Xotlr« Fina Workmanship. GOLD HILL NEWS The longest word in the English Two complimentary tickets have All ivrstxis knowing * bwni«rlv¡-« ill- been received at this office, giving language runs something like this Two very fine pieces of cabinet June 22. debt«*! to tlx- und.wigne I will please call ¿leni Piper ai Joupliae Cornu Onta the proprietors of the C ourier a "honorificabilitudinitatibus. “ It oc­ work has j ust been turned out by Mrs. A. C. Stanley has l»een very- ami settle immediately chance to attend the grand social curs frequently in old plays. Shakes­ the S. F. 1) &. L. Co. of this place. l'lostv A C ook . ill but is recovering rapidly. ball, at Granite hall, Ashland, July peare uses it in "Love’s Labor Lost" One is a prescription case for Dr. Grant's Paw. Or.. June 25, FRIDAY, JUNI 25. UM. Frank Cox and wife were made act V, scene 1, w hen Costard the \V. F. Kremer; the other a desk for 2nd. Thanks. Natte*. happy last week by the arrival of a clown pricks the ridiculous pedan ­ Hon. H. B. Miller. The bodies are The band boys deserve great Local and Personal. new daughter at their House. try of llolofenies and Sir Nathaniel All p«*r«on* knowing th«*m*e!ve« in­ of sugar pine and yellow pine, and credit for their courage and enter­ .with his shafts of irony. The Eng­ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barlow from debted to .1. W. Howard A Co. either l»v trimmings are of oak and laurel. J. D. Hays was in town Sunday. prise in building so nice a hall. It lish of the word, however, is ex­ the call and The workmai -hip cannot be ex­ Salem will be here to night on a mite or l**»k lU-cottnl will please will be provided with stage, scenery have money. Mrs. Brit Williams has gone to drop curtain, etc. It will undoubt­ tremely questionable. Very few of celled, neither can the timber. These visite to our worthy tow nsman and settte th«« same, as J. we W. must Ilow kki . tk Co. Corvallis. edly be a "tip top" place fora fourth the long words with which ideas two p«. ices of workspeak volumes lady of that name. are olsK-ureil and which are pah tied For Salo or Trad*. Mrs. Rice has just completed a of July ball. We hope to see their off as English by grardiloquent de- for Josephine county. If her im­ The Jacksonville Brass Rand is engaged to furnish music for the mense forests can be worked into efforts in this matter reciprocated. Four lot« with « sm «11 ¡«.«une, tn Grant's residence in Jerusalem. claimers had their origin in sturdy furniture such as this, and sold for celebration of Independence day at l‘:i-s to exchange for a pair of horses and We understand parties wish to Anglo Saxon. Every disease had a large sunt in comparison to the Gold Hill. July 5th. Mrs. I>r. Kremer is absent on a a wagon. Apply at this «»ilice. buy the free ferry boat and wire its origin. \Ve suppose lock jaw visit to the Willamette. amount of material used, the quan­ The ceutenial bridge is again open Notice to Teachers. rope Hon. H. B. Miller thinks they Nellie Hart of Kerbyville. isstop- ought to be sold, and the proceeds started with this word and in the tity of money in circulation through­ for travel; lx>th aprons having Ix-ett interest of longevity would most Th«> tiuarterlvexamination of at.plicanta ping with Mrs. Patterson. applied on the addition to the size earnestly insist that none of the out the county may I k - largely in­ made new. The bridge will be free for tea« Lera certificates will beheld at the district svhocl house in Kerbyville, Jose­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thornton of the school house. This seems to “kids be allowed to try to pronounce creased. Importing our furniture on the day of the celebration. almost everything else we use J. B. Thomas was quite badly phine county, Oregon, on Satunlny, June are visiting at Port Townsend, W. T. be a laudible proposition, and ought this word while on top of a house. and \ l.< h u-v <«. or consume, is like a man living on hurt last wvx-k by his horse falling 2tUh, I MB Ctxinty Supt A. J. Henderson and Andy An­ to please all whom it may concern. On last Fi ¡.lay evening about 8 a farm and buying his hay, grain; with him. llarve Moore is acting derson were over this week from It has been suggested that the o'clock the butcher team bçlonging flour, meat and everything else now as general manager ot the Gold For Sale. county court build a brick vault in to Messrs. Ahlf & Messerve, think which his farm is capable of pro- ' Hill Stage lines. Althouse. A «¡ran ->f h”rs»N (2.300 II»«.) agtsl re- The Misses Jennie, Katie and connection with the county clerk's ing the vanity of Jerico unbearable during. You may notice such a ’tively <» and 7 years, mak hva in xixe, (»liver Houck and party came spts office for the protection of the pap ­ farmer and you will see he is always rambled off down into Jerusalem. color gait; also 2 No , 1 (rvah milch Nellie DePeatt of Ashland, are vis­ over from Central Point Saturday wwh , ami ers of the office. Should the count) enquire of, pr, to MILL, uith Pakuit Machinery, doing ball at this place will be on Monday June 20. The fun was prolonged good work and hu« a g(v>,i custom The Messrs. Porter & ’Blackburn on there for the present, but that two blister. ___ _ ........... „ ........ - 330 acre« of land: An D ear E ditors . Since the elec­ I'AKM contiiin« Monday sold a lot on 5th street to night. thorough-brace wagons have been until 12 o'clock, the noise made bv -r. anil over 100 acre* iimler acre« in clove Giles Davis. Consideration $125. Mr. Al. Smith fell at the rink ordered which will cost five hundred the jolly skaters being so great that tion is over, and the struggle for • cultivation; al«o .1-______ <«. 1... 1 goouhe ami Barn« and irrigation ditch. rests tt|xin ye people of the south, I im* Mituution for a dairy farm, (’an Ir­ and shoe shop on the lot. in his wrist. Surprise is expressed this place anil Waldo and the buck could scarcely lx- heard. but deep and silent thoughts con rigate nliiiont any part of th • plant. For at this, as Mr. S. is a good skater. Ixiards on the mountains. Mr. Mr. Chapman, of the firm of Gil­ House Burned. tract and wrinkle many an honest further pmticiilnrM call or addrvMii lam & Chapman, successors to A. It seems some one spoke behind Saulisbury cannot afford to run any LEWIS STRONG, M1113>hy, Oregon. toiler's brow. Sharp eyes will lx: IL Angel of the variety store in this him when he turned around, just portion of the route with pack ani­ Ou last Friday the residence of watching the actions of our county D r . J. B. PILKINGTON, then another pair of skates struck mals for the reason that whatever Jasper Daniels on Applegate, was place, has arrived with his family. i officers for the next two years, for his feet causing him to fall, with tnonev there is to lie made is on destroyed by fire. Mr. Daniels had We take pleasure in welcoming Surgeon, Oculist, Aurist, ami proprietor the above results. It is reasonable through passengers which of course gone hunting, and his wife had 1 there are many, and not office of the Eye Infirmary, ami Sanitarian, of them to our midst. seekers either, who do not feel sat f to calculate on an accident every cannot be carried on pack animals; Portlund, Or., may until further noti<*v B A! Stanard. of Ashland, has night when so many get on the floor therefore if the road is not stocked built a fire to cook supjier. The i.'fted with tlie outcome of the past I m ? consulted at the damper to the stove could not I k - linglry llouffe, Grant*« I'»««, moved his family to this place with at once. and properly equipped for the ac tumed up. so that a volume of flame election. Some contend that the till . the intention of making this his fu­ faithful watch-dog of our county -< h L’i»' 2nd Mumfay t>f t ret j/ comniodation of through travel, went up the stove pipe sufficient to ture home. Mr. Stanard is now en­ The petition in circulation for the there will lx- no money made on the set fire to the top of the house. treasury haslx-en Ixiycotted without 'Flic afllieted by di«e:ir«e in anv form are welcome to a free cotisultati<»n. gaged in the C ourier office. We purpose of raising a fund to I k - used route. We think that with a gd When first discovered by Mrs. Dan­ good cause, and that the new ad­ ma«le Hi« «|H‘ci dtfes are all hirtns of Eye and in building an addition to the school welcome him to our town. ministration will have many new house, ha> secured some liberal do­ line of wagons through on the short iels the fire was very small, but she and exjtensive jobs put lx*forc them, Ear Ailment«. Rectal A Nrrvou« Di«ease«. A private letter from Wisconsin nations. Refer« to almost every obi Portlander , We hope the measure schedule, the route would pay and could not reach it to put it out. if this last be true, the tax pavers a! Ko «las. S. (’berry, Albany; R. A. Rain dated June 15th, says: “We are prove a success, as the house is too a large bittiness build up. Of course will lx; Ix-tter prepared in 1888 to py, Ilairiftburg; I. W. Bomb Irving; Rvv. Did Not Celebrate! having extreme hot weather here, small. The C ourier spoke of this the use of pack horses to transport send the now apparently lucky one’« \. (’. Fairchild, Jus A. Ebberl, Eugene; and everything is spoiling for want last week, ami we.are glad to see mails when there is a road, will not It is to be remembered that Grants up Salt river for a change of past N I* l»av, Wilbur; R B Hixon, W. (’. of rain. Yesterday it was 120 de­ active steps taken to prepare the lie a success. The schedule t’tne of Roseburg; Ja« Thornton, Wm. Pass did not celebrate last fourth of tire. But let ns not court trouble Winston, Butler, Ashland, and over a hundred grees, ¡the warmest I ever saw. house for the large attendance Prof. departure at each end of the route 1 July, instead her citizens attended if our new officers arc not all to our iC. < a«cs of the worst forms of JV/ m , / i ’ hc / w / h .'», C. R. Shaw, Mr. Saulisbury s Benson will secure to the school by is 6 o’clock a. nt., running through other celebrations throughout the liking, let tts give them credit for AVs/n/tix, etc., now living«ucccMMfully treat from May ist to October 31st, in vsed in them on the «lay of of Hi iglit ill III«* biM'k, loins ii'i sitp|Hine he fins mho « affection On Monday evening the following order, which of course gave entire kidneVH or n«'i){hlH>riiig orguti*. At time*, come. ladies may have been seen flying satisfaction, hence the second order. Missionary Baptists. The fanners of our valleys are NlIllptolOH of lll‘li)l«*Htion lin ptexeot, flat around on rollers at the rink: Miss Let us have more exporting and less Ixx'oming lively, and the rattle of. iileni v, iio«-a"iti<*HH of the xtoio.u h, ete. Roll of Honor. A meeting at this place last Sat inoixtiire, Ilk«’ pr,.«|i* rnti >n. pro.lti<*ii>)r Belle Davis. Bertha Wall, Issie Jor­ importing if we would prosper. The the mower and scythe can lx* heard u A very «lisairn-eahle it* hills', after Retting dan. Alice Smith Allie Jennings. Ashland woolen mills also ships a unlay was conducted by Elder S. from early dawn to dewy eve. A warm. In a eoinnr-n attendant. Bliml. The following students of the Emma Justus, Anna Robertson, hundred and fifty pairs of blankets E. Stearns, the object being the or­ Grant's Pass Academy have Ix-cn large amount of hay will lx- put up Illee.ling and Itching 1'iles yield nt «»nee Maud Yokuin. Minnie Loomis and to Alaska. The sale of our products ganization of a Missionary Baptist present at every roll call, during the this season. The cold nights will to the application <>( I’r Bosanko'x Pile lt>.|n<.‘lv, which net« dinstlv tl)>«>n the Mrs. John Rines. to outside capital is like finding the church here. Saturday July 17th ni'.nth ending June 18: doubtless delay the grain from rip parte ell'e. U-«l. altmirbing the Tumor*, al­ was chosen as the time for the next ening some, and the corn, although laying tl»«- int nse itching, an I ctfeetinga Allie Everitt, Edgar I’l.ilcs, Col. Gage has sold his business money which they bring. meeting, at which time it is hojK-d Ola Wilcox, Ray Everitt, it looks well and has a g«xxl stand p rin.un lit cnr«. I’ri <■ 50 ei-lit* tddre*«. house second door west of the C ou ­ E. S. Smith and Ed. Smith took a church organization may lx- after itera Blaml, Fred Mem-li, but does not appear to grow as fast The Hr. Bosanko Medicine < ’<>., I’hpia, <•. rier office on Front street to Mr. a trip to Grave creek quartz mines ted. Bros. Wilcox. Farr. Johnston l.ucelia Br> aer, Ed-lte Dimniick, as many could wish, but, all thing« Sold by W. F. Kremer, Grant's I’ass. Ed. Estes, formerly of Drain. Mr a few days ago. They gave a very and Bristow were active workers; Alice Smith, tiny Deining, I considered, everything looks well J'* Rrish.-.v, License Notice. Estes has moved his family to this interesting account of their trip. as also Sister Farr. Brothers S. E. Maud Yokuin, Maggie I biles, Gi or.’e Hyde, and favorable for the farmer and place, and we understand he will Mr. E. S. Smith has control of this Steam*. T. M. Johnson and A. J. Carrie l-'arr, V. illie Smith, gardener. Health and content seems occupy the front portion of the mine, which is alxmt four miles up Wilcox were appointed a committee Anna Rols-rtson, Ralph Hutch, to prevail within our Ixirders. and building with a stock of groceries. Grave creek above the old stage to extend an invitation to the Mis Elbe Armitage, Willie Wil. ox, the voting folks are preparing for Susie Davis, Alls-rt Wilsoti, road and is undoubtedly very rich sionary Baptist churches composing I11 last week's C ourier an item Waiter Smith, Bertram Stone. the 4th of July, an«l anticipate a appeared saying the citizens of Mr. Smith is ven sanguine about the Rogue River Assn, and glorious and happy time. F. I'KIMAKY I.KI-AKlwr.Sr. Foot's creek would celebrate Inde­ the extent and richness of the mine: to all other Christians of like faith Nt Hie Rims«. Minnie Hutch. FROM MISSOURI FLAT. pendence day on Monday, the 5th. Why don't capital come into the to assist us. Hilda Geyer. Emma Hines. S. E. S tearns . Mmlerator. We have since learned they will ob­ country and sink deep shafts ami Sarah ll'ilton. Mary Griffith. E dr . C ourier : A s I have not run long tunnelson our quartz veins W ilcox . Secretary. A. J. serve that day ou Saturday, the 3d. Nellie Hutton. Albert Keltey. noticed anti items front tlii part of Annie Hyde Jimmie Bnstow. We bespeak for the people of that and test them ? No su'-h thing has Essie llartin.to. Pick Blaud. The the country, I will give you a few. vicinity a very pleasant time on ever Ixxn done. Emma Kmkle. John llaror.i Vi«-ars. Frank Williams, his text took occasion to arraign the on account of the feeling there tiary and 45S in the asylum. The l-alith Williams. Franki«- Rines. Another wedding in Ibis country k>'»senessof law in Josephine county against the Chinese. “Bow is a highest number ever confined in the soon. Hurrah lor you Billy ' with regard to murder. He claimed noted cuss any way and can stand penitentiary was 298 anti 457 in the In itinerant patent medicine ven Chas. H Basye is doing all kinds that the happenings in this county all that. He once cutoff bis cue asylum. T The ’— increa.se 1-------- '■■■ in the latter ------ *der entered our office Tuesday ami of work in the blacksmithing line were a disgrace to it. and urged the that he might marry a young half place has almost doubled the num­ tried to ft.id warmth in our soul and There was a social p.trtx given jxople to lie governed by the laws, breed and after he got her at -uch a ber brought here originally front money in ottr purse, thusly; mi Williams creek last Friday night great sacrifice she "lit 011 him" and East Portland. In the county jail and by their God. "I have a preparation here which There is lx ing a larger amount almost scratched his eyes out. sim­ extract* —- Mr. G Davis, resident l*o»i and ply because she saw him in ttosse*- are four persons, three serving out speedily of hay cut this year, than is u .11 illy “ Ikin't want it; we chinned in. a sentence and one awaiting the ac ­ rhoe maker of this place, lias shown sion of a bottle of “bug juice," "It speedily extract* grenue, cut. ris a Ireautrtul silver medal upon whereupon Bow broke loose and tion of the grand jury . while Salem'« We arc getting hr.ngn for x stains, spots, paints and oil s from jail is empty . and lias been so for which are the follow ing inscriptions: said “See here, you hap bleed soil i or )H-ir-e of « cnisoti. and hop« the game all manner of clothing, floors, over a week.- Statesman. “Sonoma county Agricultural As k-b -h font you don't .sablx* I cut from your desk- It is a jierfectly re law will «noil 1w out sociatiom Awarded G. Davis for y our throat." Increase Vote of the County. •liable prepiraiation attd will re Some ftrmcrs hat e begun cutting >«est display of men sandboy* lx»>.s early sown grain. S>m< of th«* late A pri« ate letter from Happy Camp and shoes. 1885." The goods ex sown grain will lx* short. hibited by Mi Dav is were all his California the 14th instant «ay* county ill t8w4 >vas 596. * he vote P Burkhalter has jn t cl« ■ ne*l own make. This is a good recont "How dull this place seem*. not for Congressman in 1x86 is 925. even a stage to lie seen, blit we showing an increase of 328 votes up after a three months run His mendation. could not expect one when we have this election over the vote lor 1XX4. mine« paid him $103 p;*r month. Judge Crocked tstv.ru»-'I a few no wagon road. In the last two It is therefore safe to -»ay that tin G«x«d work and goxl pay, I’ftcr days ago from an extendesl eastern weeks quite a number have left here increase of population tn th:.- county x. o F trip. The Judge - aw the tiack of Mr Wolle ami family lest here two for two y ears just passed has lxx**t t lie great Sauk Rapals«. lone which week- ago. They went to Alameda aliout nine hundred, which i- ig«**! Notice to New Com-»»'«. jtassed through Minn« -uta and other county. We have Sunday school showing for Josephine. The in­ Ail rea<1<*r of the Cot wtER who state« three wreck« before his arrival, here even Sunday, which makes it crease has Ix.*en principally settlers have located tn this c* ,mt« -mcr He say s it mowed brush took up quite interesting for the children, who have either lx night or located March i8X5. will rotif« t a favor, arv! '.ndges tore up the ground, return- and after school is over we practice­ homes among ns. and become per In ar of ^«m- tbing to their a«1van ng and destroying every thing in its singing lor a couple of hours. Sev­ manent fixtures. tage by ^ n»itng their Host ( )ffi «• 4 path and killing mans persons. The eral umkr«t ind vncai uitisjc. One « me ’ :m; adge thinks h« > am ue ir euottyli «me of our l«-- t singers went awav 1 '. ’ a • :«1«lrtss t«> the •'t ar Rmi«! • « the I •r »IM» Ki.lkii Po.iU.m, O.-tâua. in. a . «I . e THE COI RIER i NOTICE V. H. I.ASO OrncK, 1 R.»*r«i kb . Or , June 28, lHHU.i Notice i* Ix-n-by given tliat tlie foltew- imr naiiHsl aettter ha* fitel notice ui hi« intenthxi to make final pninf in aupfsiri of hi* claim, lui.t that *m«t pref will b«- lll.««te ts-fixe tlie Ju.lge or west, W M lie name« the foilowing witnesae« to prove hi* con­ tinu, m« rv*i tenue ii|«xi anil cnltiv.ition of -,»i.l I aik I. vi»; A. A WinMtr, F. G. Itav ■ >f Murphy, .«ml Orr Brown and W. N. Saun ter* «d Wililerville, «II of J.isepliino i «»iinty, Oregon. C’tiAa w. J ousstox , 13 IM R«-i>i«ter. NOTICE OF CONTEST 1’. S. l.axn t trricr. ) R omehi k « i . O k ., May 27. lHHfll Complaint having l«vn matte ami en­ tered at this ottiee by Charles llanscn, contestant, against Andrew J Mt«ire .or abandoning bis Homestead Entry No., 4291), UHwte September 12th, 1M3, for the si:l4 of sw'4 ami wl, of Kr1«, anti the xw l, of sk *4 of Section H, Township 40, south range 7 west in Jisiephine couatv, Oregon, with a view to the camvlatitm t f said entry. Said Andrew J. Moore.is le-n - by summomsl to he ami appear Ix-fore tl e county clerk of Jiwphitie ixxinty, Oregm , al bi* ottiee at Grants I’ass, in said tsxint; on the 20th «lay of July, IRSfi, then ami there to respoml ami furnish testimony concerning said alleged adandonment, ami further notice is hereby given tost hearing anti trial of the said contest will Is« hail l.y ami before the Register ami Receiver of tile U. S. Ijintl Office at Rt« - lairg, Oregon, on the 2Hth f will 1st inaile before (tie Judg,- or Clerk of the County Court of Jox-phin* county Or , at Granta I’a*«, Or., on M«.miav, July 2'», ISSI», vi*., .las. W. Wimer, Horncsteaai No., ¡Ifittti. for the s*v of «a*« ami I sits 5 ami t. Sis-tioii III. and lag 4. Section 21), Township 37, south range.'. WMt. 11<> names the following witnesses to prove hi« continuous residence upon, and culti vj timi of, sai«l land, viz: laxiin Strong. C. C. Sumner, lamie Custer,Chas. Bradford, all of Murphy. Or Cll*-. W. JotlRSTON, Register 12 rtt NOTICE. U. s. I.ANi» OrncK, ) RasKKvaa, Oa., May 25, 18X0 f Notice i* h n«by given that the follow* Illg nain«..l m-ltter tin* filisi notice of hi* intentimi to inako final proof in support of hi* claim, ami that salii proni will >m ma.le Iwfon-Ux< Jiblge or Ulerk oi Juxe- phine county, at Grant’s 1’asx, Oregon, on Satunlay. July 3, lsxtt, vi* : Mary Ellen lasniuril, heir of Ihtviil Water«, ileoMMHsI, h.'inesti'aii No. Iki.Ut, for the wlw ol *w s« oi »w1. ami Lut 3, Kectton 32, town­ ship JU, s.’iith range 7 west. He name* th«« following witncuxe* to prove hl* <*on- tiniloii* nviilenee upon, an.I « nilb allon of *ni«l land, vis: I aiin ius- lasmanl. J E. Holhiinl, John McDixiiral, Ja*. t*. Lewi«, all of Altliuu.se, Jowepliiiie county, On-gon. W. F. Bi s.itMix, ti<>n D. S N'n 51'1 ), for tin- «K sw1, *«•• - lion s, township 37. Kontli raiiRc fi went. W. M. Ile riunir* the following witn«M*M to prove hi* isintininni* rexiiteiH*«« ui«in. ami cultivation ot *aii| lami, viz: lien. Bull,8. A. Borroiiirh, John Borrunxb, J. II. ItoliiriHon, all of Wil.lcrville, lox-plnne county, Oregon, \V. F B kmjamik , H-tit Reyiater. Wll»l < hrrrjr an<1 Tar. Every U h I v know« th«* virtue« <»( Wild Cherry hik I I ut a« h relict ami cure i«»r any rtfection« of the Throiit and Lungs, eombimsi uitli thewe two iugr<* not pim liHMc* an Organ until vo'i hiivu < alk*r • nunt). for the ( i*l«*hr.iUst M hhoii J c llainliii ami A IL ChaM Organ- and Pianoa. I will M4»|| thoae iiiMtruiiwiita, delivered at yonr (or from .30 to in | mt «•♦»nt |<» mm than traveling agent« «ell them I havn no tniv« l’ng « to pay, there ho . Organ« «old on time. Write nit for prieti Hat«, etc., etc., J. W WIMEH, P M. Murphy, < »r<'gou. Subscril* for the C ockifr . THE PIONEER AND ONLY NEWSPAPER l*iihll«hrd in Jfwplii«« ( '< mBv White Sulphur Springs Il O T E L, toot 0» rm»T ter»- r , ASHLAND. OREGON. Min.igcr, T Will «i*tr<- n<> paini« in making this >>ae of tlx- mo-t <• mfortnt.lv and itoin ■ like liotel» in the plaie. Best the PJFVAXT Market Affords. ACrowinnaTtONfi Ft MIMES l«'R i'asaerg. is earned to and from the Ip4