The Columbia press. (Astoria, Or.) 1949-current, July 17, 2020, Page 2, Image 2

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    T he C olumbia P ress
The week ahead
Note: All public meetings
are being held virtually. In-
formation on how to connect
is posted on each entity’s
website, usually attached to
the meeting agenda.
s unday , J uly 19
• Astoria Sunday Market,
10 a.m. to 3 p.m., 12th Street
parking lot between Duane
and Exchange streets.
M onday , J uly 20
• Astoria City Council, 7
t uesday , J uly 21
• Port of Astoria Board of
Directors, 4 p.m.
W ednesday , J uly 22
• Clatsop County Com-
mission, 6 p.m.
• Seaside Farmer’s
Market, 2 to 6 p.m., 1120
t hursday , J uly 23
• Sunset Empire Trans-
portation District Board,
9 a.m.
s aturday , J uly 25
• Port of Ilwaco Saturday
Market, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
port waterfront.
July 17, 2020
Public safety calls
W arrants
• Warrant service, 7:22 p.m. July
12, North Main Avenue at Alder
Avenue. Zachary A. Sanchez, 27,
of Yamhill was arrested on a pa-
role board warrant and booked
at Clatsop County Jail.
t hefts
• Shoplifting, 10:21 a.m. July
6, Walmart. Randy L. Landau-
er, 39, of Hillsboro was cited
for third-degree theft after he
allegedly attempted to leave
the store without paying for a
$26 flat repair kit. He also was
arrested on a felony warrant
issued by Washington County
Circuit Court.
• Fuel siphoned from truck, 5:51
p.m. July 6, Home Depot.
• Shoplifting, 4:05 p.m. July 9,
Walmart. Amanda J. Wagner,
34, of Tillamook was cited for
second-degree theft and crimi-
nal mischief after she allegedly
attempted to leave the store
without paying for $224 in tools,
sunglasses, food and clothes.
• Shoplifting, 5:05 p.m. July 10,
Walmart. Sybil A. Bliven, 35, of
Portland was cited for third-de-
gree theft after she allegedly
attempted to leave the store
C latsop C ounty ’ s only Independent Weekly neWspaper
Published by Clatsop County Media Services LLC
Send news or address changes to:
5 N Highway 101 #500, Warrenton OR 97146
Cindy Yingst, Publisher/Editor
Peggy Yingst, Advertising Director
D.B. Lewis, Circulation Director
Postage paid at the Warrenton Post Office
All content copyrighted by Clatsop County Media Services LLC
without paying for $34 in hand
sanitizer, food and toiletries.
• Theft of gasoline and batteries,
8:59 a.m. July 11, 1000 block
Southeast Marlin Avenue. Busi-
ness owner reported chain-link
fencing cut and gas siphoned
from numerous motorcycles,
lawnmowers and other vehicles.
s uspiCious CirCuMstanCes
and disturBanCes
• Drinking in public, 8:05 p.m.
July 3, Skipanon River Park.
Brandon R. Gillette, 41, no
known address, was cited.
• Disturbance, 4:52 p.m. July 5,
200 block South Main Avenue.
Sonia Juarez, 41, of Grandview,
Wash., was cited for criminal
• Man in a recreational vehicle
refusing to leave, 7 a.m. July
6, Premarq Center. Shaun A.
Schlenker, 43, no known ad-
dress, was cited for illegal camp-
ing. Later that day, at 4:30 p.m.,
Schlenker was cited for criminal
• Disturbance, 10:25 p.m. July
7, Highway 101 at Ensign Lane.
Brett Bane Mellott, 31, no known
address, was arrested on suspi-
cion of disorderly conduct and
• Menacing, 9:24 a.m. July 8,
Eighth Avenue and North Prom,
Seaside. A 66-year-old man
digging clams told police he was
threatened by a man claiming
to be a commercial clam digger
who threatened to beat him up,
held a shovel over his head and
said the man was digging in his
t raffiC
• Two-vehicle collision, no inju-
ries, 6:55 a.m. July 2, Walmart
parking lot.
• Hit-and run, July 6, parking lot on
Neptune Avenue at Highway 101.
• Motorcycle-vehicle collision, one
death, 7:11 p.m. July 8, Highway
101 at Avenue G, Gearhart.
• Traffic stop, 12:07 p.m. July 7,
Highway 104 at Highway 101.
Driver cited for driving while sus-
pended and having no insurance.
• Traffic stop, 4:08 p.m. July 7,
Highway 101 at Southeast Marlin
Avenue. Lynda L. Owens, 37,
no known address, was cited for
failing to carry and present a
license, driving while suspended
and having no insurance.
• Hit-and-run collision, 2:55 p.m.
July 8, Staples parking lot. Max
F. Hemmert, 80, of Astoria was
cited for failing to perform the
duties of a driver following an
• Big rig into ditch, 11:57 a.m.
July 9, Highway 30 near Wau-
na mill. The 54-year-old male
driver told police he felt a sharp
pain in his head, looked up and
thought he saw a vehicle in his
lane and swerved to avoid a col-
lision. A witness said the vehicle
was headed west in the east-
bound lane. Driver was taken to
Columbia Memorial Hospital for
treatment of pain.
• Speeding, 4:53 p.m. July 9,
Highway 30 at Burnside Loop.
Karl Hennessee, 57, of Astoria
was cited for criminal reckless
driving, going 75 in a 55 mph
zone, driving while suspend-
ed, having no insurance and
switched license plates.
• Vehicle vs. deer, 9:40 p.m. July
9, Highway 30 west of Knappa.
Vehicle had to be towed.
• Three-vehicle collision, no in-
juries, northbound Highway 101
near Cullaby Lake Lane.
f ire and serviCe Calls
• Arson fire, 2:23 p.m. July 8,
transient camp behind Warren-
ton Kia.
• Smell of gas/chemical fumes,
11:57 p.m. July 8, South Jetty.
• Carbon monoxide alarm, 1:04
a.m. July 9, Camp Rilea.
• Brush fire, 8:16 p.m. July 10,
1100 Southwest Pine Drive.
• Smell of smoke in area, 12:35
p.m. July 11, 500 block Ridge
M ediCal Calls
• Treat male who’d been pep-
per-sprayed, 1:26 p.m. July 8,
South Main Avenue at First
• Unknown medical problem,
4:10 p.m. July 8, 1400 block
Discovery Lane.
• Male lift assist, 11:01 p.m. July
8, 100 block Southwest Cedar
• High blood sugar issue, 11:41
p.m. July 8, 400 block South
Main Avenue.
• Fall patient, 1:41 p.m. July 9,
90600 block Lewis Road.
• Female having panic attack,
2:57 p.m. July 9, 200 block
South Main Avenue.
• Male having a seizure, 11:03
a.m. July 10, KOA Campground.
• Child with head injury, 9:11
p.m. July 11, Fort Stevens.
• Cardio-pulmonary resuscita-
tion, 2:41 a.m. July 12, 1600
block Pacific Ridge Lane.
• Female having seizure, 4:33
p.m. July 12, Fred Meyer.
• Lift assist, 10:23 p.m. July 12,
2000 block Southeast Azalea
• Fall from roof, 1:44 p.m. July
13, 100 block Southeast First
• Help Medix with extraction,
10:14 p.m. July 13, 2200 block
Southeast Dolphin Avenue.
• Female feeling dizzy, 11:52 a.m.
July 14, Walmart.
Fire in transient
camp may be arson
A fire last week in a home-
less camp may have been in-
tentionally set, according to a
police report.
The fire, about 300 feet off
Highway 101 between War-
renton Kia and Ocean Crest
Chevrolet, was called in at
2:23 p.m. July 8.
Residents of a transient
camp closer to the highway
told an officer they’d heard
a loud boom coming from
the direction of a second
camp about 15 minutes ear-
lier and had seen a homeless
man who wasn’t staying in
the area go in that direction
shortly before.
The owner of an off-road
store a block away reported
the theft of gasoline and nu-
merous batteries from his
business recently and said
many of the stolen items were
found in the camps.