: THE COI KIEK rm: miiri: .\i:r:ks rm: .v.i.v 3Udii Piner if Jowliit County. Orem HON. BINGER HERMANN, JPST RE- ELECTED TO THR FIFTIETH CON­ OFFICIAL VOTE OF JOSEPHINE COUNTY r c. » NOTICE ! X IT ? NOTICE ! ! HOTEL! NOTICE ! ! ! CENTSAL GRANT’S PASS, OREGON. * THOSE DESIRING TO SETTLE IN Towns of Southern Oregon This Hotel baa l*en thoroughly NAMES OF CANDIDATES. renovated and The Washington. D. C.. Repub­ Will do well to consult the under signed at Registered at the Post, .ffi.e in Grant's lican in the following complimenta­ R efurnished T hroughout Pa*a. On-., a» Seeon. Harkness Hermann, the first member elected COR RESINAN I »ENT E. THE TRAVELING PUBLIC WHI. FIN» 44 387 31» 1<> »4 88 48 20 34 X» Í t'h-ia. Hughes. IN THE CENTRAL FART OF THE •J_» 46'J K2 to the Fiftieth Congress, will be ap­ County Judge 1«> 129 <>2 74 27 34 26 45 I Volm-y I'olvig. We invite iwre«|»mH>a on subject» of local and other in­ preciated by the people of Oregon. 9 14 Hi» 4> 43 an 37 26 1Ó 44 344 J, W. Wimer. 62 111 M is 7H 27 41 43 44 37 47H 134 The Shipping Point for the principal portion of the grain producing terest s. J M ■ ’ I’avne No state is more thoroughly repre­ Commissioners.. 03 M til 4lf 71 M ;¡3 ; m 21 23 42X ----- (o)------ A. II. ItaHi-r With earh letter the name and address sented in the national legislature 37 I part of the County. g. .Messenger. 1.Î 11 147> AM 04 20 29 22 69 2K 4<>5 of the sander 1» re»|uircd, 27 K Chanslor 17 14’1 47 Address or call on C. MAGRUDER, Central Point. Oregon. J I C JoM*-pl 3 1 X57 XI 11 72 7>;i ♦»2 19 21 20 >li Pulluek publican says, is a true representa­ ( 'lerk. The contract to make the steel tive of the people and their interests. «7 lx us 45 Ml 27 43 29 35 34 475 M0 Í T. G. I'ath-raon Is Connected With This House. GO TO THE SUPPLY STOKE 47 31 :J95 29 ID 74 7H (jii 21 27 dome for the Lick observatory has His majority in the state on the 7th Sheriff it • T his . . Howard T1IE BAK IS SI rri.IED WITH THE Howard 32 1!» 124 52 4M 24 39 39 49 35 4SI 77 been let to the Union Iron Works. inst., plainly shows his popularity J John W I 'aiiipls-ll Treasurer. . 4;; « !K> 47 59 24 31 26 :t9 31 4*1-4 I J c. San Francisco. It will be 76 feet in as ail able man and a dilligent work­ Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars, 1Î0 IS TM» 4«> 72 29 49 40 56 39 7>17> 155 f J. p tow i» diameter, weighs 127 tons and cost er in the interests our people : 15 10 lit 53 59 10 21 26 26 26 3Hl) I F M. Nickerson. General Mining Supplies Etc.. Etc., While the Reading Table is $36,850, the largest in the world. 3S 52 4M 41 519 loo •'The first congressman elected to .T4 1'1 1IN) «¡1 104 H< h.s.l ( A J. ( hapman CHARLES DECKER, Prop’r. the fiftieth congress is Hon. Binger Superintendent. I J. II. Koblllroll, 4 1 8 its 3M 21 2«> 32 13 3S 25 37>l SUPPLIED WITH THE LATEST The President's opinion of the Hermann, of Oregon, who, from the Win N Samiders II 17 98 37 <»7 24 41 47 47 39 46) 34 BEST BRA.XOS OF WINES, l.lQl'ORS AND (IGARM KE1T IN ST 11 123 111 23 26 17 4*1 27 426 NEWSPAPERS. Ì II Anlauf ■.................. -■ (> - -------- — dents may have some facts back of plurality, which it is expected may ( 'oroncr. < W. F. Kramer. X) IS 04 4S 99 20 41 40 4S 34 47>2 it: but he must acknowledge that lie increased to 1,500 plurality on DECKER BOAKDINCT HOUSE! A POOL TABLE MAY ALSO BE E. MA iRTIN 4 CO. o A7. gov i.i: Waldo, Oregon. Stale*, and lie again gn-ets Ida many1 Livery Stable in Connection. - With a decrease of nearly $80,000, • the entire state by each of these par political complexion of the Oregon friend», mninding them that th«- -eaxon ties. As far as heard from, the Re­ r propose to keep a strictly first- 000 in exports and an increase of publicans elect congressman by a legislature. According to this show­ ot -‘ |>eace on earth and good will toward men ” is rapidly approaching, when proi- class house. Give me a call. $32,ooo,oitw>|>, Coliiniliiri and Tillaiiirax k—J to th«» la-Ht of F.urop-an and Eastern HonwiRule Measure of Gladstone's crats who have succeeded. H. D < .rav, It li»piori. lie now olfera to patron» the ad­ A. H. CARSON, Prop'r. Rates of Tuition for Non-resident Pupils: ('uoa and Curry-—J M. Higlin, D. vantage of selecting from these fine Mr. Hermann «lid not seek the The Bill was defeated by a majority IkHiulax—John F.lniiiitt, R.: J. h whiakiew, »lil«-li lie guarantee» will not ' nomination, remained at his ¡«»st of of .to. Mr. Gladstone immediately P er T erm of T welve W eeks . I m * excelled on the coast. The lirm Im PRIMARY—S3.00 Hhupe, R. duty, exerteil no effort for his re­ Grant—Heia, D. ruprewnlH has in »tia k J. F. Cutter, Ex­ GRAMMAR SCHOOL—S5.00 " —3(1,000 TREES— moved an adjournment until yester­ election, but left all ,to the people. Ja< Irwin A. <'. Staulv, D. tra. Old Boiirlion amt Argonaut whiskie- day, which was agreed to. JoM>-|>hiiii-—II. B. Mill.-r, R. , from E Martin A Co.’» distillery, Ky. ACADEMIC—$8.00 ” He has been one of the industrious, —Instock, consisting oí— Ijme—F. I* Coletnan. !>.-, Veat. li, D Put up in half ami whole bbls.; also«-»*»-» ever working members of Congress Linn — Jaa. K. Weatherford, D, ; Daw ­ of Cutter, ete. Onlera a«lM-d to John In justification of early Preside« While, as yet. not often on the fhxir Apple, Pear. Peach. son, R ; Irvine, D I.. Burns, coniim n ial agent for E. Mar­ tial booms, the New York Sun re­ and heard in debate, his character­ Marion—M I. Chamberlain, Tt.; J. B. tin A Co , 40H Front street, San Fran­ Plum, Prune. Apricot. I cisco, will receive th«» »inn» can-fill at­ marks that "there is time to take istic is in quiet, determined, active Dxiney, R : J B Dinii.k, R Nectarine, Almond, Eto. Multnomah—Joseph Simon, R.; J. C. tention as though the order w.i» given For Particulars. Address them in for repair if they don't work work. One of the results of this fi­ CurwHi, R.; Geo Steel, R him. I>r iV. F. Kremer, agent, Grant»: delity to his state is seen in the gen­ — Also the (elei.rated— Folk and Benton—Joi. D. lare, R. Pa»». well." That is true, but when ex HENRY I.. BENSON, A. M.. Principal. erous attention of Congress to thc Polk—John <' Allen, R. perience* show how the editoral re­ Oregon waterways mid her internal t'nion—L. B Rinehart, D. Kv-lsey .Tapan T’lttiii! License Notice Wiux-o, Cnx>k, Kiainalh and Like—C. The Grent------ pair shop does get jammed up with improvements. Mr. Hermann's M Cartwright, R. — All true« Warranted— such wrecks as the Holman, Butler, record and his vote and voice have Washington—W. D. Ilan», R in hereby given that the unde. so far uniformly been on the side of A higned, William Neiiruth and Wil. Yamhill — K 1*. Bird, R. ; John W. Flower and Randall booms, it seems TH l’ i : TO X A M K, the people against fraudulent land WattH, It. liain llepley will on the 28th d-iv of Jun«* that the policy of subjecting more Umatilla — J. I ’ Wager, D. And Natural Curiosities of Josephine County, A IL lKX6, <»r as Hn thereafter an »aid And grown on natural fruit land without grants and grasping monopcilies, like them to the buffets of time and the best moral and material ad application ran I m * hrard, apply to the HOl'ME. irrigation, and free from all insect pests ----- ov. NED BV ----- County ( ourt of Josephine county, State and diseaaea, such as California trees arc would lie abandoned. Grant—.1 B. Johnson, R. I vancement of all public interests, of Oregon, for a lH ense tomd! malt liquors subjeet to. Baker—Two deiiKx-ralx. HARKNESS & BURCH. , state or national. Oregon has Benton A'. I.. Shaw, D; B. T. Harris, in lew- quantities than one gallon at < irantH The United States Consul at Basel, Those who contemplate tree planting PsisM, in Josephine county. State of Ore­ ■shown admirable wisdom as well as D. ; E L. Belknap, D. will do well to get my price list hefore Switzerland, writes to the depart gtxxl |x>licy in returning her tried Clackanias—Kruse, R. Milo Gard, it.; gon, fora |M*ri» aii'l Curry—A. II Cnxik, R. Tin- owners of these Wonderful Cave* have completed a trail so that parties go­ the State of < >regon for Josephine (’o : Coluinliia—M Pomeroy, It ' largest beneficiaries of congressional ing ftom Grant’» Pas» can reach them la- traveling 2S miles—all but eight luilea lie < Iregon. Mormon Church is making among legislation. Railroad Station—Grant's Pana, Ihaiglas—1*. I* l*almt»r, R.; W. F. The undersighi‘d, William Neurath ing traveled by wagon and team The route pisses R ; Jas. Blundell, R.;J. W. and William lleeiry. pnnci|»ul netition- 13-tf. A. If. CARSON. the women of that republic. He Mr. Hermann was Ixini at Lona Br-tijamin. ers n*piescnt that we are, each of us. BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN LAKES AND OTHER FINE SCENERY Krewson, D. says the Mormon missionaries have coning. Alleghany county, Md., residents ot Grant’s Pass precint, said Jackson—Miller. D ; Bovv.lih l>, D. The Rogue River Distillery, county and State and legal voters therein, J.sM-pliine—S I*. Mitchell, D. • been working in the field for years. Feb. 19, 1843, educated in the free Ail kinds of Large and Small Game and Mountain Trout. and by this |M*tition pray vour Honorable Klamath and Dike—M< l.r-an. R. sclioolsof western Mary land and the They have established mission —Htaffbrd, R.; Bilyeu, D.; Hale, I mm I v to giant to the said William Neu­ —GOOD PASTURE: FOR HORSES— Independent Academy (afterward I>. tone ; Tlioni|ss»n, I>. rath and William Herley a license to sell sc I kmi I s anti are educating children Irving College), near Baltimore city Linn—J. G Powell. R ; Blevins, D.; MALT Llql'OHS by the hundreds tn the doctrines of He removed to Oregon, taught Henry, D.; Hansard, D.; Swank, D.: I’ropr. The Water from there Caves is Excellent on Account of its Medical Properties. JOHN A. HANLEY for a periiMl of Six Months from June 28, the Mormon Church. The Swiss au­ school, an. ally since that time. He entered Summers, R ; D. Mackay, R , Harring ­ Government will regard it.is an nil |xditics the same year oí his entry Kinney A Wolters, Agents, Medford. ton, R.; Wm Munger, R. , Harris, 11 —MANUFACTUREES OF— New Blacksmith Shop, friendly act on their part if they shall into the practice of law, ai.d was I loiiglas Tav lor, I > Polk i M. Holmes, D.. P. W. Haley. break up tin schools and drive the elected to the assembly from Doug­ Lumber, Doors, Windows, D : John J. Ihilcy, D. LEWIS PANKEY, Proprietor. Monuon missionaries out of the las county in 18M>, and subsequent I nialilla—Cn« kett. D ; Rentier, D. ly was state senator until 1868. He country. Wase.x-, Cnxik amt Gilliam—Wilcox, Brackets, and Mouldings. —Article of— was appointed deputy collector of D ; M. iGnal.l, l> I'nriii I’oisr ( I bkoon United States internal revenue for Washington—Paulsen, R.; Smith, R ; The greatest war that has ever i raged in Rhode Island since tile southern Oregon, and served from Gulwx-r, It Yamhill—R R toughlin, R.; F. N I»orr rebellion was suppressed I lias 1S6X to 1871, when President Grant I ittle, R.. C. latfollet, R. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. been tearing up that state for the np|xiintcd him receiver of public .Morrow —< iay, D. —And— past two or three weeks, and I all moneys attire United States land , I wiHiId respectfully in’orm tl»- public office lit Roseburg, Oregon, which II //./..I VA777.’ i t/ i . i : y . xoti > that having lately taken charge of the about a single individual, ( Jen. Bl.uk smith Sh ip at t 'entrai Point, 1 Brayton, elected chief of constables place lie held until 1875. Mr. Her 1 Bt-KN'A V ista . O r .. June 22. would ask a liberal aliare of the publie I» the legislature to enforce the new maim lias Ix-cn largely interested in ' — The Introduction of— l.rwiK I’ axkkv Miss Della Nelson, of Independ putmnagw prohibitory legislation. There have shipping and lumlx-r manufnettiring la-en wild blasts of passion in the on the southern Oregon coasts and ence graduated from the academy PRICES TO SV IT. He was judge advrx-ate of the Sacred Heart at Salem last pnpem, vehement outpourings of rivers. wrath at indignation meetings, and w ith the rank of colonel in the Ore­ Wednesday, and has returned home s A TIS F A ( ’ TIO N G V A K A N T E E D o Z a tremendous upheaval alt along the gon state militia from 1882-4. and A new mail route tri weekly H HAS ENABLED THEM TO REDUCE PRICES FIFTY was elected to the present Congress lines and "throughout the length is soon to lx- started lx-tween Buena 73 JACKSONVII.LI as a Republican. and breadth of the commonwealth Vista and Salem. Three hundred er CENT BELOW ALL FORMER RATES. ct> to I signers to a petition have been sc Yes, anil a govsl deal of fuss has I V I \ l>l A < Y« )//*.( K/NO.N T. ' cured. been made in tins state over the ex tal For Price List, address. S. P D. & L Co. ■fi 71 Polk county's vote was The San Francisco Call arguing 1,720. of cesstvc use of sptritous liquors rind p which, for congress, Butler received Grant's Pass. Oregon. S not a word Mid against excesses of that the President of the United z Ct I S41, Hermann 745. Miller 134. The .1. C. Will 1’I», * other kinds and character. We are States can go where he pleases and denux-raLs are jubilant over their •z vet legally hold the office of presi ­ IClTREKA kì SCHOOI E3 < it-lu-ral < ’onti-ac-tor opjiost-d to the priutiiv-s of some victory. i 'Z men who fill up with ' bug juice" dent makes this undue comparison —OF— Prof D W. Jarvis and wife of X — LX— "The only object Congress could Independence, started on last Thurs­ Thorough and Practical Instruction, near Wilderville. Josephine County, until their "hack teeth are all have tn prohibiting the president day foi a tour through the Eastern afloat," yet we think that practice co Oregon, Will commence its first session. from going away from tin* country, states, going along the Atlantic r" just as temjieratc and as conducive would be that his services might be MARBLE, STONE or GRANITE. -t coast. Thee will return in the fall S’ o « of health as to cat too much The available it required; vet such a Bishop R Dlltrs. of Cleveland, sphere of true tcni|>eraiHx- requires prohibition would not lune forbade Ohio, |Mssc,l through the valley A I Ins going to Oregon by land, even c. temperance in even thing, not tern --------- RATES OF TUITION ---------- The Bishop's elo- during May vv lien the round trip required months p : Cemetery Work a Specialty. qucnce called out large audiences. perance in whinky alone as maux 3" X.» Primary Branches, $5.00 per Quarter. in its performance, and carried him He is among the prominent theolo­ 7. <-» suppose tor the while Ix-vond nil means of gians of America. Intermediate Branches Sfi.cioper Quarter. a speedy communication." High Arithmetic, Natural Philosophy Mediaeval and M.xlenr c Prof T F Campbell lias resigned Relow we show how old a man -1 The editor of the Call knows Historv Physical Geography. Botany and Retoric, $7.00per Quarter. ALL ORDERS BY LETTER o the chair of mathematics in the must lie before he is eligible to the whereof he s|waks He knows that EF Algebra. Chemistry, Oregon State Agricultural College . ■ Astronomy. Geology. --- r». ’ Moral Philosophy. • >■ uo.-’wpi j , g office of President of the United Mental Philosophy. Physiology Hyginc. and Ancient History History a great main sun cracked Calitor .it C->rvallts. ami Prof Wimlx-rly Physiology ami and Hyginc, Promptly Attended To. ft States, also the re»|icc4ive age of the nians have come up to Oregon and from the east, was elected by the <7 50 per Quarter. 2 Presidents when thev were matigu Iwcti lust, at least thev never re IL sin! ot Regents to fill the vacancy (reometry. and the Higher Mathematics. Book keeping. Latin, ami •y. the Principles of the Gentian Language $0.00. rated ami that Grover Cleveland tunred to California Th«- State Universalists Convcti U]s>n that z w .is not the first President m irricvl tlieorv it might 1st dangerous to the lion will lx- convened at Allxiny on Instrumental and Vocal Music will be Taught on Reasonable June 24th. 25th. 20th and 27th. A terms. while III ollivv Tv let Is >i;; th. fhst 1 welfare of the government for the reduction oi So jx-r cent will lx- al Board including Room, Lights Ac., $2.50 per week. (1) How old must a man be lie President to conn- to Oregon He lowed to parties coming to attend 1>S»I$ TMI RRUT fore h<- . an mu 1 I • . it tin Unfurnished R.voms free to Students boarding themselves. the convention. The Rev G. 1. United States of America’ . 1 might locate w hile here, while in The School Room will be furnished with Good Seats. Wall Maps Of Washing and Ironing Derm-rest, secretary of the general How olvl was each of them at the reality the Cal! wants every lash to Globes atiil Cubical Blocks ; also (Vili nixi.- fhv w-wn .>f fftMa»folknra: cvniventiou will he in attendance, (ivi «olii.-« a lil*r.«l share |sitn>nat.v time of their inauguration md how stop tn California. But this is the H i -l’-rv ili.-, M.mday ; Mnrpiy . Tiw-«lav; ami deliver some excellent spevy'hc- first we knew of his ft-nrs that the PHILOSOPHICAL AND CHEMICAL APPARATUS old at death ’ i.y Will not Ck-vc , Grani s I7>«. 3V.-dn<-«l;iv and TlmnxtaT; S vomm I atrev-t, near Se.-ti.ai h<«i«'. vi .n\. »ri h,v and Sarnr l.TT .4 .- a h Sherman McClung's txxlv w.is lam I tie the first one who ever mar l*re.sident might get into (h-egou . ls the necesities of the Scoool denrmd them. Wnk ried while in office* [Every dav and lie "carried beyond ail means found at Buena Vista on list Thurs­ Grant’n IN lw . • None will lie allowed to attend Dances while Students of tlx of speedy vsunniunication." Don't day by some chinamen who had DF>Ci;im»>N AND »’EDIGHEE Reader School. fr) Thirty five years (a) Wash you even want Oregon for a calf notu-evl the txxlv floating down the n' Jf *" • b«mtifal enal stream Mr M l. Bergman reached tda.fc, 1. hin-tshi/h. wri^hs aNxrt l.^ff ington 57; John Adams. Aa. JetTcr pasture. Mr. Editor * STRICT DISCIPLINE WILL BE MAINTAINED. ih» . i» rw.irly ). rf. . t in his pvnaxrtjnns, l»OK* THK the remains w ith a pole and brought soil, 58; Monroe, 5S J Q Adams. ,h'' m»-' «tylr. and in mnsruLu- |»>wcr The R ogi k R ivkh Cot r has them to shore He was immediately Special Inducements Afforded to those Preparing to Teach 58; Jackson. 6a; Van Buren 35. Washing, Ironing and Fluting. i» n-markabh 4 plain and fancy w r« d.xie in Southern Oregon, in point of ( •‘l’t >li4nr». ir . «v .ir>q hv Capi ’‘Iqfxrt. grxndrire a fin.- Sir Th.raa» h»xs*. X I. I 49; Buchanan. <1; Llucsiln, ja. pdittes, it is independent. We Christian honors. S A Tl d». Jr and h«- bv iai- the I h *} s you are.- Review Garfield. 49; * All those w b.v .-all on l*r U 1 e-npert M ill also take -saitra. ts fe-r w ssl h.>| pir< Arthur, 51; Cleveland. i .’H. si Dmmedr il » dxm wax'Uriv the German tor. at Jacksonville, fur , _ ■ . The Cot'UiKR represents both Good ¡irtwluce taken in part pav Fatronage Solicited. 1 ler wv vimvxn. -unsi bv ili. «di kn<>wn '>r- 4* Ct) on «ill hr lr’*w**d reW’L' » r.-ted man- «wrwd hy part •• »th' |s q.|, n<«» lutte iw »ttv. W.B«h 'W» Gilbert ■v ^*'*m«n ¿¡¡n. A