The Columbia Press March 25, 2022 Watch out for tiny nesting beach birds It’s time to step lightly on area beaches. The snowy plover nesting season began mid-month and runs through Sept. 15. The bird is considered a threatened species and beachgoers should use cau- tion by staying on the wet sand in areas where they like to nest, including Fort Ste- vens State Park. Plover beaches remain open to foot and equestrian traffic on wet, packed sand through- out the nesting season. But all other recreation on plover beaches is off limits on both wet and dry sand, including walking your dog (even on a leash), driving a vehicle, rid- ing a bicycle, camping, burn- ing wood or other materials, and flying kites or drones. “We appreciate everyone’s help; it’s making a differ- ence,” said Cindy Burns, Siu- slaw National Forest wildlife biologist. “Humans play an important role in the long- term success of the western snowy plover. If we can mini- mize our impact, this species has a greater chance of thriv- ing.” The small bird nests on open sand along Oregon’s beaches. Nests, and especially chicks, are well camouflaged. Hu- man disturbances can flush adult plovers away from their nests as they attempt to de- fend their young. Left alone too long, or too often, eggs or chicks can die from exposure, predators, or people. Detailed maps showing sen- sitive areas can be found on the Oregon State Parks web- site ( The U.S. Fish and Wildlife U.S. Fish and Wildlife The threatened snowy plover lays eggs on sandy beaches. Letter to the editor Commissioner helped our project I am reaching out to you af- ter having a wonderful conver- sation with City Commissioner Rick Newton. His involvement has helped support the Head Start Program in Warrenton. Rick has gone above and beyond connecting the needs of our nonprofit with people willing to donate time for crit- ical repairs and/or upgrades. Here is a story about who we are and how Rick sparked community involvement: Community Action Team’s Head Start Programs are in Clatsop, Columbia and Til- lamook counties. Head Start provides high quality pre- school to promote children’s growth in all areas of develop- ment while involving families in a holistic approach. Last year, Warrenton Head Start experienced a problem with toxic mushrooms grow- ing in the playground wood chips. Due to this unfortunate circumstance, children at the facility were not able to use the playground until this issue was remediated. Staff members from the cen- ter, administrative staff and myself were able gather addi- tional volunteers to execute removal of the wood chips. Be- fore the new material could be installed, an old concrete pad from an existing play structure needed to be removed. With a limited budget, we reached out to Rick Newton to see if he might have any ability to help us. Rick was on the site within minutes of the phone call and provided us a contact, Ryan Lampi with Big River Construction. Ryan was very happy to help with the project and gener- ously donated their time and equipment. They removed and disposed of the concrete slab with no cost to us. Big River Construction did this project quick, efficiently, and cleaned up the work site as if we were paying custom- ers. This thoughtfulness is tru- ly making a difference in the lives of so many people. Since then, we have been able to install the new playground material and give the children the outdoor play space they desperately need. Neal Ryan Jones Integrated Pest Management Coordinator Community Action Team 3 Service listed western snowy plovers as a threatened spe- cies in 1993, when officials counted only 55 breed- ing adults. The numbers of breeding adults have steadily increased since then, from 107 in 2003 to 604 in 2021. Several land managers over- see beach activity for plover protection, primarily the U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and Ore- gon Parks and Recreation. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CLATSOP In the Matter of the Estate of STEPHANIE S. ROLEY, Deceased Case No.: 22PB02407 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Laurel G. Sullivan has been appointed personal representative of the Estate of Stephanie S. Roley. All persons hav- ing claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal representative c/o Lawrence, Law- rence & Queener P.C., 427 S. Holladay Drive, Seaside, OR 97138, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal repre- sentative, or the attorney for the personal representative, Megan K.H. Law- rence, at the above address. Dated and first published on March 25, 2022. Megan K.H. Lawrence Attorney for Personal Representative IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CLATSOP In the Matter of the Estate of DORIS F. STRUMME, Deceased Case No.: 22PB02522 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Jorjett L. Strumme has been appoint- ed Personal Representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the Personal Rep- resentative c/o Seaside Attorneys, 842 Broadway, Seaside, Oregon 97138, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Repre- sentative, or the lawyer for the Personal Representative, Jeremy Rust. Dated and first published on March 25, 2022. Jeremy Rust, OSB #094927 Seaside Attorneys 842 Broadway Seaside, Oregon 97138 Attorney for Personal Representative NOTICE Disposition of Abandoned Property (ORS 98.245) March 25, 2022 The Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office has in its physical possession in pos- session of the following unclaimed personal property: • White 2013 Toyota Camry, VIN 4T1BK1FK0DU527757, Oregon li- cense plate 961 HTV. Oregon Dept. of Motor Vehicles identifies the registered owners as Sabrinna Marie Welborn and Central Willa- mette Community Credit Union. If you have any ownership interest in this unclaimed property, you must file a claim with the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, or you will lose your interest in that property. Vehicles are only released to the individual whose name appears on DMV registration records. The vehicle must be legally licensed and insured. Any claimant will need to provide proof of legal ownership and current govern- ment-issued photo identification, such as a driver license or state-issued ID. To file a claim, please contact: Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office evidence technician, 1190 SE 19th St, Warrenton, OR, phone 503-325-8635. Publish: The Columbia Press, March 25, 2022