The Columbia press. (Astoria, Or.) 1949-current, August 13, 2021, Page 8, Image 8

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    The Columbia Press
August 13, 2021
Seamen’s Memorial honors those who’ve died at sea
Astoria Regatta’s 2021 Sea-
men’s Memorial begins at 11
a.m. Saturday, Aug. 14, at the
Maritime Memorial Park, un-
der the bridge in Astoria.
The memorial honors those
who’ve lost their lives to the
sea or river, and celebrates
the 127th anniversary of the
Regatta Festival.
The ceremony includes a
Coast Guard honor guard
and it will be the first pub-
lic introduction of Capt. Mi-
chael S. Jackson, U.S. Coast
Guard Sector Columbia Riv-
er, who assumes command
the day before. He’ll provide
Many deaths have been at-
tributed to crossing the bar.
opening remarks.
The program includes a pre-
sentation by Regatta Queen
Annalyse Steele, and com-
ments from Regatta Presi-
dent Melissa Grothe, Astoria
Mayor Bruce Jones, Colum-
bia River Bar Pilot represen-
tative Capt. Joe Sohlberg,
commercial fishing represen-
tative Steve Fick, and former
Regatta President Kevin Lea-
Chris Lynn Taylor will pro-
vide patriotic songs, and
Fisher Poet Mary Garvey will
sing an original song.
Also Saturday is the Astoria
Regatta Boat Parade, which
begins at 5 p.m. along the Co-
lumbia River waterfront.
Angora Hiking Club offers field trip
Angora Hiking Club will
travel to Washington state
in September for a hike and
The 1.5-mile hike is at
Round Lake in Camas’ Lac-
amas Park. It includes a pic-
turesque lake, waterfall, fish
ladder, dam, and plenty of
After lunch in the picnic
area, hikers will drive to
Bonaventure of Vancouver
Senior Living, a two-year-old
four-story community that
includes sections for inde-
pendent living, assisted liv-
Your local guide to Business and Services
ing and memory care. The
facility will provide a tour
and finish with snacks on the
patio afterward.
The event begins at 9 a.m.
Sept. 9 with interested walk-
ers meeting to carpool in the
parking lot off Marine Drive
between Second and Third
streets in Astoria. Another
option is to meet the group
at 11 a.m. in the parking lot
at Lacamas Regional Park
on Northeast Everett Street
at Northeast 35 th Avenue in
Participants should bring a
sack lunch; bottled water will
be provided by the leader.
For more information, call
hike leader Kathleen Hudson
at 503-791-1392 or Hannah
Dunbar at 360-718-3520.
Volunteers sought
for area cleanups
SOLVE is sponsoring a
statewide beach and river
cleanup on Sept. 25.
Volunteers are needed to
remove invasive plants, nur-
ture native plants, and collect
members are encouraged to
visit to see a
list of volunteer projects and
sign up. All necessary tools
and supplies will be provid-
To be included in the business and
services directory, call Peggy at
The Columbia Press, 503-861-3331.
Two volunteers haul marine
debris and old fishing rope
from a river.