The Columbia Press Junee 10, 2022 Seniors win scholarships and awards Warrenton High School graduates receive accolades, awards, honors and money during a scholarship assembly held on campus June 1. Senior awards Conrad Peterson Memorial: Tiana Rehwald-Quicke Band Director’s Award: McKayla Medjo Athletes of the Year: Avyree Miethe, Zander Moha Citizenship: Alejandra Lopez Nestor Leadership: Grace Fritz Scholastic Improvement: Hordie Bodden Bodden Service: Nathan Streibeck Peterson Art & Design: Addison Jack- son, Sarah Neuenfeldt CTE Excellence: Ashton Ka- lama Math Excellence: William Carruthers, Zachariah Hog- gard Social Studies Excellence: Avyree Miethe, William Car- ruthers Science Excellence: Zander Moha English: William Carruthers, Tiana Rehwald-Quicke Principal’s Award: Josh Earls Presidential Education Award: Alyssa Thoma Scholarships AAUW: Alejandra Lopez Nestor, Tiana Rehwald Quicke Albert Lee Wright Memori- al: Alejandra Lopez Nestor Arizona Achievement Award: William Carruthers Arizona Distinction Award: William Carruthers Assistance League: Parker Greenawald 5 Astoria Clowns: Hailey Bentley Astoria Regatta: Alejan- dra Lopez Nestor, Tiana Re- hwald-Quicke Barbara & Jean Camp Me- morial: Janessa Bork Bio Oregon Protein: Wil- liam Carruthers Bruce & Beverly Bobek: Tia- na Rehwald-Quicke Charles Shea: Avyree Mi- ethe Coastal Family Health: Hordie Bodden Bodden, Brit- ney Peterson Debbie Dunn: Alejandra Lo- pez Nestor Dick Mattson Memorial: Austin Atwood, Grace Fritz Donnie Adams Memorial: Alex Tapia Edwin Mowick Outstanding Student: Hordie Bodden Bod- den Hagan Scholarship: Alejan- dra Lopez Nestor Jarrod Thebiay Memorial: Austin Atwood Keith Dyer Memorial: Aus- tin Atwood Leinassar Health Sciences: Grace Fritz L.R. Hitchman: Nathan Streibeck-Peterson See ‘Awards” on Page 8