» / * _ 1 ' ‘J w J WIMER suasf r.irnos it 1’0 ADVERTISERS. Publisher 1 r; ». M.» Oil Year (in a Ivane.-' Six Monili» Tllr ioUtil» Single Copie» | »125 75e 10c An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. Jo'* Feinting of all Kinds —IN THE— • Yen' 'H- Latent and B ug —AND AT THE— weat Biviiitr Styles. Kates. GRANT'S l’Ass. JOSEPHINE COI ’N IV. OR.. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER *21. |sS({. VOL. 2 NO. -¿ named after (renerai Grant, a <1 .uty wut centrally kx.it 1 in Southern Oregon. It i- - 1 r.iilri 11 town of IGO inhabitant», and ix the main »imply | oint for a larxe portion , of country devoleii to milling, lumbering iigrii ulture and fruit-raising. Climate un- I excelled The Cai «n r. Ixdng tlx- only paper pub ¡¡shed in Jueephine county, with ¡1 gixx* cin illation in J.n kxoii eutinty, enables it tu lx- olio cf tlw best advertising mediums in Southern Oregon, For rates, address T he Coi Kit.R. 1 ¡rani » Pa»», Oregon. Aims, Objects, and Regulations of the rives from the social, fraternal and companies, it is worth mor« than a Ancient Order United Workmen. educational features of the order, trial U rsa . HL. Vug. 29, :88t>. 2 The A O. I . W. offers more and the g*Hxl which is accomplished The Ancient Order of United ‘Att'-riiuviF L.iw A Xot.trv Futili* \V. J. W imer . Sir: According — MANIEACTtRERS Of — by it in these respects, afford a more benefits than any other order to promise. I write y ou a lew line» Workman is a general organization than ample return for the stun lie­ 3. Because the cot* of all the Gl VG'» P a -, - - - - Or: X. this evening. 1 arrived at home for the mutual liencfit of its mem pay s into the genera! fund, which above large benefits is less than one Lumber, Doors, Window It em­ meets all the expenses of the onler, half of a corresponding in-tiratn e in Aug. 2i»t. When 1 left Grant's hers and their families. W 11 pr.u-tii «• in all the r ■ irt« of tin- brace» in its membership men of leaving the entire beneficiary fund the ordinary insurance companies. St*t Ofiii on Sixth -tr. t, near post- Pass, I went to Xlluny, thence lo Brackets, and Mouldings. offi,, Corvallis; from Corvallis to Newport every vocation. profession and oc­ intact for the beneficent purjxt.se for 4. Because the assessments are 011 the Yaquiu.i bay. where I re cupation -employers and employees which it i» intended. There are no bal lon the •‘Actuaries Table of -- ANI, it L KISt>< *'E---- workers of all classes, whether commissions, fees or salaries to be Costs of Risks." tnained six or seven days. 1 found their labor be mental or phy sical. paid out of it, but the entire amount a Mr. Smith whom I knew in Quin 5. Because the Order is steadily S. E. MITCHELL, > • I ATTORNEY AT LAW. cy. 111. He i» a lawy er and a school It has no connection with any re­ paid in goes to the widows, orphans and rapidly growing teacher. 1 visited the light-house ligious sect, political party or or­ and other heirs of deceased brethren. 6. Because the whole membership *ÌÈftìK«ST'» P ah », • - - - O rluon . ■Fill at Cajx’ Foulweather. 1 »aw much ganization for affecting the prices of Thus the beneficiary system may be i. taken into full confidence as to the Cours. Office on Main street. to interest me: Salmon, Flounders. lal*>r or commodities, but is design­ fairly said to lx- carried on absolute­ management, and in the monthly Gold-fish, and various other species ed to promote fraternity, mental and ly without any woikittg exjKmse. publislted reports of the officers, 8AM. WHITE, The Introduction of— of the finny trilie. The Flounders social improvement, att I mutual and. at the sani time, to lie more every tnentlter can see what has t ATTORNEY AT LAW. are rights and lefts; the male's assistance. closely tinder the observation of been done with every dullat receiv­ “G rist G V a «-, - - - - O riuox . mouth is on one side of the he«d. IIENKFIUIARV > 1 M>. those interested in it, and more care ed by th*_ order, and the financial and the female's on the other. 1 The most distinctive feature of fully guarded then any other meth- officers have given adequate bonds; Will pra* tice in all the Court» of the State selected a few shells. The rock an*l lastly, be. au e the A. O. U. W od adopted for similar purposes. HAS ENABLED THEM TO REDI Ci-. PRICES 1I11V rr.it oyster grows here. They grow in the order is what is designated as wil1 not take advantage oi any tech II. KELLEY. the Beneficiary Fund a carefully KEJt IKEMEN’TS FOR ADMISSION. blue lixiking nx’k. and are not as devised well guarded, economical idealities, but will pay all just claims CENT. BELOW ALL FORMER RATES. ATTORNEY AT LAW. A medical examination is required promptly, whenever they arise. good as the eastern oysters. The and beneficial system, by means of J acksonville . - - - - O regon . razor clam is found there in the which the sum of Two Thousand under such rules as are generally S. P D. &. L Co. S=iF I'or Price List, address, Further information cheerfully »and. 1 saw two young ladies try­ Dollars is secured to each metnliers adopted by life insurance companies. given by applying to 1-' M. Nicker­ Grant's Pass, Oregon. V. The character of the apjtlicant must ing their hand at catching them, family, or such person or persons as son. D D. G. M. W. for Josephine, State. Office in Court House. but they arc not so easily caught. lie may choose to designate. Du also be investigated and the lixlge K lamath and I. ike counties, Oregon. To catch them requires some skill; ring the several vee:s since the Or­ pass upon his application by ballot. Post office address. Grants Pass, II. K. HANNAH. J. CHAPMAN J. C. GILI.AM. you take a small paddle, find their der has been established this sum Persons Ix'tween the ages of Ji and Josejdiine county, Oregon ATTORNEY AT LAW. • ♦ breathing flues or small sink in the has been promptly paid in full in 50 only are admitted. <111.1.\M .V «'llAl’MAN. I’rowrietoi Railway Ruildinq in 188b. sand, then go for them. It takes each case of death, to the jietsons BENKFtTS OF SICK <»R D1SABLKD I >REOI*N. J ai KsoNVii.i.r, an expert to get them they sink in entitled to receive it. within a few ME.MHEKS. The "Railway Age" for Septetn the soft sand so raj>idly. Newport weeks, ami without atty litigation Office in Orth building, Oregon street The pay nient of weekly sick Ix'tie- her 2*1. presents some interesting in­ was alive with visitors, pleasure or troublesome formalities. A carc- 8. W. FORBES, seckeis and bathers. Newjxirt :■■ mJ examination of the working of fits to members is a matter left to formation concerning the progress Main Street, Opposite the Depot, (¡rant's Pass. Oregon, NOTARY PUBLIC. not much oi a about like theaystem will s.ui'fv any intelli the control of each Subordinate of railroad construction tor the first t K L- kkmv ’ 11.1 r AND Al.TnOVHH, J o SH’HINE Grant s Pa ■ No insinuation, Mr. gent person that such will continue lodge. Some provide in their by­ eight months of the current veai. laws for such benefits -others do Up to the end of August, 3475 miles )«>( Wimer, but what you have a nice to be the case. Col’NTY, O r ECON. not. If sick lxnefits are to lx- paid, of main line track, not including town. Real estate is lixiking u]> at CIGARS AND TOBACCO. | NUTS AND CANDY. I ORANGES, how as . sess . mi : n rs ark I’A io . the initi.ition fc< .rid monthly lines - idings or additional tracks, have Newjjort. I took shij> at Yaqttina K. Collection» a Specialty. Legal tnmru- Each jterson who becomes a mem­ are fixed at an am Hint sufficient to' been laid in thirty six out of the LEMONS. FIGS AND OTHER FRUITS. Bay. the "Yaquina City," a small ® nient» promptly executed. steamer, to San Francisco, a dis­ ber of the order j>ays to the Receiv­ cover the vxjx-ttse * u h lodge hat forty- four States and Territories, MEDIC AL. ing th .• power to fix the fees and . ujhiu m3 lines. During tin- whole A. Fine, Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. tance of 450 miles which we made er of his lodge one of railway beneficiary fund. Every lodge his in one day and two nights. We W. F. KREMER M l>.. --------- )o(---------- were built, and already in the first had a good time, the sea not Ix-ing on hand, at the Iteginning of the 1 >1 initiation ami degree-, and Physician and Surgeon. very rough. There were several on month, ready for a call, one dollar lor Ix-nefict iry fund and certificate eight months of :886 this has hceit and ■ cents jx r month for due- , as exceeded neatly 350 miles. Since S' G rant ' s P as », - - - - O regon . IN CONNECTION WITH A FINE LINE OF STATIONERY, WE board, among others, the county of beneficiary fund for ettch nteinlx r. may be determined upon. July 1st track laying has been done judge of Linn county, Mr. V/hitney, When a death ix-etiis. if there is a HAVE ATTACHED A who is a nice gentleman. I saw sufficient amount of the fund in the GENERAI Ft- Yrt Rl siO- THE ORHER. at the rate of nearly thirty miles for Calls resiniti.ivi tout all hours, day or every working day. and work is stil Hight. some whales blowing their noses. Grand lodge to meet the required Circulating Library and a Free Reading Room, The A. (>. U. W. i; a secret order, I was sea sick so were many others. payment of *.».<>*x> no call is tn ide having two degrees, with approjiri nt progress on ninety five lines. W. H. FLANAGAN, M. L>. From these data, and front the fact WHERK CAN BE 1 OI NK S \N I RACISCO, 1'01:1'1. \N1> iso OTHER I'ATERS, We »ailed in sight ol land most of ttjion the Subordinate lodges, but if ate initiation ceremonies These that the ramaining four months of the time when it was ’Hit foggy, and there is not a sufficient surplus front are simple, but impressive. Physician and Surgeon, ------ X------ th*- y ear are those tn which the har­ arrived in Frisco all safe. What a the last assesiment, then the lodges The teachings are calculated to G rint ’ s P a - s , ... - O rkoon . stir such crowds of people make. I are notified at the first of the month strengthen the character and elevate vest of the railroad construction came across my old school teacher. to forward their portion of the fund the moral principle ; of the members. work i.s lo a large extent reaped, Office at lesiilene«-, ■ >rncr Main and the Age considers it-s-lf justified in He is on Montgomery street, No. 17, on hand (ft.oo for each member,) i Third atreets. Call attended any hour, ------ In connection, where can be had Th ■ order is coni|x>sed of Sub­ predicting that the new railway and an a.sessment i- made to re ­ ) day or nigh. opposite the Palace hotel. Ob. my, ordinate hxlges Grand bxlges, mid OYSTERS. ( LAMS, SARDINES, CORNED BEEF, PIES, CAKES. what a building; it looks like a place the amount forwarded. By 1 Sujiteme lodge Subordinate lodg mileage of 1886 will largely exceed DR. F. W. VAN DYKE whole blix’k. About seven stories this means the Ix-ncftciary fund of es in »tati’» and territories where no 6,000 miles. CHEESE, E tc .. F t ALSO Kansas h.< added (>*<>, Wisconsin hre0. 1';.- :•* •: ■;< ■: ■ >» b* si- ; L et the lodge is again teplenished, ready Grand lodge h i» been established. G ramts PAtís - - O regon . -125 and T<. x.is 300 miles. Florida for a call at the first of the next and the others 14. I think fourele- Lemonade, Sod i Water. Ginger, &c. .ireundertheirameihatejur.siHc urn k.a(Is lhc s<>1Uj,vasl wilh } vators run in the building. Rumor month, if it should be made. As ^English and German Spoken. 1 an i rejxirt to the Supreme lixlge ................. mt 11 road.« The larger |>rojxirtion sessments ate only made on the says it cost ten million -. It is s lid until a Grami lodge i» established. of the total of new track lor the year UF Olito) on Mai i street, near drug store. •> to be fire and earthquake jiroof. I members at the first meeting night When a Grand lcxlge has over 2,000 « saw the celebrated \\ >*>dard Gar in each month, and a written or memlx-r.; under its jurisdiction, it i- in Nib a-ka, Dakota, K ii*-.r; and vC. LEMPEKT, M. !>., >• dens. I paid 25 cents entrance, and printed notice is sent to each mem­ can lx> set apart as a separate bene­ Texas; while Nevada, Montana, BC ratinate Leipsic lniver>ity.Ger. sjx-nt half a day very jileasantly. ; ber, bearing date of such meeting ficiary district if desired. In this New Mexico ami Utah make no C. M. STONE, PKor'n, I visited the Cliff House and saw night. Twenty day . time is given I'.isc the members ¡ire assessed for showing at all upto date. In view the sea lions sjoortiug in their native from that date to meet the payment. the *1 iths that ix'ctir within such of these fact.», the glowing state Calls réponde*! to at ail hours, dav or Maine Street. Grant's Pass, Oregon, ' : clement I saw Chinatown with its Thus the payments are made at such district or jurisdiction, and the ' incut of the Age is not nltogcthe: night Ottico opposite Slover’H hotel. an .11 my Jacksonville, < >r >n. 60,000 denizens. Front Frisco I intervals, and are called for in such ( Iraml lodge collects the assessment ; unfounded in decluring, ------ DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, manner, that they may be easily ami pays the death benefits under of men, numbered by tells * f thou­ went to Monterey, i<>> miles south DR. CH \s \v. BEACON, , of Frisco. Del Monte, Artesian jtrovideil for and met without in con the laws and regulations adopted by sands, is prejiaring for the great en­ D tezs . Patent Meilclnes, PertTmery Detntist, well.», flowers and jilantsof all kinds venience even by persons of small the Stijirenic lodge. The Grand gine ofciviliz.atioi. all over llu conn try . an I ten» of thousands of other —grand place. On my return from income. lodge - of l’eiui»y 1\ani l, New Yolk, men are finding i.tive emjil.iynient ( I rf . gii N. G kant '- P as « BE- !' F.RANUS nF ( K.AKS \\|> TGB.U < •• the coast 1 visited Sacrament >. Salt HOW MVCH IXH.S it COST. Illinois, Iowa. Missouri. Minnesota. in manufacturing the 1«. imotive». Lake, Denver, Atchison and St. in the first v ea. ot the working of Tennes* e, Indiana, Michigan, Cali AU work warrant .1. < fili nt Com­ School I Books. Books I and I Stationery Joseph. Our corn here is much the Supreme lodge <1873-41, the fornia, Wisconsin, Kaii-as, Oregon. cars, rail and innumerable other mercial Hotel. damaged, blown down; will have number of a.sse.->->ments made ttjxm < )liio, M.is- a husetts. I hit u i >. Mae. m iteriul entering into the construe tint: and ojx-ration of the railway; aliout half a crop. Corn is 40 cents;! Mis: RI.I ASKOV««. metnliers of the lodges »lirectlv land, Nevada and Colorado, have! so that the great work of railway A Full Line oi Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes. wheat 70 cts.; Irish jxitatoes, 30 to the under its jurisdiction, was 20; sec lx-«-a thus set apart as to the bene 1 35 cts. Yesterday was very warm, .ond tear, 1 j; third year, 15; fourth ftci iry fun I. In a'l other rcs|x-*'ts extension, no.v ■ im‘,i«« l\ g*,-iugoii. WILL Q. BROWN, fun. h .11 v • kt.* ■ » <’i is cooler to-day. I sold 65 acres for1 15; fifth year. 14; sixth year, they rem tin integral parts of the' -and .«ml food to hundreds of tho i Assaycr A Analytical Clieini>t, PHSIt IANS’ PRESI RIPTIONS < \REFFLLY < <>MP<»I NDED. $5.100. I am going to soutiiwest year, 16. Since that tint.- the average order Th . Grand lilges s mr -amis ire 1 d' bursing into varied Missouri. J ohn C ampbell . has remained aliotlt the same, and tittle . im hid ■ more i'r.a’i til ■ it.line channels of iiulustry tnany million.-« OREGON NI< KEL MINK, For instance, the of tin me- A genuine stage roblx’ry of a dif­ these figures will v ary but little inthc of th ir state KOBER T W EST KOI’, RIDDLE. ÎOVGLAS (Ol’NTY, OGN. ferent type from that acted at Cole's juris'lietiun <>f Oregon anti Wash Grand l<>*lj ■ of Oregon ami Wash 1 ROntlETOK— It is j>robable iitglon im bi les Brltitb Columbia, F diilji Aj;i.n»t the 0. R. & N. Co. circus, occurred at Baker City on ington Territory. Analyse* inaile of Complex SubrtaiicM. Wednesday of last week The Can that the future average will rise a that <>f Maryland Include; New In th* ; >ur ca-e.s of the Oregonian MIXES EXAMINED AND REPORTED I TON. yon City stage was stopped, two very little until the 20 years of age, Jersey ami Delaware; that of Niva Railway l'*>tnpany ilimitidi \.s. thr* maturity point, is reached, after • la include; Utah, blah >, Wyoming Asxay for Gold and Silver $ oo Chinamen were rob!x-d of $7 ■oeach o. R. . Co th« fin« tag "i 1 h 00 Assay for Nickel or Cobalt ! a gentleman of $18 and Well» Far­ which it will remain about the same. and Montana; that of Colorado in­ Court «.vrc f*r plaintiff. The O. R. 00 \»»ny for Lead or Copper go & Co’s treasure box of$501. A The average cost to each member, cludes Ari/.*> i.t ami New Mexi* **. «N- N. C l . ■•*. veral y car» since, leased < Ilit '.oN. (Jackson County) C entral P oint , lady ¡«assenger was n<*t ed of therefore, has been $15.66 per year. I'UOI.HESS OF T1IK ORlliat. tire line* of the Oregonian Railway SPEARS & ERASURE. her $3. The robbers were masked Ix-ing a little more than four cents Company tor a jx’riixi of nitity nine )o(----- in Tim A <). U. \V. was started and a big reward will lx- j>ai*l for jx-r dav as the cost of a coinpk-Uly \ - .irs ind subsequently rcjiudlaU-*! House, Carriage. Sign and Or- Pennsylvania in 1868. but was n >t secured guarantee of $2.<»>o, to lx- their capture. [States Rights Dem tire I*..* ami refused to pay tire —Having Completed my new Stabi* I ant prepared to— sufficiently established to ]>ay the paid on the death of a mein!x-r. — namental oerat. rent. The Oregonian R.iilw 1« Com I»» Can any man who is in circuni $2.*x»> benefit until 1873. dcjiarture of 3, ver N iyiit. 7 •’> < (.». for America ha» increa ed the dis­ * 1 mil r.ic ;is that the Ong *;' Rail­ give to his family the security which with Gi.inil l*xlg<- c.t.ibl* bed ill cussion as to the advisability of it affords? Does not prudence and the -tates noted alxtve. The order way and Navigation Comjiauy will --- ALS* BEST OF ACCOMMODATIONS FURNISHED FOR | modifying our immigration laws. affection dictate that he should se­ ha- already paid to the widows and have to j>ay under this decision lx-- CARVERS AND GUILDERS. We may vet have to resort to the cure for them the protection thus, orjihans of its deceased members tween $.’*> >.*x».i and $25 ■ ■» ■ > ba k frequently suggested jdan of requir­ offered? * • : >: t ■»>(C« ,1 In all the-c »1.1'1 rent and cost/. It will Ire quite l Oregon. Grant’s Pash. J. S. HOUCK, Gang rua*l. ing from every immigrant a certifi­ the order is steadily amt rapidly lift for the *I»VA.NTA<1KX OF THE SVSTK't. [New -. cate from the American Consul re»i growing, with the increase already rKorRiEron CHANGE INI MANAGEMENT The A. () U. W. lieneficiary sys-, ini '.- the above date, it is safe to dent in the immigrant's district to tetn is simple, easily tnulerstO'xL ly that lx f ire the close of the y 1; the effect that the Ix-arcr is "of good —or^Tiir— repute at home, able-bodied and economical in its workings, ah-> Weal in all its details comes under the direct tncmlx-r». Th« order wa» founded Central Point Hotel, »elf supporting. [New observalii/n and care of the member.« —DEALER IN— LEWIS PANKEY, l'ro|ir The West Shore is preparing for who meet weekly or semi-monthly by Father Ujchnrch’ au!*- | b its holiday issue a large engraving (as their by laws prc»cri»<•- A kc b on*, It will lie a haiidsom picture acted, and w here they enjoy the ad­ sphere of tisefulnes-. ha be. .1 —.fon WORK, st CH A turned to «'. and worthy a place o:i the wall of vantages of social and fraternal in- larged, and it ha been faithfully a> -enee. I i ■ ’ . I. C 1 ■ ’ conducted as its found* r«d. gn.it'. d house which contains an ad­ t* rcoii -. and of mutual it.i,' • Roofing, Splinting, an i Repairing < f all km G a s | h -< ¡alty. every U m undeeign.d »■ nt.l r.-**,»-.-tfs»U> inform it to I h not to sub .rv the !.i h P.it'.ie, Who atten L I Col« '•< mirer of Oregon s majestic moun­ ment. These lodges are gov: 1 I the pnblic that the Uhl -« will he ,uppli.-*l interest of a few. but for the mutual * 1 from lliis piare p 3.10*1.1 tain. [W ‘ st Sh'*rc. AND DONE VT REASONABLE RATES. by officers regularly elected !>■ with the beet the market affords benefit of all. Thoughtful and pru un entile failure. Great excitement was created at metnliers the financ .al offi* er I.rwtn B asket dent men jf chc* I-..» barra‘-smvnt, for tl.e coni’afct New Blacksmith Shop, appearance of thing» aniui I H e :;*. ty to * x] ■ *!i'* t’ • ■' ’inplctiou of jirvvents fraud or betrayal of trust. arising from the unccrtaintic LEWIS I’ANKEY. Proprietor. » men of war. Relay s of workmeu life, and at tile same time aid Elders Erow.t i N Slovcr !u>e Ixci i - kotection AT N .we to lx.- employ e*l to work «lay ClKTRAI P oint - - G b EOOX other in mutual it»] \ c.iicnt am Itoldivg a protra ■ret-. >1 rire-ti ig <>t All money paid on a anil night if ne< «■. ary . This activ the 1» nefit iary f ; rr< elevati**«: of humanity. WRli.tr •. cn-ek jti i liT c me t aith H M ITH B R < > ' .-» I ’l-r»I • lot* >f - . Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. itv i« regarded as indicating po- -1 tiietit oi death benefit Some one ha. epitomize-1 gr>od sUet'CM. Sixth St re* t ble c iiitiiieutal impli* * lions Grant's Pa - -, jiromiiient n-i • a ; to: ioining I would rrejeitlully in'*win the pub' due lion even i*>r People are Li that having lately taken iharjre *Y th ■ A. O. U. W. about us follow ing provir |-’i »f Mi » Chart tie N *i hoi» < niadc up from ini furnished to all t'lc tneijliersat < HAVING CoMPLEI ED .NEW ' nip patninagx Lswix I*'.iKti lo’lgh from l*ei*’_ kill«-d b abouts PREPARED TO She w as