The Columbia press. (Astoria, Or.) 1949-current, June 17, 2022, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Columbia Press
June 17, 2022
Rates: Panel
approves increases
Continued from Page 1
Water rates also will in-
crease 4 percent beginning
July 1. For Warrenton res-
idents, it’s about $1.30 for
the first 2,000 gallons, with
additional increases for the
more water is used.
The increase is expected to
add $157,000 into the water
budget annually.
Recycling costs are increas-
ing 8.5 percent, from $7.80
per month to $8.46. This
charge is a pass-through
from Recology, which han-
dles the city’s recycling ser-
Business owners will pay
more for business license
fees. Costs will rise from a
base fee of $60 to $75, plus
an increase from $5 to $7
per employee.
Want to run for office? It
will cost slightly more.
The candidate filing fee,
which has been $10 since
1976, will be $25 beginning
Sept. 1.
“We’re the only city in the
county that has a filing fee
opportunity; you can still
do the signatures,” which
doesn’t cost anything, Eng-
bretson said. “We just felt
like this was a reasonable
Those hoping to hold a
meeting or a wedding in
the community center will
spend a bit more, too.
Renting the center and
kitchen goes from $48 to
$50 and renting the meeting
room without the kitchen
goes from $38 to $40. The
last increase was in 2019.
Most of the increases re-
quire a second hearing on
June 28 before being final-
That gives residents one
more opportunity to express
their opinions to commis-
sioners, who approved the
first hearings unanimously.
Portions of
Cullaby Lake
closed for event
Columbia Outboard Rac-
ing Association will hold
races from 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. Saturday and Sunday,
June 18 and 19, at Cullaby
The Cullaby Lake boat
ramp and waters will be
closed, but the park will re-
main open with a $5 day-
use entry fee per vehicle.
For more information,
contact the Clatsop Coun-
ty Parks office at 503-325-
Weather is expected to be
drizzly at times with breez-
es, and temperatures in the
high 50s.
2022 Fourth of July activities a blast from the past
five entries.
“The barbecue is back
Old-fashioned fun is
at the fire station this
on the ticket for this
year, so we are very
year’s Fourth of July ac-
excited about that,”
Moha said. “The car
Parade entries are
show will go on at the
available with the theme
park again. It cannot
“Blast from the Past.”
be the Fourth of July
“Fourth of July plans
in Warrenton without
are going great,” Pa-
a parade.”
rade Director Mike
Activities are spon-
Moha said. “Spruce Up
sored by Spruce Up
Warrenton is expecting
Warrenton and the
Cindy Yingst
another big crowd this
city of Warrenton.
year, as usual. Entries Employees from Arnie’s Cafe dressed up as
It’s not too late to en-
of all kinds are coming breakfast favorites in last year’s parade.
ter. Applications are
in from dance groups,
Main Avenue to Ninth Street, available at form.jotform.
bands, horse and animal ending at Warrenton Grade com/221320935876055.
groups, local business, and, School.
link is also available on the
of course, local dignitaries.”
Trophies will go to the top group’s Facebook page.
The parade kicks off at 3
p.m. Monday, July 4, and
runs from the post office on
The Columbia Press