T he C olumbia P ress 1 50 ¢ C latsop C ounty ’ s I ndependent W eekly www.thecolumbiapress.com May 8, 2020 Conservancy returns land to area Indian tribes Land that once belonged to Native Americans at the north end of Seaside has been returned to them. North Coast Land Con- servancy transferred own- ership of historical tribal lands at Neawanna Point Habitat Reserve — 18.6 acres of saltmarsh and Sit- ka spruce forest on the Ne- canicum Estuary — to the Clatsop-Nehalem Confed- erated Tribes. Known to the Clatsop people as Ne-ah-coxie, or “place of little pines,” the property is the first the tribes have owned since losing their lands due to non-native settlement more than 200 years ago. “We look forward to walk- ing in the footsteps of our ancestors as we cherish and care for the land,” said Di- ane Collier of Warrenton, chair of the Clatsop tribe and descendant of Clatsop Chief Tostum, a signer of the 1851 Tansy Point Trea- ty, which was never ratified See ‘Land’ on Page 6 ILikeTLC Federally Insured By NCUA Plans for Skipanon Peninsula stay on hold Economy necessitates delay in sale or development The Columbia Press Courtesy Clatsop-Nehalem Confederated Tribes Guy Capoeman skippers the Clatsop-Nehalem Confederated Tribes’ cedar dugout canoe past the village site on the Necanicum Estuary, along with tribe members Charlotte Basch, Lorraine Basch, and Capoeman’s daughter, Ilia. Ne-ah-coxie village site, formerly known as Neawanna Point Habi- tat Reserve, where Nea- coxie Creek enters the Necanicum Estuary. Courtesy NCLC WE’VE GOT Your financial partner YOU R for today, tomorrow, . K and the future. C A B We’re not going anywhere and fibrefamily Vol. 4, Issue 19 Plans for major improvements to the Skipanon Peninsula have been moved, once again, to the back burner. More than a year ago, the Port of Astoria asked its Airport Advisory Committee to form a sub- panel to discuss ways to increase revenue. Some commissioners and others have argued the airport has been a drain on the port’s already strapped finances. So the subcommittee came up with several ways the port could make money from land it owns in Warrenton, including the 45-acre Air- port Industrial Park west of the airport and the Skipanon Peninsula, two miles northwest of the park. “Better days are coming and we need to be thinking about what we want to do with it in the future,” Port Commission- er Frank Spence said during a teleconference meeting Tues- day afternoon. “We don’t know what’s going to happen and I think we need to put in our minds: are we going to lease it Spence or sell it or (improve) it?” Multimillion dollar grants will be hard to come See ‘Peninsula’ on Page 4 503.842.7523 www.tlcfcu.org Zaheen and Zain: Fibre Family Members Since 2019 85 W Marine Dr. • Astoria 2315 N Roosevelt Dr • Seaside 1771 Ensign Ln • Warrenton your money is safe with us. A DIVISION OF CREDIT UNION