XEW TIN SHOP; ULALIE BY WILL 111-BSARIeXTRMAN O. II. STARR, PaoeaiKToa, Severed, oh. L«r>P the silver cord txaind her uu»o life! In white rawiile she «Icpe to-night who should have heeti my wife. Ob, Vasey Vane, beyond the main in tear* and sack-cloth Iw.w— Tlw Mtinllv ni rid thy wiles betrayed is pale and pulneles* now From »ml finer to the starrv sphere <4 Christ who wa»< fticified Slia trn—-■■l away but ywuniay. and new ■lie 1» my bride. Aye! BRheH npreiuf upon U»y head foi’ murdered t'lalie, Yet, oil. forgiven bv man and Heaven thmi canet not hope to be— For though forri'en b.v ““’'■ -Vvt ««t»ven will I Mt avenged on thee! a thrall of 8edgew«>d Hall, thou wert a prince of pride. With »ton » of gold and slaves untold and fair prwsewsioiis wide , Vet I was blest, for she confessed her »ove Rt last for me; Yet 1 »*• banned, for, oh ' her band uer father pledged to thee. Wo worth that hour! Wo worth thy pow­ er, that ever it should be! 1 seem U> tra<-e upon Uer face “ tender 1 lf the .lead 1 A look ire me, and ned for thee, t" whom she vainlv plead : Away! Awar! Nor longer stay to weep her hier beside— Hlw is mA thine, hut only minip-forever- more my bride! Kim, sweetoet, Kiss me unto bint»—I twine within thy hair These lilv Howers from bridle bowers—1 they make tbee look more fair, Kim, »weeUist, kirn me unUr bliss—I place upon thy hand Thi» bridal ring—now let iu wing our way io distant land. K im , sweetest, kiss me unto bliss!—O, God, I do but rave! Within an hour my star and tlower will be w ilhin the grave! Wer pine and |»-ak the shrill wind shrieks, while Up the wrinkled sands The haggard s.-» cries pitiously and wrings and wrings its hands. Tlie m<»>n l.s.ks out from her redoubt within the scowling sky, Wlast lime the knell <4 die pamingbell tolls from the chapel high. The mass is said, they la-ar the dead with solemn tread nway, To sleep and eleep within the deop, dark home in i-lnin-kyard clay Until the last long trum|iet blast u|s>n the judgment day, And ’ .Hl left of all bereft to walk my lonely way. —A’ew Ynrk .kfrrrurf/. —Dealer In— JCSTICE WITH GKXEHWilTY Stoves, Tin-Ware, Rumps, Pipes Etc., Etc., Etc. ABBIV.U. AND DEPARTURE M AILS. iNjr.xrrsí > n FUNI OB.ANTS PAM TO CMBSCF.NT CITI. Lv. Grant’s Paus, GI Restrain Him from Selling Kir Large and Well-selected • loci ------ k *: pkesentinu JOB WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Prices Moderate. ----- 71® U also Agent for all Kinds of------ OX ECON GRANTS PASS, JOHNS & WOODWARD, G baxt ’ i P am ,......................... O mluon , mach in Ein AG I!1CV LTV RA I. —Dealers In— MITCHELL i LEWIS C».. LIMITED. RACINE. WI3. New Zealand insurance Co., ■Sold by Knapp, Burrill A Co., Including the Saddles and Harness, CELEBRATED BAIN WAGONS AND RACINE HACKS. COLLARS, BRIDLES, WHIPS —AND—’ General Real Estate Agent •o- AI bo Agent fur Park à Lacy, Portland, Dealer* in------ Sil OI’ HIGHEST CASH — ENGINES, WIRE ROPE, Work done to Order on Short Notice CAR TRUCKS, DRILLS, Repairing a Specialty! STEEL, RUBBER HOSE, J. A. JOHNS, - - - - Manager PUMPS. ROCK BREAKERS BATTERERS, GIANT POWDER, MACHINISTS’ TOOLS AN D PRICE PAID Millinery Mining Establishment, Supplies of Every HIS AT STORE. Description GRANT’S PASS, DR. W. F. KREMER. Prop’r, Largest Stock of Ne« Goods Grant’» Paas, Oregon. OF ALL KINDS FURNISHED ON DEMAND. GILLAM & CHAPMAN. Proprietors. -Grant’s Pass Variety Store,— Main Street, Opposite the Depot, Grant’s Pass, Oregon, Druggist and Apothecary, Wiitchmaker & Jeweler, G rant ’» T a »», - O rkuon . CIGARS AND TOBACCO. | NUTS AND CANDY. I ORANGES, LEMONS. FIGS AND OTHER FRUITS. DEALER IN — M. V. LOOM I 8, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Shoulder Braces, Trusses. —VIA— Oregon &. California R. R, )0( R ates B anner L odob , I. O. (». T., 493—Meets every Frida.* evening at Hale's bull. J K H ale , W.C T OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA IN THE C ITY, AT THE R easonable K khhyvii . le L odok , N o . r>5, I. O. O. F. —Meets every other Saturday evening. Visiting bretliera coniiidlv invited to at­ tend. J»A5’L H lxt , N. G. S. W. F* akhks . See’v. J. CHAPMAN. J. C. GII-LAM O’ MosT G oluex R clk , I. O.O. F.—Mwtsevvrv Saturday evening at 7 :30 at their hall ,,n Sixth street. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. €'. K. C hamlob N. G. J. A. J ennings , Sec'y. P. of H. Josephine Lodge, 179, meets at Grant's Pass, first Saturday of each menth at 11 o'clock A. il W. Nf. P ulux 'K, W. M. o OREGON PORTLAND, OREGON. Main Street, WHEAT. on Demand, DRUG STORE. No. 27 Washington St., near Front Hreet, FOR GOOD Building Mateial of all Kinds Supplied at the Lowest Figures. Mrs. A E. West, WIIO1.XSALX ANI. RETAIL SOCIETY NOTICES. G ram ’ s P ass L odge , N o . 84, A F. A. M.—Meets in tlu-ir hull, Odd Fellow's Capital, $3,000,000, building. Fridsv evening on or before the full moon. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. J. W. H oward , W. M. J T. G ilvin . See’v u- And everything kept >n a Frst-class II A KN EH H the — Sugar Pine Door à Lumber Co., Grant’s Pass, Oregon, (f Tuesday 0:01) pin Tliurs’y HU) pm Sutur’y . 6:00 pm rao.a gkasth r.tss ru iiai . ice . U’nves Satimlav 6.00 a in Arrive» (same day ;. 6:00 p iu omet: uutits. Office open every day except Similar, from 7 30 a m . to 8:30 r. m . Open Sun- dav from 8 :30 tu 10 a M J. W. H oward , P. M. Monday. 7:00 am Wedns'y . 7 :(« a 111 Tridav 7:00 am (JackduU County,) GOLD HILL, Ar. Grant’s Puss. Fine, Stock of Staple anti Fancy Groceries. -)o(---------- AND CONNECTIONS. —Time, 2 1-2 Days.— Fare from Portlui to San Fructo#, $32.01). Fars from Portland to Sacramento. $30.00. Close Connections made at Ashland with the stages of the California, Oregon 4 Idaho Stage Company. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) E ast S ide D ivision . BETWEEN PORTLAND A ASHLAND. M ail T m . ux . LEAVE. - ARRIVE. Portland 7 :30 a . m . < Irt’s l’ass 1 :15 a . m . Gr’ts Pass 1 :2'J a . m . Ashland. 4:15 a m . Ashland. 9:30 p. m . Grt's Pas» 11 :55 p . m < tilt's rassr_’:00 M. Portland, ,4:25 p . m . CONNECTION WITH A FINE LINE OF STATIONERY, A lbany E xi - kbsm T rain . HAVE ATTACHED A We arc glad to see that Congress­ LEAVE. ARRIVE. WATCHER, Portland 4:00 p . m . Ixtbanon. 9:20 p . m , man Holman adopt* the world’s CLOCKS, ------- (>• Lebanon 4:45 a . m . Portland 10:05 a . m . Circulating Library and a Free Reading Room, suggestion that the imposition of a JEWELRY. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily be­ tnx on incomes to meet tlie expense SPECTACLES, AM» WHERE CAN BE FOUND SAN I RACISCO, PORTLAND tsp OTHER PAPERS, tween Portland and Ashland. of future ¡x’tision bills would lx- the I The <>. ,k ('. li. R. Ferry makes Con­ SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, most practical method of checking nection with all the Regular Trains on ths FOR SALE )o( I prodigal appropriations. East Side Division, from foot of F street. O' Some time ago when it was said that Mr. Morison | proposed to All Work Guaranteed to give M' est S ide D ivision . amend the House ru îles so as to BETWEEN PORTLANDS CORVALLIS Pure Wines and Liauors for Medical Purooses. SATISFACTION. make it in order to provide fora spec-1 M.vii. T h . on . ------ In connection, where can be liad------ LEAVK. ARKIVK. ial tax to raise the amount required o- Produce of Kinds Taken In Eichanre Portland. 9 HM) a . m Corvallis 4:30 p . m . whenever an increase of pensions was contemplated by a bill, we sug­ OYSTERS, CLAMS. SARDINES, CORNED BEEF. PIES, CAKES, 'Corvallis. 8:.'W a . m . Portland 3:20 p . m . Physicians’ Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night. E xpkkss T bain . gested that to bring the knowledge CHEESE, E tc ., E tc . ALSO l.KAVK. AthUVE. of what they were taxed for home Portland . ö:00 r. M. M’Mir’vlle * :00 p m to the people the tax ini|>osed should M'Mn’viUe 3:45 a . x. Portland 3:20 a . m . —D ealer in all K inos or— Lemonade, Soda Water, Ginger Beer, &c. A FINE LINE OF CIGARS ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND. be a direct one, like the income laa-al ticket» for sale and baggage checked at Company's up-town oflice, tax. corner Stark and Seeoini streets. Tickets "HURRA FOR GRANT’S PASS, HURRA!’ Mr. Holman is reported by a for principal points in California can onlv special Washington correspondent G. procured and baggage checked at the <»f the Commercial Advertiser Advertise: as I Company h office, CAMPBELL à TUFF C. M. STONE, P kop ’ h . saving Corner F ¿nd Front Streets. Portland. Oregon. Í think, the Senate will piu» a big pen- Maine Street,.............................................................. Grant’s Pass, Oregon, Freight will not be received for ship­ ai>>n bill, and when it ■ oinea over to the CAN NOW AVINO mi ANI» WOO! » ment after 5 o’clock p . ou cither the House I Riip|HMe we »hall have to except ----- DRUGGST AND APOTHECARY,----- East <>r West Side Divisions. it. but will pul on to it a pro|«)»ition to FI NEST STORE ROOM SOUTHERN OREGON. R. KOEHLER, E. p. ROGERS. rtiw th« amount by an income tax I'er- Drugs, Patent Meilclîts. Perfumery. Toilet Articles, shoulder Braces. Trasses. Etc. Manager. G F. ■— ■ ■■ marked out by Mr. Holman many Grant’s Pass, .... Oregon. —IN AMERICA— GOODS, lie pursued. But the tax ought t<>. PHSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. Com-entrated in one Bottle without th« be limited to incomes of $5,000 and DRESS GOODS, the Expense of an Euro,>ean Journey. upward, and the rate raised with j K O B 1: K T \V EST KOI ’ , CLOTHING, every $5,000 increase of income By this policy we should l»e lilieral to 1IAT8 AND CAPS, —PROFK1ETUR— pensioner* .it the 1 xjx’iise of those BOOTS AND SHOES. J. B. MARSHALL & SON who can afford it, and not at the expense of person.* much worse Wish to inform the people of Grant's GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Pass and surrounding country that vfT than themselves N V. World GROCERIES, they have opem-d a new stor k of PROVISIONS. .vor t eelie . nz . gki ». (.’ entrai . P oint , (Jackson County) CROCKERY, "I*ook alieah,” said Mandy, whoi for cotnc time has liectt cooking foi TOBACCOS. ----- )o(-------------- ----- AND CIGARS.------- the Potter family, addressing Mrs. CIGARS. ETC Potter, ' when yer gwiti ter git —Having Completed my new Stable I am prepared to— -----o----- Glass- ware and Queens -ware. some mo' perserves?" "What do toil mean ?" Mrs Pot if *A11 our goods arc entirely new and will be exchanged for cash FURNISH THE BEST OF HAY AND GRAIN. They have also iu Connaction a ter in astonishment exclaimed. or arm produce. CAMPBELL A TUFFS. "Means jes er bout wliut I says. FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. Grant’s Pass. Josephine County, Oregon To Hay and ( »fan Pel’ Head. Over Nijxlit, 75 (’ts. I want peraerves," SAL—MUSCATELLE where they will feed the hungry. "It makes uu difference what you V BEST OF ACCOMMODATIONS FURNISHED FOR HORSES. ■X want." Dwi ('rystallizisi salts as extracted from cats'* and fruit; a most iwotiderful pro- "Uuu'l it ?" ICE CREAM ! ICE CREAM ' ! du.-t frwn Nature's labratory ; the ¡;reat- J. S. HOUCK, "No, it does not." est sovereign )>n-paiati<>ii ever placed be- l»n-s Io the weary system the want White folks needn' think da ken of sound, ripe grapes and fruit, it kee,« pull de wool ol>er my eyes, fur da Having opened a Family Grocery, I hereby announce to tlie public that the blrssl pure and the brain clear; is a —IHll ALSO MtAL IN — kaiut. Needn't think da ken put I have a new and well selected stock of natural blessing to the fnggwl-mit and me off wul bread an' meat, fur da IToui’ mid I’fovtuionH. weary, an imperative <-<>nipanion to busi- new men. iadies ami children, Have it in kain't. Esc water libin, I is 1 ----OKAÎ ER IN — your h. u.'-.s. travels, summer retorts and wants sweet stuff. 1 docs. When sea side cottages. cr 'otnan puts me in er kitchen she Bought ince the Sw.s ping Reduction in freights. front the East, and THE TOPIC OF THE DAY. inus’ -]«■« k ter feed me. not like she marked down at ILttoni Prices. 1 also sell the feed herself, but like she feed er AHLF A MESSERVE - - Propri —JOB WORK, M.CH AS— Sick Headache and Dispepsia nuMon, and 1'sc her pussou, I is. CELEBRATED DAVIS VERTICAL SEWING MACHINE, I' m got ter hab persenc*. an' jam Cure. M aim Si 1.111 G baft ’ s P am Roofing, Spouting, and Repairing of all Kinds a Specialty an' sich. I has. Needn' take uic which has no espial in ease of management and great range of work. 8aI-Muacate!!c is tlie best preventive fur no free nigger, fur I aint." and ctwy for all functional ilerangements My object is to make it to tin« interest of those having rash or pro­ ANI) DONE AT REASONABLE RATES. ■ 4 the liver, hiliousueas, sick headaclie, Hon. A. C. Wallace *uy* Yam temporary ccmgnstion arising from »kve Pork, duce. to trade with me. hoiic I’evi’rairov gitldineM, oppression, bill county is going to have a fait J. S. Hoti. k J. M. (’IHIJ’X, Central Point. Jackson Co., Oregon. vomiting r* feelhig of melancholy, error* Considerable ivotk is being done on MUTTON. is rf>w, rating ,,r drinhnfi; for all accidental the track and it is now in good in lige«tion an*int' from hasty meals, ner- ASK FOR T HI- condition for training Some good vonsneas, impure blood, netihrash, itch­ PORK SAUSAGE. ing. or any other over acid state of ths racing is proiui.'cd mi the Fourth ♦ ♦ bhud; I kh I s , skin eruptions, commence­ Owners of sheep tn Pacific county ment of diphtheria, the efh-ct of mercurial WD BOLOGN \ H NI I F 11 II K O ’ H PropHctor.-», poisons and at the beginning of all fever*, are prohibited by law from allowing im-asles, <-hicken j»>x. prickly lieat. rheu. the same to run at large The Bacon a nd La ni malic and gouty poison due to impure Grant's Pass, penalty is damage to the person — AND— Oregon. blixxi, and -sourness of stomach. treanaane. Fox Furnish the Best of Accommodations for search of a suitable *ite for a *aw- 1968, New V ork City. Mention this p‘*l*>r N1 f STADUR BROS TORTI. XND For sale by V.’ F. Kremer. Grant'» —AT REY’ON’ARJ E RATES »♦. Oregon. MIIOOL IHMUiS, IfflllkS l\ll STITIOMM. A I First-Class Lunch Room SA LO M O N HIDES and FURS, (T r ¿1 pe C vi r e New Store New Goods. -Xew Feed and Sale Stable. Groceries, Candies, Tobaccos, Xew !' Store ano Xew Goods •al Pl oint ■ Tin Shop, Citv Market. S T () A’ E S Boss of the Road Overall. A N I) T 1 N W A II E, Feed Stable! /