THE COU RI ER Publisher W J WIMER SUBSCKIPTlUX RATES, »2.25 Oat Year tin advance) »1 25 Six Months. ................ 75c Three Months 10v Single Copies ROGUE Rivi’!’ (' OIJRIER Tel»'** 4 An In Job Printing of all Kinds —IN THE—• Very Latest and Best Styles, — and IzttVfMt at the — I.ivinLr Hates. VOL. 2. raorewsioNAL— legal . » (¡RANTS J. II. GRIFFI JULY 30. 1886. NO. IS. Grant's Pasx, so natxiod after General Grant, ia a county seat centrally located in Southern Oregon. It h a progreaiive railroad town of *X) inhabitants, and ia the main »uppiv point for a lanie portion of country devoted to mining. lumbering Agriculture «nd inut-rai«ing. Climate un- ex- elied The Cot rich being the only paper pub­ lished in Jueephine county, with a good circulation in Jackson county, enables it to be one of the best advertising mediums . in Bouthern Oregon. For cates, addrexs T hi C ovrirr , Grant’s Pass, Oregon. and Southern Oregon, and about ty until he retired from the service one half of the entire number went of the company aud became an The contest be­ to California. The same year the American citizen Attorney at Law & Notary Public Notary Public and Agent for the Sale great controversy between Great tween the settlers and the great fur G rant ' s P am , - - - - O begox . Britain and the United States was monopoly for the possession of this (Jackson County.) GOLD HILL, terminated, and the title to Oregon region naturally engendered bitter Will practice in all the courts of the was confirmed in the Uuited States, feelings, and the odium in which State. Office on Sixth street, near post- REIUESENTINU THE this grand achievement being the the company was held naturally at­ office. result, in a large measure, of the tached to its resident officers, ot Sugar Pine Ooor à Lumber Co., Grani •gular immigration labors ot the pioneers, who with in­ whom Dr. McLoughlin was the 8. V. MITCHELL, rrived in 1841, be finite difficulty, had forced a path chief The policy of the company ATTORNEY AT LAW. ady stream of young through the wilderness and laid the was to discourage the settlement of MITCHELL i LEWIS CO, LIMITED. BACINE. W1S. (’• rant ’ s P ass , • • - • O regon . At eleven o'clock the members and vigorous life which has annu­ foundation of a republican govern­ Americans in this country, even to formed in procession, arranged in ally flowed into Oregon for nearly, ment in this far-distant land. the extent of refusing them com­ Will practice in ali State and Federal New Zealand Insurance Co., Capital, $3,000,000, the order of the year of their arrival half a century; and the end will not. The immigration of 1847 has been mercial privileges necessary almost Courts. Offices on Main street. and marched through the city to be seen for many years to conic. I estimated at five thousand souls, to their existence; but the chief fac­ — A Ml 8AM. WHITE. the park just above, where the cere­ There were deep and lasting causes fully two thirds of whom came to tor must be disassociated entirely monies and festivities were to be for this resistless stream to force its Oregon. These immigrants brought from the company in this matter, ATTORNEY AT LAW. held. About two thousand people way across the trackless plains, with them a greater assortment and • since he failed utterly to carry out G iant ’ s P ass , . - - - O regon . O assembled at the park and listened through rugged mountain ranges quantity of articles needed in de­ this heartless policy. He was ever to a programme of entertainment, and across barren alkali deserts veloping this region than had any I the sympathizing friend of the needy •O Will practice in all the Coarta oi the State which consisted of music, prayer by­ and flow on unceasingly in its deep­ of their predecessors, including mill pioneer, and liberally aided him H. KELI.EY, Rev. J. W. Sellwood, address of ly ent channel to Oregon. Trap- stones, fine Durham cattle, fine when in distress; and when called HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR GOOD WHEAT. welcome by the president, J.T. Ap- pers who had visited the Pacific bhxxied sheep, stocks of goods, vege-, to account, in 1844, for not enforc­ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Building Mateial of all Kinds Supplied at the Lowest Figures. petson, the annual address by Col coast sang the praises of the lovely table seeds, fruit seeds and the cel­ ing th? company's policy of with­ JxcKioxvtLLn. • - - - O regon . John Kelsav, occasional address by and fertile valley of the Willamette, I ebrated ‘ traveling nursery" of val­ holding from American settlers all - ------ ----- o--------- — Hon. M. C. George, and an address where winter was unknown and the uable fruit trees brought by Hen- assistance whatever, resigned his Will practice in all the Courts of the to the Indian War Yeterans by Col grass remained green the year! derson I.uelling. The immigration position and became nearly penui- State. Office in Court House. I.. F. Mosher. Officers for the fol round, where destructive storms of 1848 was quite large, though less, because of being held person­ H K. HANNA, lowing sear were chosen, as follows: were unheard of, w here the sunimei statistics in relation to it have never ally responsible for the debts he had M. Wilkins, president; J. W. Grimes days were not excessively warm been gathered. Many who had ¡»erniitted many destitute lmtni- OF ALL KINDS FURNISHED ON DEMAND. ATTORNEY AT LAW. vice-president; George H. Himes, and the summer nights were delic­ originally started for Oregon chang grants to contract at the company’s J acksonville , • • - • O regon . secretary; J. M Bacon. F. X. Ma­ iously cool, and where there was no ed their destination to California store. His was a grand and noble J. CHAPMAN. J. C. GILLAM. thieu, Joseph Watt and Clark Hay, rain in harvest time to destroy the ■ upon hearing while enroute of the character, and his memory is hon- Office in Orth building, Oregon etiwt directors. When the exercises were ' labors of a year. The western discovery of gold at Sutter,s mill ored throughout Oregpti by those GIIalaANt & CHAPMAN. Proprietors. concluded, the pioneers adjourned frontiersman caught up the refrain In 1848 came the massacre of Dr. wno chanced to know him well. T. B. KENT. to the spot where an immense bar­ 1 a.s it passed from cabin to cabin, Whitman, which brought the pio- Dr. McLoughlin died on the third ATTORNEY AT LAW becue was in progress and partook and in a tew years the tale was an neers to arms to avenge his death I of -r September, «—u— 1857, at the ----- advanced 1------- J J acksonville , . • - - O regon . • of the broiled meats and the con- old one with the hardy settlers of and defend their homes by adminis­ age of seventy-tliree, and a stone ! tents of their baskets. Mirth and tne Mississippi valley. The publi­ tering to the Indians severe chas- ‘ marks his last resting place in the Will practice in all the Courts of the Main Street, Opposite the Depot, Grant’s Paw, Oregon, social enjoyment were the order of cation of Irving’s “Bonneville" and tisement. Those were perilous Catholic church yard at Oregon Plate Office in Court House. the day. In the evening the pio­ "Astoria," of John Dunn's work times, but bravely did those self- City. --------- )o(---------- neers gathered alxmt the camp fire, on Oregon, of Dr. Parker’s travels, reliant men and women rt them ?. W. FORRES, From Althouao. while the younger generations en- and a letter written by Roliert selves. In the spring of 1849, Ore­ NOTARY PUBLIC. ORANGES CIGARS* AND TOBACCO. | NUTS AND ■ joyed themselves at the pavilion ! Shortess, who had settled in the gon became an organized territory J uly 21. KXSBT’ILIE AND A l THOCBE, JoSETHtNE The reunion was a thoroughly valley in 1839, combined with a under Governor Joseph Lane, and LEMONS, FIGS AND OTHER C ovstv , O regon . Rattlesnakes large and plenty thia pleasant one in every- respect. A general financial depression in the the simple, but effective, republican '•‘■rles of sketches depicting inci­ Western states to direct much atten­ government the pioneers had iusti hot weather. < >n Sunday, George of Staple and Fancy Groceries, dents Collection* a Specialty. Legal Instni- A Fine, Stock of the reunion are given in tion to Oregon. The two senators tuted W3; merged into that author­ Hcxrk while on his way from his ments promptly executed. the magazine. ■ from Missouri, Thomas H. Benton ized by congress. There was prac­ claim to Reach and Platter's met A brief resume of the history of 'and Lewis F. I,inn, whose names tically no immigration to Oregon in his snakeship on the trail. The MF D’CAT. \ WE the pioneers will show by what un­ have since been bestowed upon ' 1849, but a great tide of adventur­ creature was of a too inquisitive turn IN CONNECTION V,*. r. KREMER. M. D., deniable right they thus annually counties in this state, ceaselessly ers surged across the plains, around of mind, and* 1 ! >ok, not wishing to gather to celebrate their event into urged upon the government the j the Horn and across the Isthmus of have any closer aquaintanee with so Thysician and Surgeon. this country and comnicmorale the claims of Oregon. In this way the ! Panama into the gold fields of Cali­ unpleasant a neighbor, gave him Circulating G hani '« P ah «, . . • • O regon . deeds and events which wrested fame of this region spread and a fornia. Of these many afterward the full strength oi his ami and the Oregon from foreign domination determination to save Oregon from became citizens of Oregon. Nui weight of a stout oak stick, which WHERE CAN BE FOU Calls rxiponded to at all hour*, day or • .-v, nf England grew up did the year 1850 see many emi ! so demoralized the creature that and added her to the ever-incre night. * ” «W 1 grants on the roail to Oregon. Cal- Houk cut off his jinglers, seven in ing circle of the Union. Such ■ suits are worthy of comtnemorati tWfornia was still the glittering goal numlier, and bioughl them to the W. II. FLANAGAN, M D. and the hardy men and women ’ -1 of western adventurers. In 1851 store a.s a trophy of his victory. On Phvsician and Surgeon,_ _ achieved they; >ire ('lest.nlI1g n the tide began again to set in the Sunday week, Cisccl and tile Gira- in GuAST'a P ass , • • *- • e O regon . ••iduGOUun of Oregon, and in 1852 ! delli brotliets went across the honor from lhr>se multitudes •-ame one of the largest luiuugta mountain to Indian creek, andon IES, now enjoy the blessings won OYSTERS, CLAMS, . I thefr way they met with ¡U>d killed Office at resilience, corner Mam and n- tions tSflWO» swking the stste by them through privations, toil "i tta Lirgest Sl’kCT seen in Third streets. Call attended any hour, CL dangers; bv the perseverance, pa­ sisted ot one hum - en'both the uortm.’’1 AtiU «..attoem day or nigh. It wa* triotism and moral and physical persons, who, owing to the supposed routes. Practical rxnerirnce in the these parts for some time Leinonat ____ courage displayed by these pioneers impossibility of crossing the moun mines had served to di.sjiel, in a ihr.nt fow and a half feet in length, DR. F. W. VAN DYKE in a thousand different ways. tains with wagons, brought no ve measure, the glamour surrounding and as thick as a man's A G rants P ass • - O regon . I In 1840, all that portion of the hides with them The ¡same year them, and people hent on a journey dude’s, but a g»xxl state ◄ , United States lying west of the twenty-three families of French- westward Ix-gan to realize that the iitideqiin for any man i \L( t /• English and German Spoken. Rocky mountains and north of the Canadians were brought by the homestead .generously offered them around on. Well, lilt v put a rifle STONE, P rop ’ r , line of California, Nevada, and Hudson Bay Company front their in Oregon was lietter than the haz­ ball through two coils of Mr. Snake Office on Main street, near drugstore. - - - Grant’» Pas«, Oregon, Vtah facing Oregon, Washing- settlements fln Red river with the ards and uncertainties of the mines. and, wonderful to relate, they found Maine Street, C. LEMPERT, M D., ’ ton, Idaho and a portion of M011- design of using them to counteract Many of them came with the inten­ that lie* had swallowed a whole jack AND APOTHECARY, ------ tana, was known as “Oregon ’’ the effect of American settlements. tion of locating a home in the Will rabbit, ears and all. They took ------ DRUGGIST Graduate Leipsic University,Ger. Title to this vast region was in dis- Many of these became thoroughly amette valley before trying their for from Hus monster, ten rattles and a Unit Patent Medlciitt Perfumery, Toilet Articles, sn ulder Braces. Trusses, Etc. ■ ptite lietween the United States and Americanized and are among the tune in th« gold fields. The season button Calls rcponde l to at all hours, dav or ---- .. o------ — Great Britain, and, under a tempo- most respected of the pioneers. The ■ was a dry one, and the great throng A ItKtR FIGHT IN fOlINSZJN'sOULCH. night Office <>p|XMite Slover's hotel. BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO • rary compromise, it had been o|»en immigration of 1842 consisted of ' of cattle ami horses soon disposed of Joliny Geradelli was out hunt­ Jackeonvilte, Oregon. to joint occupation by the subjects one hundred and nine people, half every vestige of grass along the ing the other day in the thick brush School I Books. I Books I and I Stationery DR. CHAH. W. BEACOM, of both nations for twenty two years: oi them adults. They started with route, so that thousands of stock of this section and quite unexpect­ Joint occupation was, however more wagon*, but one half of these were famished and died, their putrid car­ edly came upon a large black bear Detntist, nominal than real, since the entire dismantled at Green river ami made casses iharking the trail for those 1 Now Johny is an old hunter and O rpoon . A Full Line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes. region was dominated by a great into pack saddles. The others were who came later. There was, too, kills his bears every fall for winter G rant ' s P ass — o ■ — English cor, oration, the noted Hud­ taken as far as Fort Hall on Snake much sickness among the emigrants • meat; but in this hot weather, son Bay Company which maintain river, where they were abandoned caused by scarcity of water and -mailer game is more to his liking, All work warranted. Office at Com­ PH8ICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED mercial Hotel. ed a great central headquarters at upon the advice of Captain Grant, 1 food. The slow progress made by •<> he took off his hat. bowed ¡»elite- Fort Vancouver, on the north bank the factor in charge of the post the enfeebled cattle caused the sup­ ly to the black gentleman and tol«l ROHER T W E H TROP, Miscall, isloch . of the Columbia, and had numerous maintained there by the Hudson plies in tnanv of the wagons to give him to move on; as his rosts established in various Bay Company, who assured the odt long before the Columbia was Ix-tter than his company at that J. DsFLANNEY, sections covering _ the entire conn-1 immigrants that wagons could not reached, while many emigrants,' time, llreum was not of the same So firm a grasp this great lie taken across the mountains fur , whose stock had all died, were cola opinion ant w ith rough and showed his teeth rather C rxtra L P oint , • • • O regon . so great was its influence with the In the spring and summer of! only such fixxl as could I m * packed too plainly to l»e misunderstood. natives, tlifft all efforts at joint oe 1843 these pioneer settlers held a upon their backs Of the trains | There was no mistaking the signs O regon . icupation by Americans for the pur series of meetings at which a tern coming to Oregon, the names »>f one of the times here, for ou came Mi. C entral P oint , (Jackson County) All Kinde of Work in my Line | pose of trade had met with disas jxirary form of government was hundred and twenty-one persons Bear. Johny retreated for a spsce, -------------)o(------------- I trous failure. Several efforts to in adopted, purely democratic in prin­ j who died on the route have got his tree and brought his rej»enter WELL and PROMPTLY DONE I ducc emigration of settlers had re­ ciple. A few weeks after this the been recorded. Relief for the fam-1 to his shoulder in goodtiiue to send —Having Completed my new Stable I am preparrd to— sulted in nothing, exiept to lay a great immigration of 184^ arrived, ¡«lung emigrants was m nt out to a bullet smashing through the crea­ CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT foundation for future settlement. consisting of three hundred men meet them as s»x>n as news of their ture's brain, anil a second shot fin­ —or rm— FURNISH THE BEST OF HAY AND GRAIN. The opening wedge for American upwards of sixteen years of age, deplorable condition reached the ished the battle and Gcrnd» Hi re­ settlement of Oregon was the Prot­ with women and children sufficient Willamette valley. [Ill the pro­ turned home with one more bear’s Central Point Hotel. To liny and Oran Per Head, Over Nijrht, 7.5 < 'If*. estant missionaries. In 1844 the to make a total of about eight bun cession in Oregon City the other scalp tn grace hi* wigwamn. It is Meth rounds. Roofing, Spouting, and Repairing of ali kinds a specialty. sion at Waiilatpu, a few miles from became an organized territory of now venerable mm have earned the Tin- late Chicago sch-xd census Analysra mads of Compirà RabsMweeo. the site upon which Walla Walla the Udited States in 1849. The right to meet mntially in commemo­ AND DONE AT REASONABLE RATES shows that less 'than one-fourth of was subsequently built. These immigration oi 1844 was nearly as ration of them, aiul to receive the MIX I* XXAMlNrn ANO RteORTEO CTOR. the pojnilatioa is of .American »»ti­ Oregon. misaionariea received accessions to great as that of the previous year, honor and re*j»ect of every citizen gin. J. 8. Honck, Ja» kson Co , Central Point. » 3 00 Assay for Gold and Silver their numbers from year to year, adding strength and confidence to as long as the last of them shall 6 on Aaaay for Nickel nr Cobalt The Massachusetts legislature and anil nail v a few American trap the struggling settlement. In »«4.5 abide among us. which honor shall 2 no Aaaay for Lead or Cop»»T per* established themselves in the some three thousand people started cling to their memory as long as the passed a law frebiddaig the sale of Willamette valley, as did, also many a< rs the plain*. Alxmt one third structure built upon the foundation tobacco v> ¡krsotb under sixteen CITY BAKERY years of age. former half breed and Canadian of them turned off at Fort Hall and they laid shall List. NMITH The M.«si"ip|»i Agricultural col- R Li O ’ H Proprietor*. employees of the Hudson Hay C»»ni went Jo California, the remaind -r tf.EO GLF.IS8.MAN, lYoprietoc. In Sjwaking of the pioneers it is leg has .1 chait of dairy husbandry, pany. Th« Catholics, too, estab corning through to the Willamette, meet that honorable nentiou should Sixth Street, Grant'» Pu», Oregon. G rant '« P am , • O rigor lished miaxfons in 1839. This gave some of th«m being induced to try lx* made of one who v as the pio­ and b is jnat graduated a class of ■O’ in 1840. a population summarized a new route and suffering great neer's friend and aid frr times of butt» i anil c I mnnc makcra. as follows American setileis, thir hardships tn omsequence. hi 184b need the venerable Dr John Me- Tu a n, aged 104 aud 77 Th- Proprietor takes pleasure in inform­ STABLES WE ARE ty-six; American women, thirty some two thousand people started LougNIn, wiiox portrait is given years, ing the public that he is prepared to fur­ HAVING COMPLETED re-j«t'’ivelv, were recently nish the best oi three; children, thirty two; Metho- with irair hundred ami seventy lOU two hundred and twT-tity- arrested at Louisville, Ky.. for fight- rti—t fni>i -*.-r« thirteen; Congrega­ w tgous Some of them followed Ünc*. * IIv Luiav lu Oregon m 1024 inti i tv. eldest one held hei own Fre3h Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc Furnish the Best of Accommodations for Horse*. tional ministers, Rix, Protestant the old route down Snake nver, to manage the affairs of the Had- fur some unit, but the youth at Use nri*«ionaries, not ministers, thirteen; others came by a new one across sin's Bav Company on the Pacific other finally triumphed asd tea VX* — AT REA«n\ (Ri j rati - daily, and delivered free of charge \ nwrwifi la »0 Klamath !»k n» t'E»v a* DAVIS BROWER. General Real listate Asent i n Oregon. TO ADVERTISERS 11 ICONS, PLOWS IND FIRM MltlllNERI Grant’s Pass Variety Store, A First a Central Point Tin Shop,— STOVES A N I) T I N W A II E, Feed Stable! e; English physic­ ian French, sixty, rulatiou of one hun- six Americans, and cts of Great Britain, ■ officers and em- Hudson Bay Com »utuumbered them '