THEY WEIGH MIKE'S SIGNS. To him since. illus­ tration of the aptn« wof different uilnda to misconstrue the same fact« iu quite w vigne«! i Red Bluff, only two week ago, but I’ve been runn'ng round *o much sin« e I carne down, that l suppose 1 mint theo­ rising on the subject he came t» the have k «t a little.** voLclusion that the only language that “1 will lie a* careful as if it w 'II sugar,** *»id little Mr CLcv*«*niaii, w th precise “here’s your weight, madam, exa"tly to an ounce.” ••Well, what is it? ’ “One hundred ami fortv-thrv«* | ioiiih ! i five ounces and on<*-t«*utli of an olirn e ••Goodness aliw! I” ’’ »»bricked the out­ raged lady; “what du von mean, sir? “1 mean just that. You can see for yotir*eif,** res|ajnd«'d Mr, I bee email, tartlv. “íes, Mrs. Rollins." spoke the other ladies, inspect ng the figures, “he*» I quite right one hundred ami forty-four could be universal at the present day must be a language of nigus. Being deeply impressed with the importance of thU language to humanity, he deter­ mined to travel from country to country aud teach it in all their colleges and universities. As it happened, the tirst country he reached in his travels was Ireland, and the first Inst tut <>n he went to was the University at Dublin. He called upon the Pre* dent of the University, and after some k- d t<» I«* intro­ duced to him. T he Pres dentv. t taken sUaHc «•! Uku».Uuk t°h| hiru th a he roui* professor of «i^ns m xt «lay. They all demurn <1 and objected to thia, being afraid that they might be caught by the Frenchman. A* none of them were willing to play the part, they at last decided to train Mike, the chonnian. for it Mike hid lost an eye, and was very sensitive about it. thinking that people wen constantly noticing it and making allu- pdoiis to it- Mike wns consulted, and consented to plav th« part, providing that the Frenchman should not refer to his de­ fect. The next day the PVe* dent and pro- frsMora dressed Miko up in a good *uit of clothes« took b in to a rrcitat on- room, »cate I him alone on the plat­ form, and thi n rclirol. for the l ien h- man was to see h in alone. B ‘fore they left him they told h in what to do, and that he must not ak. He replied ■‘Suic I II not, if lie Sex noth n aixitif m<‘OV<’.” At the appointed tune the Frenchman called, am! was ushered into the “reci­ I i : poununds three oiiih e«, jii*t. “Why, you horrid old thing!" gaspc'l Miss Minnie, looking round on the rest appealingly. “It’s there, large ns life,” ex« laiim'd Mrs. Rollin«, finding a balm for her late discomfiture, ami you lo »k every bit of it." “It’s these rubliers and this water- nmof.” said Miss Minnie, ruefully* “I shouldn’t have kept them on. But, anyway. / think he does *om- thing fo the old scales on purport.” “Next," sai«! Mr. Checsman, shortly. ••Come, Mr* Perkins, step up; it’s your turn.” “No, thank you.” replied t!u* lady ad- l-e weighed to-day. " And then the other two ladies who bad not been weighed let started off. ami th«* rest of the party, except an
; coufoutid.-uH9. I I i bv abb* fo si • a— . - — - —-wt -- • t iip i Ft h(l^ dfdHv* fl or only <>Jh. I'IÄ ‘UnethllH/iffAyfffd ¿¡»Tu store for flic Ljt'iFi*. A husbRud, it h< i*» worth LaxingrwflFj T*m tn TTI jki * ran- stant additions to s I" ’ III Hl- 111 fumili fund, and the wife, if -hr H \\<.| lh h ó Ing, will help him A thriftless habit oi onvd a disgrtve, and people it Is. It in a «<'lti*hne.*w «clf-imliik Idy a perwrtod goud-f •«III«'** i»' ned. tip l|| "1 don t know," ahe nnawere.1. •'rou teem to lack energy, and energy 1, ar important thing in .1 young man who undertake» the respoii«itHUt» of «tipport- tug a wife." "Of couna: but why do v>«i think I Jack energy f* "Becau«e there do«u>'t tu to be much go to you. ’’ •‘.Much go to me?" "Not much go home, at leaaL " He undemloo.1 her. —Bombar himband« cut < •rive»' nnw< fur pnni»hn>ent •re arrire at the Knowledge of t L portarli fact thnt Bombnv won. through their mwe* /: ^b,n /■ If the water in your Was) ur alkali, use the Standard Petroleum Bleaching Soap, a uf 1SI.I. to the inexpr. .»ible amuo-m.-nt of ••aocioty." The inarcbioneM made the offer, ihe made it In the Criminal Court will surprise you. I »vS h< hasten 14 'ini b<> ubus has n ; vcritshlc «uurd tl ! into thè giound, »out, sticks msciilar cf- b»rt jvrki invìi m ! I viij ». The «*•»( furiti« virar uf thv Thvy are tln* mi ink l*Hgi (X artiwts. w hile fi «li-bone uf < c^'kle* haw iht» u ater thal p'nrtally l**aiitìfu long «irraniing h. wilhoiit w.tri thr l*»ttoiu, aiit( and abutt ng <>f i »«av, with tb ^tir uutiig after viirimi-« appiani a- Ihr Lina N s a decided I lie bright entirvlv eral het. r-, and from the r •u Used by * the cut tie lany of the iug through They are I and have arici rad i. ii-. dir! up from leni •s th ledi h»n h h r F bo'has tb«* g«’»fl mi H >*!«< I •• l i «.-r ■ i f thl« cou dnt a« a saervd dav liberality with rafani a hich we do n »I balk in truth or bc*t fur th< of the IVI. . <• hogs fliess aboi “Litt WIM Ih« II«'u «¡uerry kmp L . ahould b« »er u sud not bean!,*’ lu effect father, in an imprecaiv» vuic< ’ Mir» ,V mc » Capital Stack S 1.000,000.00. Surplus $ 450,000.00. Resources g3.439.si9.20 San Francisco, ^»1 Jan. 1,1885. MI.50,000.0«» ; *O,47V.W . 83.»74.fiS JC.3 V7.1MM.51 M43.O37A3 . 300.39*1.31 TUTT'S PILLS “THE FOR PURITY AND STRENGTH OLD RELIABLE." 25 VEARS USE. IM BUh F«dr, Portland. Oregon. Mvchanica Fair, San FiancLsoo, Cal. State Fair. Sacramento, Cal. Tho Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago I Indorsed ail over the World. Most Economic al for use; put up in six different sizes: full STRENGTH AM) FULL MEASURE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss ot appetite Nausea, hovels cos­ tive. Pai n ju the Head. Y> Ith a duiisen- sation in the back part. Paia u...k t the anould.«r-61ade, fullnt aftoreat- Ing, with a disinclination to exertioi) ot ood.v or nun 1, I: nt H v of ten > . ,:.l- •' • i.v. sot r-.uiacry,with a feehng of having neglected sems duty,\y a:ia aDizzi ,Flutter­ ingof the H< ,.r:, Sots before tEe^y< s( Yellow Skin Headach at nigl.tLhighly_col t'e I Prepared by BOTFIN MANUFACTURING Man Franches und Variamento. < al. FIAAON. «• Ktw.A.A ?"•. HOIILKII A < IIAMK.HanF.- ^'.Bc. .. 1 land. Atreut« h>r Decker Bn*., F^ia r. i .1 .».¡•.e- l . i.r Bn* »id tl,.- l'inno««. Al- r » '.!a- . s Hamblin »ibi the <’|.n»,- OrgmiM. TL«* . , r iu i ..._ Write for de- such cshcr , one dohv effect« anch a chftng- ? of feeling a* to astonish the sufferer. They IncrrMur the Appetite, and cause A< tl<»n on iKlY>*i’4*«thlu >li'*rrha.*^tregii- ure <>• ! l*? i« «» gff rertt«. TOTf S MASK &Y£ STEIN W AY.‘““V*! rgiuiM, lAiid instr iiiientM. La;vv«t Unwiff «.nd Book«. Band« nil i.ikxl «t M. GRA V - a n p. • i» i«f thi* t .-.’•«ogll »<««>*, it iiv'lie'ì, euri nun )»»»*• »in '»i . hiv << t v rr«’ t.»*«-. «t recHonah!« Inter •M. »Ith *»iMt*ct..ri ».G'vrHi V We « U| ». " t’hrufwr •V 1 iw« ..f stMlh.rttN .«h Iw G»e.. < nl. ElíEHCYírUli« Warrant*^ to relic cure Heart Lhsea.-w POWDER Absolutely Pure. MILLER & WEST. Commission Merchants T)»te|*>* k-r mier vnriea A iwiel vf peri •feetiath and «)< ie«ub*U t the i*»lin»ii kin !». a ».! rann<>* be arid in oe> « ****** low te»t, «h'»rt uvL General and Dairy Produce, l W ATSON, WRIGtIT & CO.. f ■. l*> »tri F—#ll Fn iu U.,ll4]r.t rX1’. aM •»♦*«*. CtfiissiJi Merits W^oiepto cjws COMMISSION MERCHANT W<»M. 913 mid 31.5 Ila vim Mt reef, BAN FRANCIS O ( AL iMeuihrr s F Pr< du«-« E«cbanft > I’onMlanrneDta -'e»-' York. $3,439,819.29 and order« of will receive pr<>mpi attention r«rh ad »apeea rrnrlo T.iabiliti«'»: • H «i, • f«i < —• Huhaod, Cìd v ou inni “Yc*. mi dear; hnd to run larsiu, Frodua.* an.l e-« Office. 44 Murra« St. . ------- ■ XORMAN HORSES. die« won» Udklag “H w i« your boy coming on ? ’ “He is quite au artist. Hr drfiv inr live an mal*. ’ “So .« my I He drew a rei up Li I in a tne I tire«» it sil up by him- •elf. t.H>j -Ufel he UM» a crayon?" “Nu; hfi u* «1 a rupe.’’ T cxoji Silt- ¿JOHN F. EN«Ll«u Bank Premise«. • Other Kral f.Mate l.aii ve and . It Impart, a l uturul color, act« Hue From Banka, hi»tautaneounlj-. Sold by Dnigguu, or Money ou hand • ipt 7 • oi «1. _____________ yiij by oxpri-m on rutx 14¡ T 1 am complimented on my improved appear­ ance, and it is all due to Hop Bitters! J. Wickliffe Jackson, — n’tlmtftf/foH, l)sl. xr None genuine without a bunch of green Ho{»a on the w hi e label. Shun all tic vile, poisonous stuff with “Hop" or Hups ' in tl dr name. % w «rd rd K. H. Mellon aid. Pres. nr« you, pa? seven on luy >V: W hen is “ Emaciated V And scarce.]*- Gaining strei “ Fleahl” And hardly a ASK FOR chant«. Manufacturers, Corporations, and 13u»i- ntt« Firms generally. naive proof that seen in the fact ith at the end in- ng of life," I consider your lb in pf»' frshn ».'■»< - in nipt ' ««r ««r- *jr • •atn "no A lull i »* • an. W A [>iki H«*r 'or his originality C nl . i’ejkI Jrtt ' r * one Sabbath by n ini CldestClirtriedBiA al-', Ml ,!| I 4 an-! i.itaiM) .Tn"i ores, «»lili decaí, loa» of manhood, «4c.. I will MBri a thai.n'i! L .I i /u. F’.FK ( i F I'ilARUk.' i lilt g i V-al rvn.Apy »»or rt ie«-oKÌonar> in South An erice .S»-nd »elf- enwbwu to H av . jomkvh T. 1 mman . station I ». New York, »nA». 'Io n.>t go’ w .A ’ U‘h'ith- paper. ii wM ulT. It s ; a Ì i‘i a-< m th t gets t JsU /o mu. «• ( Tln gri-Ht < on< , IO Norch Front Bt.. Portland »• Life. FOR SAFETY Give Your Checks 2 Checkman On Tre in Coming in to Poi t lauti. ,>«k FWT y «Ty V «fftbeGwnerft- i i« i ■ il«i ». •■»■—«r^ live Organs f ‘r^.1 v !A LK N feTItoi • » dopu-a 1 n IU « HiJSt IT a UTOF FRAN« a Fruiapt r»-tui i. ■ t VlUOR. Mini.fe ciar«, flS m S» Kev.-n- OTH-K. M t- Jit P^phl. 1 •srialA Wew»««ll»l A*ra< » 11 Thi« BF.LT or iu>e oc.. Unuou> stI «um nf £L1 ; . RI C I T Y |e i meat: a throngh the ¡xrta nr;«t reeloic liietu U. bewK'-y art ion. J>v n.a ro«>lo«iii I Un* wWh £ i X- trie Be s • d«MnHe«1tn «-«re ail li'« r>’M «Adotti. Ütof»* r«w '-uvaUr* »Tirina ginn HU. lnfo'ir»t|iNiJ>Jrm-«iil7-<ùî^>ér fcj^ trtkí B-il l U.. HJÜ is a-luuav- u JH.. CU JMvHiL Th I « G pen f St reruf hen I m « k« i(i<-*iy und \<*rxe Ionic, ture« Vtlbont Fail.Xervoua«nJ FLydoil IM*bildy. L* m « t Vitality. Waaku^A Virile Decline. Imp-’mcy. Oreneuaittve Condition«, Prostriti«. Kid­ ney and Bladder Compia! nt«. Diarwrs oi tue Blood.Enjp- tionr. ar ! all the «deflect« of youthful f- Uiea and ex- oeae»--; ponmuu-iitiy pr* veutln< all Lut< lunt uy weak« otnf drain« upon the syatcin, huw -i r they occor FMtor mg L«t however «uoipllBated the 1 ae«' may be, an«! where all other remeuit-A have failoL 4 I'rnnnnml < art* Absolutely 4>uaranlrir vau-J.y |»R. I». M4ÌIII I I». IIS krarny Street, mh Frane!«?«<’sl. I" r:z »tin««) 'n|ji«>»r «an 1 4 ¿/‘»»»oil**' ■»>’, Btrunjy o.uUdeuUaJ. >-y Ru«r c>r al WEAK,' UNO o PARTS < i T Enforced dwel will read with the following < from a woman'« Antisell Goll Medal *«v« hair. Larcrat Factory la Ine «alale «4.4U, ««' su PETALUMA IJiCDBATOB •*"’ ISSI - Ifivir i< do o im« «id » young Pint talk 1 lo hi, fuiIvr. •• w lion* nrv v«»n i* To« h..g¿nic'finif Hinten, ni Ard • I*. inox inlitun*« ol I prosperiti I lauglmbte affair than the elder Scott'« union with the Man-hloneaa of Sligo, which wn« celebrated tn the eumuier «tu! k* >» un «» ' r h n It would be dilll.-iilt to Imagine a more aeineneinl to four mouth»' im- pr «iinni.-iit in Newgate, and corni>elle<| lili?'"" * I“"'"1“1 «•Idle«» by Sir «»*« BiU'r.t r.ntng’inch tit nign'amamn The iDAFt hioiiv«« (bn»tight t«» tin* I'ourt bv tiiAlvrnsI solicit ik I v for hor offspring) w.w so arterh ti by thoimlge's admoni lion that on the spur uf thv moment the aent him thv brief note (1 tie e 'h tli r het dear I v< ould It w«a «liuoat midnight, the band, of al wav« haw «o prudent a <*oiin«vlor bv What • • ■! ! t' e . 1 •. .I ( the clock were toiling pa.nfull» around hi« side their circuit; the inMoen yawtied and av< rpt the offer made in so de) rata and rt a t tori ng a manner? The mst« h turn«*! incidental!, remarkei that it »» ¡»« jtrow out no Worse than wa.« vxpe« h*d l'h< Ing late, l>ut the youth kept hi« «.■ .1 •.Miranda." he »aid at lenxtli, "I hate march ones«, of com *e. rvp:i d her I hk made up in» min.l to aakyou if rou will Imtid (in kind) for thv ed i hv had be my wife." U* J 'S ? to The of |>a|M.r tliat waa handed to the Judge l>v one of the uahem of the «tilth and even fetid rourt.» Two year, earlier Byron had been a fellow traveler in Greece with the man'hloneaa' youthful and rather erratic eon, where Ihe poet look .»'vaaion to talk more fri»'ly than affectionately al»>ut hi, own mother to the nianiina. who wa.pnilial.h no le,» eoiniiiiiiiirative about the peciiliaritie. of h , eccentric parent. 1'lie young men parted, Byron to riac in an hour to K' 1'b eminence <.f fame, the tn it-ipii. to put himodf within the grip <>f the criminal law by luring iuto Eia lacht in Mediterranean water, twoaeamen from one of hi« llrittanio Majeaty'a »hip« of war lned for hi, otfenae at the Old | Bailey bv Sir II illiatn Seott (judge of the high court of the admiralty) and 1 I xir I l.lhuilMirougli, the marjui« waa I foun I gu It», onlervd to pay a tian of ridge whu put tn the mouth uf ' ¿r» *'*«. »tu» "Ancient Mariner.*’ he the r Dr. Frank­ •*! have Buffered !” THE WEBJOOT COOK ROOK FROM A SENSE OF DUTY Some people shrink from mailing public Fltn Ediuos sf SOO »old is 0 b , D«y Many With «Trry diaeaar iniatflDab.r i»*r the the benefit they have received ** bile oth­ Advaace Ordan Alraady Baoeirad last three yean. Our ers are free to tell ft abroad for the good Thi» is the '*1,1 Cook Book in the market, | OruKKl-t. T. J. Auderaou recoin mt iidit. of fellow mortals. Of the latter kind in "Hop Bitter»” to rue, Mr. J. H. Coppuck, of Meant Holly, N. J., the recipe» having been furnished by ’ well known ladle» of Oregon and 11 a»b- I uaed two bottles! who writes. “ I am one of many who give ington, and they have all >>een tried by ' Am entirely cured, and heartily rerun»- their cheerful appreciation of the merits of the efficacy of your valuable Brown’s tiioae contributing, thu» inauring a prar-1 rueud Hop Hitter» to every one. J D. tical iaiok for the household. Kitchen edi ­ Walker, Buckner, Mo. Iron Bitters, from a sruse of duly. Thia tion, iioard i-over>.»l I:.»; doth cover»,S1.50. bitters is doiug much good in our county, Sold by all l»>oK»eller» and »ent po»t paid for which I can vouch.” on i. eeint of price bv the Pubiiahera. I write thU as a W. B. A ykh & Co., Token of the great appreciation I hav« Two Italian men-of-war anti «i< torpedo Bookseller» aud Stationer», Ki Eirwt St., of your Hup ▼eeaeh have arrived al Purl Said, Egvpt. Portland, <*r. • ’ ’ Billeis. I wui afilcted With inffammaiory rbtutn«U»ui EVERY WOMAN KNOWS THEM For nearly The British Columbia Legislature ha* The human Gxl) is much like a good .Seven year-«, medicine seeuied to been prorogued by the Governor. clock or watch in its movements; if one do me any goes loo slow* or too fast, mo follow all the Good!!: • • • • Premature decLae of power in other*, and bad time reaulta; if one organ Until 1 tried tuo buttle* of )Cur I!< either «ex. however induced, speedily and or Met of organ* works imperfectly, per­ permanently cured. Consultation free. Bitter*, and to n.j surprise 1 am a* version of functional effort of all the I look for three letter HtainpM. World’« DU to-day a* ever 1 was. I hope organs i* *ure to follow. Hen<*e it I* that “ You may have abundant success” pen**art Medical .V’««oui my cure? syiuptoin* and every woman knows them i ('«»» learn ti-nrn by hv »/ii! r-VKHiiiiF me. m* E. I-' M. XI Can addressing there is one unfailing remedy. Dr. | RHMTJonald S t Murphy William», i ltd ißi h Miieet, W ashington. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescription,” thi.. 1. Ultimili, Jr3 ice Prrit. favorite of the sex. ‘»B U tb.iag. • 1.« A«» tu pois. ’ sound and *e- The man *1 'S&M enju>>» * politics were of so much importan* e to fn-Uiing »i concepU >©. of Ip « >«• a»h*quate A11 it 1» lo thè «ulfvrer «ho «11 thewe w mankind a« bi* precept» and practice of • >» un bis ìm >1 half tha ui •iaepi«:*' thrift ami economy. Hw life is a most night anti xht ~»»al‘ he* a little uii- fct ibeit full iu«-aiiing h impH «-»iw illustration ot what may i^e «Mdsfa«.'"i* auparmt is B.a> a ho fu digesto wtll and aimost au> au» amount uf s »l* d .aiiuoHt a<*< omplishud by systematic industry, ««If- ’'* • that I.-• » kllls Izill— ptople; V^..»,.la.' it if [>rk hard work •elf-deoial and proper care for earu- is worrv •Tik sat hfuTtowed by rentful d ¡y alni' «u«l strength, íurtiic «tvvp bring Ing*». repair**! «(«»ring the daily wawi _¿ OJfpre^i _ ; , . _ . « the vietili» • .»«J ’dial Franklin was never mean, Mingy nor nigliL Bu leeplea« night is abat d h< « • mi* r;y Ou the contrary he wfi» a the muxlue. tor­ a. * »or- » <>ut -------------------- rack» the pbilan’hrup'sl who wjieiit time and « ae.4 b-wilder* the brain, so ■ r t. * prth 1 v Ing. money freely for the advantage of hta that life * \ 1. I'- H.'ih bu-j ag*». tfBawtr **ln»oi b-ilow men, and whose benevolcn<-< WM » **v SB| r* the time overworking when a What he <1 d. themarl«»« attested by many gift«, iji time» as many pro- bility to sleep a» there ami what he taught others to do, was I • V* K VVr are living under to live frugally and tvm|**rately, woik were a get >mnia in of different •*1 MW higher |«rt in diffcient mmtal and diligently a»'d wn*te i.o money iu uu- kind», and H . 1 .- mai be - •ii""' d H's homely pro- physical < « nee. a-ary purchases, h : aonb» t an t *h-ep.* verbs have parsed into the common ami a* I ■>' fl |r-.itjn or overw«>rkud »pevch of the people, H »“' many hiiu- bittill all <>f iu -omnia and rv« o% • A moat fi| - I dreds oi thousand* of dollars are »aved er’ fr< in ifl ki —JJTo'^b’tr Hagan. K*i., the from foolish expend l ire in this < untrv * ^tCMfiflflb/‘’* a' * uiii»l uf 1’hiladel- ; i ••isutif‘4 thv larguât of in*omnia. one of A SOLID CONCERN old one* are chietly ambit ou* to be triumph ov !R cm >1 our ««itfoil There are few, if any bankihg hoiine* in calle I “good fvl!ow*.M 1 hey like the North FrW •» among m pl t ufflVi tie ucn tor one who hau the country equal iu tinuucia! strength reputation < f being “oiwn hared«*!. * te • . -I h BF o I »ave been the one Sau Francihco, Cal. Its foundation* have *• ’ it may be a quarter of their income | •eta ted ' iieen ueil iaid. and it* management under 1 i AAiutalun I but no ) une autild • • • . nt <. we.’v week f<»r th* sake ut wl^at ,j<*v • *U|q>- v U k v» r«unal MiDervkion of Dr. R. H. Mc­ — Irwin «. ♦« ' " ker U/ffiKert «Wlff»»rd i call “a x « hm ! t me and the du bout ap­ UineM or aii i Ub >Xu> ... .lurp -»how* what di «erect manaveruen*. will do. | smail income, and thi» clas* invlu-ie liiipoasibiHty. Mj physical (The Pacific Bank i* growing daily in mer­ bt . rtrfie ar)u»»«l I iogtit fi oui being unable to cantile confidence, and it* libvial, and at ninvty-nim* hundredths <»f the men in - ■ectiro re(r«L. . »ICniber wa« dreadful. It : the same time cautious, ¡»olicy respecting Detroit. It indues nearl. «wr. man weakened «nd ni»-t!«Vrd me during the day, I ha* won for it a host of friends among the uno works with his hands: nearly every ami made aten'Fb hiisln«*» aslow martyr! i merchant* and thoughtful financiers, of person engage! in teaching <»( any «Join. For ire if »iqjeara i was from time to1 : not only San »and* c, but the entire Pa- lime und<- th« «Are if different pny>iciana. re- I kinsklntmed pni»il»aili of skimmed tnilk. milk. hate passed the woman suffrage bill. of those va ho are in the professions ^htutJlbi jUKh u lung variety of ex After p»»-wiHdtb*xUgh a long to fand die'- I one dav hap­ calle I “learnci;" nearh everyone who perien« <-• as sMllill A STRONG ENDOWMENT gets his li\!ng by newspaper work or pen ••«! to |».o*te •! 1 ii« •• of In*. Starke\ x Paleo, and 1 notice«! Hirign of “( um|M«uun, and, thought U«f* on« Hild •”1 do no worse, and it might “(.»olden Medical Discovery*’ that fortifies «-nt iu ut a venture and ma«le I it against the encroachment of disease. indeed, the ^reat bulk of our p »p la «to U tter. ’ ..<>loe time 1 had been endur- | a trial of it. lion. ThereTs poss.blyonv per ceni. of ing the asp| l5'*i«.p«ia, and for week» bad . It is //«» great blood purifier and alterative ,i without the aid of« Moral . and as a remedy fur < onsuvnption, bron our people who have either by their not been h 4 .»K'P lie 1 Oxygen did not work an, chili*. and all di*eiu*e* ot a waating nature, I he ...». own exertions, or by good luck, or by or other drug*. inuncdlate mirH*1 in nre. But I mxhj naw it ' its influence is rapid, efficacious and per­ some other mean-, come into the own­ wrh doing lire t«l Ho I re»ol > ed to perwist — ' manent. Soli! everywhere. Before . ership <>f sufficient proj erty to rendet in it» u • aud ! TOimed .mesi. I w Magre wasgrcaUj rn expedition han I m *en landed at Suakein. psaary for them, and besides they arc lor th« power ig <1 by m*p«rlial improvement, ami this • couru ‘ * ” ■ " " th** most part siiffi * inclim d to save Tatet! _____ nur' go >n with great regularity ¡ BtitnuT (' VI AKItH A New Treatment has t»een dia- their pennies without encouragement and per*iHten<^«L»jn> M-rwirttein a -¿Ja.» rr< r** orery «»very was wan » »low, it , • .'.w runny of the uine ua-irvnl. I has* ** twist of home ourvdng and from one (o three applivatioiiM. Particulars and ty-nnd-nirie live as carefully a* they al • Dtion, Si»«! “*t wad, of ioiium *. a material trvutiMe free on receipt uf stamp. A. H. D ixon uid tom«* F >r» or$i mouth» I regulariv took & S on , King St. vicm I, Joi onto, ( anailn. ought ? tire < «»inpoumv V—a. 1 »vgen Treatment, carefully t tie dl'* «W-* 'i ’ , ,e. an«! cunatanth gaining Some of those men who spvud every o ) m ving toe Thoae complaining of Sore Throat or .. -t h I*. * ’* ' •!]*»•«•»»■ My and rent tii>'\ make month after month nud ■ ■ i * id« h it ho badly m «-«lcf health nary. particularly when used by aingeis for I hem. it for anybody, the recording have iiiifl <■ Ft. t| n «■'; to attend with pb-astu, anil speakers for clearing the voice. Sold angel ought to drop a tear upon the ami hUtiMlbttld • • ■ businosa I bm «• i.o vxil entrv ami blot It out; but in »st «»1 need nows to tC *t the Compound Oxygen only in buxtA. those who scatter us they go haw no Treat meni, oxd" Oct asionully f«»r a cofil or torroni tAbertmpç '!■<«! ) dinonler. 1 take an BFAI’TIFLL CAHI’S. A set of magnifi­ bo ly to Idanu* but them vlws. 1 he de­ abiimlam e oí k ' iu, and I eat and bleep a* cent Floral Cards, 4^xB inches, sent five sire I » tires* in style, to make nabow of w« ll us man cuL i «h to. to all persons w ho have u-ed Brow n’s Iron I li «t\ e rwoiiw n idrd ('ompound ilxygcu to a generuii* living mi I a display of easily ninni* r <>f triât* who bait tried it with rn Bitters. State disease und effect. Write hospitality; to in lulge in expensive ar­ tire ».*1 i-farflU M? frientl Mr. F. W Fd your address plainly. Brown Chemical ticles uf food an I dr.nk; in a word, tin* ward*, tif tld* ( . « notably one of thc*r. He Co., Baltimore, Md. i ufi 'li by Iti iglit .. w hiM*aMe and ___ lernpla!i<»n to live b yond one’s mean* obier inlirtidiis l»u «iw brought inte gou«! is thv cause uf more domestic misery, «hai** lo : i I he m ( < V i«••«'»\v gen. ami is now at- Hisi*- with rane t* and comfort. As more diappointmi nt. more life-f.iilurvi femliiiK t«ibusu-H a < omnh'tc tt- «intuì v ili«^» **( ♦*« •»*••> •»•••, d* ein, in. »heOxyucn «heOx i* and more weariness thnt. ends in death nu d. It lriv< ... I ■ ■•«*•( - -1- i «L 1 . * out di**«-**,* U h«n Baby w tut tick, we g«. © bar CASTORIA. than ant other single danger to which hv rrstu . ing i il tut Su aifl put* ing the system When aha wua a(’iuL!, -hr cried forCASTOIlIA, people of general respect ability ere ex­ ih »ut ha» atelstr« ngth ff it has ent- 1’1 i!ad«-IpItiA. *’h MU he * ? mailed tu any uTWgU'l, ,rmtl w of the Old Bailey: »lie made it on a allp 6i«ty Million YeAra Hence. m lin’*» service* in the field* of ♦< ienoe and their escorts. They were being weighed, it was very amusing, as well a* a good It may be doubted Near by were a number of lad e* w th Thu writer heard the follow ing story FOP. THE ILEBPLBSt THRIFT. The True Gaapel uf Financial Sal rat io a. Muri be the Krwult nf »he Kterlvas CHiitate of the Faeillr slope. It How au Intelligent Irishman F«»«ed a« a Profue«or. s few evenings T HEAVY. D ir E - Y' _ _ “ < W »,A AU «4M« fh« X Su Ofc ^4» ÜliMisterliiruar > . 11 FsHaawb«*« h«n-h Ai»drei^cfctellm»N«ei«t4y CtjcnWwfrr» Ad **• FETAI I MA IN< I IlATidt CO friahm« cj THE BEST TONIC viaNnlr, ìn*n with r __ ì“ln 1.M « *(1ul Mtprat, UU m IK j o.Uaidrrvu » CONSUMPTION. T. A lUK l M 1,1 ?.. « . i ¡ÌL? 'S4' ’t*'»»«*.« km««»« trarr». » srmff »TJ * I - «WM h bierre «ed 1 1 is A Clear Skin only a part of beauty but it is a part Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia lùlm both freshens and beautifies. t I ha ÌL a* num» New’ II.*ini|whirt» post Mustang Liniment only good for hones > It is for inflimm». lion of all flesh n p N V. Nd. « I