Grant's Pass courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1885-1886, May 28, 1886, Image 3

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    Ou l ist Sunday night the north bound
train from Ashland changed time arriv­
ing here at 11 :.V> r. m , instead of 10:10
r. m . as before. This change was made
ho as to a>’i»>min<«iat«* the stages betwivn
the end of the C. 4 0. K. K and A.-ldand.
The traiu rims faster between here and
Local and Hersonal.
Roseburg than it did by alsmt an hour
Work hmcummsnee I on the found» tion and a half, so that it arrives in Portland
, on time.
cf the jail.
O'fhl Puff Jf IW#lM_CHltT. Oreioi.
Tin- Ladies Vid. n Aid Society will hold
Bubb!" Mx-ial at Menxor's store build­
a lair and festival, in connection with the
ing t»nigl<t.
Wimer’» hotel at Waldo is for rent on Bubble [xirty at Mr Mensor’s new store
luilding, Friday evening. May 28th.
favorable terms.
Among the attractions will he, prixcs'for
W. A. Hunter, we are sorry- to say, has
the lavgst and smallest bubbles blowli,
been having the a,me.
iee-cn-iiin mid lemonade, sold by “Re­
R -ineinls r the Epim-opal festival next
becca at the well.” A cordial invitation
Friday evening, June 4.
is extended to all.
Admission, at the
The l'nhiian service on the <) 4
be­ door 10 cents.
tween Albany an I Portland has been re­
A correspondent writing to the .(»land
stored .
Tiding» from I angell valley, says: The
Torn—Near Grant's Pass, May 17, to young wild cat recently |»t urvol bv 1 lenry Hunsaker, a son. Weight Vinson is doing well. It is now at the post
It) isetiids.
office under the maternal care of a tame
A nugget weighing f.'DO was recently Tabby who, having lost her own off­
pick -d up by Mr. Mclkxial on Wagner spring, on hearing the little orphan's cry
picked it up and carried it off' to her l>ed,
creek. It is said to be a beauty.
I*. MM ihon an 1 family 1: <vn the sym­ and seems to think as much of it as if it
were her own
pathy of th >t'o. hikb in their sad loss, by
The i .'publican and democratic candi­
the drowning of their beloved son.
dates for comity ollices have returned
On Monday morning last the engine at
from an electioneering tour in the soutli-
the mill broke «1 >wn, eonaequently some
• rn part of the county. Judging from the
of the hands are laying off this week.
re|»irts they bring,7*'ine of the sanguine
Thus. Gilmore of Wald > earn ■ in to see ones w ill lie sadly di“.i| |s>intisl one week
ns on Saturday last. He reports the min­ fr mi next Tuesday. Better not count the
ers in that section preparing to elean up votes in Josephine county this year until
Dr. S. Harmon, oculist and optician, they are cast, as iinfiortant charges are
from Atlanta, Georgia, will visit Kerby daily iKvnring.
ville an 1 Waldo uext week, Don't fail
Th" Jackson county Republican con­
to see him.
vention held at Jai k-ouville, May lbtli,
The 8. P. 1». 4 L Co., an’ erecting a placed in nominations the following can­
telephone from their office to the mill didates for county orti, -is; State S...... lor,
This will prove quite a convenience, as E. P. Geary; Representatives, W ('
well as an ornament to the town.
Myer and J. IL Griffis; ('oinniissioncrs,
Mr. Brylian, of Waldo, writes: China­ A.’i ’.ulton ard" IL Ammerman; Clerk.
town is full of chinaincn and women, and M L. Alford; Sheriff. J. G. Birdseye;
more coming every day. This morning a Treasurer. A. 11. Maegly; Assessor, G. M.
tire broke out in chinatown wlii. h earn ■ I ove; Surveyor, M. L. McCall
very near getting beyond control.
It is stated by those who pretend to
Hr. llinkle, one of the most sueee- sfu! know, that there is not twenty votes dif­
physicians in th.! valley, lias just o|s-ne<l a ference in the status of the parties of this
drug store at Central Point with a full county; hence a close vote may b<* looked
st.x k of gissls. He will continue the > for. That no injustice may lie done to the
public welfare, voters lie careful who you
practice of mediciae notvv itlixtamling.
Mr. I. Salomon, having retired from the “scratch" on the day of election. See to
Isitchering business, is now dealing in all it that the most worthy candidates, in
kinds of hides and furs. Parties bavin r every particular, gets your vote
anything in his line should give him a is a very »mall consideration in the selec­
tion of colt ity officers.
call. See his “ad" in another column.
Willis Y >rk of Applegate, was in town
He is just recovering from an
attack of scarlet fever. His children
I've of them—which have been sick with
the same complaint, are now al..a.t well.
Charles Nickell, of Jacksonville, has
liceii nominated by the Democrat» for
State printer
Chawles, accept owali
congwatulations, deali boy. l'naee lip
¡•ml twy and lie a man, you ka.iti, for a
change.—Yreka Cniun.
Walter Burch left town Monday for
Grave cieek, taking with him Isuly May
u mare with some record as a runner,
Which he and Mr. II. 11. I larkness traded
for at Crescent Citv
Thia marc is said
to lie very fleet on a half-mile heat
Th-- California 4 Oregon raid is rapid'v
advancing to the Oregon line and the O
4 C must sisin start out to meet it. The
|a*ople of Southern Oregon will hail with
gladness the "driving of the lust spike
which connects tlieae two most important
Me notice a goodly numlier of movers
and campers in and alsmt our town.
\\ hilst we admit that diversity- of opinion
is invaluable as one of the fundamental
principles of human improvement, and
w hile we believv that genio'is and inven-1
tion to a great extent comes from a dis­
satisfied state of the mind, yet we think
that these principles may Is- carried too
far. It is a man's duty to get settled down
as quickly is possible, and Imild him up
a g'ssl comfortabl " home for his family.
The "ad" of Mr. L 11. Robins' ll will
apl» ir in the next issue. Mr. R. pro­
poses to found a temple of learning near
Wilderville, till Eureka High
School. Mr. R is a tenclier of merit
having taught in di.!< rent school districts
i i th.’ < utility, in cath ca« giving good
We h q>e his school may
prove prosperous and prolitable. We will
say in addition, that upon examination of
Mr. Robinson's r ’commendations we have
no It -sit• m-v'iii say mg that we consider
him fully competent to teach the higher
branches pro|s»s’d, as will la1 seen in
his “ad.”
1’0.1 ds.
In another column will lie found the
advertisement of Dr S. Harmon, the
Tlierv seems to be a scarcity of many
o 'di-1 ami optician from Atlanta, < ieorgia.
The l'r will be here until June first, farm pro lints h-re at present. Wheat
comes highly recommend' d Parties suf­ cannot lx* had at 75 cts. per bushel, ter
fering from anv disease of the eyes should it is one of the staple products of the conn
Eggs eonnn ind 20 cts. per dozen
not fail to see him.
lion. J C Carson, of Portland, with but cannot be had at any price, yet thia
his usual pleasant smile gave us a call is one of (he liest countries for |»niltry.
Mr. Carson is one of the par­ Potatoes have to !»• shipfs-d up by rail
ties interwted in the sa.vh and <hs>r facto- from the valley« north of us. notwith­
rv, at this place, and »•• are glad to know standing we can raise ns many and as
li • is much pleased with the success al­ fine potatia*» here as those people from
whom we are now buying A great many
ready attending their enterprise.
of the farmers complain that they have
Four miles south of town on last Tues­
no market, when ill fact they have noth­
day while driving along the road we saw ing to sell.
a huge coyote standing by the road-side
Having no a. ins with us we “canted” our
liat up on the northeast corner of our
Th" ladies of the Episeejml Aid S « ¡sty ,
combative bump, (not exactly cowardly will hold a strawlierry and ice-cream fes­
tival at the Odd Fellows hall, on Friday'
gave him "the wink" and passed on.
evening June 4. IXSii. As the ladies will
Mr. G." A. Wilpret of Applegate, has So
bu llish the refreshments within their ow n
acres of land to sell
His “ad” will ap- ■"«•iety, and oitisevuentlv have not asked
l>ear in next weeks Col'RiKB. The land ti.e citizens to assist in that way, they do
¡S ten miles from Grant's Pass on Hie a-k tin ill to patriaiize them on that ut »-'-
ioti. Atimission to lutll, id cents,
Westside of Applegate river; 8 acres in
cn'tivation ; 1 a<re ill grapes; 5 acres in
limitfgm 1*.
choi'-e fruits ; 15 acres fenced : new house ;
To nv an .hl fi-hi ■nt <l immigrant train
a water right, etc. Hi goo. I land.
ii* iv*t a common tiling, but on last Sat-
The re. kles-ners with which the ' ■
unlay wc ttf-tiially beheld Mirh m primi­
appr ..<li tim moving trains is truly ap-
tive rr!’-’ on </ir M?r?ets. There were two
palling. If | arents do not put a ox t- .Ln.- moving at a snail- ea’lop,” flic
slop to it there will ere long Is- a man­ c.ittk* pushing
each other, their
gled corpse of some ladoved one to Is1 car­ tonunu s ahn-‘-t lolling <>nt from heat and
thin t
The «liiver of th * iront team, a
ried to its mothers arms for burial
\ Jung man, <i i*-t bemneared, the other
make this rather imprewive hecatMe we ¡river, i woman, with feet hanging over
know ot tin1 imminent peril the-* Imy* the dad* iMt.irl. a Land of eatth* in th«*
rear f »• lowed by two Loo and a one lev-
nre in.
^,<•’1 mr.’i on < r it< L
Tl.e Grant's Pass Cornet Itind Ibis week «•«»verc l low, and looked aa Iho’uh they
th * plains jrr<■*** ” With ail
let the contract for building tiirir new had • Hi
hall 2"x51 feel. It will ha built on the thiw, th ••*.* jK*ot»’,e m<:v be as huppyas the
“!«oid-<4»f U»e laml.” and they may have
I 4 adjoining William Spear»’ paint »hop
a* 70s i ;i’l»l a big hearts as tliOM* who
They ex|«s t to have it completed b* tore
iU p J’.unri w oi life
llie 4'1 ot Ju’y. T h Hal! • ill la- uwd
G fmh «! Ledgp loot. a . Sail.oi f. O. <> F
lor all ; nMic ga'l rings, and is a very
*Mnnendab|« enterprise OU the ;urt oi tl»e
Tim ^ind ’M t ? of tip* ¡nJ jwn lent or-
Members o( the land.
r|i*e of oj»| Felki .r«, of Or«von, he’d its
K lairing tiie past few days quite a nnm-
b i ot )«»‘ple have visit. <1 the ('< . i.rss
«»fi r and have examine I tlie new (mr-
4*" ;<«•"». and flattered it by saying “it
is '. cry nice," etc. That's just what it is
an I <air s'ationcry ami 'Sher material k
■»>1 to IweXiX'lled. Neither W ill lie tile W'irk
We are doing
Send ;n ynr .*k-r« for
anything in the job printing tine.
I •'Bob" Allen, who was np from then-
•n Wednesday, i.if'imi« ns that a |«Mt-
(Wfh . has Is-- ii es-ablirlied at W«a F'-rk
’and • hristi'iM-l ilermuin J. W Gi'uwwe
is the P. M. We al*> learn fraM "Hot»" Mr Volk, road-mister, ha« 'hi-
k'-.-k receive I a new >'i"fiield vel<«-ip ile
H-. v.»tk has i ll.
:b< *■■ e l div
b«' of tin V. 4 C
i I frm» R<«< lair.-
a», th.
annual r«e.<don at Th • Ihill'-s «luring the
w*«*k. at the coin hi ion of which the
following off>f*t"rj| were «Inly jn-t ill 4 to
-••rv«» for the eiuraing ten;»: G. M., K.
Akiamh r. »4 I’ mdien.'i; |» G.
j|’ p;
llnach, l*«irtUnfl; G S.. J M. Ba on.
<)rr/« -n <’1tv ; G . T J .G WHght. Kai?m ;
G. \\ .. < 1«. i’alni.-r. Baker C»tv <». XI
T O I rd. R^M-bnrg: G. C . |> E. Bm h-
annan F-rtknd; <1 If . J T. Ktr«;ird
East F.r’aml; G. G . F W llwiley. Ko
la;G. ( .Rev.
< r
Ashland ;
tr let—I H Walton, T. J StiUw ami
V I. Palmer. A N Campbell of | .<t-
lan I w as vie« t.* |
t«. tkw
^ox-r i in /ran«l bidgr, which mevta in
Ini-t->nin Sej4em‘»er. Eaet I’.»rtiair I was
M4erled a* t‘.»e place f.»r hoi king thr n*-xt
annual reaekm.
W «atol.
On«* hnn Ir«* I tlxaieand ijiwf I «hin*zb*s
Cal. T. It. Caraellaa.
Ou Tt>cr»:Liy evening lust it wn» an­
nounced l»y telcgr.idli that the Republi­
can State nominees w ould I»’ here on liie
uorth-IxMind tram from Ashland, and
would ad «>s‘ss the people of Grant’s Pass.
When the train arrived they wen- met Mt
the depot by quite a crowd, a«ss>in»i¡)'iieil
by the Cornet Imiid.
A huge honflre
also gns’te I them When the train otoped
('■•1. Cornelius appeared on file platform
of one of the car- and s;s>ke alsmt as fol­
lows :
Fta.i.ow Crrtzzxs :—Like my opponent,
I cim truthfully say I urn not a public
speaker, 1 can say. ton, that my nomina­
tion wan unsolicited and unex|*s-ted
When I starte i out in tl is e-.invass 1 in­
tended to meet as best I could pres« nt
issues. 1 did n it intend to go over again
the old ground that we have left Is’hind—
the old issues tl at centered in, grew out
of. or were settled bv the war. I have al­
ways teen plain ami «qx>n in my opinions
and convictions u(»oii these questions, but
I have isinsideri’d them to he mainly set­
tled and not profitable for heated discuss­
ion now. But my opis.nent, Mr. Pen-
noyer, has assailed my rcixird as a mcm-
ls-r of th«' legislature of 1870
For twenty years I was called upon to
act as one of th’ representa'¡ves ot th«'
IsMiple of Oregon in their legislature, and
I take it a» a sounx' of satisfaction that in
the record ik this w hole period, Mr. Pcn-
lioycr can find hut thru ■ votes of mine to
which he can raise oLjm tion. Mr Ven-
nover h is told von that he resjievts lin­
as a m ill but doesn't like my record as a
politician. I can say the same ot him.
lie an I I have always differed wid-lv in
our |si!itical view» in the past, ami we
differ to-dav. He wants the -tat? to build
I say
u railroad around the Ca«-.ules
the national government should furnish
the money to eomph’t«' the canal and
locks, and save to the state of Oregon an
ex|ieiiditun- of latkt.OUl). His cours«' in
training with the firebrand agitators in
Portland is oja'il to the charge that he is
catering to that element to catch votes
1 ask no votes from any clem nt that en
ismrages violence or lawlessness.
»vav of ri tiling this country of th", him - ■
evil is n 'I to hive anything to do with
them. I employ a great many men, but
never a cbimiinau. Certain new-pai» '■
of Portland have made the charge that I
am a “ring candidate." Thia charge is
simply false, and it has no foundation
whatcTcr I entered into no combination
with any men or any ring to secure my
nomination, made no promises to any
num, imd have not done so since my
If elected I shall lx* ire ' to
execute the laws of Oregon, mifeltcred bv
promise» to any class or any faction.
After a few sound expn salons concern
ing his views on tlm tariff and other lead­
ing questions of importance, the conduct
or announced “all aboard," and the train
moved away from the do|x>t amid the
shouts of those «»«s-mbled to see Mr. Pen-
noyer's coinix'titor lor the governorship
of Oregon.
Grant's !’;*«*» High School
To the patrons and friends of the school,
wo submit the following report for the
first month of the term. In so doing, we,
'lesire to express our obligation to the
publisher, of the Coi itirn. who have
kindly tendered the use of their columns
for the pnr|s>se
The whole nuinls-r of
students enrolled in the academic depart
ment, is 50 Ttie whole numlx-r enrolled
in the primary department, is91. Aver­
age daily attendance in academic depart­
ment, <54. In prim an di-par'inent. K.P ,
The following names'Is'in t th >.~e whose
deportment and punctuality is ix'rfecth
satisfactory, are inscrilx'd lljani tlie
Rol.l. or H o . x - ok
Fr-’l Thornti n, Ray Everitt. Elm r
t'olvig, Fr 1 Minch, Willie Stillinger,
Harry Dimick, Eddie I'imick, George
Hvde. Allie Everitt, Ola Wilcox, Bertha
Wall, Emma Kuinage, 1-sie Jordan, Mag
gii’ Casey, Lucelia Brower, luea Rich.
Kitfie Thornton. Ali c Smith. Maud Yo-
knni, Ida Cnlvig, tliie Piail, Ellen Adams,
Orrie Wimer. Carrie Farr, Rose Galvin,
Daisy Fcrrv. Annie Hyde, Minnie Hutch.
Olive On , \lq;;;:io Steelman. I'ora Vicar-,
Edith Williams, Eva Stillin n-r, I'iek.
Bland. Willie Everitt, George F.-rry, Wil­
lie Hardin, Guy Haiuill, Fred Royal,
Tom Roltertson, John Tiiornton, Fred.
Robertaoii, Frank Williams.
11. L. B enson ,
G krtik P ollock ,
UOI.1I Mtl.L
May 24.
The firm of Salomon «^ Ahlf. butelier»!
I. D Brown, wiii im«e his quartz mill at Grant'» I'.i»» Oregon, ix thia,the 2l«*t. f
running in a‘««it It) «lava
«lay of A;«ril lxsti, .li»*>lve«l by mutual
Winter sown grain l««>ks well, but un­ «»«tiaent, J. H Ahlf, one of aai<i firm,
less flier»' should he more rain, late anwn having |«iin'ha»<"l the interest of I. S il«»
wheat will l»> light. Buaiuess at this man, will I-<ntiii;ie the butehering buri-
place i« iui|ir«et-iiig ra;»dly
ii«»«». Tlie l»«<>k» of the late firm are left
A large ij'iantity
hunh«*r will arrive in the haml» o! Davie Brower for u4Iee-l
1. S vlomon .
on the freight train to-in.»imw for the re­ tion.
April 21»l, ISSfi.
J. II. Aui.r
pairing of t'havner'» bridge, and new
work on Mr Ganiard's flouring mills.
F '“'era Intnb rinen ar.' making inqui­ ORGANS!
ries in r.-gard to the timher up Rogue
river, ami the splendid water |»>wer that
TX> not txm'liAMe nil Ofynn until vou
stiearn would affonl with asinall exi«'iidi- have callv l np»n or luMrvwed J. \V. \Vi-
turv of money.
mrr. General Agent for J »M‘phine munir.
Tlie Sunday *’h<«»l. Literary *x’ietv f»»r the « .'h‘br:itv»l M.i*u»n a |l nnli»i ami
I will
a i l so ial d inees tl «'Irish I ut '.
The A IV C’lia^r Organ« ami Viauos.
v.NUig pis'plc •» Sam's Valley, Gobi Hill, sell thooe iiiHtruimmts, delivered at your
ami viiinity are sure to enjov tliem.-x'lv.'s house, f»»r in un 30 to 40 per cent. !«•*»*
th> n trawling agents well theii». I haw
wh -tlicr time» are lianl or lively.
Tlu'ie will 1«. a grand 4th of July cele- no traveling ex|M‘nses to |Miy, therefore I
bration at Gold Hill. Th" ]ieopleoj Sam’s can artbril to <lo so Organs sold on lime.
Valley, W «alville ami Ii 're will meet to­ Write me for price li>ts. et«*., etc.,
J. W. Wi.MEB, F M
gether near town on the river, l'o-terx
Murphy, <>rep»n.
with programme will lie out next week.
W rk is progn’s.-ing on th" iron mine,
which will I»' tlioroiiglilv op-ned, so that
millionaires, who wi»li to invest in that
kind ot pi»’|«rty, may n-adilv s«*«' tlie
wealth of unexcelled iron ore so near at
The tramway from Rurragei Pomeroy’s
lime «piarry is cotnplet«*«l, and large quan­
tities «if lime stone are shipiied «'V«*ry
week. The proprietors intend to burn
lime for the l.x al demand, and to export
as s<«'ii us tlierv is sultii i.'iit call lor it
A man vvho lina praetùx'd »im e 1X70
and inet with gri at sue«»—. My wav
i» lo do in thè w.iv of an ix'ulist
tinvi I cani'. >t curo tlicre will (»,• no eli «rgex.
Alivoli«* siitlermg ir.«m sire ev«s, weak
ness of eves. <>r ey.'s tliat rmi water or .1 li Is, wherv th" c iseis |«is«il>le
I gìiarantee a cure.
D b . S. ÌL vkmon .
Til«' ('1<)|.H.
From the l»'st iniuniiiition wo can gath­
er from the ilillrrciit section» of Soutlicrn
Oreg ni we are of the opinion that crop»
of nil kimls «ill lx1 larger this year than
last, inn! that the fruit crop will be far ill
execs» of 1 ist v ears crop
There Ims of
course been s me damage to fruit by irost
but we Iwiieve it is miU’ll lighter than
was at first su|ip 'sei| We have or. hauls
ami ganlens which have Is- m affected by
frost», but think th it the d image is light
as compared to la-t year We tnav tlii-r-.—
fore ex|»‘ct to see liny, grain, vegetafil.’s
and fruit» command a mon' reasonable
pi ice after harvest than now. It will lx'
tai lietter fur the farmer to raise large
crops ami sell them at fair prices than to
have cm ceding!« high ptiei-s with noth­
ing to sell. Of course we, with all who
depend on th;' farmer for much of our
slice n.s in Im iues . would like tosee him
raise large crops ami then lx* able to sell
I hem for round prices.
Dr JaneM Spec
called in on Sunday.
D m ' attended the annual session of the
Grand laslge 1 O.O. F., bearing cre<l«*n-
tials from Kerbyville l<»dge. i'nnn him '
we learn that »luring the past year Ker-
byvillv Lo*lg»‘ has ex|H«n»l»‘d tor construe-'
tion of a Indgc-room and other ex|»vndi-
turvH, over f2,(VX). They have .51» mcm-
I hts *in good standing. We also learn
from D» m '. that Medford lodge I. O 0.1
were granted a charter by the Grand
Mr. Spence »•omplains bitterly that in
his travels, whether on the cars or in th«*
hotels he was unable to obtain a good re-
I’rvsi ing drink of cool, pure water only at
the saloon bars, and that in going to the
bar f«»r a drink of water, a man is ex­
pected Io buy a stronger druik lietore h<*
L'avvK. Said lie coiild not vet a good
drink on the cars ,»nlv in th«* < ow < »•*ek
canyon This slnmlil In* remedied Goo«l
drinking water c m and should I»»* pro­
vided on the trains and at the hotels.
The Rogue Riyer Distillery,_ _
J.\CKSt)NVll.I.E, OR.
Have the larg«*al store in JoMphuM
«xwfy, which i»«5x32 *e^. and tw«
ah «Ties, filled with
Caton «t Garrett, <«encrai Agent».
Killin'« 4 Wolter», Agent», Melloni.
Choice (ioodi» in Ever*
------ 'art------
Gift Honest Wtliil ig Buin.
—Article of—
BOURBON. RYE Travelers,’ Miners’ and Farm
ers’ Supplies.
We kiwp uverything
by th*
—In tjuantities und at—
I’. S L ank Orncr,
» mi. O b .. May 25, lSKi «
Notii " is h rvhv given that the follow
ing name.l settli’r has til«*.i noti »• ot bin
intention to make final |in»«i in aupport SATISEAt Tb.N OUAKAXTEED
of hi» claim, ami that mi I proof will I»'
macle before tlie Jtitlgi’or Clerk ot Jose­
phine < aunty, at Grant'» l'ass. Oiv/on.
on Saturday. July", lxstl. viz: Mary Ellen
lasviard, heir of David Waters, <h'«x'.i»«'d.
grant s pass , orecon .
homestead No. ,T>for the w
of »«
Nr.', of swl| and Lot 3, Mx'tion 32, town­
— AMD—
»onth range 7 west
lie names
tin* following witness ’s to prove his i*on- This Hotel hits lxx'ii thoroughly
tiimoiiH n-aidence upon, and cultivation of
rciiovated ami
»aid land, viz : Laun’m-e laxmanl, J F.
Holland, John McDougal. Ja». 1‘. la’wia, R efurnished
T hroughout Grant'» Fa»»,
all oi Althouze, Joeepbinecount).Oregon.
W. F. Bi N I «MIN,
. l . gray ,
PractícaL WatchmakeR
J E W E L E R,
F. S. I mn •» O eer ' e .
K osebi im. Or., May 14, issii.i
Noti» <* is hereby given that tin* foll<»w-
ing named aettler has <Uc«l notice of his
intention to make final proof in mipport
of his claim, ami that said proof will I m *
mad»* ln«f<)rv the clerk of Joauphine conn-,
ty. at Grant’s Pass, on Saturday July 3,
18S(>, viz R M Robinson, pre-emption
D. S No. .5191, for the i.lw of nw 14 mvc -.
tion s, town hip 37. south range (I we»t.
W. M. IL* name the f ««Bowing witm’H.««’»
to prow Ilin continiloiiH rvzi'leli«’«' U|»«n.
ami i iiliiv.itioii of a.ii<| lnnil, viz: Ben. |
Bnll.S. A. Borniin’b, Jolin Borrongli, J. 11
Robinoon, all of Wihlervill«', Jowpliilie
I’oiinty, Oregon,
\V. F B eniamin ,
H-tlt ’
Wetcies. Jewelry mil Spectacles oi ill Hits
----- ('■)— '
Is Connected With This House.
Musical Instruments Repaired.
Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars, W’at.'liniakoi' Ar Jowolcr,
While the Rending Table is
G b . vnt ’ b P. vhb ,
fl] i Till H i X ohviili CmNiv Col ri of
tin State of Oregon for Joae|’liilii' ('o:
O kioom .
All Work Guaranteed to give
I propose to kei p a »trietly firat-
clnss lioiiKe. Give men call.
Tlu» un<lt‘rsigbp(l, William Neiirnth
William Healey, principal i>ctilioti-
ers represent that wc are, each oi us.
residents of Grant’s Pass prccint, sai«|
county and State and b gal voters |heroin,
anti by this petition pray your Honorable
I hm I v to grant to the said William Nou-
r.itli and William Heeley a !i« eiisr to sell
—<»• Till —
for a p ‘rio I of Twelve Months fnnn Inn«*
15, 1S.-ML at their Brewery in (¡rant’s
Willi« M N xi hu h ,
W illi vm 11» KI.KV,
Grunt'» P uh », May 28, ltkkWit.
------ KBIT ON
License Notice.
Neiirath ami William I lei'ley. ill
the matter of Liven.«* to retail Lager
Grant’» Puss,
Ort gon
Produce oi Kinds Talca is Eickmt.
GEO. GI.EISSM AN, Proprietor,
G kaxt ' r P« mh ,
O bkcion .
Central Point Hotel.
25 Cents,
The Proprietor take» pleasure in inform­
ing the pullin' that he i» prepared to fur-
ni»h the lx'»t of
FrcshBread, Pies, Cakes, Etc
IL ving latch bik"ti vbnrgc of flii» liotel
tin imde»ignv«l would rc»|»'i’tfully inform daily, and dclivert*«! fn*<* oi charge.
th«' public that the table» will lie »upplied
with th«' lx'»t th«' market affonl»
L kwim I' vnkfv
New Blacksmith Shop,-
Acrldmts — Ci'«»p Pro*j'«*ct«,
Writing from Mound Ranch, umlerdate
of May 24, Eld» r M. Peterson,
Dr. Aflkin», of Medford, was thrown
from t pony on Saturday, and had 2 ribs
broken, l ie v.a . feeling some Ixdter last
The pr<»spe<-ts for grain crops through­
out the valley are very g jo »I. W c have
lw‘en having wind at ii * i •« ,*!s for ecveral
days that is drying the ground, and will
sh'irteu the straw some.
A sad :ic»'iflent «»«•cured upon Littl»
Of Intercut I«» the Northwest»
Butt • creek last |-rut iv. Martin Hcfk.i
\V% mhin < iton ’, May 2.'?—Thv tninoritv thorn was riding a young na\i which fell
of the public laihi« coinmitftM liave re- l.ack on him. killing him. lie only lived Oculist, and Optician, of Atlanti, Oorgia
two hours. He was burie«l at Bruwnn-
Is now in town, at Bagley’» hot»'!.
p»rt«*<l th«* bill for forfeiture of the rail­ buruiigh on Saturhiy.
road L iih I pant lN'twrn Fortlaud ami
Walhllu. amt protectnni the ri'jht* of set
tier*. Thh ia virtually the Hermann bill
for thin pur|H»se
<’obb, chairman of th."
A Mo< ial party and dance *¡11 be had
(-«»inmittec, in reply to Mr Hermann, in- at the Stanley hall. Woodville, on I riday
HiMted on forfeiture <»»’the whole uran! west
< >HI (.OS.
G m % n r’s l’v
of Bi"in;ir-k, and doclintM to favor th“ night, May 28, for the benefit of the W< jo «I-
minority bill even with a proviso that vilie !iclio.>l furniture fumi. Tickets, fl,
Will pr.u tic«* ill all the courts of the
forfeiture of the < olumbin (I ivíníoii tthnli to I m * hud at the p*»st-utficc. W'MsIville.". Otlice on Sixth street, m ar post-
not prejudice or I h * de«*ined a waiver of
|*|<>li«*er K -imh'fi.
further legislation a« touttempto«! forfei-
tur« s <»f tir* reimtinder of the g’ant
th«* «.urn* reply the chairman expresM*-*
J. Dt I'l.ANNAY,
the opinion that the wagón roa«l Si.c’ety of Spitle rn Oregon, will Is* h?l<l
patent.' I and unpati nt •«!, are forfeitable at A‘LlanJ on Th lrsday, th«* 3rd «lay «>(
b. .J Dvr, H«-c y.
IL plying to Hermann’« a*e« rtmii that .June
House nnil Sign Pointer,
-»«•ttlcrn are lieing discouraged at the delay
oi t’oe c»»inmitte«*, he state«! lh«it the < oiti-
O heoí ’N.
( 'r s ru m P oivt ,
mittee had an immense work l«eí<
and must con ider ca< h Lili in its r» jnl.-u BOt,ERM—JORDAN.-- M th«» r-d I n.
of tl»»* brides parents, on Sunday, May
(,<jip’re‘*-man H-nn inn lias con“nlt/><i lK*Mi, at
I' M., W. J Í<« h , eh * . All Kiii'l» of Work in my<’
the engim r d■ «partinent as to v.. rk on
to M;ss A lice J ohoan ; b»tli <A thi«
the ii|»|»»*r Wiliam.di»’ to Eugene( ity, and
WEI.L ami I’I í OMITI.Y l»O\E.
assurance was given that the new steam
Tin» niimlKT «»f invited gnems was very
dredge provided for in the lower ( '«»hini-
Lia afipropri.ition of ^101,(XX) will !>«• use I large, many «»Í whom could not get into
partly in s »* hi • <»n th«* npp r U ilLinictte the HJOlll. The larg.' numlier >»f haml-
.in«l that such work will I m * •L»ne l»etween some pr.w l'Iit» bi'rtoiwil Upon the h.liqiy
i > oi : h the nr»T
llarrisourg and Engea“ ( ity
|riir ¡ml: zte that they atari out in their
new life with t!i-* b-’»t wialiex ni a lar,»’
t -••.'*»»! I.ami.
viri le of frieml« who wiah them all th.’
We desire to call the attention of tho.«*
jovx BU’I <’"i'i'o,ta im i l'-n' to futuri' hu|e Alpi Mi'icit" B liberal «liar, of
who w wh to lo«,at<* claims on government
l<:ie— m l proep- iity. Tlie <’«»i ex-
S*4'oml stn*rt, noir S«s ti«»n I iuum *.
lands U» that |M»rli>«n o: the eouulv so'ifh
temi» lie irlv congratulation«
am I west of this pla« »*
Throughout all
Grant'» Pa«
f-«*» s.-»ir«»r Tr"«fe.
an ab’** *i g»»sl Lin«Ls s<iitao!e f«>r
(arms, ami
«’in say tl. <* w • h.r»»* I......
upon mu« h ««f this land an»I k:w«w that if
m n a ish tow« rk they can in ike giMsicom
fojt*jl»:e ImiiK’s tlierren
There S*''»II|S t«> lie a •h-'p*»sili«>ri 1«» wt-
♦ le aL»ng the I in** d (,l * r»*ilr«Md. f«»r that
n’u-on the I m l- ly it g from I»» to »♦ miles
interior ar»* ign«»n*«l. Th«*se land * ar** i»t
A Leiter ••f H*«* *m«nrridai Ion
th«1 in:«l-f of a g<**d mining ;in-l *t«»k
From a gentleman w h** i« n »w jwing a
r tising «•otpitry, ami ar«* in ag»«»«’ «Innate
«(■Petarlea, a*id i»*
tr«*«* fri. n « ropfaihir •*, d«*v.!**ti«»n In tl* o«G pa ir » */ niv me li«'ate'l
my nuix-«a anali
and . v.-(«mes. Ti er - ia r(*»m in .I«»-«* ri|M »L <»t j»»*l/inz oi
X«>. 27 W.i*hiiigf«»ii St., n»*.ir l’r«»fit Hni t.
phine r.rnitv L»r at lea*t six l.nn ln«l en ».¡¡et and <»|di<*ia:i :
> BKK», Cat. . F ebnian 25, IMrt.
mor-*tllerM nt «ii fiew lands than u -
now liave, but they must Is* men <•? thrift
Thi« i« t» C’Tti v th*«» l»r S
Willi th
»—wiltial pre- ha.« ÍM .*n at thi- pia» *th«* t»a“t It » month-*
fe«pii*»ih's their »•»»«•♦■
and »hat from my observaik»u ot tiitn,
ii’i i of • v»*ral e.»*«** under hn* treatment,
I *a»«*ly ru»,'»nim«*n I him a* an ««’ifi t
of over .iv:,r ig** ability, and :<*• a tir-t-«- a a
My fri» nd« ••• ( >rc-
S.4i«*v i* hereby given tbit th • timl -r- «»♦•fi tan of lii/h «k 11
rizmsil. II AMfAC F Me«, re bar ^»n wb«> iaay n *»* ! h»« ærvi«*»*«, ran r»*ly
!» |»e.|*llrr « a
formed a «sepaPm rw’uip. (»exit un*L r
lii<* Hnn hjm «»f Aldi
M •«•rvr, «Fang rhtrlataii, l»'tt .* /nri»,n».»n »4 nw»rit an t
r—041.174* I by ali
|> Title • iTV. IT fill:
hurinr«» a« > tttcf.en», in tt.r town of one wir»«- -kill will
wb «•. «Tcm are affli l< h
(•rmtV Fa •«
.I II. \*ir.
¡. Il V 1»>at irn.
< f M» • •a*
Attorey at Law á Notary Public
Of Washing and Ironing
I m «»; h
LEWIS PANKEY. Proprietor.
ti IK b »:» t
C ixtiiu 1‘ oixt
O bkoo M
Washing, Ironing and Fluting.
\ll kind» of plain and fancy work done.
Horse-Shoeing it Specialty.
I would n*M|»f*<*tfitlly in»»»rm the public
Will also take, "litrai l" fol w<x»l chopping, (hat having lately taken charge of the
BI: k k-Minitli KI» »p at Central l\»int, I
.'learitig, <tc.
w«*u!d a«k a Hltera! Mluiro of the public
la win I’lMkEY
Wivh-hoUM’ on ' iilUcrt creek.
Dissolution Notice.
Will milk« tin* t»'« mi hoi i«»( l.^diiH (olhiwM ;
Wild»*r\ill«*. M"!» I iv ; Murphy, T ii <* m <|. iv ,
Gr.iiP’M F<»->- \\ cdiirMdjiv :tnd Tlicrxl.i*-
s<*Mt«»ii’H, Friday and Saturday uf eudi
The firm <rf J. Wimer 4 Son», doing
a gem r.;l men liiimliw biibinc»» nt Waldo
i» thia il.iv dixxolved by mutual eolwnt,
W. J. Wimer, retiring tbendrmn:
J Wimer un I G W. Wimer, under the
firm li ime of I Winter 4 Hon, naaunm
control of the hiiailH'»» und will nettle nil
m» omit» ng un»t the old timi. Immediato
N’ttlelncllt !>« cu»ll or note of ul] »mug
due th«’ old Arm ia rvtpicated.
.1. W imi »,
G W. WlMkB,
W. J. W imi K., Ou., Muy 3d, IHStt.
('.ipt Sli/.nf, dr , ¡ a a beautiful coal
bl.u k, 17 liand* hi'ili, vv«*i/liM about l,4*M
lb-« , i*- nearly |M*ri<*ci in bin |»n»|N)rti<»nRl
of lli<* fmewt «ti Iv, and in nni»M,ular |M»w< r
in r»*m.ok.tbly «L* v »*L»| k *«I. IwHiik*« lx*ii!gf»f
a wry kind 4i-|H»-.i(i«Hj
( apt 8li,'.irt, .lr , was wir *d b\ (’apt
Sli/art,’nir»* a (in<* Sir Thoma« hornt«, G kant > F ami ,............................ O rrqom .
hi“ izr*at graiidxirv \V<MMhvard'>» SirTb«»m-
a«; he by D’»»im*<lt*, Jr., and In* by im-
I I’ m dam wum Lady
The midei>ign»*d i* fully preparr l tn <!n
Morgan, wired by the well known Ver­
mont . urand-d mi a n•»(••«! marc> w«*<••! by ali w«»ik in hl« Ime in the hi**t maimer
an«| at reasonable priix*a.
W New man <»f Jo»M*pliin<' ('onniy
TERMS: Teo Dolliri. For tie Seaai.
l)ry--G(M)(ls and Groceries,
Mining Supplies Etc.. Etc.,
l.l'iKHl’» \ND CI g Al s
Mrs. A E. West,
La’jssl Slack cf Ne» tós
M oj T
R easonable
Livery Stable in Connection. - - - - Waldo, Oregon.
tie AîjGiû’i Aïeul fir lie sue cí Pacen! a
of Grant’s
I» NOW UKAbY T<> I'lToaK
of the Same in Lots to Suit Purchasers
R at C s «.RAM' s
A' !• e\ I.IBERAL Tl'RMH.