The Columbia press. (Astoria, Or.) 1949-current, February 05, 2021, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Columbia Press
February 5, 2021
Transportation: Walking and pedaling win funding
Continued from Page 1
Two projects in Warrenton
fall into this category: Im-
provements to the intersection
of South Main Avenue and
Ninth Street near Warrenton
Grade School and a plan to put
sidewalks along South Main
Avenue from downtown to
Warrenton High School.
• $45 million for a new bicy-
cle/pedestrian strategic pro-
gram to address priority active
transportation improvements
on state highways.
• $25.5 million for bicycle
and pedestrian project on
ODOT roads.
• $15 million for a new transit
vehicle replacement program
for vehicles in rural transit
fleets that have reached the
end of their work life.
• $12 million (an increase of
$6 million) for the mass tran-
sit program that helps main-
tain urban buses.
• $50 million in funding - an
Warrenton Urban Renewal Agency
February 9, 2021 – 6:00 p.m.
Warrenton City Hall
225 South Main Avenue
Warrenton, Or 97146
This is a Preliminary Agenda. A final Agenda and full meeting packet
will be available on the City’s website at after
4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 5, 2021.
Consideration of Food Truck License Agreement – Pizzuti’s Wood
Fired Pizza
Warrenton City Hall is accessible to the disabled. An interpreter for the
hearing impaired may be requested under the terms of ORS 192.630 by
contacting Dawne Shaw, City Recorder, at 503-861-0823 at least 48 hours
in advance of the meeting so appropriate assistance can be provided.
In the Matter of the Estate of PAUL FERDINAND FLUES SR., Deceased
Case No.: 21PB00840
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Paul Flues Jr. has been appointed
Personal Representative. All persons having claims against the Estate are
required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the Personal Repre-
sentative c/o Ashley Flukinger, Attorney at Law, LLC, 3645 Highway 101
N., Gearhart, Oregon 97138, within four months after the date of first pub-
lication of this notice or the claims may be barred.
All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain
additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Repre-
sentative, or the lawyer for the Personal Representative, Ashley Flukinger.
Dated and first published on Feb. 5, 2021.
Ashley Flukinger, OSB No. 120864
Attorney for Personal Representative
Ashley Flukinger, Attorney at Law, LLC
3645 Highway 101 N.
Gearhart, Oregon 97138
Free Obituaries
The Columbia Press publishes free obituaries of community
members who pass away.
These free obituaries are 7 to 12 inches long and include a
photo. We’ll do the writing for you.
Those who want to write their own obituaries to honor a loved
one may do so. These are $7.50 per column inch and can in-
clude a photo.
Please call us at 503-861-3331or send an email to office@theco-
increase of one-third over past
levels - for transit service ben-
efitting seniors and individuals
with disabilities. Sunset Em-
pire Transportation District
has issued a call for projects
and ideas that would use the
funding in Clatsop County.
• $7.5 million for transporta-
tion options focused on reduc-
ing single-occupancy vehicle
Of course, everything in the
budget won’t go to alternative
transportation. The bulk of
funding will go toward fix-it
The commission also sup-
ported ODOT’s request to
fund $800 million in repairs.
Cindy Yingst/The Columbia Press
A school bus and a large pickup squeeze past each other on
Ninth Street near Warrenton Grade School.
during the next four years:
• $372 million for bridge and
seismic projects.
• $301 million for pavement
The Warrenton City Commission will hold their Annual Retreat on Satur-
day, February 13, 2021, beginning at 9:00 a.m., in the Fire Training Room
in City Hall, 225 S. Main Avenue, Warrenton, Oregon 97146. The purpose
of the retreat is to discuss City Commission goals and direction.
The meeting location is accessible to the disabled. An interpreter for the
hearing impaired may be requested under the terms of ORS 192.630 by
contacting Dawne Shaw, City Recorder, at 503-861-0823 at least 48 hours
in advance of the meeting so appropriate assistance can be provided.
TUESDAY February 9, 2021 – 6:00 P.M.
Warrenton City Commission Chambers
225 South Main Avenue, Warrenton, OR 97146
This is a Preliminary Agenda. A final Agenda and full meeting packet
will be available on the City’s website at and at
City Hall after 3:00 p.m. on Friday, February 5, 2021.
Public Meetings will be conducted in the Commission Chambers with a
limited seating arrangement. To adhere to social distancing recommen-
dations, meetings will now also be audio and video live streamed. Go to
lic-meetings for connection instructions.
Consideration of FEMA Grants – Fire Department
Consideration of Regional Grant with Clatsop County Fire Depart-
ments, FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program
Consideration of Resolution No. 2588; Formally Declaring an End to
Grandfathering of Vacation Rentals in Residential Zones
Consideration of Adoption of Policies & Procedures for Citizen
Consideration of Resolution No. 2589; Establishing a Marina Advi-
sory Board
Consideration of Resolution No. 2590; Appointing Members to the
Marina Advisory Board
Warrenton City Hall is accessible to the disabled. An interpreter for the
hearing impaired may be requested under the terms of ORS 192.630 by
contacting the City Recorder, at 503-861-0823 at least 48 hours in ad-
vance of the meeting so appropriate assistance can be provided.
• $77 million for intelligent
transportation systems, unsta-
ble slopes, signs, signals and
• $50 million for culverts.
Even with these significant
investments, the condition of
aging bridges and pavement
will continue to deteriorate
over the course of the funding
cycle, according to ODOT.
Sewer plant
receives permit
treatment plant received a
new operating permit, effec-
tive Feb. 1.
The National Pollutant
Disposal Elimination Sys-
tem permit from state De-
partment of Environmental
Quality is good for five years.
It took 3 ½ years to obtain,
Operations Manager Kyle
Sharpsteen told city commis-
sioners. He did not return a
phone call or email seeking
information about the delay.
The city is in the process
of planning for a larger and
more efficient plant, which
will require a new set of oper-
ating rules and a new permit.
The city’s treatment plant is
at 105 N.E. Fifth St., just west
of Skipanon Drive. Treated
wastewater is discharged into
the Columbia River.