JOHN G WHI I 111 F fmo the Albany Democrat v e OS llLDl.x AT.RIVAL AND DEPARTURE MAILfc »now grants pass to inir scrNT errr. w Daily Except Sunday. 4 L t . Grant’« Pass, 6.1. m . Arrive 1 a . > 4 eno« grants p .4 m > to gai . ict . ” <*. a », Restrain Him from Selling his Large and Well-selected Stock of Leaves Saturday To Arrives faame ON JACKSONVILLE DIRECTORY take the following JACKSONVILLE Grading ou the O P between Un,«' oure, U aU-aUjuslini death. Corvallis and Albany is practically The nation’« Pantheon opeM wide . -.otnple’ed The trestle at the north One* m< r, a . omc.or. "''rr'W Smth approach of the bridge at this city A atrou*’, wi«s man ha* die!. I V. A svill probably be finished in about Fault» Ii'".btie • had he. H id we not two weeks, perhaps less. Railshave ihir own to )ae«t|i>n and aepT««- Will I1 l1. lz-en laid about two and a half miles The worth doul.ted or forgot Until we stowJ Icsii1” I :s hear»)? om the Corvallis depot. Mr. Alx ( < (■neral < ’ontrnctor Hackh •’ a : rived .t. Albany Satur Ambitious, cautious, y><‘an To strike town fraud with re»olute hand day, from Silver Wells, to meet the —-JN— A patriot if a partiaau. O I’ authorities here, and locate He loved hi« native land. the depot and perhaps make arrange ments for machine 01 repair shops, MARBLE, STONE or GRANITE 80 let ths mourning laell* be rung, The banner droop its fold« iuilf -u. , but Col. Hogg had gone East, and And let the ptiblr pen un i tongue W. M Hoag was in Califomia, so Ttieir fitting tribute pay that nothing has yet been done in Then let us vow above his birr the matter. The bridge at this city To set oar feet on party lie« will probably be fini bed by Octo­ And wound no more v living ear With words that death denies ber 1st. Grading, according to the statement of Col. Hogg, will be con­ MAKING A SALL. tinued about ten mile- beyond Al BY LETTER ALL ORDERS “On to Boise How a Dakota Agriculturist Soothed bany this season Hi* Wounded Feelings. Citv is the cry. Promptly Attended To. On Thur day evening of last week A man wa-. driviug acros- the country in Dakota when he tune to the twelve yeai old son of John a house with a man hobbling around Rickard, living near Corvallis, was O keoon Sr , J acksonville , O on the yard on a crutch A fine-look­ playing in the harvest field, and it ing horse was tied to a post near seem was having some fun with by. aud the traveler stopped and Thos McClellan a harvest hand The latter finally lost his temper, «aid: gut mad, and struck the boy several "Is that hor«e lot ale' JACKSONVILLE, OR “Well, now, I tell you jest how hard blows on his head, besides run­ ’tia ’bout that air boss you - ee it s ning the pitchfork into his back JOHN A. HANLEY Propr. The boy’s skull was the one uiy wife drives and I don’t three .time- know as she’d want ter part with it crushed and his spine injured, leav­ ■o- ing him in a critical condition. A It’s a very gentle ho , very gentle young brother gave the alarm aud "That - what I want, a horse Caton die Garrett, General A gen tn. assistance was given the injured lad that is gentle .uid kind. “That jest hit that hos preci e McClellan tied to his cabin, near by. Kinney A Wulters. trenta, .Medford. ly, pardtier, no easier hoss to han­ where he was afterwards arrested, examined Ixtfore a justice and held dle in the country . " to await the action of the grand jury “Never kicks. 1 tippo.e'“ “Never knew lnm ter hi-ilchis, without the benefit of bail. The af­ fair caused great excitement in the foot ’cept ter walk." —Article <»f— neighborhood. “What is it wot th.’ “That’s jest it don't b'lieve I Rev. Edward Geary, of Eugene, can sell him ruy wife would miss one of Oregon's best knotvn pio-' hiru so. Tell you what I'll do, neers, died at his home in that city­ — And though: you give me one hundred yesterday morning aged J5 years and seventy five dollars fcr that hoss and fout months He came to Ore CORN WHISKEY, and I'll try and break in one of the gon in 1851, and resided in Linn colts fer her to dtive Don't b'lieve county several years, leaving Al­ In Quantities and at— I can ever get 'em a gentle as lie is bany fur Eugene 111 1876. Besides but seein’ y ou want him I'll let you being a Congregational minister lie PRICES TO SUIT have him fcr that." has Occupied several positions of “Well, I'll take it What make, trust and wa« a Mason in high stand you so lame’" ing, having obtained thirty-two de­ “Oh, rheumatiz got holt uv me grees. Oregon loses a fine scholar ag'in—jest 'bout used me up. I'll anil a splendid citizen. tie the hos. behind yer wagon fer you." A French metallurgist has adopt UNION HOTEL. “All tight Your bain seems to ed the prixvss of taking steel already lx1 scattered around somewhat, ey made, heating it cherry red. and clone strike it?" ; submitting it to a hydraulic pressure “Well now I should say there did of i,oo«.' to .L.ooc, kilos ]x-r square reg'lar twister uv a tornado jest centimeter; after the steel has lieen spread it nil 'round. There you'll allowed to cool Letween the two GOOD TABLE! find thnt boss’ll lead up all right plates of the press it is withdrawn, GOOD BEDS! \ny I cesses. crawled out from undet the house Mis Ellen Rviler Proprietress. and said K i ' rhvvii . lk ,.............................. H hk . os “Dad, it's a mighty good thing old Bill stopped kickin' 'fore he Hix miles South iit I -I'jxiac it’s jest I U I E T( > N A NI E. as well tet get a fait ptiec. Always < >UI OON And grown on natinal fruit land without K > ««WILL» . rcnieinlM t, my on. in future life ef irrigation, and free from all inne< t pests yer m Ilin' yci wile , favorite buggy uid dise.isi'M, such as ( alifurnia trees are N. DELEMATER, boss jest own right up to it and put sulijeet to. —IlKALLR IN — Tlmse who 1 ' tn«' planting on n gi««l price tet vwith yet avouii tleil fixdin's at sVein it go Never will di' well to get mv price list licfore DRY forget that the straight truth is the PI ID IIASING EI.SFWHEKE And l e- |'M constantly on hand liest in 1 time like this " [Estel hn. Bill II \ is. C aps . B<» ots \ nd S hops , t Nt lilt It 100 1 HI *. t. T Ag. nt for Park A Lacy, Portland, Dealers in----- ENGINES, CAR OFFICIAL PAPER Mining Supplies of Every Description on Demand, or- HIS STORE, GRANT’S There was au exultant mui I v on his face as he walked into the office of a well l.itown capitalist, and there was a proud ring tn Ins voice a* lie said. “For twenty wars I hate lived from hand t > mouth waiting fot something to turn up It has final ly canto. I have made a discovery which, if you will l»mk it with a lew hundred dollars, will give us both lortuncs. "Statv1 your case. ” ' Well, sir. I have discovered that banana peelings can be utilized for all kinds of table jellies A jx-i k «rf old peelings can lx1 made to bring forth twelve tumblers of the finest currant jell, and the pn'fit 1.«---- ” “Hold on right there." inter rupted the capitalist; “you arc just two years ttx» late \ chap in Chi cago not only titsAOAcnxl that, but he found a way to work tn apple rinds and ixires and orange |xtel, and we can't infringe on his patent “But------" ‘"It's no use I TABLE And the ler of acvs’tniii-aia’.ioi'.v. th«» Kerl.x ville I’ O EDITOR AND ÍG NATIONAL PROPRIETOR < >nr year (in advance) Six months Three months Single copy Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Shuldcr Braces, I russes. 25. I 25- 75- 10. ----- o HOOKS HOOKS, Pure T H E Ilaxc the lane*«* alore in Jow|duiie county , which is t»ix«U hx-t. and two atones, tilled with Liauors for Medical Wines and GRANT’S FOR “HURRA I <> It PASS, HURRA CAMPBELL à TUFF • IN NOW BOV"T Ol I n iglit will not le receivod for «hip inent after 5 o'el<« k v. on either the Ea«t or West Side Divisions. II. KOEHLER. li. P. ROGER?. Manager. IOKE FINES! IN ROOM SOUTHERN 1 >e| ». i rt i i ivi it OREGON. uni I On their ('heap Counter11 111 all such line- .1» Tin: BAK I m st m n;n WITH THS GOODS, DRESS Finite will ------ io)— uvains! PRESSES. travei . ixg BEST ACCOMMODATIONS. ----- o fine selection of T hroughout HAVING Till. Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars, GOODS. C M hile the Reading Table >.« THING, AND (APS, HOUTS AND "H<>ES GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Li ROCERIES, SUPPLIED WITH Till. LATEST NEWSPAPEKS. A POOL TABLE MAY Al so RE PROVISION-'. FOUND HERE. CROCKERY. TORAf ( OS. - CIGARS. ETC. 4 Which w ill be executed promptly and in neat style AT KI \SON ARI Grant s Paas, Josephine County, Oregon New Store RAT1S 11.MT Kl I F t * THK — ( Vetv Best Brants «»t Clears, IVui't fait to call at the orner ano AND The enctnie. of the Rev W J TRAVELERS. MINERS Nbet man, the priest who married, FARMERS SUPPLIES I m »K a TMK BKAT have bored holes tn hi« y u-ht and __ ___ • Washing. Ironing and Fluting sunk it But what dixrs Father Sherman care for his vacht so long We keep everything needed bv th* Ml kind* Gl IKtMH.P Courtet Journal V t|| ahtn take root tor w There u a place ta Pennsy Ivanu € k-H OR F called SOOOMBT It is not a .-u'.f. ' rleanng. mu resort - r^s’.vnio:e Ameticar. u , * » a * M Grant'« Pa*«, Oregon New Goods M ain .(■ F ront > t *. G hani ’- P a ..,. O regon Having opened a Family Grocery, 1 hereby ,i THE KERBYVILLE SAI oo\ Spet ìai attention grveu t J. B. HUTCH, CAMPBELL ê TUFFS. or farm produce. Whiski grandies and Wines. SING LEE ARR1VK. GRANT'S PASS. OREGON. JOB WORK \nd all other lar’a. RICHARD P GEORGE —Hl Purposes. C 0 URIER NEW ARRIVI. Portland. 7:30 A. M. Corvallis 12 7' Corvallis. 1 ;:'j) e. m . Portland 6:15 p 1 Alt orvallis''onneel with traina ■ for Yaq'iina Bay. Exeur«ion tjT1' «ale from tli'ant’« P: i - h to Ya.,*T-W,. * amt return, via Vlbaiiv, at $tr,.7'> TTik" ets good to return until s, pt. “otli, 1636. E apiu - m T rain . Physicians’ Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night. <’:»,» be Supplied at Kcamatable Prue« —Keep» the Finest— Lcbalton 9 :Avlr Porjland 10 .03 . Corner r and Front Streets. Poillanl. Orczoc •o--- eia*« SON ISO STITIOXEKL o Fla Cracked Wheat, Com Meal WIMER .N m . m . LKAVK. —DEALER IS — BARN AND CORRAL .1 ARRIVI l:H0r. l : 15 i. W est Stun D ivision . BETWEEN PORTLANDS OltVAJ LI.» M ail T rain . Druggist and Apothecary, •Id’.M RH lIoN RATES. NEW TYPE. CHEAP FOR CASH Portland lx'hanon Daily lictween Portland and Ashland The 0. & C. IL 11. Fcrry niakes < on- neetion witli allthe Tr.iins o., •h« East Sidc Division, freni fixt of F i 're»’ HATS Kt KHA Vll.l.K, li: AVE. 4 u ind every thing necessary to do first No |>ai 11» wilt l>c s|«n l to make gin-si« eomlortable i| X II I I , NOTICE!!! Towns of Southern WMh«> DIR T a T orn W \l.ho HOTEL. —VIA— THOSE DESIRING TO SETTEE IN J< »SEPHINE COUNTY B axnkr I xhxik , I. <). GT. 193- Meet« every Fridav evening at Hale’s hall .1 K llui. W.C I OVERLAND LO CALIFORNIA OREGON. PASS. NOTICI:!! NOTICE ! GOODS à GROCERIES Generai Mining Supplies SOCIETY NOTICES. G rant s P ass L odok , N o . 84, A. L 4 A M.—Meets in their hall, Odd Fsllow’a building, Inday evening on or before the full moon. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. .1. W. H ow ard , W. yf ,1. T. G alvin . Sec’v -N Rt t», I <».«>. F.—Meetaeverv ■Saturday evening at 7 :!!0 at their ball on Sixth street. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. Jo«« fH Mos.«, N. q. .1. A. J i ' n . mngs , Se-’y. K i . rhvvhli : L oik . i . No. 35. I. (1. (I. 1 Meets ever' other Saturday evening Visiting brothers eordisllv invited to 3, (end. 1» an ’ l H int , N. G. S. W. F orbes , See’v. I’, cf II JoM'pliine Lodge, 17'1 inert«««. Grant’s Pass, first Saturday of each month at 11 o'clock a 'i. W. M. P ollock . W M Hats. Caps Boots mil Shoes or General Groceries A Detto t Mi-owFw Who Waited Too lonfl Before Ttiming Up Something. MACHINERY AGRICULTURAL DRY GOODS à GROCERIES — IKÎF Orfiec open every day cxicrd Suu la- , from 7:30 a . x. to 8:30 r. m . Open Sun- d.ix from 8:30 to 10 1. m J. W. ItoWlLB. P. M ROGUE RIVER Cerueterv Work a Specialty. The Rogue River Distillery, RI DDLI \\ GEO T II E McCallister's Soda Springs, '•itii.i1-l "n the N rthFurkof Butteir, L !U mile« from la>'k»onviilc, in a coo! can­ yon near Mt .M<-i«uu;li!in, are a