Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1886)
THE (’OUR 1ER Locai and Personal. Traveling Note*« A good syrup ou draught at G Albina We did not take a leading The cases of T. B. Kent vs. DU- We call attention to the new "ad” , \\ Riddles for 75 cents per gallon. of our friend V jucc Mr. Vance is part nr the dance but we did in the trict Attorney Colvig and E. D Lots of strangers in town ♦ The morning oi the 25th was cool circus u> the tune of enough money Foudrsy vs. Justice Hubbell, for al welcome as a citizen of Grant 's Pass. Cfflclil FiJti tf Josesàwe Conaty. Oretoi. ami invigorating The tall pines to pay cur taxed aud so did about leged usurpation of ofiice, have been We know him to N* one of the . ’ .oli Henry Smith was in town Satur Mr Kenedy. salesman for Fleisch- thre tried the sky above the track as four thousand mere fools to the brought to an issue aud will be cst upng'c.t men < t the county ami day. FRIDAY SEPT. k >' J886 net. Mayer & Co.. Portland, was in wish him succe^« in hi« new ven- the c«rsda«hed around the hillsides, tune of from ? 1.10 to $1.75 not in tried at the October teim of circuit town Wednesday. County cuutt h i , been in se» .ion S -.TF AX'D COUNTY OFFICIALS ture. Those who patronize him over high trusties, through dark cluding conceit aud side show tick court for this county —[Times this week. Miss Lottie Bennett iu company will be honorably dealt with. canyons, up and down steep grades ets. The people of Albina are a »TATE OrFicl.lL*: with old lady Pfeister of Deer creek Governor an*l by treacberotis looking precipi social compact of genuine good Miss Sophia Hansen, is visiting r. F M ood -' Our corrected market report this ces. Secretary Grant s Pass. visited our office Saturday. moon hung out in its heartedness whose hospitality we R. 1’ E akh vbt week shows that ham« are two aud youth The Treasurer over the lice topson the high will not soon forget E H irsi it There will be a Baptist associa Supt. Pub. Instruction a half cents per Hi higher than they Mrs. Judge Brower, we regret to E. B M c E lroy .Circuit Judge say is very sick. tion at their church on IVt r creek have been and scarce. Peaches are est mountain yxaks resembling a H on . L. R AV kbster We arc authorized to say that ex District Attorney the 3rd Sunday of this month. Rev. »tot in the market. They would ripe cantaloupe hanging over a high cursion rates to the coming State AV i M. C olviu picket fence "plug me if you dare" 14 lb». Golden C Sugar at G. W. J. C. Baker will be present. COl'STY official » : command high prices. Both of style. The stars peeped over the fair from Grant's Pass to the Fair * County Judge Riddles for St.00. Voltmy Colvig Reports have been put in circula these articles are staple product' of top buds of stately and solemn trees grounds and return may be had at J M. Pavne ■ Comtniaaionera Mrs. L. D. Hart called at this of tion that the Pacific Coast Branch the countv. A little mote energy like an electric light from a mast Jitrand $11.85, «^e $11.85 tickets ■ jmeon Me*»enger fice Wednesday. Clerk of Marder. Luse & Co. had discon might avoid so much complaint head. Four cents a mile is the price good from September nth to 20th (j. K Chanslor. Treasurer about batd times. J W. Howard tinued business. They are false. Geo. Lewis left a fine large melon charged for * traveling on Oregon inclusive. Apply at ticket office. Sheriff T. G. Patteraon The Medford Monitor came out at this office Monday. The Waldo dance was .1 compari- rail roads. No matter how many or On next Monday the 26th anual E.i F Hathaway 1 Schoo' Superintendent last week enlarged to an eight col tive failure and the chances are, the how few miles you travel it is four state fair of the agricultural society M Menser's store in Jacksonville OUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY. umu folio anti much improved in next one will lie a total failure. cents per mile and no more. Re will open at Salem. It promises to burned on Monday night. appearance. So much for enter- Why can t the people pull together pairing is going on all aloi g the I k * well attended, but is a little too CRANT'S PASS. Ix»k out for the big advertise prise. and have pleasant society. The road from Grant's Pass to Portland, early for the full attendance that gbs - ebal a»:B( i«AX'm»E. ment of Sherer & Judson. Ben Dimick shuwe<l us a »weet people of that section are socially preparatory (.so w e are iuformed? to grvetml the fairs of earlier days in I Vis 1:—Cor. Wh and II streets, People have not got fc'to AV R iddle —Main st., near oth. F. A. Davis gave us a call Mon potatoe that weighed one and three- inclined, hence ought to be better a general shortening up of time be Oregon. organized for their oivn welfare tween those points. It is said that through moving their crops through « . ■ th* Hat» day. We thank him for favors. fourth pounds, which lie raised, he K P. 1». * L Co.—office and store cor- We hope to hear a better report from as soon as the repairs are completed out the most oi the state, hence the f 'ffihand Main streets. Old gentleman Wethcrbce of having a fine crop of them on his the Kerby dance which conies off a change of schedule will lx- made faits arc not so fully attended as farm just below town. | GROCl.KIES. Applegate, called on us Monday- to-niglit. so as to reduce the time betwei ti formerly. • j .j q i;::- eor. 4th aad Maia ata M McBrearty, Commissioner J. Hl Mr. Barnett of Althouse was Mrs Elizabeth \. Griffith of this these points about six hours Reach ■J B MsaatiALt * Sox—cor 7th * Main. Our friend I) S. Holton while in M. I ’ ayne, Thos. Chapman. A. D. iug the Umpqua valley at Riddles, town Tuesday enroute for Salem. I GuaiM A t 'it 0-1 in —M »in »t n< ar (Ith. place has an old ancient wooden1 conversation with 11s. savs that he Lake. Ex sheriff Jkri v, A. H. Car- pass many beautiful scenes in has been all over this coast and has [ E. A. E sti —Main st , l»-t. 4th i .'.th I, . Vauce's advertisement will be son and many more of our citizens clock that would “astonish the na we ATTOHNEYS- AT-LAW I»nn<l for Sal*. tives." Tl was the life long proper the wav of timber, hills, val’evsetc. lived many years tn different por found on the second page of this have been in town this week. ' D avi - B howek —«th -t nfciu l’oetoffice. ty of her grand father who died The valley looks dry but is never lions of this country; that he has On- hundred and atxty were, oi land S U. MrrcHniJ.—Main st next door to issue. The Willamette is now being eleven year« ago at the advanced theless picturescuc and Ixautiful, offered for »ale cheap, one :oi»e fron» Coi KtEii office. Janies W. Wimer lias been sick spaned by a railroad bridge at Al age of 78 who got it also of a gen partieularv iu the spring time. The traveled through nearly all portions Grant's Pass. Enquire of i’wn«ii A of the United States and he says he S am W hite —Col rikii building. with rheumatism but is now able to bany. a wagon bridge at Salem, and tleutati who died of advanced age. hills are round aud even as sugar ha< no hesitancy in say itijj that iihi ' u »T obes sit up. it is reporter! that two bridges will The clix'k is one of Eli Terry 's, and loaves, the oak trees of perfect sym southern Oregon has the be«t di N atioxai DuriiSroitr—Maili s' near t>th. Everitt will lake wheat, corn, vr ii*VJ metry climbing to their very tops, Portland is made of w*>>d throughout face the market price in fciGu^ige for Picture« C ity D ki u utore —Main st l>ct «3th .1 7tli. J. C. Gillatn of the firm of Gillam soon be built to connect mate he has found in any of his and all, and is all in good running spreading tlicir beautiful branches, travels, the south and lower Califor PHYSICIAN» ASH SI ROE-IXS & Chapman is on the sick list we and East Portland. Mui i<r*. breeze and cool shade W E. K ramer —at National Drug «tore. are sorry to say. I. Solomon the butcher was ad- order. According to the above his refreshing nia not excepted. All p«>rHi>n*knowing thoinaelv»» iiuiabt- from summit to base. We did nyt F. W V andye —Main st bet 6th and 7th. tory it must lx* considerably over remarks. Mt. Johnson formerly of Kerbv. dieted to many quaint ed to me will please call iui<t settle the Wlldurvllle Noto». AV. II F lanagan —Oth street below H. take the sleeper as «ome folks do. 200 years old. same I need tbe money. is fitting tip a variety store in the Here is one of them, ' Somepody WITCHES AXD JEWELRY. We read on its side "Pullman Pal MRS .M. HYDE 20-fJ haf tied mine tog loose, île hat The Applegate bridge is compiei R. I.. Chanslor, brother of Chas. west end of town. ace Sleeper" so that we sat on a <’ I.. G ray —*-or Main and 5th ata petter loose hitu tied again or I Chanslor of this place is in the city cd with the exception of short ap Af. A'. Loo.'tis—Main'st bet 5th and'atli. For Salo. hard seat all night waiting our turn T. M. Cathcart and A. A Cole finds sotnepody dot vill.'' visiting his brother and looking at to be pulled in there for a snooze. proaches. It is quite a substantial J wall Wimer has a tine farm for eale MISCELL VNEOl'S. are just finishing a neat resilience on Applegate, U| h > ii which are two tine Wc are in receipt of a letter from the country. He came to Oregon Roseburg is a fine little city sur looking structure. J ohns A W ood » inn—Saddles and Har north of the mill. — fruU of all kinds. A large crop ness—Main «t l-»’t 4th and 5th A Sunday School has been organ orchard» J. S. Gage, saying that he will re as one of a colony of people from rounded by all the natural beauty is also for sale with the place. Enquire S. A. G eilni : A S ox —Gunsmiths and Mr. S. A. Green ha« built him a turn to Grant’s Pass early tn the Missouri, who are at present located its people could desire The hills iz.ed to meet at the Grange Hail in of .1 Wimer, Mtir. '.iv, or at th? <'o' 1»'» « M.'.i.'bini.-ts--Main st het 4th and th. neat residence between Judge Brow fall Mr. Gage says "I am only at East Portland. The colony num of green tow ering over head and the Jerome Prairie for the present, with offl.-c. [UH (14H i ' ity M arki t —Milin st near 5th. <> II S tar —Tin Shop—cor Oth A II »'.«. er's and Mr. Steelman's. temporarily absent. Jti the mean bets fifty families who are seeking sparkling South Umpqua lying at John Borough, Supt., S. A Borough LADIES !! S pears A F ka .'‘ KE--Paiaters--' th street. 12 tbs. Dry Granulated Stigat for time S. U. Mitchell will attend to homes in Oregon, and if suited tlicir feet. The little town of Wil Sec. and Treas Time of meeting SitiTtt B ros .—Feed .«table—Oth st. SEND |! for .» Novelty Rug Machin», •i* eight bundled jx-ople will follow lx?t nestle« among fruits, flowers Sunday- 2 o’clock p. tu. tnv business at Grant's Pass." C entral H otel —J 1’’. Hutch, Proprietor St.oo at G W. Riddles. rags, tuakua Isantifiil rug. that and with them. Mr Carlisle has Ix’en doing Several families left this viciniti will cost nothing but your time. Yam —Main street near 5tli. give a Win. Cheatham came over Mon some good work among them and and vines so modestly that one is Local talent proposes to G rant » P ass A cademy —Henry I.. Ben A «hi hi tie need in tile same manner dramatical performance at Band day enroute for the circus but was wc believe he give.« them much val most favorably impressed, A few y esterday t'm the hopvards of A J can son. Principal. can operate tile machine, Send for eata- minutes more and wc arrive at Oak Wolcott and others, to engage in too late to catch the train. He in uable information. M rs M. Ilvi'i Milliner—opposite Fac Hall in a couple of weeks. wanted in logue and pattern». Agent» „ land, when the conductors deputy hop picking. 35 cent« a box is every forms us that Homer Vannoy got tow,, on the coast. Address, tory- 1>1. II. S. Holton and his son El I.tMi MToNr ' ayes —25 in les front this city, From the lx’ -t information wc can announces 30 minute« for breakfast. what is offered for picking, «which E. E. PEAKE, kicked last Friday by a colt met . came over from Crescent City badly l>el S'.ickel and William»1 ei-eeks. 201» Kt-arnv St., San FranciacoCal. Wi cat thirty-one minute« and then seems lather low. gather Mr Joh* 1 N ’ McVay one of recieving injuries in the face and T' keki H igh S chool —J 1! Robinson. and Smith River, last week. There is more improvement go IS-llll] breast and is pretty badlv used up. the supervisors <>| Del Norte county bid the skeleton proprietor adieu Prineijral—AA'ildervillc had nothing to do with the without pay ing a cent Kohlet will ing on, <m Applegate aud its im J. C. Mos« and W. P. Blackburn H ealth Grvtx» Win rs —• Mct'.iliister. Choice Land for Sale. The parties who have bonded the building of the South I’ork bridge have to ad<l that to the pass We mediate vicinity than at any time Proprietor—5’» miles from Jacksonidle. have been clerking for J W. How HUNDRED Aere» of choice land Green Bros.' quartz mine at Galice 011 the Gasquet pack trail Mr saw one real woman alioard the lx'fore. Within a distance of 7 in TWO W hit ' «'f i’it' R S pkix I I oti i . Ashland ard & Co., during the past week. Yauihill county for .»ale, is inih-a —T. W Price, Manager—Foot of first creek inform us they are going to McVay thinks we did him an injlts train, whose simplicity and good miles or less of this place, the fol Routbwnat of Portland. flic wagon rood avenue. Ed. Unweller of Alturas. says the go down on the ledge a debth oi leading to it from Portland i» mecuda J H tjHTFfis. Gold Hill—Real Estate. Modoc Independent, fell from a 500 feet. That they ire going to tier iti saying that the IM Norte ness was truly retnarkHble. She low ing neat ami substantial residett I mixed (our miles and double tracked tiv<- was doubtless a mason for she was ces aud other buildings have lx-eti miles more. The remaining nine mile» i.i Lumber, Grain. Insurance etc. county board built the bridge We '.scaffold on the 17th lilt., causing run two incline' and hone to strike can't see that -,vc did for the board I putting on the «quarc in .1 manner JACKSONVILLE. built, or are under construction, by excellent road, l-'iin- apringaon the land. , it rich and we hope they nnr.. Iloori Rti i b Di-riti i nv -Jyhn A. Han his death. did build the bridge just as we said calculated to force our utter little th»' ibllowing named persons: Hon. I’rim, f2,00o. Enrpnre <4. or add rese lev, Proprietor. AV .1. WIMER. \\ hy don't you send us birth no The Sentinel states that our friend in a former article, but it seems Mr. ness upon us, if not down our very H. I,. Daienpoil, house and barn; is tfl J'CKOONVtl.I.E M a RBII IV'lBK'—J. Ç. tiecs of those bah 1 recently born at throats. At Cresswell wv noticed Wnt. M Turner is again confined McVay opposed the measure and it Mrs. Green and Son, residence; Mt. Whip. Proprietor. Parafer» »ml Mt-vhsnle.. Waldo and Apple gate? Wc can t to his bed and is verv low This is was passed over his head hv other this sign. Harness Repaired tobacco Bartlett, residence; J. McDaniels, IK l.tMi-rm—Physician and Surgeon. Sale money and Dueler Mils Rcl»>v»i and segar*. which of course mean.« get the dates. sad news as Mr. T is one of our 1 members of th' board. house and barn; T. Ntcktrson, resi -» « tt *RNi vs-ar-t »•«. your Mothers, Wives and Sister» by a that the ramrod« name i< Harms.«, stlly . H K. H annah . T B. K ent . C<>k ■* circus passed through town most prominent men atul a very able Our old James J»ewis asses and that lie repairs tobacco and si ■ dence; S. Daniels. residence: ). timely purchase of l»r. Buaanko'a Cough WALDO. Sunday morning entoute for Med writer. Wc hope to hear more fa sor elect, called to see we'ens Mon gars to suit the palate-, of the most Daniels, residence; < k-o Ixwis, and f.ttng Hvrnp. I>c»t known n-m-dy for ' '.F imi . u A S - n —Genera! M'T'.liandi»'* turd. returning Munday night. residence; A. Wimer, barn; J. H Cough», <'old«, t'roitpand Bronchialetfec- It vorable news from him '-.oon dai It does our heart good to* fastidious. Relieve» Cliifdren of <*r»»up in uno Mahi -treet Rol-insoii, l-'ttrel: 1 High Schoo! lions. may J. \V. Howard & Co. are now fill meet our old friend« We now save von hundrods of dollan*. «' has . Ik'SER—General M<rchanrii««', comprised two train • We arc 110iv in tin hislotii W ill buil'ling; John Borough, itsidence: night, Pr;.... ’> ' is. Hid fl <10 Sutnple.s free. Hot.'' and livery stitile- Mam st. ly established 1:1 their new brick. think of many of our warmest amette valley, the land of wheat, Judge Brower has the "boss' Mi. Stevenson residence: Mrs. II -o|,| hi W I-. Kremer. Grant’» Paas. J S. l’ncKtlAM—rtote! aud l.ivery »-am cherry trie for one seasons growth. They have ¡ten walk« built in front ft lends who we would be most hap ' red apples, rosy cheeked lassies and D Jonei, house and barn Dr. Stcr —Main »tre-.-t. Ilis orchard provesthat this locality and along the side of their large py to meet, but their lips have lie-! campmeetings. Every station is ling, house aud barn, and 1-'. S. Cure Fur rtl«*4. CENTRAL POINT. building on 6th street, also have en come scaled and their bodies have 1 provided w ith w archon«'. , for wheat is well adapted to fruit. Ronr. W ektr . ip —Fend and sale etable, Burns, hop house. E cho . Piles arc frw>|*i<*ul1y pre- eiled Io- iiwum * larged their warehouse. Much returned unto dust. Why is it that, i S, H oc k — Stove» aud Tinware. Jeff say s she tievet winked at him. credit is due the firm for theit entet a man must die to lx- praised? Oh and generally a cleaner aud elevator of weight m the bn k, loin.' and lower Lewis Pixx.;, — ‘ entral Point Hotel. baiDb Val'ey Notos. with t ither horse or-steam- 1 motive part of 111" ibdomen, rausing the patient but he winked at her instead. Its prise. < . Mm«' i>’ R Real Estate. we are Lx» cold and selfish in this ■x>w<-i. Wcpae- Eugene, Juncti',n. to sttpp-so he bus »onio nPeHion oi the KERBYVILLE. all the same, we lost the minutes S ams V alley , Aug zd. life; we do not emiourage our fellow kidneys or iicighl.-'iriiiz organs. At time», Chas. Bear of lower Grave creek, tian isbttrg and tinallv meet the Wx N aick »:—General Mercliandiee on account of that one wink. Sami. McCJendon n lusticaling symptonis of indig* lion ar< present, 11»' while out hunting a few days ago being enough t> inspir. the warmth south bound train at Albany where N I' j . i . im »¡ ri i: -< Merchandise. uleni y, nnewiii'-- of the stomach, el«' The Sunday school at this place saw an object in the brush which that naturally burns within liis soul we dine. (Wc met the other south for a lew week-, at Cralei Lake U.N-fj*. Hor.m—Mrs. Ryder, Proptietor. t uioistnri , like l.’osper itti-n, pr "hieing K ekbyvh Lr. 'In i n -P. M. Miller, J’ropr. has become quite a factor in the he took for a bear whereupon he Encourage him to live ind he will, Mrs, J Siscntore and Cintily start a very disagree able itching, alter gettlM bound train at Merlin, the first sta Riciiiai> G kobc . --Saloon—Main st. society of our handsome village. fired. A little later lie ventured in lie encouraged to live tight. is a common attendant. Blitxi. tion north of Grant's Pa«« > J t*t « d this week on :i «bort visit to Ft. warm, Bleeding anil Itching Pile» yi«»M »• "HiA Go and participate and be happy. Klamath and found that he h id one of Mr that Prof. Benson informs 11 below Salem we pass the new gov to the application of Dr. Bnsunkoia Pile 8 lbs. <>f Costa Rica Coffee for The celebrated litne stone caves Ferrells mules dead, which lie had «ch«x>l will commence on Monday . rnment training school fot Indians. Mi-.« May Walpole and Mis- Be« It-medy, which «<'s «ttrectlv upon the $1.00 at G. \V. Riddles. next without failure and we are We pass Jefferson and Oregon < ity. *ie and Mt Him Hall of The (sills rtf.-* ted, al>«"il>iirg th' Tumors, al will be closed for the season about shot through the head the iiit 'u. • itchitig, and eft' ctinga An I yet there is time t-> have Everitt the loth inst. Those desiring to much pleased to -ay that Miss Wini the Lowell of Oregon and on to Meadows were visiting friends here p. aylng Chas Hughes who so ably served rmaii'-nt < ure l ì h 1 .-"iits Addre»», mib ’-our Picture. Call around. visit them «hould not delai. it Josephine county as its clerk for fred Mosher, daughter of Judge Portland There air evid« ti «-» • on during the week Th-- Dr B" »nko Medi'-ine Co., Piqua, <» Mosher of Roseburg has been sc I every hnnd that the |»eoplc of the M. Menser of Jacksonville, came alK>Ut fourteen years, has sold his cured A S. Moon, who haa been suffer Slid l-v W I'. Kremer, Grunt's 1’iiss to pay the it» teacher in tin mtcnnediati Willamette valley live «.isv and property in Kerhyville to Messrs. to town Saturday . feeling somewhat mg from a severe attack oi rheuma D r . J. B PILKINGTON, and turr Mi- - Mosher conies have but littk- to retard then suc tism. iccupciated from his late illness: in Hall and Bybee, and will remove department 1 - again with th«* aid ofrrntdi surgeon, ('i iilirt, .tiirist, am! proprietor cess in life. There is no valid ex highly recommended and from a Having tv 1 of the finest and best fact, he says he feels much better. to hi« farm near Waldo. The fact <•« able to attend to busim of the Eve 1'iHnn i' y. amt Satutunsm, of that Mr Hughes made a spxxi elet k prominent family and —ill certainly cuse for the «»Id look whi'.lt thi« improved small farms in Southern Portland. <»r , mi until further ni.tKC C Nickerson brought in samples The fall term of the G.miard dis arid much to the value of our school country wears Doubtlt ■ ■ it i'ow lie coneiilled at the Oregon. I desire to sell <>nc of them of apples of the Pound Pippin and can hardly be denied. Waldo will tri< t school 1>eg 111 Moitd i- , Aug. a« a medium of education. With the ing in the main to the fact that it i- IlnM«*, I’*»*. gain by having him in that commu Al! under cultivation. For tenus. Rhode Island Greening. Roth sain nity. ability of the teachers now se< tired the 1 Itild of old parents but even ti 3". J. W Beatty resumed tea'-h «1» (ht ?nr> '>J rtrtjf mnnfh, all R D. S andford . « nquire of pies «how a high state of maturity. ' and the energy and pu ll "f Prof. this is so it d««e, not palliate the «tn iug it Aiit'o<-1i 1 pon the « rii' d 'tv The h'. tlkTU’*«' in arn ferm ar«t Grant's Pass, Or. i9-3»n] Win. Crow has our thanks (or a Benson we expert to hear very fa pidity of the rising generation tn pi !'(<• w*h tn a f|»»r ronxlillftt Mm Rtitnoi ha» it that civ .inoihrt Wc were somewhat surprised on Itox of fine peaches Mt Crow «lid Hi. **!»•»*•! lift« < are all forma of Tye »0! vorablc new« from th«- school long this enuntn . Those old pioneers J. \\ nuer & Son at Waldo, are last Saturday to learn from Post week will have pa.--ed. two ot our “ not give us the«e peai lics to "get t 11 A !mri»t ’ flrital A Nervous Pisra ■•». Ix-fore it is out. It will far surpass wore thcni .'-lvc * out in the arduous now recti vis ng a new and complete mistress Jones of Wilden illc that young 1» oplr «ill have cxlticatcd and lifelong Liboi., of subdue mg the th«-m-id >•'■« Hom fli» lain "I ' ingle stock > 'f Boots and Shoes. Gent's the C ourier package of Aug 27th his name in the paper," nor do wc any form«H effbit tn Refir. 1 dinoat every old I’ortUudcr. mention it from that standpoint; but this place. atco .la-* n \ ’ 11 •' . P 1 ' wild ■ ivagc* and planting the b in bbs-edm Furnishing goc<:s, Gent's Diagonal had not arrived at that office. hi« object is to «how that fine peach p- . Hatri-.l I'trg; I. W Bond Irrinj; Rev. net «if our nation upon the -oil in suits. Dry g/tods and Indies' Fancy Prof. Whitelaw clei < - 1.1 very sue es are one of the jiroducts of Jose John I'-'linn "I thi: place, ha« \ t . ‘ I aircbild, Jim V I'bln-it, Eugene. Mr. Glidden of the Union goods. They have also made a _ _____ Wilbur, I! B Dixon, W ( . cessfttl term of music ••chool at the |x-ace and it is the duty ol theit pro old hi« intciesl in the Central Point N F Day, phinc county, mid wc wish to as-ist at Kerby ville is repairing and gtny and it an « -tsy fight in < nil qreat reduction in prices for cash Winston, tv>snburg , f.u. Thornton, W b > Sevferth school lions on Sunriav all our fruit grower* in ge tting that mt at niatket tn Chas. R>pp» i . who i' llittlei, tslilaixl und over a hmidr-t They arc determined to sell cheaper vating it and reflooring the bam ad Aug. 29. Misses Sophia Hansen, parison for them to lay hold and will continue to disttibtite steaks .1 ■•■.« of the worst , forms AVrO.' ci ding much to the appearance of the fact before the outside world. push the country f'-rv ltd to the | o than the cheapest. Hattie Mathewson ana Maggie Ad Vkn I ‘ i-luhif, etc , now beingauceeiMfully property and to the comfort of pa W. A. Hunter has just returned ams sung some very pretty solos. sition in the very Iront rank a - de with hi-- usual dexterity. treated, without using the knife. Miss Auuic Benner is now located trons. from the rail road front at Soria Some beautiful quartette choru-es signed by nature s G<»L A yr ting man a few night« .tiwe, rrnprr Ircgli.itnl I nr < mi(hii in her rooms over J. XV Howard & Vaqnin.i Bay i cutting quite a while inspecting a watei melon J. P. Randall catnc up from Al Springs from whom we obtain the and semi choruses were sung by the That the reader nun fully imderMtan'l Co. 's store in the new brick, where bina on the freight Monday. Mr. following rail road news: The commercial figure at present and near here, was suddenly patch .< ip»*! ( ♦-«»•/h and I i*nc she will be pleased to meet all those Randall comes here for his health. trains now rim to Cedat Flat one pupils. The attendance the list bids to I* < 'tic of Portland . real oiq greeted by a shower of lead pills, v.hat < v«: will M' th it and Wild desiring pictures enlarged. I am He is a fine violinist and a good and a half miles lxlow Unde Dttk's, day was large The Prof, will be petitor;- l hi extension of the C N thn • oi which because of th*' very ( Syrup, ‘harry it» th*’ >-?i. i- <»f th«* h#»4 r*,ni“'ti“ » prepared to show samples of my music teacher. Can play and call where all freights are discharged. at the White .- .rliool house on Sun- O R P to a conne< ti"ii will al««i < b>-.' proximit' were obliged to a<- y#»t di: - »verp'l fh»'ee ingr»*'lirnta with day Sept. 12th for foi tile the pttr[x>«c of work Charges reasonable. Call The end of the track 1« now at a organizing another school Wc are place San Franci co in a position to company the voting m tn on a hasty rnvi»r;tl « th«-! ' q’lall ' im pjn. i-v»u»‘nt”« largely into Hr IWanko ( aa>d early as I will remain only a short for balls. point a half mile above Die k 's They glad he succeed ; so well, and arc compete for southern Oregon and «xit. Lung Hyrup, tht>* making it <>t>* of *h TheO P. R R is now sure to are building the road at- fast as men time. A nnie B enner . it will, on account of tin louqs 'i n-ji ihle nn< on th** mirt-♦ rnr* glad be contemp 'ate* organizing a • > Gaittairi of this place Im« i-ttr H »mole« fr»-e. Sold by J.ltf lx- built right through from Albany and money will do it. Fred White’s artiool at W, lido Something is lion, plate .«onthern (»recon in [»>« < hated the "White Sulphur Springs So rrntw and fl to Boi*e City connecting there with right of way gang movol to Straw- \\ I' Ki 'T» p ». (’« raaa. session of latitnge ground sin"* bo ’ ll The undersigned. living five miles the Oregon short line. It pa««cs Ix-rrv valley the ;th 111st Joe Hoo«i« needed over tl here to organize the these great cities «"ill fight foi the H' tts' ’ in Ashland, and will -»eon Tliev are very much Ink».- charge of his ptwhase ,-ind en west from Grant’s Pass, offers for through Wax’". Grant and Biker partv of lora'ing engineers are at yotutg folk riisorgantxed. hence have poor so trade along the dividing line l>c y igc i: 1:1 the hot« I businc«« Wc sale one span of good heavy draft countie ■ tween them. Th« sound country is Sissons A great many men have cial gathering . of Lit«, whereas they di-dik-- to think of losing Mt t ; horses and harn«?ss, one farm wagon An interesting communication quit !<ecaiise of the riattgei to life tt«cd to have the nio*t gath'-t al**o in« ntion« d a« another <-n« my -•nd estimable w ife, but out 1 ■ i is and hack iti good condition, one to Portland and in out opinion it« the AHI T 4 M!»SERVE r>9pr plow, three head of full blooded from Sam's A’allcv catni too late from filing rocks. 15 Chinamen ings of any plar< in the county. deep water is Portland s r< d com somewhat reer»mpcn.«c«l with ap and s white men have Ijeert killed. last week It appears in this issue. assurance of great gain to the male Berkshire hogs, one good That the C< vn*« miehl give it« [ic.titor and she <an affortl to v.-tch • voting milch cow. Also, some old Wc take gocxl care of our correspon An old ex-stage driver called "Ken readers the l>eitcfit "< circus news tlwt energy more than a dozen 5 Y.i pre' iablc community to will' h they M ain si nt i T. 1’ a dence and always «insert it when tnck " was recently killed by a (ly shelled com in quantities to suit. are going ing r«» k from a blast A tsptnittri from Medford w, di--patche«i a spe uuitia bay» "tC A. ♦». railway- possible to tlo so. n S andford & C hristie . conc-pond'-nt to the scene of But I’l'tlland i* a 111 Iropoli- Sh L».«l Wednesday The congenial face of our fellow rod. struck the «hop in which Mr. battle la-livr 2 2tf. tificd shows and is established; her five different «a« saddened by tin townsman Mr. John« the li irnc.«s Htmtrr was working. It cra--hc«l -I- We expected railway ««steins togetb-r wphher of Oliver Vin< «’nt, tin Mr J II Colby, who has liecn maker may be seen on our streets through th wall pa-.-ing hetwcin a riefen« el'-s a- I rank Drum marine hipping «ornbineri with tuablc citizen. As th for some time in the emplov of the again Mr Johns is a good «quar< him and hts helper lanriirg between a big rep-rt Ml i ro\ ■ T W c r X immense capital wields an 1 nd notice hi« .««'ti Cha« V wet'* returtiing the forge and beilcw- biirving itself iva« *^i well S P D N: I. Co., returned la«t workman in his line and 1’ tn her lx half that will be very hanl from th> mountain» with a load of 1 x inches in the dirt flocn throwing perted to h«- Sunday morning from Yoncalla, to be well patronized. P'»KK ; AlbAM to uproot Th«- l.i' t i« while other poles, and while going down an hi Ironrils and splinters .ill over them bringing with him his two bright T W. Price forme rlv of the Small rock were mnatantly «triki't;: prospective ronimer« ta! centers and cline the brake gave way, frighten little children. The older is a girl am » bologna I • mi their opp».'nents arc laying f<«i»ndation» mg the team «'hich at omi !x-< .inw e «n nn a nd ; .pic She w a« very badly burned «oo»C "White Sulphur Spring« hotel of , rough sttne for tifturit • Porllan«! w ill I” m »-<.h i zable Debased attempt«-! quit the em Inn»« months 1 ago, and for a time her life Ashland, now runs the Ashland ah robbing ing («Nri’ar«l upon lo in.Ution. <1 to jump from the wagon. I»ttt !*■ lgr« on pipe- C‘ 4.1» <•!! upon a thread but restaurant. Thank« ibr an I invita «< • med I" bi road rros HR th« 11 k people i«nrv box, ready tnadr The ra e tliciciurc coming etitun.ql'-'t with the brake we an giad to «late that she is now- tion to dine with him. Mr Price of th«- hind wheel from the will not be !t*t «' en «etc !>til «he ri>p< fell in is of wl hich are ho V I w rapidly recoventig. About two keeps a splendid place. Al WAf6 ON HA h D. whi- h p«i»se'l alm«»»t lengthwise o» thing pei cannot afford to rest lret ours -nwl < ,t triing ; is nuw shotildcT j 1 ncl* Jake Moore send« u* an ap «•ears ago hv a strange coincidenee • i him irii-hing hi-- »-'ill aud irtuhiug hi from the amount •■( t ’ t'h .«twl bu th - le lonpe, ( »nu*M of natural law th? mother aban pie limb which has a fine hrge win an;, ph- >»1 T-vwq -rbcMji th it great city, 1» wonldsfetn breaking Ml the nbs ribs of the tight it of the you «ippos rioned these little -hildren and a ter apple on one limb and full of firm riv •-.•-»T'd has 0:1 the ide The that «h bone hes of blooms on other branches mi ur ’ « r i<- All I loving hosbaiid Mt Colby is de V ave here many years aud leaves r-ontrar . fh> Ao fr •t. F«<1 J ariie--. voting hts life to the faithrul per of the same limb We have also tr i>l' Cole’s frmiiy »nd nun’ htenri» Io of f •>*• nue F-t seen three crop? o! (-«tuies o«i c-nc both ioraaoce of the double p--.r«*n’il du I On • ; .» 111-, de (th 1 J • f 11 < J to I' tif f th’i- '.tnU»!’p»ly tbt'M upor. him