THE COU R I E R. W J TO ADVERTISERS Publisher WIMER HA TKS. »2.25 H 25 75c 10c Ou. Year (in advance) Hix Month* îhr Months Bin ■ 1 Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. Job Printing of all Kinds —IX THE— Verv Latest and Best Styles. — AMD AT THE— L m » w t ‘ s t lâxiDLT Kates. f*ROrES8ll>XAL—LEGAL. DAVIS BROWER. VO1 Ja NO. 27 Q • SUGAR PINE DOOR & LUMBER CO The following lines were present­ ed to Prof. H. L. Benson at the close of his labors at this school. In them — MANUFACTURERS OF— may be found tin sentiment of all whom he left behind: Lumber, Doors, Windows, Written bv the Mi«ses Olive Morning­ star. \nna Drain. Nancy Drain, Mollie Brockets, and Mouldings. Mc<'a'.lister and Lulu Metallist r. Farewell kind friend and dear instructor, — IS1> ILL KINDS OF— We regret to see you go. With this little ode ofcomment. Our best re»|>ects on you bestow When for our studies we have gathered, At the ringing of the bell, We will listen for your coming Then sad reality will 1.11. You w ill not be here to greet us, The Introduction of— In other paths your steps will wind, < »ther bells w di ring your welcome, And other happy faces find But as you sow seeds of know ledge Watered by progressive shower», Time will rear the vine you’ve planted HAS ENABLED THEM TO REDUCE PRICES FIFTY PER In this little town of ours. Then larewell. you leave behind you CENT. BELOW ALL FORMER RATES. 1 riemls who ilrea I to Me you start, Who gratefully vour aid remember, For Price List, address, S. P D. & L. Co. With true emotions of the heart. May God bless amt keep you ever. Grant s Pass, Oregou. In the path* of truth ami right. And for your labor* may Is* given, A crown of laurels fresh and bright. J. CHAPMAN J. C. GILLAM. We too commonly have no word or cheer for our fellow mor­ GILLAM & t'llAI’MAN. I ’lxnnietoi tal until death closes the lips. If we would soften the heart and in­ spire the living, then let us lock arms with our good friends and all move for­ ward together. Correspondence. (.rant's ?«••. so nauieA after General Grant, i* a county seat centrally located >n - >utborn Oregon It is a progressive railr ad town <>t tjOl) inhabitants, and is tl ■ u>...:i swf>t'y point lor a larr" l>ortion of loimtry devoted to turning, lumbering agriculture and fruit-raising. Climate un­ excelled The Cot »ini l>elng tl>e only paper pub- hrlied in Joeepbiiie < ounty, nitli a good circulation in Jacksun county, enable* it to bo one of the best advertising mediums 111 Southern Oregon. For rates, addrena T he Cut rikr , Grant'» Pass, Oregou. Our Neighbor*. Points of Resemblance. (AMand Tidingi.) E ight D ollar M oi ntain , John F Swift went before the Los Sept. 20th, 1886. Attorney at Law & Notary Public Angeles convention without the sup Hon. I.. F. Grover, ex-Goveruor Et>. Coi’RtER Presuming that ]x>rt of his county delegation. Near and ex-U. S. Senator, accompanied "is ' - P ash , - - - - Oacoox. you will be interested in hearing ly all the San Francisco delegates ■ by his wife, spent two days in Ash­ MT practice in all the courts of the something more from this isolated were pledged to another candidate. land this week, en route to Salem Stat-1 t Iffice on Sixth street, near po*t- It may not lx* quite correct to say from San Francisco. region. 1 send you the following: ort'n Work is ]>rogressim; quite lively that tlie delegates were pledged - The inmates of the county poor on the ditch and the five miles that They had not generally been coil house were moved to their new quar­ S. U. MITCHELL, the company intend completing this suited. But the political manager ters on J. M Lofland's farm near _____ I ATTORNEY AT LAW fall, will #oon be finished, though who caused their election as dele­ Jacksonville last week. Dr. DeBar G rant ' s P.»»», .... O regon . the'ivx]'cct eventually to tap Suck gates was known to favor another will lx? the attendant physician. 1 1,1 L er creek seventeen miles above their candidate. On the first ballott Mr The county pays $4.19 per capita Will practice in all State ami Federal diggings. There are three gangs Swift's vote was less than that of per week for their keeping. Cour:- Office on Main utroet. of men at work ten white men un­ his leadiugopponent It was, how The term of the circuit court at der William Coker, the Superin­ ever, cast b) delegates from all parts SAM. WHITE, of the state and by men who owned which Mattie Allison will lie trie«! tendent; thirty white men under ATTORNEY AT LAW. It was cast by the kind will convene in Salem. October 11. Major Buttles, and thirty Chinamen themselves (iBAXT’e P au , ... - O regon '. of delegates who in a long contest Saunders will again appear in court under Fawn. B orn -On the morning of the attract others to them. They were to receive his delayed sentence at Will practice in all the Courts of the State 1 Sth inst., 011 the .southern slope of not delegates much given to combi the term which convenes in Albany, Eight Dollar Mountain, to the wife nations. They did not believe in October 25. H. KELLEY. of Janies Rea, a son. Maj. Butties impairing the value of a good notn Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wagner of ATTORNEY AT LAW declares that the new-comer shall ination by damaging compromises Marion county are in the valley J acksonville . - - - - O regon . have a pick and shovel if he wants to obtain it. In the course of time visiting rela.ives and old friends. them, and not lx- charged for the the San Francisco manager found Mr. Wagner, a brother of Jacob Will practice in all the Court* of the same, lint he will doubtless refuse that lie* haer early settlers of Wagner creek, hut ceived that Swift would be nomina has not been here till this v eek H. K. HANNAH, shoe business. Maj. Buttles was agrccab'j «nr ted, and made haste to be in at the since 1867. ATTORNEY AT LAW prised on last Saturday evening, bj end. Mr. R. K. Sutton, who came to Washington Bartlett went into a visit from his w ife and two sons. J acksonville , Ashland from Pennsylvania some Charlie and Jay, of Grants Pass. the democratic convention much the six months ago, brought to town same wav He- was not oti the They returned home 011 Sunday. Oftice in Orth building. Oregon street one day this week specimens of the On Monday morning, a bilk, call slate of the manager who controlled H. \V. FORBES, best stone coal ever yet discovered ing himself Porter, and pretending the bulk of the San Francisco dele­ in Jackson county. It burns nicely, NOTARY PUBLIC. to be almost everything but what he gation. His strength came from and Icing tested in a blacksmith's really was, skijiped the camp, facing the solid self owning delegates from K lí IBV’ILIE VXD A l TUOCHE, JoSEI'HIXE )o( all parts of the state. The first bal­ forge proved to lie excellent for toward Grants Pass, having fust Cot'STY, O regon . A gentleman who has just re- lot showed him almost without sup­ forge use. Mr. Sutton does not tell . turned from a hunting excursion to succeeded by false pretence in ob­ port in his own home. But the just where the vein is located, but CIGARS AND TOBACCO. | NUTS AND ■ Collections a Specialty Legal Instru­ Southern Oregon, says the business taining from De.Lamatter about S12 preference of the interior was more thinks he ha« found a valuable piece ments promptly executed. LEMONS, FIGS ANI) OTHER of killing deer for their skins is still worth of goods and appropriating decided than in the case of the re­ of property. carried on there as extensively as several articles belotieing to boys in MEDICAL. convention, placing him in Messi«. Hopkins ami Muon have A Fine, Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. ever. The settlers in that section camp. It is to I k * deplored that publican the lead from the start. His posi igrecd with Win. and Israel Patton there are rascals base enough to W. F. KREMER. M I)., are becoming di.-gu-ted with the --------- )o(---------- tiou was thus made so strong that to put up a qu.utz mill for working business, but cannot do much to take advantage of such thorougn the San Francisco democratic man Physician ami Surgeon, the rock from the promising ledge gentlemen as De Lamatter and the prevent it. Some are afraid of hav­ IN CONNECTION WITH A EINE LINE agcr made even greater haste than owned by the latter gentlemen on G rant ’ s P ass , ... - O regon . Major Geo McAllister, of Apple ­ ing their cattle shot if they make the republican manager had at Los the ridge mrrthwist of Ashland. HAVE ATTACHED complaint, and others say: “We gate, keeps the eatnp well supplied Angeles to get at the end. They will use the eightst >,trips from have done the same thing our with waterincllons ami vegetables. The moral of this situation is that the old Wagner creek mill, and will Chas. Hart, of Kerby, was in camp Circulating Library and a Free Reading Room, selves," and have no right to coin Monday with a load of fruit. Perri neither of the candidates for Gov- have for their motive power during W. H. FLANAGAN. M. I>. WHERE VAN BE FOUND SAN 1 RAC1SCO, PORTLAND and OTHER FAl'ERS, plain of others. In every direction McDaniels passed down the river on ernoi is under any obligation to the the winter the portable threshing in Coos, Curry and Jackson coun boss of their respective parties. In engine of Joshua Patterson. The Physician and Surgeon, ties the camps of these skin hunters Monday, en route for Josephine lxitli cases the boss came to the can mill will be located on Wright's I GlUNfi ¡’.IVES—>“—■ ' - " O begon . are found, and around them are the creek, where he goes to take charge didatc III neither case was the bos-. creek, on the Ashland side of the of the Watts mining claim, Ezra ■— T *-------- ClUCassvs ol duel rulUug UU the , ution to tor term? ridge. The mine is at the summit. Hamer, formerly of Grants Pa.**, ;---------- a posilio Irtice at residence, corner Main mid ground. Two hunters will start late of the railroad >rps in Cabfur Mindful ot flue’ votes, the| Mark H. Kbit's topographical sur- i Tliird Ftreets. Call attended any hour, ------ In connrrtion, where can be had out with a pack horst each, loaded candidates in both instances ex tetr L, diiv or nigh. nia, arrived here last Saturday and veying party started nortitwuxd yes with provisions for two weeks, and I ed a cordial welcome to the raauag- ’ terdny, to do some work in the OYSTERS. CLAMS. SARDINES. CORNED TUFF PIES. CAKES, at the < :ii1 uttJiat tiniv return with I is making a first-cla«s ditrhrr DR. F. W. VAN DYKE On last Saturday, Frank Nicker cis. Each, however, remains iuai •nmmtains Ictwccn thi* '.alley and their b'>rses laden with a hundred CHEESE, E tc .. E tc . ALSO son, well poised on the hurricane p•___ buckskin in the summer time than after the winter coat of hair has Kerby last Saturday and Sunday. ern literary paper, “every local pa­ to morrow morning for the summit come out and the hide thickened, Johnie Tycer represented this camp per gives from $ioo to $5.000 in free of Ashland Butte, to run a crest line C. M STONE, I’ rop ’ h . hundreds of does are shot Ix-fore at the camp-meeting on Deer creek lines for the benefit of the vicinity 'thence along th ridge around west (’nils reponded to at all hours, dav or Maine Street, Grant's Pas», Oregon, their fawns are sufficiently grown to last Sunday. He pronounces it a in which it is located. No other of Ja'-k lonviltc, where they will join night Ollice opposite Klover’s hotel. ' take care of themselves. There grand success. But plenty of pretty agency will or can do this. The the rest of the pat <• ■ Jacksonville, Oregon. ------ DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY,------ should be something done at the girls would make any place look editor in proportion to his means, The Ftmout Conn»' ticut Bluo Laws, grand to Johnie. Mr. Jesse Rustle does more for his town than any DR. CHAS. W. BEACOM, next legislature to put a stop to this returned home last Saturday. He Drugs. Patent Mediclits. Perfnmery. Tolle! Articles, shoulder Braces, Trnsies, Etc. other ten men, and in a fairness, slaughtering of deer. Some effective These laws were enacted by the Detntist. - - - - — o- - - - - - law should lie passed forbidding it, had been working 011 the ditch ever man with mail, he ought to lie sup­ people of tlr. '‘Dominion of New since this camp opened. Mr. Wil ported, not because you may happen O regon . G rant '.« P ass and a commissioner or other official BEST BRANDS OF CIGAK8 AND ToB KX’O liam Orr and Mr. Blake left for to like him or admire his writing, Haven." and b< amc known ax the appointed to look after the matter. blue law. bvcaii*'.' thev were printed Grants Pass last Monday. We all but liccatisc a local is the best in­ on blue pip r. They are a; fo! School I Books. | Books I and Stationery Let every member of the legislature hated to see the lxiys go. Every­ vestment a community can make. make a note of this. [Oregonian. lows: body speaks is glowing terms of the It may not lx- brilliant 01 full of The G ivener 1:11 magistrates That's the way they do the busi ­ Cot’RiKR. Please send us a copy. great thoughts, blit financially it is MISCELI. VNEOl*. convened Assembly are A Full Line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes. ness in Southern Oiegon, but the A lpha . more of a lienefit to a community tin uprune |xiv,c:. undet G id. of —------ ()--------- WILL. <¿ BROWN, killing of deer for their pelts is con than preacher or teacher. Under­ thi ind.-]x'nd< nt dominion. From Population ot Oregon Town*. fined to fewer persons than is gene­ stand me now 1 do not mcau mor- the determin ition of the Assembly I ’ lISICIANS ’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. Assaycr ft Analytical Chemist. The population of principal towns rally supposed. We say by all in Oregon, as given bv Polks Ore rally or intclk,,'tua!ly but financial­ no appeal shall lx: made. OREGON NICKEL MINE, No otic ’t ill be a fr< ctnatt or have means let 11s have legislation that gon, Washington and Idaho Gazet­ ly, and yet on the moral question you will find the majority "f the 1« > a vote util' • he »■< <:<>nvertect and a lv ’ < > B E K T W ESTKOI*. RIDDLE, DOUGLAS COl NTY, 0GN. Portland, 40 will preserve this fine animal for the teer, is ns follows cal pa|x.-is on the right side of the • menibt of one of the churches al­ benefit of those of our settlers who o«x>; East Portland 8,<>'»o; Astoria, question. To day the editor: of the lowed in the dominion. — proprietor — AimlyKtu marie of Complex Subfttnnee*. need and do make a legitimate use 6,000; Salem, 6,000: The Dalles, local papers do the most work for E:i< h freeman shall swear by the 4,000; Pendleton. 2.500, Raker Ci­ MINES EXAMINED AND REPORTED VI’oN. tin least money of any mi 11 on earth bp- e l G >d to Ix'ar true allegiance of the meat. ty. 2.500; Corvallis, 2,000; Albany, Sttbsi rilic for and advertise in your Assay for Gold and Silver » 3 00 _______ A 1,725; Eugene City, 1,700; Ashland local paper, not as a charity, but a< to thi" dominion, and that Jc -u; is Assay for Nb kel or Cobalt B 00 The Northwest Magazine sensi t, 600; Roseburg, 1,500I (tregon Ci an investment. [Tacoma Ledger. the only King. Assay for D'ad or Copper .. 2 00 No di-«enter from the e-vsenti.ii bly remarks : tv, 1,500; Jacksonville, 1,000. < > rl <; on . (Jackson County) C entral P oint , worship of thi t dominion -h ill b* “There is almost everywhere the SPEARS & ERASURE, The Pertrubcd Earth. allowed to give a vote for electing The luxury of reading in bed burden of t«x> many newspapers. -------------)O(------------- of magistrates or any officer. has bitheto Ixxn attended by no Where one pajx-r fully meets the House, Carriage, Sign and Or­ Earthquakes within the have No f'xxl or lodging shall be offer­ wanks of .1 community for local news, small or insignificant degree of dan Ixcn common throughout the glolx.*. — Having Completed my new Stable I am prepared to — namental But the risk is nightly dis-v ed to a heretic. for advertising and for publicity for ger The fit d notable convulsions occur­ No one shall cross .1 river on the notices, a second paper is a garded by hundreds, and nightly red in New Zealand, when- there P A I N T E R S, FURNISH THE BEST OF HAY AND GRAIN. legal also some victim or victims reap Sabbath but authorized clergy men. tax on that community for which was a succession of damaging No one shall travel, cook victuals, Paper • Hangers and Graners. no benefit is received in return. The the reward of their temerity tin shocks. Next came the earthquake'. To 1 lay and < Iran I’er 1 lead, < > v « t Nitriit. 7 <5 * ‘t-a. fire fiend claims his own make lx.ds, sweep hoti. -«, ent hair Should, editor and his printers must live, of Greece, in which six towns were —ALSO— REST OF ACCOMMODATIONS FURNISHED FOR HORSES and the community is supporting however, the experiment alxitit to destroyed, six hundred |xTsons kill . or »have on the Sabbath day. No one shall kiss his or her child­ CARTERS ANI) GUILDERS, them almost as direc tly as il the as lie tried at Turin prove successful cd and more than a thousand seri­ (lessor levied a tax for their main the danger referred to will stand a ously injured. They have been felt ren on the Sabbath or lasting days. Grant’* Pas*. < fregón. The Sabbath d 1 shall begin at HOUCK, J. S tenance. If there were fewer news fair chance of Ix'ing reduced to a in Italy, South America and Eg) pt. It is thought | h >«- i I>1 i - sunset Saturday. papers there would lx* larger and minimum Vesuvius is again in eruption and CHANGE IN| MANAGEMENT Whoever wears clothes trimmed PROPRIETOR tx-tter ones and the editors could af to produce a daily ncwspajxT (a many of the people of Naples have with gold, silver or bone lace above nightly one might, jierhaps, have ford to lie more enterprising and in­ —OT^THE— lieen more appropriate the Mid fled to the o|Kii country for safety. one shilling yard shall be pre­ dependent.’’ The volcanoes of the Hawaiian Is sented by tile Grand Jurors, and the night Mail, to wit), printed in lum Central Point Hoto], land-, are vomiting forth sco-< : and Persons who have a superstición# inous ink. so that its contents may flame. In this country th'' rcatit Selectmen halLUix the estate jfwo. LEWIS PANKEY, —DEALER IN Propr Whoever brings cards or dice into be perused without the aid of artifi dread of Friday will not lie pleased earthquake shocks have extended the dominion : '1 til pay a fine of (5. rial illumination. to learn that this is a thoroughly 25 Cents. S T O V E S Meal#, from the national capital and «ever T I N W A K E, Friday year. It came in on Friday AND No one -hall eat mince pies, dance, al eastern states down through Unlike the vast majority of hi« North Carolina. Georgia, South [dav < nd-, or pliv atty instrument of will go out on Friday and will have ---- JOB WORK, Stell A«- fifty three Fridays. Five months viuthern country, R E I^e had a Carolina. Florida and through the music except the drum trumpet or Hering lately taken charge of th i* hotel jews' harp very clear idea of the tremendous the undesigned would respectfully inform Roofing, Spouting, and Repairing of all kinds a «pct ialtv, have five Fridays changes of the odds west. There is 110 use recount No Guapei minister .shall join against which the outh would moon occur five times on Friday the public that the table* will berupplied mg the devastations they committed The magis­ AND DONE AT REASONABLE RATES and the longest and shortest day of have to contend, and was not san in and around Charleston. Recent­ people in marriage with the beet the market afford* the year is Friday. It seems from guine as to tlw result. This is ly there has been a slight visitation trate may join them in marriage, as L ewis P axkey J. S Houck Jackson Co, • entrai Point, this that Friday cuts quite a figure shown by an anecdote never Ix-fore in this state, from which San Fran h ma'- do it with less scandal to Christ's church. New Blacksmith Shop, in this year -[Blanco StarA'indi in print and entirely reliable. Just cisco was exempt. When people rehtite their children after receiving his communon from cator. LEWIS PANKEY. Proprietor. < onvenient icarriages the Magistrate the Virginia convention he called Parties who lost goods by being A tramp entered the house of iqxHi a family in Richmond whom thrown ovcrlxLird to save the strnd shall determine the po'tit. Cora al P« hnt • • Ou«* Hon W. F Owns last Wednesday he had known for m.tin years. Two cd ''Oueen of the Pacific” at the The in 111 who .■ trikes his wife evening, and went through all the ot the «011« had already enlisted and month of the Columbia river about shall lie fined /. io. Horse-Shoeing n Specialty. •SMITH B H O'H Pi-ri] iri»-t< room«, taking Mr. Owen's pants, the third .1 mere boy- wanted to A woman who trikes her bu«- I would rvwpMct fully inform the public three years ago will be pkasc-d to Sixth Str»et, Grant's Pase, and finding nothing therein left b .id «hall b- punished the I t . v •Io so. The mother, naturally anx that having lately taken charge of tb'- learn that they are to get their gen them thrown on the floor, theme he ions said: “General, how long do ■O’ Black-smith Shop at Central Point I cral average after «0 long waiting. directs went to the girls room and t'x>k Mis- you think this awful war will la«t?" No man di.iil court a maid in w.juld a*k a liberal share of the pabb The whole amount to be disbursed HAVING COMPLETED • OUR NEW STABLE- patronag* Lewi’ P ax K yt Effie's * too gold witch and chain The answer wa* given with ->'>lcmu I* 1 sou or bv iellct without oLtain- > is $05,000. Owner« get 76 pet rent, the t .n-wiit of her parents; a hue gold ting, etc . etc., an i left 'l-t they h «1 PREPARED TO Subscribe for the C ovrier . for part - unknown Strang: as it the question'r never forgot: “My I’cnalty t'< the first • ttciise: XJ10 for board. may apt*ar yet not one tn the house little madam«-, I am afraid it will the cewnd. and for th'-third impris- Tïï PI0NEEÎ AFÎ ONLY NEWSPAPEÎ Furniflh the Best of Accommodations for Horses, • woke or knew invthing ?ut it l i t until i’c ar«- all dri' '■n in! th* ■ >iinnnt (lii'tii't 1 :< i>l> I'lii'.' '•! the mitil riottnn- T. irw ’ ------------ AT REASONABLE RATI. --------- P-j-hthd in r^*rhue Cein* hills and meitn’un te iuse and Store Finishings. The Latest Improved Machinery. -Grant's Pass Variety Store,Ei A First-Class Lunch Room ( JG S' ?EXcw