MtTHt/0 OF ASSeSSING. 1 HE (OIKIER , not our p’.in»a-e just nntv to in detail, the -»tihject <»f a«- se.i-tnent' and the manner in which SEPT. 10. 1386. the . should lx: levied u[x»n the tax payers of a county for purposes of It ificffl P;»er if FRIDAY Csutj, t^Z-’ U im lisa sustaining county and state govern ment'», but it does seem to its that a CORRESPONDEN' E. zreat error e> ists in the manner of R awes.' ing. For instance, projerty Goti'*'»i» »uba-cts of Io j ! and other in- of all kinds assessed at about one- other n California. In two years from no.v a wagon cannot be got in ' and out of Jte! Nurt county Mr Gasquet w ill not build a wagon road to ' the Oregon line, but he will keep tip 1 a good trail so that the business will be so divided that a wagon road cannot be sustained and it will be ' come impassible in one more win ' I ter. We truly hope the ¡»eople of Crescent City will nr t hold serious ' hatred toward us on account of this blunder financial. We feel as though our large outlay of capital and time ' trying to develop the country has made us many enemies in Califor- nia. At one time we felt great pride in the matter, but both the pride and money invested have “gone where the woodbine twi ncth.” With < » h ¡-'OT th • moo- and "1 ire—- half or two-thirds its real value, of the i'.-n fT in r" ; iir»-'t, e")«''inlly if which necessitate- a high rate of ■ant for i-ii'I. .«tioa taxation that is a large number of editorial notes and news . mill- on the dollar, in order to raise a certain number of dollars necessa The Cutting caie rest» now in the ry to meet current expenses of gov hands of a government agent sent enimeut The rate is therefore fixed down there to investigate. It is high. s:r fur illustration, at 25 mills virtually laid on the table. on the dollar, which, we l»elicve, is W 1- Benjamin i» now acting the rate at present in Josephine Now suppose a keen, e htor of th-. Ro* burg PUindealer, county The mail service is hardly l»eing shrewd, practical man from some of carried according to schedule time, vice D S. K Buick, who has gone thc very economical states east but the contractor’s agent is doing east witii th .' Oreg' :i < Dibit c ir. comes out here a:, many oi them do, thc best work possible under the Prince Alexander of Bulgaria, re and upon examination, find that we circumstances. More time should cently dethroned by a mob, is so maintain such a high rate of taxes be given, as it is a losing ai:d very difficult task to carry the mail no rapidly gaining favor with the peo his opinion is at once fixed that it miles over a rough road in less than pie and .*. Jdiery that his reinstate is a bad place to invest money, and 24 hour- in the most favorable sea ment is verv apt to follow. he prolmbly goes away without son of the year.—(Times. Instead of 120 miles it is hut 105 learning that the taxable property John F. Swift has been nominated in the first place waa assessed for miles. The history of this whole for governor bv tie R -publicans of 'The contractor about one-half it* teal value, or but question is this: California Th'- Chronicle takes little ovci tb it. And should lie be took thc contract 4lt- than half occasion Io ’ laud him to the -kie-» the cost of running such a service. as peculiarly fitted for the office. told that such was tlie case, his first If th<- road was level all thc way the impre — ion woiihl fx hard to remove, The Democrat- nominate Bartlett for he, like most men. would think service could not be performed for for governor Both m; n .arc strong that |»crliaps the assessor who as is ocr». Now his agent is busily and the fight will lx' a clow one. sessed upon a basis of that sort, engaged skinning tin people in or The greatest war of the century might levy thc valuation high on der that lie can grind out a misera is arid to lx- near .it hand, involving him and low on every body else. ble existance to their detriment as the great power of Turkey Ron Now suppo.c on th», otb r hand that well as his own. The Time.« editor mania, Bulgaria, Au-tria, England, plop it. '.a- asi-c.-scd al its full val is very sympathetic. Do you know If tin ball 11c, and in corn pat ison the per centum Mr. Nickle that th>. vert agent German: ml France Let p- not of taxes on the dollar down as low says: “We don't care anything opens, up go. - wheat hop' for war, but if it comes over as aliout fifte».'ii mills, thc stranger about thc people,” and that “we there, Ore;: »n will 1« I«.-it*-fit< d fi would be favotably inipre with will buy otir feed and ship it in” to n.n!' -i.-ill v D«Xs thc county government, his capital Josephine to supply the line would be induced and he jx'rhaps not the price bid and thc manner of Isaac Hiatt, who shot and killed \»hi1e acting tinder favorable ini performing service -how that they J O. Fierce near Dilley a tew days pression-, would buy a farm among cart nothing for thc people s intet ago, had .an examination lx?fore Itnand liecomc a valuable aopiisi «•st« and very little for the pu-tal Judice Collins at Hillsljoro on 1 lion to our jHipulation W'e have laws? What difference d<xs a rough M vdne lay of last week The court no doubt the policv pursued drives road make with a pack mule. From found that the crime of murder had away men of means who would oth- ' here to Waldo the road 1« the finest berti cornmitt'd as charged, Hiid erxvisc Ix-coinc settler- Thc final. m the state. From there over, they hold tin défendent to an wi L< f " " i< suit of the tw > metho«!- we admit ¡pack the mails on mule- and they th" grand jure without bail isjn-t thc sam< but it requires tooj pay no attention to any portion of Th«'editor <>f the Mo-cow Mirrot much xphinntion to make men who 1 their contract but do just as they is verv hard up. ns witness thc fol have been a< ■ ustomed to a tax of please and defy cverylx»dy. lowing double li > led cditoi ini about 15 mill on thc dollar, lx’lievc graph AVe would like a nunilier The whole drift of the public of old gunny sack that ai" with that there is no difference Ix'hveen mind to day -vein- to be on the gold les- t«»r holding gi iin to lx- given an tiii'ler 1 ate le\ y and high millage . producing portions of Southern Ore us on subscription by those in ar and a plump levy ami low millage. gon, oi thi broad piairiu. of Eastern rears. We want to u«c the gunny The fir' t unpres-ion is against high Oregon Wi-hi’igt";i aii'', Llano sacks to male« n* sonic ttndeiwcar k'lics and percentage-, and a- ¡»co Territ«>ri>-">an<! Yaquina bay [Tel Those who have ntillui gunny ephone. stcljs oi molle tan bring u ■ in plv »Io bu-iness now days largely on Yes. we art aware that there is wood It wi in t have underwent Gr-i Inipr>. sion- w> think the cotin we can fire up providing voti bring ty lo-ts bv thi- sy stent of false more mining talk tn Portland an«l the wood Ph i-> -i ml ti. some old economy. Wc arc talking about elsewhere about Southern Oregon flour s.u ks toi Sund ij, the entire Slate ami not a single than ever before. Capt. Ankeny l)o you want the flour well shak count«' of thf State. remarked a few day- ago while in ♦•n out ot the -ack il su, wc call our presence that Southern Oregon Hon Binger Hermann is visiting! turni'.h you with -»>m< .md by th.i: had of late been sending out some thc <»ld homestead at Myrtle Point. mem« keep business inside of the quartz “that Ix-gan to look like Wc of Soul hem Oregon -hotild lie profession and in a slv way Ixiv lot quartz." Wc expect a great deal pr<»ud of having such a man as Her our .subs'tiliei ■ who do not pay from the mines of this country. In maim in congress as our representa promptly fact, it is distinctly a mining conn tive Born and raised on a farm try. with the advantages of fruit, It iiuni'»red that train timi' on hi- .sympathies are all with the | k * o the <>. it C. R R will lx' changed pie. and vs|K-ci.ilh with Southern grain, vegetable and hay lands ad ded, yvhtch will render mining less t >r the till and winter »chcdule, so Oregon Spcakitfg of Sauli.-bttrys expensive. ns to m ike I'lo. er connection and • hort’- tim t •! tin through trinlic dispositi'>n of thc mail <|msti'»n he' Jacksonville Items live« n Portland and San Francisco say - ■v— The rumor -atlh that the lime lx “I read tin- a in., youi editorial ''¿ritlittrl • ttvien Ashland and Portland ivill be on that mail -eixiccbx Satilisbury The telegraph office ha- been -h"!t"'i d .«‘veral hoitithat the «X' Co. and 1 share 1 part of your in tiain-i will arrive lieu- ibout mid dignatiou. 1 rcmcmlx'r well that a moved back to its «»Id quarters in night und lene, also, somewhere leading indtixement to our efforts in the «entinel building where you can about th it time Po-ttna-ters and shortening thc schedule to 19 hours get all the lightning you want at and express agent- down this way was thc hope that thi-would news regulation price will ‘ ki«l if -meh a schedule ■sitatc the putting on of a fast and Her.iftir. until further notice the sh'itihl b. idoptcd. [A-hlitid Ti commodious stage line." C O N I Stage C<>. will run two There ought to lx: a revision of stages from Yreka to the new tir the contract system governing the minus .at Castle R«x k on Sunday . Wednesday .and Friday evenings, letting of mail routes so that thc returning on fuc-day Thursday whole disposition of thc manner ofi and Saturday night l»citoi ming -ervicv docs not rest C. Scheideinan was examined by with thc contractor and his .subcon- Drs Robinson and DeBarthis week tiaetorsor agent- The department on a charge of insanity and yy as so will stir the aim-, to be strict, vet by a bad nr pronounced and ordered taken to I'lu- is the old man rnngement a single contractor may the Asvlum yvho attempted -uiride by cutting take all the mail contracts in the his throat not long since. Sheriff United States ami if he find- out I Nau t«*»k him lxd< w the next day. a» TI k Uni|>«|ua River tailroad pto that he has hid them too low, During the year ending « ith the jeet muv«4 ahead in good shapi' then be turns hini-clf lixxie cutting last freight R S Dunlap informs <. nt firiu» li ne lai'i sciutvd and »lashing both th«' schedule and us that i, i | m «> pounds of freight i«r cuiuplete thc »ut vey and i it is the jitinibci of trips to be performed was brought to J.ick*»nvillr requir I o; d tu hsve thc r tiers in thc .«ml through an unfair pnssine he mg over 5is '“S’ t »r t" 'ght money fudd wtthln leit'vds« * 1 he details He kept n<> re< sol oi the exports cf Ihr orgmdratio.i ot th «-»iiipaui mat succeed tn deranging any or but thinks it would amount to over all of tin iniite- s»» a- to deprive the ’.ooo.'.oo pounds. A verv g'->od an ii'-t wt completed, bti! 1 y«»t vet cotnpretetl, bntar arranged a* fast a- posdbk* This people of their rights and pm Urges shoyving fot a de-erte«i toyvn cntetpiiM -■ '-in tola- tuuvhing the as contemplated in the contract Rit'iu.i:. Sept ;th. IXSO. iat' lit vnvigK» "I nur (*■ »pie they We aie tol«l by |»>..tu’ »«ter W«x»d are taking h »ld of it with 1« w ill Let the ball mil on \\ <• muit haw bury that thc mail c.uricr has now Mi Ad hi youi paper has been ■1 raiiruad to th 'i-t. (Dram ab.inrioiU '1 th. wagon road on thc puxlttcltvi of g'xsd irsult- and 1 E' h » othcr side of the Low Divide until shall continue to have it published The Ech" deserve.« much praise h< gets t > th« top of the Magrvw \ on have a splendid paper ot He g'v- from Smith the Cot Ki' K «nd I hope to hcai of for its aggressive work in th ■ push mount tin River t<> the Divitle, then to Gas your contiimcd succesa for years to mg of tin» question and it is to be '|iict - and Tn»m that point follows come. Very respectfully. h«»l»e<l the cuterpriM* may I* .« -uc- the trail until it intersects with thc Wil l. Q. B kowx iij' Competition is the <>nlv way w .igon mail on thc M «grew moun \ frightful epidemic ha-" it.- to .« reduction ol freights and fares tain. (Record appearance in Parn»t*villc. Coke I h" wagon r>>ad doe* not go near >>n tiiis csi-t and wc might as well county. Tenues-cc Thc disease >*oni'* light <io«A'ii to a realization <>I Magrvw mountain but this doe» not proves fatal in even case and rc The fai t serables a flux, except that thc vic that fact and as a measure >f relief, « fleet thc main qm-stion do all we can to crvitte competitive that the Wimer wagon road ha,-» al tims aie attacked with -were paitvs Im*' of railways Kats wagon last been .«iiniinlate.i will i.o doubt in the head situulUneowdv with a pain tn the abdomen. Twenty- mad or iuiy thing else that ojqx»«- end the strife over that vx|»ciidHurv s«-vcn deaths have occurred within ot $ao ouu tn thc attempt to build :au«4 qanv. being caeeiul. ho.«ever. ihree dax.« Physicians ire bojic .nuicnii*. relation - between lessix iin.iblc p ♦c» dcvcrmiut thc dirt tcinv between ", >nb the i»tr.i;.'P t ip*’ if « h« • | hr A’ï Vi' \|,\\ We call attention our very in teresting comm'ya ’.ab on this week. t \\ e are glad to hear oi improve men's througb-ont th- count' . an J believe the day for a move forward “all along the line" is near at hand WAHC I I Nc,i* c’ * imlriitrster'e SM: of pt!. s#n»l Property. / hlMl'O’: N £ V/ PRICES! LIVINGSTONK VANCE Organ For Sate. Partie» wishing to buy n Firat - las' Ta ber Organ cheap, v. >11 pleine ill at the residence of A. « ole. or at this office. A big bargain 1» off red Ut/j A COLE. Be.-, 1..-.. J u ¡..f tm the publit that he U new nicely legated on the cornet o< MHS. M. HYDE BOOTS and SHOES, DRY GOODS, OTH /ND H STREETS, GRANT’S PASS. Noricr 1« hetvby given that m p-. auancs oi an order 01 t!»e Qountv Ceurt of the St,-.t" of Oregon, ior rhs G,;ui.v nI Josephine, aitungae a Cotnf <4 Probah. made ou the »ax,h day of Septe'r.her *' P. l in the matter of the e ,tat? of Thomae T Bybee, la’e at ea;d <.-■»inty, d. ceaac i. The iindern^-nsd, administAfo, of .aid estate, will m U at public au th» to the highest bidder, on beturdsy. the nth day of October. A p IM6, OREGON, With a Large Assortment of under the terms hereinafter stated. *t tin late residence of the > aid Thomas 'I By bee, d'- ea~ed. Near W aldo in said Jo^,. phine County, the following mentioned MAIN ST.. Iu front of the Fuelur?. pei -onal piopcrty. to-wit And everyth; »g to be fomri in a I .rst-C'.abj eb re. alxich I wi.l sell Has a new line of Three cow.«; Five 4 year-old steen AERY LOW FOR CASH OR MARKETABLE PRODUCE. Four 3 y oar-old steers , Four 2 year-old GLOVES. CORSETS. steers; Kix yeariings; One horse . Lot ot MrCatl and see me before purchasing el-ewhere. KUCHINGS, ILI ME.'. hay by the ton, Wheat by the bufhel TIPS, RIBBON; PON.NET.' anil lot of potatoes and HATS Sale to commence at 10 o’clock in the LADIES' and CHILDREN S forenoon of said day and continue until COLLARS. VELVETS, :-!l.KS, the said property is told. SYTINS. INF »NT55. LACE BOX- TERMS OF SALE —One third of th- NETS. 1 \Dlr - UN PERU b AR. bid to lie pai l m cash, balance oti sir months time, with interest fromdateot ■ad eale at the rate of eight per cent, per an LACES •>F ALL KINDS. num. to be secured by note, with appro» General Mining Supplies Etc.. Etc., -■curity \U property to be -cttlea for New Good» Constantly Arriving. al'ive before delivered. CHARLES DECKER, Prop'r. W. J. WfMER. f20tf BEST BRAXl»- Oi WISES, LIQUORS AM) CIGARS KF.1T IN STOCK. Adiiuiiistiator ot the estate of Thomas T Bybee, deceased. E. A. ESTES, -------- 0-------- September Till, 1S8<>. FRONT STKKFT. <«muta Rao, Oregon. DECK LIT IJOARDIX»: IHH'SE! SUMMONS. — DEALER ¡X — KEIT IN 1 IRST-C'LASS STYLE. AM) THF. TRAVELING PUBLIC Wil.I. IX the < 'ir- 'iit < ourt "f tlie Stat" o< (»?• .MEET WITH EVERY’ KINDNESS AN1) ATTENTION. gon, for th" County of .losopliii..- GA WH.rRET, ) Plaintiff, ■ Suit in Equity f I.l't'Y WH.PRET. I TOBACCO, Itefendunt. I CIGARS, Tn Lucy Wilpret, defendant, CANDIES, hi the name of the State of Oregon, you NUTS, ETC. Tins well known School will lie opvn for the Fail Teiui on the are required to appear in said Court atul answer the eomplailit of said Pluintiff, l^T Highest < .1.J1 pri< • pai l for filed aguinst you within ten days from Ul Country Produce, Hides. timo of the s-nieeof thin summonsai you, ii nerved within Baid county; or if Kt<- , Ktc, served on you withiuany other < ounty iu W ith \ Fvix C orps of C ompetent T eachers . i«]o Give me a call and lx- Coni incetl. this Mate, then widiin iwuty tlaydiom the time of eerviee; <>r if nerved on you : •• Rate- of Tuition for Non-resident Pupils: out of tin- State of Oregon, then it is or dered by L K. Webster, Judge of said S. A. GREENE & SON, PRIMARY $3.00 P er J ekm of T wr.iA i: W eeks . Court, that pu ilii ation Is- made for sit ) I > » Malo St., - - - Grant's Pass. Or GRAMMAR SCHOOL *5.00” weeks in the Rozue River t'ourk urier r puoi prior 'One dix.r west of th'. CoVBiza 'jffice) » » • > i t' ti c I t Monday in November, B. lier, A D ACADEMIC—$«.00 188«. And ' ’ . you are ’ notified that, if you fail to answer said complaint as above re- quired, th'- Plaintiff «ill apply to th»* Dealer» iu — Court for the relief demanded therein, to- w it : For Particulars, Address For a judgment and decree against jot Pistols and that tlie bondsof in.itriuionv be dissolve! HENRY L. BENSON, A. M.. Ftiikipal. and fen -er annulled; that plaintiff !-■ A NI r N I T IO N awarded the future care and euatody of -------- The Great-------- ('lar i Wilpret, and a turther decree liisi Flsfcug-Twkle, Cullen, Fire-Works, it., it. the plaintiff have the exclusive ownership and ti*le bi the West ’.. of the N. W. REPAIRING, A SPECIALTY. of ■section 1, Tp. 38, S. R. 5 W. Given under mv hand this 1-ith day ■' Itìr All work guaranteed'UW And Natural Curiosities of Josephine County, August, A. 1». ISHtf. 1 M S. U. MITCHELL. ----- OWNED BY------ Attorney for Plaintiff. JOHNS A WOODWARD Order for publication dated August 31), HARKNESS & BURCH I <80 Done at Lakeview in t'hainbers. « »«.«XT’s P ask ,....................... O ri .«» os , (2MI —Dealers In— L, VANCE. GO TO THL SUPPLY STORE -(Jf)O(is and Groceries, For Tropical Fruits, Staple and Fancy GROCEKIES Waldo, Oregon. Livery Stable in Connection. GRANT’S PASS ACADEMY. First Monday in September. 1886, GUNSMITHS. An Extensive High-Grade Course of Study. Guns, Revolvers, TJM KSTONH CAVHS Saddlesand Harness, Fine Scenery and Magnificent Discoveries. Notice For Publication. V. S. L.»xi> <>i'» u t:, The owii '. mh "f 111' «- Wonderful Caves lia.w « «juiplettxl a trail *, that | arlies go R om . hi no, Or , An.». 31, IKS«».» ing ftom Grant’s Pa*> 'an rea< h them 1 tra.-elina J- miles—all but eight mile- be Notice is hereby given that tho mil" • ing traveled by v. agon and team The route rasx-s it»2 n:im»*d settler ills liled notice Of his intention to make final proof in Htipporl of BEAUTIFI L MOUNTAIN I.AKIkS AND OTHER FINE SCENERY bis claim, and that -aid J roof will Is; mad» tv-fore the Jtidre or UU-rk of fb~ Work dune to(b 1 ron Short Notice ALL KINDS OF LARGE AND SMALL GAME AND TROUT. «xinty court oi Jivx-pliine conntv. Or.. <t 1 irants I’i‘s 0:1 Sati'rday Oct 'ith, 1-J*. Ropairiiug n .^p«etulty ' GOOD PASTURE FOR HORSIiS A H ( , ■ - H ■ ' ad Entry J. A. JÖHNS, . . . . Monger for tlie E. ot 5 E. G Sec. ‘-'1 and ??. To 37 >. R | the Water from these Caves m Excellent on Account of its M-dical Properties. W ' 1 N. W , ; i We«l. YV. M. Ili'p.'ines the following •.'.itm'-ses to prove hi- continuous rwsi- ADMISSION To CAVES. ... $1.00. <). II STARR, J' hi . i xti vie , ■ upon uiid iiltiv.'f ■ .» of said land, viz: Lev. - Hays, J. I> Hay.4, F. «». 1M; , —Denier In— Ui 1 r Y’ork, oil oi Mcinliy. Jcsefhiu • onTitv, Oregon. C11.1-. YV.Jonx.-io*:. Stoves. I iii W.ire. 1’iinips, l’ip '-. I 23-Ft.) COLLARS. BRIDLES, WHIPS Ami cverythina ki'pt >n :« Firt-clans II \ R N i: H st H II < ) I ’ NEW TIN SHOP; SUGAR PINE DOOR & LUMBER CO. Etc.. Etc., Etc. JOB WORK DONE ON SHORT SUMMONS. Lumber, Door», Windows, •>c*j»i»il> . NOTICE. Prices GRANTS 1'A — Brocket . Moderat''. T”-/ < .RI-.GON I IXF t KNAIT, D.'f.ndant. C. L ('.RAY, I In I in.-y Knapp, d -r.-n lanl. In th" name of tiu St»»tr of ixpgon vol ar>- required to ;i) |« :ir in -aid < otirt ami — *xi>— aiimrer tlie compiairil nf »aii plaintiff, « tiled «gain-1 von. within ten days fr»'tu The Introduction of the time of thc<.i thia summon’ on y< n. if -> rved williiu 1 aid lounly. m K -ei d on you within any other i- unty 11» liant'.- 1\ uh < >i- gon thi- -tale, then within twenty »Itiys ittm the lime "f th«' servie., or if Horxed'»11 vo® ALL WATCH WORK WARRANTER of th» -tate of Oregoi, then it i-' "t HAS ENABLED THEM To REDICE PRICES FIFTY PER out I OR ONE YI AR. dererl i»y the I’l.i-.crif frai.l court that ?"t» lieation T< rca t • f.',r hx we«*lis in tb® Wilclw, Jewjlii mil apécheles ci all íijíj CENT BELOW ALL FORMER RATES above named court, pnoi to the l-t Moc day in Novemher ( P I ME ' nd ’ ----- KEPT ox HAND. - »■r ' For Price List, addtess, S. P 0. & I Co .«re r- td ".l th»» i' you fml to answer wi'i '■ou., la • t ■»• r-'quired th»' plaintiff Musical litxiiumenis Repaned. (»rant’s Pa a *. Oregon. will apply to the art Puttie r>W >k manrie I ’herein to wit . I .* «1» h r. . of (he court »liaaobinirasd lore .' r annnliing the bond.-of matr.i»i«*7 E ureka Hprii S choot , now existing between plaintiff ar. i 'k fendant and reatonng the -aid plaintiff «• —OF— her former name, and sneh oth< r and t°' I horough and Practical Instruclion near Wildervillc, J'— ¡»bine County th»T relief s.- thc * ourt rr.a-. deem me" Oregon. Will coinmvmv its first session, and proper. .1. S. gage . Mtoroey for Plaintiff By order of J, K Webster, .bldgs* the 1 ii uit ' ourt, lo.-ephinc County This Stii dav of August, 1AW. Xih* SUFI XG - --------RATES OF TUITION l’radica I, W atchmake IJ House Il’S J E W E la E K, I he Latest Improved Machinery, October 4, 1886, To Continue Six Months. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Primary Brauchc«, $5.00per Quartet. Intermediate Branches >6.00 per Quarter. U.S I. »M, Orner. : Kosr.m ri .. <»r., big 2S. I4^ Í High Arithmetic. Natural Philosophy. Mediaeval and Modern in hereby given that thefoU»'* PrMice at Ciciiue History , Physical Geography . Botany and Retoric. $7.00per Quarter. ing N'.tii-e iiatnetl settler bas filed noté? Algebra, Chemistrv, ,\«trononiv. Geology. Moral Philosophy intention _________ to _____ _ __ it '» _ make ________ l uminntation oí n '»Ictilal Philo-ophy. Physiology and Hyginc. and Ancient History *"»Pt>ort«W bi» »-la'in. and llmt Haul 5? Quarter. ¡will made bejore the RegiMer •■eiver U. S. Landoflhvat Roa--l»urt O Geometry. and thc Higher Mathematics. Bonk keeping l,atin and ■on, ou Thursday, O»-t. 7th, I hmh . » u Jane Bvlx-e, widow of Than. T. Byhsr. the Pnnciplcs ol the German Language Jk; »». Homestead entry No. k»14, J B MARSHALL & SON Instrumental and Vocal Music will be Taught on Reasonable deceased, the S. E 1. of X’. E. 1, N. E. »< of 8 » tcriu5. Wish to inRem It»» peopl- oi Grxnl - L and W. of S. E. ».Sec, 3 Tp 41. * Pax« mid surrounding <-Mintr;. that R >We«t W M Board including Room. Lights. Ac.. $2 50 pct week they have <'p»-nr'1 a t>< w ?t » k .4 He nainoe t’,.. following wit»1" • ■ I nfurnished Rooms free to Students boarding themselves prove In« •ot»t»|i"n>i« »esi-h ne»“ npon. a* cultivation of, »-aid land viz 'a®' The School Rosn will be fiimi-hed with Good Seat- Will Mm- Globes and Cubical Blocks; also 1 ' Connell. George Wimer. John B P J*; William Ihxrki«. .di of Wald" .1-*-;•':n* • oun.v. \NP CIGARS PHILOSOPHICAL AND CHEMICAL \PPARATUS CHAN W. JolfX‘iT'»X -*‘-fil Register a* the neceaitics «»T the Scoool demand them. Ml Work to pive New Store New Goods. Groceries. Candies, Tobaccoi None will be allowci to attend Dame« while Students ot the School. Flouring Mill and Farm I f >K .« \T.H Situnied an M-wphr Creek, 'itirily. <b>'c»n. ei^ht tuil«' Granta Pa»--, a Fir»t-cLi»s HPHt* '' -Special Interments Afforded to those Trepumg to Teach MHI. « rh I'»'. - ' 'I.»<».:>,.«- ’ nU,lC 'h' ^»’qpiequai to any Rood Work an-l ha« a gnod ilistoru " FARM . mtaitia C'-'J acre- •<( land ; «•res »n < iovet. and mn 100 *, r-- •mltivaiMn. ale»« z- .-I House and Bat t nd ungati'«» Fine mtuan-jt; L «__ ____ .Lain farm • ri p> -G .. (I ala» «st an» part o< ’Xx ,4an' Patr»-mge Sohnfttd ••nth«’« aarUisIau »il •: alb- JOHN »r Dr»niN«,on r,„„,|,<,i I I «y I tc-x -. Murph’ STRICT DISCIPLINE WILL BE MAINTAINED Thoroughness and Practical Work.