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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1886)
lOlHf HUI W <• I I MI HAFMLY. I X.H ’ ?» (’1 H >-N’ I IAfS I>l:lK?í l’UA< ’Isl> <.>N AKRlv \! V<l>DFp JACKSONVILLE DIRECTORY the latter belonging to the tenant, r«ox..«kxrsyiS.ST„,.|[(i(,rAT] L’ - ì ■ % I John Rea’. The loss .-.mounts to -4 (».lily Ex eHSm-Qy something over $2.« joo —no insur JACKSONVILLE I Lv. Grant*» Paa., <» t. M ance. The barn was worth some »«■ix<i»l#r.ri., Tu<air, ** S500. The loss to Mr. Real is in fo Restrain Him from Selling Lis ! arge and Well eelected StocK of ix-aves Satunl ai the following property destroyed Arrives (same <ia\ 8 100 tons of hay, three mowers, one •91»! orrii r ivu Bs . bay rake, 333 bushels of wheat, 4 Office • pen every dav exeem x sets of harness, saddle, bridles, J. < Will P I*. from T:30 .* m . toH .kt'r, „ pitchforks, a new wagon and one day from 8:9!) to to a . **B Si < leiH'i al < ’onti actor cow—the total value of which was 9 ”, i o about $1,700. Besides this two large —IN— straw stacks near the barn were also WX IETY N ii TI i He is alio Agent for all Kind« of------- burned. The loss is a very serious G hant ' s P i - . Dm'.i. No. s| i , one to Mr. Real, and sweeps away A. AL—Meets in their hall, Q^j , ! MARBLE, STONE or GRÄMTE. almost everything he has accumu building. Friday evening on « bl™* full mooli \ Kiting brothers 5 lated by several years' hard labor invited to attend. The fire was tarted bv Mr. Real's * 'X',,ow w u Sold by Knapp. Burrill <fc Co., Including the------ little boy, six years of age. He .1. I.G ii . vln . Sec v was out hunting eggs and found < im i.i.x Ri i g, | o.O. F — M««ta matches and cigarettes in the pock Satftrdav evening at 7:!«) at their et of a vest left by a young man Sixth Street. Visiting brothm .J, ’ who was hauling hay from the barn. invited to attend. ■o BY LETTER •I osetii Mi—< x , He soon had a fire started in the ALL ORDERS .1. A. J knmni . k , See'y. straw and dry manure near the barn, E - Also Agent for Park A Lacy, Portland, Dealers in------ K ekiiyvii i r l.omu:. No. Njy | () ,, and in trying to put it out threw Promptly Attended To. -.Meet.« every other s.i’ur lav more dry manure upon it and added \ ¡siting brother« cordially inv'i>(| ?*’• to the flame till it got beyond his ENGINES, W IRE ROPE. tend. I".x , Ht xi y , * control. Mr. Real had gone to Med s. W. F. anca, ffeeSr. ' ' CAR TRUCKS, DRILLS, O kkgon S t ., J acksonville , O<> x . ford to see the circus and found P. of !L .low pliine I.iHlge. 179 STEEL, RUBBER HOSE, his barn blazing as he returned on Grant's Pass, first Siitiirdavofi a!|11,u„‘ PUMPS. R<»< K BREAKERS at 11 o'.-loi k i m . W. M'. P. ih ,,““*' the train BATTERERS. GIANT POWDER, w M The lightning ticket seller of M.U HINISTS’ TOOLS AND B anner L oikik , I. It. G.T.,49¡|— m JACKSONVILLE, 01!. Cole's circus tried to get away with every F riday evening at líale'« liall. ** a young fellow from Jacksonville in J K H ii.r, W.cj making change at Medford last Mon JOHN A. HANLEY l’ropr day. After tiie jierformance the a U I foresaid young mail hunted up this o- AT HIS STORE. GRANT’S PASS, OREGON. "lightning" ticket seller, and ac —VIA— cused him of holding back a dollar Caton & Garrett, General Agent«. Oregon & CHliforniti R. r in making change. The ticket man notici i • AND CONNECTIONS. Kinney A Wolter», Agenta, Medford. denied the charge, at the same time — Time. 1-2 l)uvs — using some "bad words" toward the THOSE DESIRING TO SETTLE IN young man. About the first thing JOSEPHINE COUNTY. the "change" man knew he was rolling in six inches of dust and the Close ('onneetioiiH made at Ashlu; victim of his dishonesty on top of —Article of— with the nt ages of the California, D m « Will do well to consult the undersigned at him The marshal put in an ap A Idaho Stage ('ompanv. pearance then but the crowd held CENTRAI POINT, Jackson Con 11 ty RYE him back, as they wanted to sec the BOURBON. (DAILY EXCEIT SCNDAYS Printed at Grant’s Pass, Oregon. circus out. After losing his dia E ast S ide D ivihion . IN THE CENTRAL r.ART OE Till! — And — mond, the "lightning" man cried BETWEEN PORTLAND* ASHLAMi. Hogue Rivet' X iillcy. on the < > Ac < ’ ICailrotul. enough and the two were separated, M ail T rain , CORN WHISKEY, the ticket seller getting much worst ikave akkivk . The Shipping Point for the principal portion of the grain producing Portland 7:30 i. n. Grt's Pass 1 :15 a .«. cd, and probable some of the Tight — In Quantities and at— part of the County. Gr'tsJ'ass 1 :20 a . m . Ashland. 4:15 a .». ning” taken out of him. Ashland. 9:30 r. m . Grt’s I’assll;55m Address or call on C. MAGRUDIiR, Central Point. Oregon. Grt’s Pass 12:00 N. Portland 4 25,.». PRICES TO SUIT Within little more than a year death has removed Grant, Hancock. A i . iianx Exrmss T rain . McClellan, Colfax, Seymour and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. I EAVE. ARKIVK. Tilden Viewing this activity of Portland 1:00 p. fx'banon 9:30r.x. Lebanon 1:45 a . m . Portland 10:06 a . m . the grim destroyer, Rutherford B K i:R DI RECTI >R V. Hayes is said to lx- nervous, but as long as the g d. confines himself DR. W. F. KREMER. Prop’r, Daily beta eon Portland and Aelilanil. UNION HOTEL to the great men of the country no The <). A C. R. K. f erry makes Cun- one has a stronger reason to feel m-i-tion with all the ItegiilarTrainsontb. One ot Best Hotels in Southern jierfcctly safe than Rutherford B Main Street, ..... Grant's Pane, Oregon. l ast Side Division, from fool of F strec Hayes. [Chicago Times. Oregon. AV mt S ii > e D ivision . 11 ET AV E E N PORT I. A NI) A ( () R A' A LL1S Rev James C Beecher, of Coscoh, M au . T rain . GOOD TABEE! Conn., brother of H W. Beecher GOOD BEDS' I.KAVi:. ARHIVE. HTR.'i'RIITION RATI.- and Rev. Thos. K. Beecher of El And the Ix'st of Ai-oniniodationH. Portland. 7 yt. I'orvalli < 12:2»r.x mira, N Y., committed suicide at Corvallis. 1:30 r. m . Portland fklSv.a. the water cure on Aug. 25th by — IiEAI.EII IN — \t • or vail is connect with trains of < I. F Connected with this hotel is a shooting hintsclf through the head for A a>|’i:mi Bay. Excursion tiekctaoii $2 25. sale from Grant's Pass to A'aquina Ha' with a rifle. --FIRST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE.-- One year (in advance) ami return, via Albany, at $1J.7i>. Ink Six months ......... . 1 25. ets good tor.'urn until Sept, ¡loth, IIW'- Mrs. Ellen Ryder, Proprietress. Three months 75. . E xi ' ri . sh T rain .,........................ - Om.uos Single copy 10. LEAVE. AtlklVK. Portiand 1 ' r. m M'Mn’vlto RflOr.s Six inili*H South of < Irani ’e I' hmm , .loaephine M'.Mn'ville 5:45 a . m . Portland 9:00». b . <'minty, <tregmi. WILLIAM NAUCKE Local tickets for sale ami baggw • A. H. CARSON, Prop’r. checked at Company's up-town ofli.e, -K> rrs- corner Mark und Second streets. Ticket* for principal points in < alifornia can 'inly —.30,0(10 TREES— be procured and baggage checked at the --------- QOQ--------- Company's office, —In »lock, .oiixisting ..I— For good bargains in the line of Apple. Pe«r, P«at:h, 1 ruight will not 1 e received for ship Plum. Prune, Apricot. ment after 5 o’ulwk r. m .. on either th** And everything in the way of East <>r WuH Side Divisions. Nectarine Almond, Etc. K. KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS. MINING SUPPLIES T H E — Also th.* Celebrate«!— Mai ■ ■ 1 .. w. GEO T H E Ui the old times I'm thinking— < n the .lavs ot my youth, AA'heu beneath the de. p forest 1 learned th.s grand truth- While tuy brotliers m , re hewing Th»- broad I.,«’» of l»inc, Quoth inv father, "‘ite careful Boy«, b.-M to the line.'* I s, HAEIIII. 'lEIIUIIMlDE IT BOH PRUES. ROGUE RIVER 1 can nee the keen broad-ax ; I can hear it» clear ring, As the woodmen are moving W’itli slow, steady awing Ami woe to ex. rcs-cn. •• That came in “th.-ir line,” For they knew naught. I'll tell you But hew to the line. C 0 U R I 1: R Ah! My heart—it'aa—swelling I or the long, long ago! And my soul—it's a—pining For tiu old i-ot yon know ! I'or the faces departed, AA’ho have left me behind, An ! who taught me the lesaon, To hew to the line. Cemetery Work a Specialty. I •"'k' th-- old root'« a falling Ami the cliiuiney ia so brown. 1» < rumbling to pieces, And the wall’» tumbling down! But the logs are so xmooth vet N ■' a ■ . 111 you tin I' For the Isivx hid, I tell you, To Lew Vi the line! CELEBRATED BAIN WAGONS AND RACINE HACKS. The Rogue River Distillery, OFFICIAL K.— the lui.-t' it's a gatli'ring Alsjve and la-low Let uk guard well, my brother, The “old place” you know! O! ve wat.-lulu'll on Zion ! A‘e workmen divine’ l.i-t the Manter, lb' sayetli, “You must hew to the line.” MACHINERA AGKK II fl HAL PAPER Mining Supplies of Every Description on Demand, OVERLAXl) TO ( AI.IKiRNji Jackson County. : [Krom Ihr ArMand Tilling».} The C. O. & I Stage Co. now run two stages l.iilv between Yreka and the new railroad terminus at Castle Rixk. The railroad name for the new C. ¿¿OR R station at Cedar Flat is "Dunsmuir," and the stage com panv name is Castle Rock. Rev. W, G. Simpson, who has been in chergc of the Ashland M. E. Church during the past y ear, lias been transferred to the Puget Sound and Eastern Oregon Conference, amj goes to The Dalles «\mong the curiosities here just now to jH'ople from the Eastern States is a cherry tree in Dr. L Townsend's yard in town which is just coming into full bloom for the second time this veal Frank Neil has been appointed as teacher of the third department of the Jacksonville public school, which open next Monday, in place of Frank lltilTci, resigned. Air. Huff cr is engaged with a surveying pai ty on the O. P. R. R. Watermelon« were nevet :o plen tifiti ami cheap as in Ashland this season. Several wagon loads having been brought from the lower vallee, sold as low as 5 cts. j»er melon all round by the wagon load last week, while of th«' retailer« refused to take them at any puce. Nearly all the Indians who came in front the reservation last Satur day affet government freight, at tended the circus at Medford Mon «lay. They s|xiit a gtxxl part of 'll« day Sunday in inspecting the numerous attractive bills on the "dead wall.»’' of the city. Dr Car V cr s Wild W • t combination Heunis to take their w e. Mr. O. Gam.ud, ot Table precinct, has Iwught of J II field the White Sulphur Spring, ho tc! pi .»¡Mly, Gy , ir ir. \shland, consider.1 111 .ue suin' trade lion, S7.l,'*‘i In the Mt Mayfield bought of Mt Gaillard certain tracts of bind and a number of lieud of hoi si s i'lu Ashland merchants hid t<> pay the railroad marly a thousand dollars for the freight charges on the fall giMxls arriving at that time. People «ho think then is not much busiu.-as done in Ashland should watch tile pi!. ', of goods left in flout of the stores |>y the dt after the freight trains come in PIRE, IVWILTEKITEI) W. J. WIMER NATIONAL DRUG STORE. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars Druggist and Apothecary, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Shukler Biaces, Trusses. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES Mllllill, IWIIhS IIIKIkN, STITMI.\Elil, IM) Corner F and Front Streets. Portland, Onoi. Hals. Caps. Boots and Shoes or General Groceries Wities and Pure Liouors for Medical Purposes. Ki'lni'v .l.ipnti Pluin! Th >x* h i.liing barguiii» k I khi FI call on All trees Warranted I li I ’ Id T< > N A M Id. WILLIAM NAUCKE, \ml gr, im 11 on natural fruii lami without K » inn \ il i » , < OlKGO.N irrigation, iin.l free fn>in nil iiims-t | k ’ h | k mid diwa ■<-■., euch as California tree« are N DELEMATER, Hlllljl'l I tu Th,e<-Mho ronh’tnjilali- tri'»* planting —m 11 1 li is— m ill do mi II to get my price hat before Pint IIASlMi EI.SEW HERE Mis J G. Btrd.sey. ofjacksott In connection with thin Hotel, I hate a a i II c , was injured, though not ■ m ; i I irgv and coinmodioiiN ou»h . By the upsetting ot a i .nt in BARN AND CORRAL which she was riding week before last She and Mt. W’ M Colvig, With U m * beat water ia< ihiioM in the of the s iuie place started lot .1 visit count i to tin country The reins on the horse they were driving became RATES VERY REASONABLE tangled and the horse commenced N«» pain* will be H|iari*ri to make gu«*st« (lfftf turning tn .1 ctn 1. until the cart comfortable up-<t, throwing the occupants to J WIMER N SON the ground At first it yv.ts thought that Mr- Hir'daev s injuries were serious but fortunately . they yverv not. Mrs Colvig was not hurt at all Uncle' David Stearns one of the pioneers of this part of Oregon, died at his 1mm. mi W agner Creek W’< div dav morning ami w as laid W I HI Y FOK I ASII, ayvny to his final rest terday fore \ND 'M I I OK ( \»ll. noon He wa* about eighty years of age md had I m - vii st. idtlv failing for several mouths past, as his life's nite Hirni Wfiüi hi Nfinirc conrs. near»-1 its natural end For some two months he slept most ot the •.inn- ami finally, without sttt TRAVELERS MINERS AND tenng. entered upon hi» last slum FARMERS SUPPLIES her», and pa-sed peacefully from • arth lie leavt . the record ot an honest, industrious, honorable man We k«»ep everything nw lied bv the and a good neighbor. people. The large barn of F H mers OKI tile pl,|< , on » 1 ;• s of Bi,.r cietl. just Iw-lou A ' la was to ( IO O' I OK C t It OK I'KOI’I t F tills destroyed by fire I M >miay Wal.H thvgim 'uiciimm together with rmtents Choice Goods in Gery line, DRY GOODS à GROCERIES Physicians’ Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night. R A FINE LINE "HURRA CIGARS .9 <9 IS ALWAYS KEPT PASS, GRANT’S FOR ON HAND. Hotel has been thoroughly renovated and R efurnished T hroughout s..a ....... TRAVELING TI BI ! • WILL KLM Fl MIST >oi "HERN BEST ACCOMMODATIONS. ------ (o)----- • THE l.liE OIK SILIHtt ('n their Cheap Countern in all aucli Ln.- DRESS Is tonili'; ’ ■ I With T liis House. THE BAR H SCPPJ.1ED WITH THE G< »ODS. Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars. GOODS, C THING, W liile the Reading Table is HAT and everything '.iccessary to do first SUPPLIED WITH THE LATEST BOOTS AND SHOES. GENTS' Fl RNISHING GOODS, clas. GRANT’S PASS. OREGON. HURRA CAMPBELL à TUFF And keep« constantly on hand —The IV-I Of— OF HOTELS AND El STAt RANTS. CENTRAL HOTEL! ------------ O NEWSPAPERS. GROCERIES, A pool, TABLE MAY ALSO BE PROVISIONS. CHEAP FOR CASH K1 any 1 ili r. • >MI .«ON J( )B \\’( )1<I\ found here . CROCKERY, TOBACCOS, CIGARS. ETC. I propose to keep a strictly find class house. Give me a call- £•' \l! our goals arc entirely new and will he exchanged for cash Which will lx- executed promptly J. B. HUTCH, or (arm produce. CAMPBELL A TUFFS. and in neat style Grant's Pass, Oregon I’FHUt’i* Paas. Josephine Cot 1 nty, Oregon - -r> RICHARD P GEORGE —Keep» the luiH— Whisky Brandies and W aes, And a!l other AT REASONARE RATI > Xew Store and Xew Goals. HEAlTH-filVING WEBS!! — UL *I.M> KLtrs TML — 1 orner M ain A- F ront S t -. \err Bpst Brand* of Cum», SAUR'N STNG LEE Spe-nal ittention given t (NUM Till »» MT Washing, Ironing and Fluting U! ktmto • t plain and fan*-' « rk i »or SATlSi \< TI<»> Gt XK \xri FT» W ill tak* oHitra« I* for a«»*! t h»»ppti.: clearing, ctv \\ .»- u m »n G ’vw-v» i rev k McCallister’s Soda Springs, »itnnte l on the North Fork of Butte rreeE J mi.. < fr, tu .la kaonwlle, in a <■’>■1 1 *»• Having opened a Family Grocery I hereby announce to tllv public that ymi near Mt. MeLaughlin. are a delight ful report for I have a new and well selected stock of l'on t tail to .-all at tire THE KERBVVILI.E G rant ’ s P as - O regon Legal Blank and County Work GRIX ERIl S. CONFECTIONERIES AM» T tBI.I WARE. I N \ A L I DS! These waters are highly medicinal cur ing in a ehort time I) V S P H P S I A Nought ■< lm t the Sweeping Reduction in freights, from the East, and An<l ull Summer Complaints, as well a* marked down at Bottom Price * many I also sell th»> < LI ERRATI D DAVIS VERTICAI. • SF.'AIM, MACHINE, CHRONIC DISEASES! Tl>eS i, hM i win h no isjual in «se of management ami gn at range of work. ties wh» oat mn let ween My object is to n-akv it to .. “ , l , trifling iu the in- ♦'F» 'ha'ink* cash or pro- Oiegon duct l • trade witji me ’ **.*,*»••• Fare from Portland Io San Francisco. Fare from Portland to Sacramento, lio.iit. Oregon Towns of Southern l*iM«t oflit c Murphy, .h» rphine county, < »regon H ats . C ai ’ s . B oots and Sum . Kailr<'tvI Station Grant'« Ptss V H. C\BH<)N ran— Sonu of the Ashland merchants 1 >i'| I l*t I I arc having trouble 111 getting then Gonerai Mining Supplies. W AI.IM» DIRECTORY goods that wete shipped from San Francis. > !>■, th. Vai|ttiii 1 route bargains must not ('..Mid-- shipjxd on the 20th ult arc W \l |H> 11011,1 . Tiit*** wishing fail to call at the Has recently been supplied with a still on th road or lying lit some WALIN', OREGON Kerby ville P O. Building. xvatehottse down the hue Freight fine selection of for one 01 two merchants has lieen J A PECKHAM i , riii , ri I'. tor K I MIO Mill • • Oaicoox lying at Albany for two weeks and the owner» thereof .ire anxiouah GOOD lABi.F KERBYVILLE waiting to find e>ul where the tmu • .001 > DEI >S' An»l the k.M of æconiiimdatiun*. blc is r M, 411*4 NOTIC E ! ! ! NOTICE ! ! M » Il I 1 .1 ’ ’