Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1886)
fur Hal«. Correspondance. A good syrup on draught at G. Fadden brought us "amples of Mis min'let! nten. anil will look after the Ohe hundred and sixty acre» <A land W. Riddles for 75 ceuts per gallon. sion and Isabella grapes. De Pavv interest of the county, and where E d . C ourier -1 see some tall for sal" cheap, one mile from Old papers for sale at this office. plum Urge reti egg plum and a needed improvements are required vamsoi products in various parts offered Grant’» Pax«. Enquire oí C ot xutx. A Oku: Pdfer el JKeDlinCJW. orcin. [21-tt Hon. H. B. Miller has some fine growth of wo<xl from the same tree the} Mr. C« bum canx- down from Ash -take them, no matter who of the country, but I think we of nine feet and a half long grown this growls. \Ve are informed that Applegate will be entitled to the doors nearly completed which are land Saturday. SEPT. 17, 1886. FRIDAY Nollf. season, the bark clearly showing Perry McDaniels gave us a pleas the work of the S. P D. & I. Co. such to lx- the ca-.-: also Italian there is some talk of adding a tour ..cake.” I will not speak for otliers AU persons knowing themselves unJebt- STATE ANDCOUNTV OFFICIALS and are made of oak laurel and su thousand dollar }>oor farm to this but only, for mysetf. by jiving a re to me will ple ute call and settle the ant call Monday. prune. All these samples went for years exhibit, and another three port of some of the products of tuy ed gar piue. saiue I need tlie motley. state orriciAus: ward on Monday night passenger 14 ft» Gulden C Sugar at G W MRS M. HTDE. Governor thousand dollar bridge on Apple farm. Two years ago this spring 20-fj Z. F M oody Yellow jackets are scarce this sea train, and we assure these gentle gate, which will add seven thousand I planted a new orchard of plums Secretary Riddles for $1.00. R. I' E arhart son. I<ast year they were very nu men that the C otrihr is ever thank Organ For Sale. Treasurer E. Hix»> h Lewis Hayes of Applegate, came merous and people said a hard win fill to them for ’he spirit of enter dollars more to our twenty thousand and peaches, and tlie growth of the Supt. Pub. Instruction E. E M c E lroy Partie» wisbuitf to buy a k irat-cliM Ta- dollars. What say you to this, Plum same is simply marvelous, Circuit Judge to town Wednesday ter would follow, but we had a light prize shown in the matter. We can H on . I-. R. W ehster * lx*r<>n¡*n cheap, will please call at tlie friend tax-paver? trees 12 inches in circumference District Attorney W m . M C olyiu rcHi'ieuce of A. l 'ole, or at thia ofttce. A J. P. Tuffs and wife are visiting winter. What will follow their assure those sending samples I notice we have three kinds of with shoots of this years growth of big Istrgaui is offered county officials : scarcity this year ? through this oftn-e to the State at For: Bidwell. Cal. tax payers in our county. First— 10 feet in length and plums that 24tfi •V COLE. . .County Judge Yoln v Colvig 1 have a pair of large mules which Board rooms, that they will receive those that pays when due, and that measured 7 inches in circumference. I J- Couiuiiasiouen* We would be glad to have some J. M Paine tor Mf. I desire to sell or exchange for cat proper attention while nt Mi. Car is all there is about it. Second Mime Mess -nger f wood on subscriptions. Peach tress it1.- inches in circtun .................. Clerk lisle's hands. Since writing the pays when he can't get around it. ferance and peaches 11 inches in J i<-ol> Wimer has a tine farm for s»le C. K Chanalor tle. Enquire of. or address on Applegat», upon which »r>- tw.s tin« Treasurer James Hughes was over Thurs J. AV. Howard above, Mr. George Goen brought and then growls about it. Third G. W. W imer , Jr., circumference. I have two grain onl*.ii'ls—fruu '4 all kiiuU. A lajjie crop __ Sheriff day from Sucker creek. T. G _______ Patterson iu fine samples of corn and oats, is de’.inient and pays when the sitet vines planted eight years ago from > al..i for sal«- with the pliu«- Enquire 25tf] Waldo, Or. E1.V Hathaw.iv Schoo! Superintendent J Wm»-». Murphy, or at llw L“' RDR also a large squash. J. S. McFadden offers his fine iff makes hint. J eromi -:. cuttings that cover a trellis 800 feet of J. M Chile" of this city presented office. I l it! OUS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. fruit farm 011 Applegate for sale. We learn by private advice the square, and have this year at least this office with a trial bottle of sew County Court Proceedings. merchants of Jacksonville have com 7.000 bunches of grapes. The long Old lady Williams and son of ing machine oil which he manufac LADIES I! CRANT'S PASS. the regular sitting of the county court est main vine is, as near as 1 can SENi’tlfora Novelty Kng '!»■ him-, Applegate were in town this week. tures for sale. It is a fine looking bined anil ship sugar by the car for At Josephine ______ URSRRA! ■ M6Ri‘:i»SIH"i:. oninty commencing Set» measure, 80 feet. One new gro r th an ! with rage, taaki a ivautiful rug. that load, dividing it up among them I. V axci :— t'or. (Illi and II »(reels. The wixxls are full of fires and oil and we hope to see its manufac selves. In consequence of this they temlier Sth. ISsd, the following bills were last year was 35 feet long. In the will cunt nothing but your time Vari» G ro W K iddle —Main at., near 5th. ture encouraged by people patroniz "I paid can lie lined in the wnne manner A child much damage to timber is the r"Q”lt. arc able to sell that leading staple eriler C ami - i li .*kTi rrs—i-or. Otliifc H»(». ing its proprietor. Pacific Br'gv Co. .kiqilvgute br'g»»2.5' ‘>1.00 old orchard is a cherry tree 7 feet iu can operate the machine. S-nd for cata 8. P. 1>. & I. Co.—office and store eor- for about a cent less than dealers same approaehe» 36.00 We regret to say Miss Annie Ben circumference, apple trees 4 leet 8 logue ami pattenm. Agents wiMted in Stl. and Main streets. are informed by cur friend who ship in small quantities. This State elcirge. L. lA'vitt. 31.14 inches, jx-ars 3 feet .8 inches, plum even tow ,1 on the coart. Aildreaa, uer proposes soon to leave this H. We 7 tn OROCKRIER. H. Sparlin who came ii. to see we are informed is drawing a large s P D A L. Co I. 1 PEAKE. place. •*.>.25 3 feet 1 inch planted 1 do not know J. M C hiles - cor 4th anil Main at". 201) Keurnv St., Fan Francisco Cal us Monday that Rev. Slover and amount ot trade to Jacksonville. Couutv clerks supplies I when, but very thrifty and vigorous 2,00 J. F Kello'i J.B M iksii ail *k 8. s—-nr 7th A Main, 18- 1 in) Alex. Watts is opening a mining Brown have been holding camp All goods such as coal oil, salt, 2.00 yet. Ino Mitlauber/er Personally 1 have known this I «hit. . m A C hapman —Main »t near 6th. claim on Josephine creek. Success meeting on Williams creek for a sugar, nails and other goods that .laekson l‘> Ml orchard to years, and iron» the form co . examine insane E. A. E stes —Main st., bet. 4tli & 5th. Choice Land I'tr l«‘ old boy. 3.00 week past. Four were- baptised. can be used by car load lots in a Wm s.vm lers, survi" ATTORN BA'S-AT-1. A W er owner, I. Vail Doni. 7 year", and TWO III \|IRI I> Xer.-x ■» g, Mrs EGli.l L'ii, h’fil Henn Stone artZv Jackson Smart, one oS our best DUvt" B rowkh —nth st near Poatoffice. Edward S. Smith who is one of town ought to be shipped that way in that time there has not been a in Vatnhill ixiunty fol xaiv <0.01 and Fitxsiiiimons < of Portland Tin' wag'». 8 V. M itchkll —Main st next iloor u> citizens has gone to the Willamette our most energetic and active quartz so as to be able to place these goods I. uey Allen, br’d Martin 24.00 : failure of peaches or any other fruit. Southwest leading to it from Portland is igecada- C ockier otfi.-e. to reside. men leaves to-night for Portland and at a low price and in that way build Cost» justice’» court Wilderville pre For the kinds ot fruit tried, apples, tnlsed four miles and double tracked flve S am W hite —C ovrier building. cinct 38.60 San Francisco where he goes on up a large trade for the town. peaches, pear*, plums, cherries, miles niore. The remaining nine miles ut Misses Belle Davis and Emma IlKl'G STORES Costs justice's court tirantsPass pre mining business. We will miss his W. P. Hammon of the firm of E. crabs and grajms, this place has no excellent road. Eine spriiigH on the laud. cinct N atiosai . Darn S tore —Main at near 6th. Justus visited the C ourier office of, or ad«lrenn conjenial face and good will toward \V. & W. P. Hammon, of Phcenix, Win. Crow superior anywhere. But fruit is Price, »2,tXM>. Enquire W. CrrA r>av<i S tore —Main st bet 6th a 7th. •Tuesday. J WIMER J. H. Sowell, jury list who are largely engaging in the his fellow-man. not the only products that <lo well 14 If) physicians and bcroeoxs Spear* A Erasure, isiinting Mr. Alilf is building a nice resi here. I have raised 5 tons of oat W F. K ramer —at National Drug Store. Jack Powers, who shot and killed nursery business, gave our office a Charles Agee county charge Wild < berry anil Tar. F. W. V andyk —Main st bet 6th and 7th. dence on II st. west of Chiles' gro his fatherinlaw Ben. Cornelius in friendly call Wednesday. The firm I H. Mitchell, Bourn'-vs corn's hay to the acre, good grain and Every Ixxlv knows the virtues of Wild cery store. AV H. F lanagan —6th street below 11. corn. 1 have samples of rye 9' : ft. t'herrv and Tar as a relief and euro for front of the Esmond Hotel, itt Port is also represented by H. McPhee K'lgne River Courier WATCHES AND JXWEt.RY. long, oats 81 fl. long. Some years anv ejections of the Throat mid Lungs, Mrs. O. II. Starr end children land. on the 4th of July 1881, anti who is a traveling salesman. These Times W. F. Kramer C. L. G ray —cor Main and 5th st». with these two ingredient*» an- gentlemen have lately located at Win S umders, survey ago 1 had two ¡xitatoes that weigh combined returned Tuesday from a visit to who was sent to the penitentiary M. V. L oomis —Main st bet 5th and 6th. a few simple healing remedies in the Phoenix with their families and J W. Sherer ed 15 poutnls, three squashes that composition Lane county. has been pardoned recently by Gov of I>r. Bosanko'» ( nugh and MISCELLANBOVS. planted their nursery near E. K I d F. Hathaway s s weigiied respectively 124. 111 and Lung Syrup milking it just the article you Here in Grants Pass the people ernor Pennover. J ohns & W oodw ard —Saddles and Har Pignev A C««'k Anderson's old orchard, south of 108 pounds: a mustard stock 14 ft. sluSlid always have in the lr.ise, for ness—Main st l>et 4th and 5tli. shoulder and carry water melons The hour of departure and arri Phoenix. They are deserving of Holt A Hardin, brick and saml high, corn 18 ft. high,- but it did t 'oiiglgs, Voids, t'roup and Brom hitis. 8. A G reene A S um —Gunsmiths and like cord «-ood. same build'ng vault Price 50 cents and »1.00. Samptes free. val of trains being in the middle of patronage, and as they are located I. (>. (> F. use of hall Apr'l term Machinist:—Main st bet 4th andotii. not ripen. This was not an extra Sold by W. F. Kremer, Grant’s Pas - Mrs. Chas. Sexton and Miss Kit the night we did not take in the in our land they will doubtless meet I G Puttvrson, nicving county C itv M arket —M tin st near 5th vear for vegetables, but I think at O. IL S tar —Tin Shop—cor 6tli A H »ts. tie Thornton gave this office a Pioneer Reunion at Jacksonville with success |>roperty from Ki'rby ville, 12.25 digging time 1 can tell some big We also met Mr. < hi ••• I <»r rih *. S pears A F ha - rf .—Painters—5th street. same, e lualixation b’rd Aug though we were inclined to do so. McPhee. Both of these gentlemen 16.20 | pleasant call yesterday. F hith B ko .".—Feed Stable—6th at. A J. Sedge 37.70 yarns and prove them, loo. We hope soon to have a different Pile." .ire frequently pn-eeded by asen.i"- 4’ entbai . H oti t.— I B. Hutch, Proprietor express much confidence in our fruit 11. Anlaiil, rep iloer cicek bridge J. S. M c F adden , J. C. Gillam of the firm of Gillam of weight in the back, loins and lower time table here. —Main afreet near otli. facilities. to be r>-eieved by I. M. Payne «5.66 Murphv, Oregon. part of the abdomen, causing the patient G rants P ash A cademy —Henry I.. Ben & Chapman has gone to his home J. . T. ............. Bryhan, , _____ assessor iso.1 m The Rev. Frederick H. Post, Communicated. at Wilbur for a few days. to Hiip|KHe lie hu < some iitfectioo of the son. Principal. A Rich Blast. John Boles |>aii|H*r charge allowed-------- Mits. M. H yde —Milliner—opi>o."ite Fac kidneys or neighlxiring organs At'tiinvx, T. JuJson, hoiiHe rent 25.00 Newt Yocuni and family «ent up Episcopal clergyman who held ser A lthovse , Sept. 7, 1886. symptoms of indigestion an present, fiat tory . vices here last Sunday has gone to T G. Battcrsoii. Is*<l>ling etc lor jail 20.00 G m . esvh . lk , Sept. 14, |8*8(>. uleney, imeiixiiii-ss of th" stomach, etc L imestone C a -. 1 - miles from this city, to soda springs Saturday to sojourne A bland. Medford and Jacksonville En. C ovrier —Sir:—I notice in same »lierilf fees 30 02 Mi Marshall, Dear Sir: I hav A moisture, like iiii*s|x-r.ition, pnxiucing bet Sucker and Williams creeks. for a month or six weeks Volni-v t'olvig equalisation li’rd 2O.IXI your issue of 13th ult . a communi but tvill return next week and will E vreka H igh S ciiooi —J H Robinson. Payne, »up applegate bri’ge 4I.IW a surprise for you. We made the a very disagns-ahle itching, after getting Wm Frakes and family, of Deer hold service at this place on Friday- cation signed ‘'Tax-paver,” giving J. M same Principal—Wilderville. att co court 24.IX) biggest strike last night that has warm, is a i-miiinon attendant. Blind. H ealth G iving W atkhs —S. McCallister, creek, have been tisiti tg 011 Apple evening Sept. 24th. the statement of the retiring county 8. MeaNenger same 10.00 been made on the pacific coast iu Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once In the application of Dr l'...sanko'ii I’iln Proprietor—35 miles from Jai knonville. gate the forepart of the week. 2 14.55 clerk showing an indebtedness of ( K Ch:ii>lor. c'i rk («•«■" W hite S i lpiivr S prings H otel , Ashland Alt insurance policy of $2000 was only $13.000, which the writer says The further orlers of th" court wert' the last twenty years. The second Ri-medv. which a* is din-i ily upon th« blast i.i"* ..:ght broke and threw parts 1 Itectisl, itlworbing the Tiluior», al —T. W Price, Manager—Visit of First Rev. Mr. Livensparger held re paid this week by the A. O. U. W. that X’olnev Colvig Is- appointed to selt-et avenue. ligious services at his church in the to Win. Chapman and Titos Chap is a very pleasant report, and if it and receive seats and furniture for new out upwards of seven thousand dol laying the inleiixe itching, anil effecting a J 11 G rifeis . Gold Hill—Real Estate, represented all the obligations of the house. íais. Jack it is a fact, some of the perm iin-nt run*. Price 50 cents. Address, west end of town on last Sunday. man on account of a policy held 1 county it would indeed be a very court Lumber, Grain, Insurance etc. Bill of BurroiighsA II irtinan fot »650.00 ribbon rock that is front one to four Tim l>r. Bosanko Medicine Co., lXqua, (>. Sold by W. F. Kremer, Grunt’s Pass. JACKSONVILLE. Misses Ema and Ida Woodcock against that order by Arthur J. pleasant rejHirt. The writer starts damages on account of const ruction of R u 1 k ‘ R ogve R iver D istillery —John t. Han of Kerby came to town Monday, the Chapman deceased. Wm Chapman in thus and overhauls the report and Rogue River bridge near their ferry. De inches is almost solid gold. D r . J. R PILKINGTON starts for Portland to night, and ley, Proprietor. latter on het «-ay to the Monmouth drew $i 400.00and Thomas $600.00. makes a different showing altogeth nied. Appropriation on ro.i I ln-t«.-«-n Rogue will call see y ou, lieforc starting for Surgeon, Oeulint, Aurist, ami proprietor J acksonville M aruli : W orks —J. C. school. It is said on our streets that T. B. er by arranging his table thus: River and Applegate n.-w bri Les to clear Euiujie. Whip, Proprietor. Look out in the Oregoni ■ >f th" Eve Inlirtnai'i . and Sanitarium. of Portland, Or., may until further netico C. L empekt —Physii iiui and Surueon. »17.049 00 land, 40.00. Dan Shehan visited this city lsst Dessell and James Connell have Out^t.111*1 inn warrant», an in two or three days. Appropriation of 15 HI feet ot hunls'r for lie coinuilted ut th" I a - hh cash on hand 2,433 00 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAAV, week. We thank him lor kind ad ousted the bigoted China doctor Jims Cost.1. npptoach to Applegate bridge. IJnglvy Um M«f Ci ran C m I’an.t, H. K elly . 11. 1<. H annah . T. B. K ent . vice and assure him it will be fol from their claim and sold the same Scalp Isiuntfe» almlishod $11,till» OO Balance 011 the 2nd Munday of rrrry mouth, all day. WALDO. to George Simmons, Chas. Decker. IH» It X. JuMeph Fitzgi-ral I released from c >unty lowed. Kills allowed by th * new rhe ailiietvd by disease in any form are J W imer A S on —General Merchandise care. Peter P. Payne and Thomas T. Gil that «honld have been paid —Main street Rev F H. Post held religious mon for $16,000. This is a good County clerk autliorizisl to a'lvertisi- WIMER - Wi«l<l«>. Aug JOtll, ISSO, made welcome to a free eommlhititm. by the o!<l board, 2,00 00 I In i.iltirs ar« all foruia of Eye anti to tbv wile oí George \V Wimer Jr , n Cm- P. csi . k —< 1 -neral ’L-r- bsndise. . services at music hall twice last for bids to keep (he county pail|»'i s. claim. ■l.iuebti'r Hotel and Liverv stable— Main st. Now I would like to say right Luther Gup roa I accepted anil ordered Ear Ailments Rectal A Nrrvou* D imtmuc *. where he baptised seven J. A. P li KH AM—Hotel and Livery barn Sunday immediately. The ladies of the M. E. church here that all the business of the old opened ' persons. Refer« to almost every old Portlander; M I KK i.T K I I’OIIT. —Main street. Tax rate for 1886 levied at two an l one will give a fair and chicken pie sup 1 board was finished at the April term ilho J hm . S. (’herrv, \ll»any; R. A. ltain- liter per cut. CENTRAL POINT. Miss Mary E. Seyferth went tip ]>er at the “Music Hall“ Tuesday proper, and the June term was only <pi I'ltition py, Hairiaburx; I W. Bond. Irvin« ; Rev. tillAAr'x P ahs , Sept. 10. for «oust, ruction of bri Igea ross R out . W kstriii —Feed and ».lie stable. to Phoenix on Wednesday morn evening Sept. 28th., supper com to settle with the retiring officers, Applegate opposite of \\ ¡lli.iiiis creek laid oeklv by G. W. Riddle, VC Fairchild, Jan V Ehbcrt, Eugene; J. S, Hm i - k —Stoves and Tinware. \ F Pay, Wilbur; R B Pixon, W t J ing train to visit her grandfather mencing at half past five. A cor and all the other business properly over until next term of court. L ewis P ankey —Centr.ii Point Hotel. Winston, lioMeburg; Jas Thornton. Win. records ordei i d to be removed (' M mnt iii:i<—Real Estate. and family. dial invitation is extended to all. Ix-longs to the regular July term t<> County C. Butler, Ashland, and over a hundred the new court house u|»in its con I- KERBYVILLE. < aM»‘s of the worst forms <4 Pil?», litrhd and of right should appear on the plot ion Admission iocts. Supper 25 cents Prof. J. P. Randall has an lieii W m . N avckk —General Merchandise. : r’inhdti.*, (»tc . now livingsm rvsMfullv exhibit of last year for it should N D el iMArrt'R—General Mi loom in the shape of a violin that apiece. treated, without Uffing the knife. From Kerbyvllle. have been the work of the new I' ni . n II otel —Mrs. Ryder, Proprietor. has been in the family 92 years, and We are now doing some of the board. So now Mr. Tax payer, you tinrtl Tiin« ». K ekiiyvili t: M ills —P. M Miller. Propr. it is a fine one. Et>. C ourier ; - On the irthinst., finest job work ever done in south can see that instead of you being R ichab » I‘. Gi: R<ir—edoon—Main st. While money h < bHe,wa«vii a”<| priced School began Monday with 171 em Oregon and at very low figures right about $200.00 tint the old becoming somewhat tired of the mo low , ex|N*ni4*M*ffhouh! I»e eut dnw n in every notony of Grants Pass lift, set my hous<*hold. Economy the wutvh word for Pretty good for a start and consisting of letter heads, bill heads, boarfl should have p issed upon. An I yet tl.'re is time to have Everitt pupils. Mother«, head olf Doctor bill«, by always face toward the ditcher’s Mecca, make your Picture Call around. i is 20 more than attd ided the school cards, labels, posters, certificates It really passed on $1500.00 more ‘‘Eight dollar ’ mountain. I arrived ke<*ping in the ln»u»v. a Isdtlv of Pi. blanks of all kinds. We pul anil which closed in July. BoMitnko's Cough and latng Svnip. Stops of the new boards work than it need there in due time anil found Maj. Messrs. Alilf A Messerve are prepared a Cough iiiMtantly, relievesCr»muini|4ion, to pay the high- -t < ish prices for hi l -s W. I,. Blackburn may be found our letter heads up in tablets when to, which would make a different Butler with his crew of about thirty cures Croup and purn in the CI m ^I in one Í21--U 1 at J. W. Howard & Co’s, new brick desired. and furs showing all together. night. It is just the remedy for hard times. men, all in good spirits and cutting Grants Pass has had a regular! Now in regard to the Miller $1000 daily, about one rod of ditch to the Price adi ts and $1. Samples free. Sold 8 lbs. of Costa Rica Coffee for where lie is ready to wait 011 those by W. F. KreiiM*r. < irant’s Ibiaa. harvest of churches during the past 00 I have been informed that when man. Major is well liked In the who wish to purchase goods. * St.00 at G. W. Riddles. ------------- - ----- - ■——......... ■——— ■■ ■ The health of H011 W. I). Fenton few days. Rev. John McIntire, W. the compromise was made between lx>ys and is certainly turning off Everitt will take wlb-at, corn, or hav at I*. Williams, Daniel Li vensparger tlv- court and Sol. Abrahams, that The Great the market price in bang«- for Picture». has been improved by his trip to and F. H. Post, of Philadelphia, Miller informed the court that he lots of work for his employers Yaquina bay. He has removed 1 noticed the smiling counte participating. We are glad to say (Miller) could not spare the $tooo, J. W. Howard & Co. received a from Portland to McMinville. Rev. John McIntire has been ap from his business, and so Miller was nances of Jim Wilson ami O»ai lot of new goods Wednesday, among Major Buttles has a large force of pointed resident minister for Grants released for the time, and scrip Nanckc on the streets of the village Ami C hi iovitics of Jo. •phine County, which was a large an 1 complete line men at work constructing ditch for Pass by the M. E. conference. issued for the cost of the court house last Sunday. of ladies dress goods. 25-ft ------ OWNKD BV ----- the Cal' company below Kerby and and Xau« ke seem to Mr. J. R. Marshall of this place suit. The clerk had a right to use I k Del.aniatter doing a huge business in then Persons desiring pictures should they are building ditch rapidly. HAHKNESS Ä BURCH but who is a deep miner a quartz the Miller debt as credit, which not delay until winter sets in, as Misses Della anti Minnie Briggs. man in its real sense—recieved a shows his exhibit to be correct and line at their respective places of bn • Everitt the photographer may l>e ab Della Fulerton and Minnie Quitieof very surprising letter this morning as it should I k -. The writer then iness at Kcrbyvillc. sent from his office at that time. The I toys inform me that Dick Fine Scenery and Magnificent Discoveries. Canyonville and Roseburg are the concerning a rich find south of Can appeals to the <>1«1 report to sh«nv [25tf guests of Mrs. Blackwood and Mrs. yonvil'e. Douglas county and very- tint “to many of us bail and profli George is kept busy dealing out the near the Josephine county line, gate” managers and increased our “sweet sttreease of sorrow” to the Mrs. Flanagan and Miss Tuffs Colvig. indebtedness last year nearly $400 > “weary and heavy laden.” opened a handsome millinery store Mr. Pasture has just returned The letter «ill be found iu another 00 and throws the blame on the old Mr. B. Williams an«l John Stil column beaded “ Rich Blast. ” on 6th st. next door to L- Vance’s from Kerby and vicinity, bringing court without cause or explanation, dry goods store yesterday. Their with him some very fine trickle ore. The court house and jail are both and an increased revenue an«l 2' • linger were in camp on the i i th goods are all new and nobby. [25-tf He says eight dollar mountain is completed. The jail though small | xt cent tax and with bis way of with a load of Grant's Dass beef. Mr. Young returned to Graafs I’ass is more of a jail than we at first figuring make it look very plaust wilh full of it. tlR.n, Having two of the finest and best thought it would be. We have tin 12 tbs. Dry Granulated Sugar for ble. Now Mr taxpayer, the -ame improved small farms in Southern Mr. George Barlow and hisaniia hesitancy in saying that the court court made both rejxirts and if there Oregon. 1 desire to sell one of them. $1.00 at G. W. Riddles. house is a great credit to the county. ha«l not lieen a just cause for a dif ble wife do the dxikiug for the camp, The Water from thrve Cave» I» Excellent on Account of it» Mrdicel Properbc. All under cultivation. For “ tenus, Mrs. M Hyde the milliner has It is a handsome building and a and the inner man is Ixiuntifully ADMISSION TO CAVES,...................................... $1.00. R. I). S andford , enquire of taken up her head-quarters next convenient one. The jury room is ference, then would have Ix-en none. , supplied with the gixxl things of Now take the re|x>rt and see life prepared in a thoroughly <x ci Grant's Pass, Or. 19-301] door west of the C ourier office a better one than the satue room in «•here the extra $4«x>o.oo comes in. dental style. No one goes atvay where «lie has a nice "tock of mil the Jacksonville court ■Y J. Wimer & Son at Waldo, are linery goods. First, we notica the special hungry. election, 1 1K.3 on now receiving a new and complete New houses and other buildings 44 oG Mr. M. A Jackson "iipplii" tin '-'HHitv n-•••r«i-* t»> < » 1’ W. H Hathaway, Osear Knox, are going up on every hand, and •z © stock of Boots and Shoes. Gent's AbMtr.uit* from Jiu k-wm county 439 59 men with "aqua pur^ Whenever —i Tyler Green and Perry McDaniels Furnishing goods, Gent's Diagonal there "eems to be general activity Attorney’« fee* 7:n 31 his little form is .eeti on tin bank í AULÌ i MCS5ERVE Cropr ». suits. Dry goods and Ladies' Fancy of .Applegate aie all going over to among the farmers up and down WitnoHx fee« ai ! Bourne 122 7 > re of the ditch bearing two buckets Paid Jackson county. M.n k«*\ goods. They have also made a Josephine creek to «-ork for Alex. both R«>gue river ami the Applegate rt> ,2<K> 74 full of the linipt I product of the Illi C&MC 1 ■ HA' t I’A M in > 11:11 i. great reduction in prices for cash Watts in Ins mining claim" We like to see them take hcl«l and .Supreme r IS on nois, a court 'f. They are determined to sell cheaper » "<) far as we know there is not a sin / Kent for court I iouf a « 1 rk ’s There will lie a public "ale of line of than the cheapest. S» H5 on oft'nc stock, the property of the late T T. gle farmer in the country who has and he a «»- Plan« an i «|»ecîii< ’ :iti«ma j.iii S been reasonable economical and in © r M on met. ’ ’ Miss Annie Benner is now located Bybee at his place near Waldo, on dustrious that ■•" not prosjK-r«»qs and and hou«e 00 Kcalps in her rooms over J. W. Howard & the 9th day of O< '«uber. For terms happy. Messrs. Spears it Frcasiirv the Ö Co.’s store in the new brick where of sale see ad in another column. X Total »3,44« 25 painters, came very mar having a We are glad to say that the farm • P. M Bunch from Fresno. Cal . » Now take $tox>.<»> «»Ut forcin uit fire a few «lays ago Mr. Sjxars b desiring pictures enlarged. I am bought ground this week and will ers have responded liberally to the Ml I HEX o $632.50 to prepared sonic furniture polish coni prepared to show samples of my immediately build a butcher shop notice in the C ourier asking for court, which will f leave Sa > the court, and [X>s<'d of boiled lills« «»d oil, j ipan samples of farm pr«xluce for the expense «4 cover the work. Charge.- reasonable. Call and confectionery store. We «’el r» • •Ilk ' \: v;i early as I will remain only a short come all good citizens to our town. State Board of Immigration at Port that will cover the expense of any corn starch and turpentine ivhieh he o land. Ole Severson brought in court and you have $4.449- ordinary ■ 3 with a soft cotton « loth bx rub used time A nnie B enner Green & Son are building a gun some very choice samples of Craw- 25 to say nothing of the Sillier bing. After working on sonie«i<x»rs rn 4 -1 / VXD l;oi ■•(.'. V ntf store on 5th st. near “Music Hall zn for«l pea«.h. Pound pear and Gloria Now friend tax paver, pet- he thr« w tlic «‘loth on a -ide sin If rn These men areg«xjd workmen an<l • •» The undersigned, living five miles Mundt apple". Willis York samples haps after you carefully l«x>k the and left lhe "Imp: reluming latrr he are of Early Amber cane nine and a matter c r and leave out partiality noti«ed tin simp full of -. west from Grant's Pass, offer" for square in their dealings and Lu t « 1 timt r sale one span of good heavy draft glad tn say feel encouraged to re half feet high, a spttash weighing you will change a little in regard t«j could not find the otfrmler main among us. 88 p'?un«t.s. and corn of immense the retiring uffic rrs. I think under ing tl»e "timke c in'cm fr«> horses and harness. one farm wagon '/• Al WAY3 ON HA n D. Some very fine workmanship mav proportions. H. Anlauf, simples the circum lances they done well. "ide, he again left tin slpi and hack in good condition, one plow, three head of full blooded be seen at the paint shop of Spears of carrot, two of which weighed Now tn re ■jjanl to the contracted in semnd return to th«' »hop male Berkshire hogs one good & F:e sure iu the shape of doors seten and three-fourth pound»», also debtedn« » 1 have nothing to say. tition where th » on M. 4 >ny |>)a • • in r »«J You niav I 1« right 111 that. All I fir« young milch cow. Aho. some old made by the S. P. D. & L. Co., for a turnip Dt Kt ar 1 U»t r» the private residence of Hon. H. B an«l thre ask of yc rrti i to put tic blame search t«»r the fir shelled com in quantities to suit imr> I l:i:i . 01 (Till (Ill. / Vliller They a*e <■- ,ik laurel and Izev î n where it belong S antfobd dt C hri - tit row «*s* 1 is- Till: (Ol RIElt Local and Personal. IJ XI I CST( )XI; CAVHS