The Columbia Press March 18, 2022 Senior Moments with Emma Edwards Not a Peep out of me! We’ll be welcoming spring in just a few days. And, of course, that means Easter candy, which is al- ready out there on grocery shelves, to fill our tummies -- I mean our baskets -- once again. Every holiday has its own seasonal treat. Christmas features candy canes. Hal- loween brings us candy corn. But Easter has my favorite treat of them all: Peeps. Yes, Peeps are hopping around everywhere already. And, yes, I realize anew, after living through a world- wide pandemic, that we are moving forward with hope of an end after more than two years. As seniors, I think most of us realize lessons learned during our time of isola- tion. Many of us look back to those long months now with thanksgiving and glorying in lessons learned. And more thankfulness for our good days and good health. Several Bible verses give us the assurance that God will carry us forward, reminding us that our days on earth are fleeting. And a good thought to remember is that every day is a new day and we will nev- er be able to find happiness if we don’t move on. I like a quote by Anne Frank, “Think of all the beau- ty still left around you and be happy.” If I feel a little down in the dumps, I’ve found a good way to cheer myself up is to try to cheer someone else up. I am reminded that we need all that rain for our beautiful spring flowers to grow well. I think spring is a time of plans and projects. And that includes spring cleaning, of course. Author Laura Ingalls Wild- er said, “Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sun- shine are hard to beat. In our mad rush for progress and modern improvements, let’s be sure we take along with us all the old-fashioned things worthwhile.” Fresh air can be rejuvenat- ing even if we just sit when we go outside. Think about what makes you happy for each of the seasons of the year, although some of our seasons tend to blend together in Warrenton. And do remember “A little encouragement can go a long way especially when God is in it.” By the way, Peeps is owned and made by Just Born Inc., a candy company in Bethle- hem, Penn. The company is named af- ter Sam Born, a confection- er who started the brand in 1917 after immigrating to the United States. The original Peeps had wings, but in 1955, the wings became history. Today, Just Born makes about 5.5 million Peeps each day in a variety of shapes and colors. I hate to admit it, but I eat Peeps whenever I can get them. Some people make bouquets out of them or pretty wreaths. Others make amazing edible play dough out of them. But, as I said, I eat them. To learn more, go to peeps-playdough. Have fun! 7 Spotlight on the City by Van Wilfinger, Building Official Ensuring buildings are safe and made to last The city of Warrenton Build- ing Department is responsible for the review of construc- tion plans and the issuance of permits for the inspection of all residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings within the city. From single-family homes to multi-family dwellings, retail stores, restaurants, schools, lumber mills, and fish pro- cessing plants. You name it, and we inspect it! We work in conjunction with the Planning Department, Public Works Department, and the Fire Department to ensure state laws are enforced to make our community and the buildings in it safe and built to last for residents and visitors. We’ve put together informa- tion on our website to assist in answering questions in a timely manner and to improve our customer service (ci.war- Recent projects Recent construction activity includes building upgrades and systems at Hampton Lum- ber Mill, the new Warrenton Middle School, the Northwest Natural Gas Operations and Maintenance Facility, Scoular Fishmeal Processing Plant, as well as the current remodel and expansion of the former Oregon Youth Authority facil- ity into what will become the new Clatsop County Jail. Our Team Permit Technician Janice Weese is a long-time resident. She works with the public answering questions about property information, devel- opment requirements, and processing building permits. Janice has been with the city for 15 years and will be retir- ing at the end of March. Her excellent service to the city has been a tremendous help to those who’ve had the pleasure of working with her, and she will be greatly missed. Our department is also as- sisted on a regular basis by Deputy City Recorder Re- becca Sprengeler, a Warren- ton High School and Clatsop Community College graduate. She has helped us as we modernize our processes, which include updates to our website, permit forms, electronic permitting and ar- chiving software, and the gen- eral implementation of new technology. City Building Inspector Christian Jensen has been with city for two years and acts as our primary residential inspector. Ever eager to learn and help provide additional service to our inspection pro- gram, he has become a cer- tified commercial inspector as well, with plans to obtain additional fire and life safety certifications. He is an Oregon native, a graduate of the University of Oregon School of Architec- ture, and can be found on the weekends tending his garden. I’m the newest member of the department and have been with the city for more than a year. As a Coast Guard veter- an, I was thrilled to return to the area after being stationed in Astoria during the 1980s. While I may serve the com- munity in a different capacity now, I still want to keep peo- ple safe through what I do. I spent two decades work- ing as a building official and inspector in Nevada and California, where I helped implement and administer several building-inspection programs. Given the city’s limited staff- ing but sizable development project queue, I’ve been help- ing the city build a more cohe- sive “Development Services” strategy for the city to follow. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION – REAL PROPERTY Case No.: 18CV30881 Plaintiff/s: Nationstar Mortgage LLC D/B/A Champion Mortgage Com- pany, v. Defendant/s: Stephen F. Mannenbach as personal representative of the estate of Tommie P. Long AKA Tommie Long AKA Tomasita P. Long AKA Tomasita Long; Unknown heirs and devisees of David E. Long AKA David E. Long, II AKA David Long; Clarence Long; David E. Long II AKA David E. Long JR; State of Oregon; United States of America; Ray Klein, INC DBA Professional Credit Service; Capitol One Bank (U.S.A.), N.A.; Occupants of the Property. Notice is hereby given that the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office will, on Tuesday, April 26, 2022, at 10:00 AM, in the main lobby of the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office, 1190 SE 19th Street, Warrenton, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier’s check, the real property commonly known as 1476 8th St., Astoria, Oregon 97103. Conditions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office to review bidder’s funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier’s checks made payable to Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. For more information on this sale go to: Publish: The Columbia Press, March 18, 25, and April 1, and 8, 2022.