- Ti i ,’s— c m. tith A 11 st*. made wekwium to a free eonsultat-.on. lion. II. D. Harkness was in that tiie farmers prefer to buy Port­ they have 82 persons on the pay­ J. W. Ilo« u:n, l’. .XI. S. P. D. A 1. Co.—o!li ■ and -t .-re eor- our thanks for two very large bart- II i.d'.i ¡U" all foini* ofl'ye aid town Monday looking hale and land machine made harness to a roll at the mine; that they will get Bv J. M. J ohn , Ih'ptity. 6th and Main »tree -. lett pears. Ear Ailment». Rei tai & Ncrvou-. Diicascs hearty, he informs us that Hon. A. first-class hand sewed article lie­ their five miles of ditch Ione ’.lii.s aRtwEitres. M \iu:it i>. liefer* to almost every old Portlander; John A. Lawson, merchant tailor A. Porter is building a barn on the cause the price is a shade lower; the J. M C hii 1 - -o r. 4th -an I Main sts. week and that C. J. Howard is en also.L*- S. Cherry. Alli.uiv; R. \. Hum­ of Jacksonville, gave this office a J . I . site of the old st tge barn recently quality is also a shade poircr. We gaged survey ing their flume ditch py, llatri>ibiii*i I. \Y. Bond. Irving: Rev. (lili iM.: Cttu-.'vx—M »in st m-ari’.th. friendly call. A. C. Fairchild, J a» A. El>l«»rt, Eugene; are sorry to lose our harness shop. ami that they will use about ten burned. i. \ I A I Day . Wilbur, R B Dixutt, W.t. Our old typo Sam Smith was all men iu its construction. They pro Dutch Jonnic has contracted with. The awful fires that are raging in «■■ .vrr.iHXKv-i- vr-t viv Winston, R. Imre; .1.1 Thornton. Wn mixed up in a mask ball at the Sherer & Judson for 50 feet ot hy­ almost every town big and little pose to add to their claim a giant C. Butler. Ashland, and over a lmmlr»*l Davis P.Rowi:n—«’.th >t r. 1: Postofli HOHN. ease* 14 the worst forms of 1‘iUt, Jtirlat S f. MiTctiit.!—Main st next door to ’■corners” recently. draulic pipe for his claim down the throughout the world, is a strong and 750 ft of No. 16 ¡>i|>e. They use I'lniK l-'irli in», etc., now l**ingsuceea*fuli.v Corr.isn office. river. This firm also has the con reminder that Grants Pass lias not two large beeves a week. By the l«»AES—Near thia city, on Sept. .Jd, treated, W111. Basye of Mi »ouri Flat, has without using the knife. Svvt Willi:—Main st . 1» i. 4th mil nth time they get to mining. Mr. C tract to manufacture the pipe for the the slightest protection from its de ­ ClHSil, to tho wife of Eli Jones, a soil. his new residence almost completed DXVO STOUHS Hard Tluir». California Co.s, mine. structive element*. A subscription says, they will have expended ibouli kMl’BELL Ou Applegate, S11ml.11* N ation al. I».-«1 <; S,. Ke--M.iin st near (ah. and it is a nice one. A White nmnoy ts close.wa.’et* a"d prie. a Oct. " I. IHSn. to the wile of \V. N. $20, (xxi. Such enterprise as this i*' C itv Dal e I-rotis—Main st bet I’.tli .'. 7th. Wm. Crow came in Tuesday from could be raised and a lot of buckets lJw.e\|»n.'- dionl I tie i ut .town in every II. A. Harvey county surveyor of Campbell, a laughtei. weigh’ !• lbs. to lx? commended, and is a great ................ bought and a hook and ladder cont- 1’HVSICIANS axn HUXCKOXH . iiischold. Ersitioiuy the watch word lor Del Norte county lias been in this his store in McAlister precinct. He Mothers, head oil Iks-tor bills, 1 y always W F. K ram -' h —-.t National Drug Store. informs it* lie takes orders for all, P-in.' could also oe organized if advantage to the eountv. Should section for some time. keeping tn the house, a bottle ,4 Dr. th«sc gentlemen succeed, the in-; F. W. VvxtiV K—Main st bet t’.th .nd 7th kinds of miners supplies, and docs ' some one would only start it. W. H. Fi vs oi vs—«¡th street below H. ducement for others to invest capi- BRYAN.—At Wald.., «»et. :i.l, l*sr,, E li .», Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup. Slop* H. McPhee, the clever agent of all kinds of freighting and packing Of late we have heard various ru­ tai i-i our mines will lx- increased, adopted daughter ot Mr and Mm. a Cough instantly, relieve*« onsiimplmti, WATCHES AXD Jf.VVKLKY. Hammon Bros., of Phoenix nursery, for the miners of his section. mors concerning Jonathan Bourne's therefore let everybody aid them I rink Bryan, aged G years, H montlm cures Croup ami pain in the Che t in otto C. I. C ikvv - 'i Main and all sts. is still in this section. night. It is just the remedy for hard times amt 2 day s. transfers of lands in our town. AH M. V. Loogts—Main st bet 5th and lith. The social dance given at Music Price .**let*. and fl- Sample* free. S*dd We omitted last week to mention Hall by Mr. Hutch on last Friday- of them are groundless as Mr. that they may succeed. If they Little Ella was a Bright ami promising hv W. F. Kremer. Grant's Pa»«. Mtsect.L vx.-tois. fail it will hurt the country and. - os Hardware mid Stoves night was a pleasant affair, there Bourne ha.-, simply deeded hi* half predate confidence in our mines, i-utinty. « »logon, January :>lrt iss i, and 6, MARTIN & CO. r —p,th street, between Main and II. town from Kerbyville. Iteing 34 ladies present. Prof. Ran interest in these lands to Mr. C. J. therefore put nothing in the way of after l.’i days severe sujl'ering, passed from J R Hvt.i—Furniture A. — nth street. Smith his partner, so that during troniil.-soum world on Get ,Sd. Mrs. Topping of Williams creek, dall, A. E. Estes and P. N. Butcher Col. Burn* oceupie.'the proud distinct­ this or any other legitimate invest this ¡•ear j Imtween Main and If little one lion we loved, how wo ion of lepresuiitiug tho oldest an I ,nui.t his absence in the east, sale* may- ment among us. bought lot io iti block G, and will provided excellent music. F womhi|i«*d hoi Bright, truthinl and ever reliable Ivmae in the trade in the t'nile.l go on and pro: ver title given with fnear corner of (¡tit build a residence theieon. ready to comfort us But now the joy of Mathias Chapman ha* been in out unneee* try delay. In reality and he again greets his many Jolts* A W mwvRis—Saddles and if.tr- During the pa*t season it has our homo is gone lint sleep dour one. ’ States, Allie Wimer daughter of George town selling a first quality pain all Mr. Bourne still owns half of these been a noticeable fact that our town sleep, while no leinuhi a short time to friends, reminding them that the sea-mi ’’ nos*—Main st 1s t 4th and 5th. of “peace on earth and goodwill toward 8. \. Gm i s s. . -«iunsmiths and and Delilah Wimer is very sick at nihilator in the form of liniment, a lands. site and the surrounding country rm’et you on that bright mid Ix-autlfiil men” is rapidly approaching, when pros- Machinist»—Main st bet 4th and ith. whole ‘ . yes, mine I.no* lui Imito Waldo so we are informed. ga* 'line lamp ami a folding table. |H'iity and generosity gv hand jn baud, (Tn Mana, r—Ma: i st m ar 5th. G. F. Smitline of N-> 427 Salina has been very dry. causing garden« love he,, u,.gilt and Is-aulilul child. 1 nd the whole civilized world mud;* fur I). 11 I H st A new engine just received direct The table is the neatest piece of fur­ Lodge, Salina. Jefferson county. to dry up ami young trees to «lie. Too dear lor ornili, her lleetiu^ soul has tlc.-e tribute* and tnetnettfoe* whirl- Si k v::s 1 li “tr> > t. from the manufactory in Pennsylva­ niture we have seen, and very cheap. The failure of town gardens has in ­ tied, »01 ve to bind eloser tint friends of fleeting Iowa, and Mr. Whiteman of Coven Sini i Be'.- —I I 'talc —'iti; t. C enthai . H ot : : -J F Hut h. Proprietor nia has been placed in the mill. II. Bowen left a pair of elk antlers ant Lodge No. 73 Forest Hill Pta creased the price of living in our \ml claimed Its kin lied with the «èsi­ year*. After the lull come* the Hturui, li!«? dead. the sea... 11 ofdepn -'.on is rapidly ' asking • —Main street n ar 5th. at Cam]ibell & Tuffs which meas-, cer comity, Cal., were in attendance town in no small amount. An ir­ «»’er realms D. W. Yarbrough visited our of ­ of ovoriastin ’ bli’s to roam, away. The signs of the lime* indicate a G rants 1’ a - v ".. — H -ary I.. 1’ :1- rigating ditch taken out of the river ures 3 feet 3 inches asross the points at the 1. O. O. F. lddtfe here Satltr tfi.l tumid in heaven, its long sought Is-ttei and more active future, and in an fice Wednesday from Smith River, Hon. Principal. six miles above this city could l»e peaceful Imiiie. ficipilion of an increased denian l for lino M rs . M. H vi : —Millim r- t ■■ . hr build­ rejiorting lively time:' 011 the coast. and 8 feet around them from point day night from Wtxxlvillc. Mr. constructed for about $1.000 per whiskies lie will give personal attention ing, Main street, lietvveen 4th and 5th. to point. They had just been taken Smitline informs us that liis little Bll it so, . is>r w ill wo grieve, The family of our worthy minis to the best of European mid Eastern Lt vti » r -s . <' vv: > m I - fr**m tliL» city, - from the head of the hugh animal. boy got hi. toes severely burnt a mile. It would irrigate all of the l or life return* to him who gave: litpiors. lie now otters to patron*the ad­ ter Rev. John McIntire has arrived. 1 l»et Sitebrr and Wiliiani* ereek*. laud from its head to this place, in ours, to hope, submit, la-lieve, vantage of selecting from these tine whis­ E cuekv Hum >’ io ■—1 II Robinson. They now reside in the parsonage. Ed. Elliott is running the engine few «lavs ago by running down hill creasing the value of the lands 'li* And fix mu view- beyond the grave. kies, wliieli lie guarunlces will mil 1*1 ex­ Principal—Wil.I. rville. here and Ashland. Ed. is through some* fire which was burn three fold. With such a priviledge II celled on the v<>ast. The firm he rvprn- Willis Alden has our thanks for , 1 a »etween .Ill vi.ru G ing in the trash. jovial good fellow who will doubt- ent* ha* in s|.*k .1. F. Cutter. Ex.tr.-i. living in Grants Pass could bcchcap Proprietor—55 miles from J-.u ksonvillc. a box of fine Mission and White Al­ D-1 Norte Record ple.t-e copy. Old Roitrlsin ami Argon nil whiskies from W. E. Bagley anil wife left U' «med one-half and the popu'ation 1 II GniFi -. Gold Hill—Heal Estate. exander grajx-s of a very choice ’ less give us a piece of plain talk for Lumber, Grain, Immranee etc. saying anything in the jmpcr about last Tuesday’ night for Chippewa therefore increased alxiut one half; Dr Will .luekroii llm demist will he in I Martin A Co ‘s distillery, ky . I'm up in half and whole tibia., also cases of Cut quality. JACKSONVILLE. him, but M at * a wcaknes , of ours. Falls, Wisconsin, where lie goes to of its possible population in th«' ab Granta Pa»» Nov. L t mi l will remain dur­ ter, «1. Older* adreased to John I. ]to,:i R alh-.; ;v—John E 1 Lin­ ing cir. iil < olili v.i; È \II work warran­ Burns, commercial agent for L. Marim i. \V men too. 127-tf <'. I ■ man is not provided by nature with foo. |>er dav. We were informed 'lie gentle decline of the entire flat well to wait for the doctor. F. Kremer, nge.nt, < iiant’s l\i»t. ATTORNEY*-AT-I.AW. Mrs. Jane Bydx?c, James Connell 1 a copious coating of hair and four while ii. Portland a short time ago, upon which it is built being just M V It Iv I ’l I« I- I’lllt I . II. K elly . Il li H anx . ul T. B. K ext . and W111. Darkas of Waldo went to legs that lie could lie a real genuine that Mr. Hagle* wa’s one of the about enough for proper irrigation, S. A GREENE & SON, finest mechanics in Minnesota while 'l’he scheme would doubtless prove WALDO. Roseburg on Wednesday's train on ! dog. Main St.. Grant's Pass, Oi. W imer X S“?.'—General Merchandise business. ■ he resided there; the inducement of Each land owner eotild < Ipposilc till It. Il Nho[w.) Dave Crosby went north on the fered him to return indicates it. He successfull. — Mail: Hl < then raise a bountiful garden, ami C hai *. I ieneral ilerehai IL C. Kinney of thcS. P. D. & L train Wedtiesdiy night enroute for may lie gone a year lieforc he re­ grass for pasturing a cow so lluit Hotel and l.iverv stable— Main st. Co., has gone to Portland to arrange Salem in charge of John F. Camp ­ G U N S M ITH S, turns to live here again. J. A. l’r.i :;iiA-.i—Hot.d ami Livery barn the living for his family would cost the companies exhibit at the Me­ bell the man who committed a rob­ — P l ill —w —Main street. The Salem Statesman »ay * i y- a trifling sum as compared to the bery’ in Jackson county recently.— chanics Fair. CENTRAL POINT. present plan of buying everything. ing near the track of the railroad Roar. WnsTl.-oi’—Feed and -ale stable. Guns, Revolvers, Pistols and J. R. Hale ha-, just received a fine His Hon. Judge Webster gave him where it passe; through this city, J. S, Hoi ■ «i-iv. at’. 1 Tinware. vears. two I11 the Rogue River valley which organ of Mason & Hamlin m ike. \ M I N 1 T I O x Lrwi* 1’ ax :.. v —Central Point Hotel. ntay by seen telegraph poles, cross James W. Wimer is agent for them J. W. Griffith hasjust finished a anus, coils of wire, and barrels of extends down the river from this «'. M vot’.rn: tt—R ■E*tat Fishing Tackle. Callery. Flrc-WorL. ftc. KERBY VILLE. fine well for Mi. Rotemiund. At insulators and pins. These are for ¡•lace are nestled the following farm for this county. ers: T. P. Lee, R. 1». Sandford, W m . N.vtct.i:—G.-ner.il Merehandiso. a debth of 31 feet he found an am ­ A »treet scene on Wednesday re the construction of the new Bennett- N D ei . ama rrt.K—G-neral Merchandise. minded vs of the old yet veritable I ple supply of water. Mr. G. having Mackay po'tal eal-1" teb grapli line Wm. Hyde, Fred Croxton, I). A. Csiox Ilor i.— Mrs. Ryd-'r. l'lepre-’- r. Johnson, A. Vannoy, A. J. Wol- KEHin vii t.r M hjs —P.' M. Miller, l’ropr. adage that a ‘‘bird in hand is worth recently dug a well for us, we can from British C«ilumbia to San Fran cott. C. K. Chanslor's place. II say that lie is a good hand at the R ich vhi > 1’. < *. it - ■ i; —Saloon —Main at. two in the bush.” cisco, Californio. and it may’ I e ex Hulbert. J. Wells, Frank Lincoln, business. jiccted that the line men will l>e con C. Goodtnan J. S. Denise, J. J. > or Sale. S. M. Lane, a painter by trade, C. L. GRAY, Efforts are ix?ing made by the citi­ structing the line in a few «lays. J veob Wim.-r Ini':» fine farm for sale lias moved into town from Central Mixirc, Mrs. Dr. Sterling, Jesse *>n \pnlegat - ii.” which are two tine Point. He Ixmght lot 3 in b!35. there. Oregon now lias has no glass K»a*.* life of trade. of .1 Wimer, Murphy, or at the <’> ’’Kt. k ler, Ben Dimick, Holman Peter, F. Janies W. Wimer hasjust received factory, and thou nds of dollars ofliee. (14tf N. A. Jacobs, deputy sheriff of Geyer. W111. Wtxxl, R. Hussey. MRS. FLANAGAN & M. Tl’HS J E \\ a three inch rojx? and a cable which are annually sent elsewhere for Haw ojx n»»<| a tic a Jackson county. visite«l Grant’s Pas* N. r. Elsbrec, Daniel Green. Mr. Choice winter apples for sale at he proposes to use on a grubbing <:t.inl * 1’a'«, « lieg. >n, glassware. Saturday on official bu.dn---. McAlister. S. D. Moore. Wm. Crow. Millinery and Dressmaking tile orchard of Jacob Winter, on machine. Pretty large rope. l'm|x|iri Joe. Mr. Lloyd, Mr. I>erke, ’ ■Newt, ” as lie i- familiarly called, \ 1.1. V.' . K II W« >1: i< W till. \ Vl’i.li The weather chaiigetl on last Annlegate. for one cent per lb. ESTABLISHMENT Our a: 0:11m /dating county clerk Monday- and rain Ix-gan to fall, We is said to be one of the best offi< i.ils and Air. E. Turner. These 3 j farms [g6-tf FOU OSE Y FAIL Opposite <' U a Tit!!*’ btorr, <>n •'»:li C. K. Chanslor takes to liis new Rogiv Ri v< t lt>l U >::i ., ■/ el rvet. l’e. via» de /in< pictures should quarter* like a duck to water. now have assurance of enough rain in Southern Oregon, hi-, books al­ ' .-I : • tiler ii ’ ” •:■ ..I th ’ li Wi'-M Jswtiii nd Spcctîclfî c( ail liais after the long dry spell, and the ways showing clean ¡»ages. It is not delay until winter Sets in, as Charlie is making a good clerk HA1RW0HK .nd STAMHNJ ilJillf COB! somest valleys it has ever lx-en ottr getting to I k - a matter of grave ini warning has been given to get in M.IT «»A HAM». - Everitt tiie photographer may be ab­ R. M. Thompson of Wildervillc the wood, apples, potatoes etc. pre­ portance that none but honest and lot to look iq*>n and they are begin- sent from liis office at that time. capable officials be -elected to fill ing to show a much higher state of Mii'i'.tl lii'iruiTii nis Kt'|i.iiic'l. precinct while fixing the brake to paratory for winter. [25tf important offices. The country­ cultivation than formerly. Im­ John B. Borough v. ho was a neigh­ our I have a pair of large mules which liis wagon rccievcd a painful wound M V, I. 0 (• M I H . can afford neither inconipetency nor mense crops have been raised I desire to sell or exchange for cat- on the cheek bone by the brake bar bor to our father forty years ago. rascality in any of its . Enquire of. or address T. P. Lee lias closed the ship­ hale slid hearty. We happen to in public places, which means none melons bv Lee and Sandford the G. W. W imer , Jr., • ilivsi'a I’srs, • • • «li.l.oo>, ment of melons northward. He de­ know that a* a g ¿it may lx? seen corn, cane, broom corn, »9-3«“] Grant's Pass. Or. Holland of Sticker creek and Mrs. Brushy gulch and Ferris gulch. C. K. K. they think they can. They melons h<>]>*. pumpkins and squash, LACES J. Wimer & Son at Waldo, are Wetherbec of Applegate were in Free gol'l is visible all through the are of the opinion that the fine inillett, rye, wheat, oats, bailey tint \ll Work rock. The ledge is four inches now receiving a new and complete town Monday. «•thy and (lover and 111 fact every­ New Good 3 Constantly Ar » zir.g. quality of Oregon fruit* are just I k - stock of Boots and Shoes. Gent's ' i.tin Master Fred Royal has our sin­ wide. He first discovered this ledge ginning to attract out ide attention thing tint a fanner wishe, to grow Furnishing gn -ds. Gent's Diagonal four years ago. to which add pa tches, grapes, apples cere thanks for some nice large and that there- w ill lx- mu< h activity suits. Dry goods and Ladies' Fancy 'tigar pine burs, also some of the Mr. Olwell. son of Philip dwell shipment of fruit in ami all other kinds of fruit ami or­ New Store goods. They liave also made a sugar and nuts which grow on that of tiie Phcenix Flouring Mills, soon in the This company proposes to namental trees and then to this mid a boxes, great reduction in prices for cash. called 0:1 Us last week. From him use yellow pine New Goods lutnlier for boxes climate where snow has not fallen •; They are determined to sell cheaper grand old tree. we leant that their large mill and els either fir or spruce for over six inches «leep in as manv w hich exce. - The factory run last Sunday in than the < heaviest AliLF Í Mt >5LKV¿ granary at Phrenix is full of choice that piirjiose. Should tlrex succeed years and some of these winters • f’repr *, The undersigned, lix ing five mile' order to meet demands ti]*»n them wheal. Mr. Olwell makes a fine in this the- will h ive timber here scarcely any snow at all and you for doors. They have orders on M UN S,-iti:t.r. - - <.CA.'!'s I'.ts-. have a pretty fair idea of this valley west from Grant’s F i". offer* for i.dity of flour, equalling the ruller for a life time of work, a* there is where cyclones and famine were sale one span of good heavy draft hand now that will require about lur in every respect. 110 end to the yellow pine in thrs never known. It is true our people horse* atri liarn - * one farm v. ag«>tt 60 days to fill. country. The Portland Lime Co., winch is live easy and therefore do mat push and liacx i t -g *»'! condition, one T P. Ixe informs us he shipjx’d Fresh and Salted Beef, Pork plow, three- he i 1 of full blooded during the season 23 car load. «,1 using the lime from Pomeroy it Co's Tiie S. P D & I. Co. today ahead ax rapidly in the item of ini AND CIGARS Ml TTON. male Berkshire hog», one good melons, each car containing alr.ut quarry near Rock Point, has just • hipped a car load «•( drs to Hai­ ¡•rovements a* some of the more young milch cow. Also, some old i.L'xxi pounds. The last car load finish«-«! another immense kiln at ley. Idaho, th< freight alone amount­ ¡••«•gre».«i*e states, truly this i-» the an«l Qtievn'-witrv. -ware POItK-K.V 'A< •'E East Portland, and will barn double ing to $450. The-, an alv> ship worst real cueiny this stale !m* a* went out last week. shelled com in quantities to suit. the quantity heretofore. The lime S andford & C hristie the -lying g x*-. ‘ <<•’»•« can and go A ND BOLOGNA. Tl.. y b«?.- ak'»» in 4 •»niif'vt M«> rt H Anlattf left at our office a cu­ give* the best of satisfaction and ping 2.'»x> apple boxes to Phoetiix easy ” but everything is undergoing FIR-iT-CLA aiul .;.<**> to Sclem. Tix.- R R Co. 32lf. RUSTAVRANT. cumber which measured 14 inches there is a go«xl demand for it. Brecon end Ln re! deserve, credit for th-- liberality a radical change and the lime is Paid up subscriders or new sub­ in length weighing four ¡»unds. w tb»*) w ill fet'd tlic hungry. Thomas I’. Lee left at this office showu the fruit rat* r* and the* fruit near al lund when the natural scribers t" the CotTUEX. by pay ing Also a tomatoe limb l»eariiig eight ALWAYS ON HA n O. for sin;- -.lent t>» th-. Lfo i: d of Intuii- interest* and juirtk talari) in ma kin>< wealth of our land will In* devclo|x-«i ICE CREAM ? the *um of $5 cash, will reet-ive both fine large tomatoe* a-. ICE CREAM î ? gratioit 23 ".sect ¡urtai k :;. «ix of the rat.- of freight <»’l itili lK>XC5 and the tide of civilization will carry ( r Thrtìf» libi»** 1 Werk, and Mr nt 1»« livfTi it ali” (>.* ' ■ In Tow a the Cot a i er m l WestShorv one A A. Witr.er is mo-, ing his circu which „eigbed 7 . p •im.’«*, and the same from hen to AltNMiy a* tt till« colintrv ti|*>ii it* wave fiom its »«Il fttrnUh 1hv « jr^ín l»*r ► Oriti year The West Shore will lie ac Mid ah 1 •ubh« < ¿.èilu-rîii,- , contpanktl by a magnifi« ent holiday lar mill from .Murphy creek to they w<■re little largar lb an the liai is from P>>rtlaud lu► Albany. ♦» htdi leth.trgk (omiitioii to one for in ad­ 1 KEF reF t’HAl ’ • * engraviug of Mt Ho«xL tfcxjg Packer* Gulch about two miles from anse. Ths Rogue Rii r Valles virtually gives sn libera Óre;: : a vance of the present, jn th tit’*.: of th •reite thin tl'e amount pod If Local and Personal. Groceries, Candiel, Telia®,