i ll E ( but the promptne-s with which it G rant ' s P ass , - - - O bbgon . alxivc named insolvent debt,,» „"L i ’K- delivered freight last .leasott v. is ---------- - ---------- virtue of mi a. t of lh(. something unprecedent in this val­ M iubly of the «tate of Or.-„n", ,,p ley. During the latter part of this net to —cure to cr.-Iiion a'i.,,, H ring c ;r dude 1 to 1isc business at this place, I am offering my (’»•t HIFH. ‘'-’I’t I ’ 7’ 17 the estati'.« of debtor.« w ho c>nv Io! U in are hereby notitied to pre.« m >|,B uoinu r >'■» per acre, s mili s west an»! is pretty badly -to k of g'xxl«. That the merchant- are wise in stay ­ county, State of Oregon, on the it], i.!J front firant'» Piss 0:1 North si of Rogue umjJ, against .1. I. \ 11: ' ' ■ It. Vance’s ad ver «tore h about laiinv Mar) Adams, and said jiidcin.- t __ ____ river ___ l—ttom ___ land ____ in ________ »-ultivation, _ a!-" tisement will bu opene-i in Grint's I is no doubt, for should they change j rich Will be kept in Stock. . docketed in the Clerk’^' f: mi one I- ■ her with c . Ji <», - ' ' - ' found on the aucond Ol the I ircuit Court on tho ttth J lv ./¡I" the balance is of the flne«t snaarpi, eand P ijp of this tame. change of rates, it would bring on other tirn’e r and p:ntnre lari I. Tin- is :i Mr. Johnson for­ such a war of rates which might end ¡rood mill fin-; county road rtirs by th»- .toUJd.'.G with interest at ten KrX;n- merly <4 Kerby i- tZ4. „„„ in a compromise between the com­ place, R'«>l living war -r running a r»»«« fitting up a variety Elmer have re- peting lines and higher rates than the plan- near biiil Eri^s ; a:- >g'»ol well; annum from the -tth day of Ovtub r 1^. o- store in the w»**t en»l turned from I h ,4 and also the enrts of and upon tliis.s 1 larze hou«», 2 lar-j- barn«, granary, of town. Norte county, and now rule. The gentlemen who have smoke lion«.- and oilier o-.i Iinildinu«: '■lit of the [HTsona! |»r<»ix‘rty i.f the(|..f,„i‘ Dr. D S H»»’ih»i» ir»- now at Grant'* I charge of the freight affairs of the v mg r l .r i v»r l . .nd .n . n l Thanking the public and my manv customers for their patronage in ants..I 1. A’lains t ml Marv Adam« ,, and * »1« Ehm r,c:tme P m *. Oregon Pacific railroad are very ac- Sa«- r-=. i-« »">»■ *• •■> •'»» if sulHvient could not I-e found then’»« <» v » t frmn < n ^ccnt The I’nion hotel commodating and prompt, and pride I of the Real property belonging t>. n-iM,u_ tenil.ints, on or after the 4th . ] n ,, ,.(v «‘TZirli-k“ 1 K,V -ut K,'rl,'v' themselves on being as good as their >*an, »tweet potutoc-». m.-llon», tomato»»», Blacksmiihs and Haise Sters, FANCY GOODS, DRY GOODS. COKKF.SPONI»! NCE. XVe invite '.rr Selling Out to Close Business!! ? PIGNEY & COOK, such matter as you may find in said I Tinu-h relative to this matter. W’c have read the two last issues 1 of tl; • Times from which we make a few mnijrv i . ju«t to satisfy the me^euger a » follow fr. u: ill «<■<■• I lernst«. With c.n li letter the nairr- an i ad 1res» of tM S'ii h r i« i |UÍn!, v»|»»ia!!y if «ent for publication EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS. We had the honor to forward these- samples and many more in fact w- are continually -ending them down but we .-ent them in the name of the donors so that the farmer- who produced them might get due credit. The Monitor c»»-t« only two dol- lars a year. Why pay $2.50 for other papers, no bettor?- (Monitor. We can answer for the C ockier that the rv:>»'»n we do not sell it for $2, is because we print Ixith sidesof it in Grant's Pass, and we employ the men here who do the work. Thev live and ent here. STAPLE GROCERIES PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS............. '.J'S-, 1 st . 1 s S2. Having failed totind ativ 1», gram, timothy,clover, etc This Mr < Hi.I leu of ted by MrSden : word.in al> The-V are j“s‘b' peaches, wixilil make several good home», and ¡1.« eonal pro|»erty out of which to inakeX the I’nion hotel at untJm] Grant's l’ass, Or. and I will otf.-r for sale for e.ish at 1‘ubh, o «roMpering. John bears directly upon the welfare of Auction to the highest bidder, at the ature, agriculture and Western pro the projw?rty and to Borough is HUperin- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION comfort of pat-tondent and S A. southern Oregon. Tile question of Court House door in Grant’« Pm- ins,»; gre.ss for September is on our table. tbe I comity and State, on rijn'*- Borough secretary freights and tarriff- is one that ef­ .J • I'. S. L and O ffice , / The book is headlined Chicago, A Sunday school and treasurer, R ose hi kg , Or., A ’ . ijr 25, 1S86.Ç fects us every step we take and every Ireun organised A great many im- Portland and San Francisco, jt is has Notice is hereby given tii it thef<4l<>w- to meet at • I he * provements are In- \t 1 o’clock I’. M. of said d iv. all t|!P chuck full of readable matter and Grange Hall in Je­ inz inaile on Apple­ bite we chew. There is a duty or ing name I settL r h is filed notice of hi« right, title and interest of J L. Ala-.i, excise upon everything we buy or intention to make commutation proof in Prairie f»>r the gate—in fact ir. tlie and .Marv Adatm in and to all of the fol contains many fine engraving, of rome of his claim, and that said proof nresent, with John whole county. lowing described real property, to-wit: consume which to that extent hin- support will I.*? mad ” before th»* Register or Re ­ buildings and prominent men of Borough, Bupt., HJ Thu Th»- \V C of tlie donation claim of Wn Z Appl.-zutp ’. * ,jers ollr success in business. For eeiver I . S Land ollict; at Roseburg, Ore­ A. Borough Sec. ami < luest in sections 7 am! IS of Tp 38 S R VANCE Portland and tiri • state. tin Ig- ha« « Ixien re- tx-un ru- gon, on Thursday, Oct. 7th, l.'sSb, viz : Tr Munirer. , lying and being in Josephine i-mntv <■i-iv.-.i by the county many years southern Oregon has Rybee, widow of Th'-.s. T. IlvLee, ' < Iregon. There is mor" im­ and p.Jil for, ¡fisa been paying a high rate of freight Jane - . ave to inform the pv. ¿ic that lr? is now ni.-elv loeateil on the corner of deceased, Homestead entrv No. 4614, for It is no wonder Prince Alexander provement going on. subst.inti.il Witness my hand and official signatnn ___ ________ usd ____ tlrst- s. i; », of n . e l n . i:. «j of s. i: this 1.3th dav of Septemlier, ISSii and she Can well afford a reduction the was forced to abdicate the throne of on Applegate and its'chuNi structure, 6 th AND H STREETS, GRANT’S PASS, OREGON. l t and W. ’ , of S E. Tj Sec. 3 Tp. 41, S. THOS. G PATTERS: IN, vicinity R L chan«|1>r, Bulgaria with so many "offs" figur irmm-lute ban al any tune I»- lir(>(|ii.r ()f our (.1(.ver and should not ignore the agency U.K West, W M -"tdj Sheriff. With a Large Assortment of He name« the following wittris^es to ing in the g 'vernini nt of that conn ‘ county clerk, lias that causes the reduction. In other prov !iis continuous residence upon, and Notice of Administrator's Sale of Per­ Applegate been paying this sec« words the road or route that ships cultivation of, said land, viz: .lumen try. There are M. M. Stamlouloff, Tlit* sonal Property. hridjp* is completed ti»»ti a visit. He is a George Wimer. John B Pisu'll, Karaveloff, Mukteroff. M Rados- with the exception member of the large the cheapest should have our busi­ Connell, William Parkis, all of Waldo, Josephine NOTICE is hereby given, that in par- And every thing to be found in a First-Class store, width I will sell lavofT, M. Gm -oil M Stolloff, W. of short approaches, colony from Missou- ness. It must not be forgotten that County. smi;». e of an order of the County Court ol It is iiuit».* nsiibritan- ri, which has recent- CHAS. W. JOHNSTON. VERY LOW FOR CASH, OR MARKETABLE PRODUCE. the Stat»? of Oregon, ior tho County of Ivanchoff and '1 Nii-olaioff The tia! hiking struct* lv located in Benton the O. P. Railroad has reduced our 22-Gt] Register. los 'phinc. sitting as a Court <>f Probate, lire. WCall atid see me before purchasing elsewhere. county. freights. Prince could take hi- choice l»e made on the sixth .lav of Septcml»er, A R L f’haurilor, Chas 24tf] Hughes, lb 18.81], in the niat’er oi the estaleot tween Stambouling off or Guesing brother of ( has. |< - | , who ha« .serwd > We regret that it has become otir Thomas T Byl.ee, late of said »-ounty, i'.iv I88G, Chas Hughes wlu» By I »<’e and will h » mhi lie mind. We have alway s lielieved Fl known it long ago s t ablv moi vu I Jose- remove t»» his farm under the terms L* ■ of;-■ ■ Hi that to publish crime leads to crime, late residence '«The sww>w(l md itXjf'-/ 0 pliinv uounty ns it si near Waldo > !...... d. Near Wal l.' *, . i-l.-rk for al".ut lour Qyitc a u/inila-r vf that too much complaint against a □ Manager D. S. K. Buu-lc of the t.'i'h y.-.ir*, ba« » ...( peop].. m,. cnga;'<*.| pliino County, the follow ing ’bi n,,. ..c.E C3 child stupifies its finer sensibilities ' I.i. - ... , 1 I. .. ln u ..¡,1,1,I,,,,,, f,., <-» l»erronal |>ro]H'rty. to-wit: On gon exhibit car under date of I 1'1» .Ifill** it» Three cow--: l-'ive 1 year-old fur.’; l.vvill.. to M.-H-r- * \ ,) w.il.-ott wb<. and provokes it to do things that 3" Q / Sept, ^tlij wiity. toCJias. H. Dodd ILill .X Ilyin-.», nu.l p.ivH tlu-lu 3.» .-i-nt« a Pour year-old steers: Four 2 year-old 7> arc wrong; that a hone- filled with steer«'; >ix yeariings; One horse': Lot of president of the State Board of Im will remove to hi* box. TÎ farm near Waldo. sensational literature, histories of ! hay by tbc ton: Wheat by the be.nht+, Tiwj ,^¡,1 24Ü — X mtgratfon as follow.- (t> and lot of potatoes. Several fainilies The Grani'» Pans crime and blood is a home criminal 0 7 Sale to commence at 10 .»'.duck in tl.o "It is amusing to note the looks left this vicinity yes­ si-hool oiicne I with ly inclined, therefore we have cn forenoon of said day and continue until Z s of wonder upon the faces of the vis terday for tie* hop« 171 pnpils. r the sai t property is sold. yards of A I. Wol- CD deavored to keep our paper free from I k itors as thev look at our grains, and | cott 3 TI'.I’MsOl' SALL:—One third of th) and other.»», to .1 P Tulls und CD , l , w ite ore in Modoc the slime crime and excitement to hear their remarks, such as "What •♦ngage in hop pic« bid to be paid in cash, balance on six X I al , on a months limo, with interest fromilateol n gran I country Oregon must lie to ing CC 35 . c nte a L..., box '' be found in so many papers these o I sale at th' rate of» :^ht ¡«‘reent. per an­ prixluce such splendid grains, fruits is w hat is offered for . visit. O Miss. » Fullerton, »''»«» progress ? But things do num, Io be secured hv note, with approved ft QJ etc." "Then," he says, "cometlle picking. r security. Al! ¡ ri,}-, rty t.i be settled fora» !.» -.ni (piine of h.iptK li so cinse Li <>ur doot- and ( ’ »»UKIkK. Sept. 17. questions ns to price-of lan Is, etc." above ben re delivered. t .inyonvdh-, are vi«- ' en 0 « > School began with person- so prominent in our ìtiiig < ìrant'H Fa«t. 1 le a.I I- "< fregón stock hangs high AV. .1. WIMER, Monday with 171 — Administrator of the estate of Thoma» T. 11 Alili, thu popu' midst that we find it impossible to Z) > to-day in this country " '1'lr- cat pupils T. < □ 0 s-: Bybee, deceased. is at Utica. N. Y., today, in atten I 1 I* Tuff.« mui lur butrher <»( < ìrant* escape the chronicling of them. re* This place is rc-ened for September "th. 188«. I24tr the complaint of said Blaintitb 1) moeratu Turn wide y. >ur pa Bel. I . II. Bost Post rejected rei»»eti*d the claim of RVCHIX g S. RI.I MI S. hied aiminxt you witlun ten days from the CITATION. held nil .• rvi> Burrotig »Hart time of the s rviue »»f this summons on jK-t the C i H kier ill an 1 ill a 1 much uea at Mtisie Hall man, the ferrymen, THS KIBROXS, 1,'iXXI I- "U, if «i rve0titid wh h am IN THE COl XT\ COl RT t»f the County < v. 1 on y.'ii within any other County in I. HUES md y llll.liREX > of Jt xephi!’?, State of Oregon. where bv Lnj»ti»e J that a lawsuit will this State, then within twenty »I.ivs fo m county which on» <■ belonged to his •*eveti p r-on* COLI ARS, VI I.\ I is. MI.KS 'mseq lently I m - the IN the matter >f the Estate <4 Ruaina th«.* tine* (»! service; or if served on yott s ITIXs. IM IX ! ». I \< I RON- paper and which added much profit .1 W Howard A Co result Beach, diseased. »»ut of the State of Oregon, then it id ‘.»r- XETs. I thlE*' I X!»EI:\VE\R, •lere-l by I R. Webster, Judge of s;iid to his business as publisher of the re.eiv I a lot of new Mr> l»r Bianagan To Marv Htii.o-n. August Hah.^-n, — and — go wh We hivHd.n and Mi** Maud 1’ ilL Hannen, I'Ueiior Hansen, Sophia I »»up. that pub’iuation ix? ma»h for six Times he would like to head off as among which wa* a have opened milli- (ha* LA CFS OF ALL KINDS Hansen, L *uha Han n, lanma Hansen. weeks in th»* !*.» ju <* River Courier |»rior ' • tin* 1st Monday in Noveinta’r, A D. much of the legitimate business of l.u\” and complete nvry ami dress-mak- i’i»-drti ka llau-en V i ar. hrn*b\ twi­ line of ladie* drea* ing parlor* at Granta tted tu appear Induré the unos-iblc. lie is and gOO-l-i New Goods Constantly Arriving. B h * m and are t|i«pl.iy on the • r jot f • ■' d» tl ‘ HaintifT will apply to the long has lieen perloiiting items from BH1 of Burroughs ing a nice Mtock of 9th Day of October. 1886 Jt Hartman for good** I otirt lor the relief dcuiandeu therein, tu- ami show cause, if any exists, whv an <»r- y our paperand reprinting them in the «lamagvM wit : <>n aucount The new court of sale should not I*» mad»-, to soil the P-r a judgment and decree against y u Times a week later without giving <4 coii«iru tion of'hviu»«« was tiniidie.l der real pr»»in»rty h*h»nging to >aul estate, to I 1»<• \ r s ri;r > r. i nnt* l’a»»* On-gon. that the bondsof matrimonv be dissolved R. gue River h idge la*t we<-k and the pav off the indebtedness of >aim* as pray the Cm kii -. k proper credit therefor. m — I'EVLUK IN — ar their tern IM« .-Miintv officer* are v»i for iu the i*etition »u the a hniiustrator aril t .rcvcr annulled; that »»lointil! be He has com-sjxmded with the I '. S. «fed. alnudy awarded the future care and custody ni quartered of said real estât»*, t«» wit; ira. ’’ ''pret. an 1 a further decree that land office at Roseburg to prevent Mr* EUmigan ami there. It i* a neat The undivide I half if the following ed tract of land . Tliv s E i* of s.-. that office from giving the CoVRiiiR hamUotue millinery building. and title I,, the West 'a of the N. W. '4 live 5 , township X-> I -, S R 7 w. au I : tec: ion 1. Tp. 38, s it w. tin- ¡>u’>lt. ation of laud notices by store »»n (tth st. next The ladies of the the S W t. of the S W ’. of Ke» f 4 Tp 40, Ci'RXF.R M m \ a F ho NT Srs. Given under my hand this 14th dav of •I t I • I Vance *M. B church at ' R 7 W G haxt ’ s P ass , O regon August, TOBACCO, A. 1». 18.8«. stating m his letters to Mr. Bvtija dr> giMwU st«»r«» io* Grant s Bas* will VOl.XI A COLVÏG, CIGARS S. V. MITCHELL. .. g«Mt*D liold a fair on the Fleur min that the C ovkikk was not cn teniav. TL CiHintv Judge. Attorney for Plaintiff are all new ami nob- evening of the 2Mth. I -.it. I nt Granfa l' u--, < Jh’gun. Septctiilvr Having . ]«TU-,1 a Family Grocery. 1 hereby announce to the public that order for publication CANDIES. title 1 to pul .fish land notices liecausc by. date,! An«ni>t 30, \ *tip|M»r w ill lx* one Juth, I--.. 11 I have a new und well nelected stock of 1>«8« Itooe a t Lakeview in Chandjers NUTS. ETC. C.t.intv r»h r Is or of the features. it ‘ di 1 not have a general circul.i Notice For Publication. '24-«t dure»! to lie r»*tuoved f«T lliyi,. -! Ca*li i>ri.v Juki f..r ti n "i will ussist you said the ‘ to tlie new court Mrs. M, llydr, the Notice For Publication. inillinur, is display­ G i riONERIES \\l> TABLE WARE. C. S I , \ xn Orrn k . ) Country Produce, Hides, Furs, me»» ng : and we together can put a hou«e u}M>n its com in : a ni > stik k <4 R gi » eih R r , Sept 2**. iSJM’.i ?» rh I s tn the building I . S Li.xr> Orn< » Etc . Etc. stop to all this underhanded work." . pletiou. X 4:co is hereby (iwn that th»’ follow« Bought .«inc- the Sweeping Keduction in freights, from the East and mpied rhe litlu's of the i t :n I ly ho-I HI KG, (If , Aug. 31. lm.l Give mv . i call ;iml b< Convinceil Sho, king we can't believe all M B i hutch will by Mm. Knight, ing-nam* I settler ha« file I notico of hi* N.'fno i- hereby given that the follow­ marked down nt Bottom Price«. 1 also «ell the intention h* make tin.il pr»»”f in supp>rt [ 1611 ing name 1 retUer ha- tile»i notice of hia these charges Who are y ou, and by ' give a fair ami«luck hi* claim, and tlut ».rd prom will < i | ' - Opp r Mt th intention to make final |>r.x>f in supixwt ri < i 1.1 BRAil 1» DAVIS VERTICAL SEWING MACHINE, what authority 6 th' I S Laud Olli» ” at R«*seburg. Or.. serious complaints .gainst inv broth »lay ov. «.ing Sept which has no equal in < use of management and great range of work made liefore the Judge or Clerk of tlie " i\ \ \ \ / | , H , 2Hth. Supper 2* county eotut of Josephine countv. Or., •» er, we que nd I’ Hyde, rre-vu.ption 11 S No 4.141 lor «•ent* apt* ee Grant* l*a»< ,,n H.itunlay (let. t’tli, I«-«, the I • ’ •» X » 1,2 and •». an.I X h J 4 <4 _ ■» H ( arson, H»»mretea I Entrv N»>- The face ol th nice form and even Mr< XI Ihde the J B MARSHALL & SON (Ince, to trade with me. 6 * I . an I I X t Sv- 21, ■'i.:».'. for »1,,- E. of N ]•; i Sc,- 21 and milliner haw taken W oh to inform the »¡de of Grant'« Tp » > R , W.-• W M. tea lured ni<»«vtigvr lighted up Ita up w >, UN. \V. G s.,, 22. Tp. 37 s. R 5 her h’*ad-quartern M- » 'II11,IX P.«»« and mimMinding country that lie tiltin'* the foil-»wing witness«'* to 'G M, M. M. lie name« the following it said "1 am Joacphi I hope next duor weM of the they have opeiuxl a new «t—k of |»n»ve hi* nmtinuou* n sidviicv upue, and wiip.-»-e» to pro-,.- hi- eontiunons re«i- you do n>t doubt what 1 lu., i *lw ha* a nice shwk • cult tv; t ion <4, s.id land, viz Jacob -ynee Upon and cultivation of said land, Wiiliain*, Lew .» !i k |e I.-« > Gage and VI» lx-wi- Hay«. .1 D Hav» F. G Ihiv. aaid for it is true my friend. niillinvry goods Cha* Wilhatn*. allof limn-» I’".«., .!.-».•• ileiirv York, all oi Murphy, Jeeepbine and 1 a—urc you that your brother ptiinv county, Orvgun. county, Oregon. Cn i». w. J. I lfSsTOX, ----- AND CIGARS ----- ClO* W. J«»|l\0TVX, a» you term him is trying to grasp Register. U »bi > »11.1 and N\i th have •<*t! Kvgi.*ter Gl iss -wai • an I Qu ■ ns > an Advantage to Call on me Before Purchasing Elsewhere. GEO. W. RIDDLE, XEW GOODS!! , 71 NEW PRICES’ Saturday, October 16, 1886. LIVINGSTONE BOOTS and SHOES, DRY GOODS, I.. Y A NCE. “U o r* c 3 SHERER & JUDSON. MBS M. E. A. ESTES, New Store Tropical Fruits. Staple and Fancy ano New Goods G RIM ER I F.S, ■' CONEE New Store New Goods. Groceries. Cand'es, Tobaccos. thing- in Josephine count) which of right docs not belong to him It is your duty as publisher of a county pa;»er to defend your county first last and always. Imixittaut inter. 4 ■ and agcrieies cimtinncd t’u n»«-ual delegation in tn Cihl Tiii.i, five arc Republi­ cans and one is a 1 lemoenit. The pre- ut rcpii ■< titanic from Nevada is als<> a Republican, so that there 1-a]. -I dii\ , I a gait} of but t>ne Republican C- ngt« —man from these tvo State» an 1 ,u ■ v Pot New Millinery Store. Por Th«y In i ut* iu (’«»nntvt a FIRST C L A SS R EST AERANT MRS FLANAGAN X M TUFFS where they will fevit the hungry. BF>T Have oprtwd u hvm Millinery and Dressmaking ICECREAM establishment Oppoae t'aniple'll a Tuff«' «lore, on «'-th Mtrwt« BMBWOK ‘11 STAMPiN" w ’I f Oit ICECREAM GO TO THE SUPPLY STORE Drv-Mootls and Groceries. General Supplies |/ ¡ ja ­ charles DECKE , Prop-r. ERAXI g OF WtNEH. UMt oR.« VX|, clGARs KE1T IN 'M K. Oncv, Twice or Thrvx- li*m»* a AV., k. and 1 * will fumiali l.H-tieam fvr Fervale KEPT ■'’-» and all FtiHie A Ii 1 »IN ( r I I( >I\-<|' .................... . ik— livery Stable Cnnnoctinn. Waldo, Oregon. JOHNS & WOODWARD” G rwts P as *, - - - - . Oicr.c >» —I Maiers in— Saddles and Harness, COLLARS. BRIDLES. WHIPS Ami everything kept *n a Fret-daw II A i(N EMM H J I O F Work done t<»Or«leronShort Notice If« l' liiinu .1 Mpecml»'’’ J * JOHN-, , . . . Hausier