The Columbia press. (Astoria, Or.) 1949-current, March 25, 2022, Page 4, Image 4

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The Columbia Press
Miss Clatsop: Winner is from Clatskanie
Continued from Page 1
Aliciyah, the Outstanding
Teen, received a $575 schol-
arship. She attends Astoria
High School and her mission
is anxiety awareness in teens.
Others competing for Miss
Clatsop County:
• Josie Morinville, 18, an As-
toria senior at Encore Acad-
emy. She was Miss Clatsop
County runner up and won a
$775 scholarship and awards
for Overall Talent and Miss
Red Carpet.
• Milly McCalmon
• Madison Kadera, 21,
of Clatskanie, who re-
of Warrenton, who was
ceived the Teen Over-
named Miss Congeni-
all Interview, Teen
ality and winner of the
Fitness, and Director’s
Dedicated to Service
Choice awards. To-
Award. Total scholar-
tal scholarship money
ships: $1,250.
awarded: $550.
• Ruby Dyer, 21, of
The Miss Clatsop
Warrenton, who will
attend Clatsop Communi- Program is part of the Miss
ty College. She received the America Organization, the
Alexis Mather Scholarship. world’s leading scholarship
Total awards: $450.
provider for women.
March 25, 2022
Astoria wins federal project funds
The $1.5 trillion funding
plan approved this month to
keep the federal government
running through the end of
the fiscal year, includes sev-
eral projects for Northwest
The Community Project
Funding portion of the Om-
nibus Appropriations Agree-
ment includes $10.7 million
for the region.
The city of Astoria will get
$676,875 for a landslide
storm-drainage project.
Other funding included in
the package:
• Construction of a plaza at
Multnomah County’s behav-
ioral health resource center,
$2.67 million.
• Expansion of construc-
tion tradesmen training for
WorkSystems Inc. in Port-
land, $1 million.
• A building renovation
project at the Portland Jap-
anese Garden, $1.75 million.
• Expansion of the Coast-
al Margin Observation and
Prediction Program run by
Columbia River Inter-Tribal
Fish Commission, $760,000.
“This legislation is a major
win for our communities, and
I am delighted that it con-
tains funding for 10 projects
… I championed to increase
access to critical services
and promote equity,” said
U.S. Rep. Suzanne Bonami-
ci, D-Ore. “These projects
will make our communities
stronger and create new op-
portunities for families and
The omnibus package in-
cludes $13.6 billion in emer-
gency aid for Ukraine.
Hoax: Device
covered with
political slogans
Continued from Page 1
actual explosive device, but
made to look like one.
The OSP team sealed it up
as evidence and turned it
over to Warrenton Police.
Anyone who has informa-
tion or who may have been
in the Home Depot area be-
tween 4 and 5 p.m. Thurs-
day, Jan. 17, and who may
have witnessed anything is
encouraged to contact Sgt.
James Pierce at jpierce@ or call
503-861-2355. To speak to
an on-duty officer, call 503-