The Columbia press. (Astoria, Or.) 1949-current, January 31, 2020, Page 6, Image 6

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    January 31, 2020
T he C olumbia P ress
In the Matter of the Estate of DORIS ANNA HOPP, Deceased
Case No.: 19PB09105
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Doris Dunn has been appointed Per-
sonal Representative. All persons having claims against the Estate are re-
quired to present them, with vouchers attached, to the Personal Represen-
tative c/o Seaside Attorneys, 842 Broadway, Seaside Oregon 97138, within
four months after the date of first publication of this notice or the claims
may be barred.
All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain
additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Repre-
sentative, or the lawyer for the Personal Representative, Ashley Flukinger.
Dated and first published on Jan. 17, 2020.
Ashley Flukinger, OSB No. 120864
Attorney for Co-Personal Representatives
Seaside Attorneys
842 Broadway
Seaside, Oregon 97138
In the Matter of the Estate of GERTRUDE ADAMARIE ADAMS, Deceased
Case No.: 19PB09894
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Darrin Dunn and Doris Dunn have
been appointed Co-Personal Representatives. All persons having claims
against the Estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached,
to the Co-Personal Representatives c/o Seaside Attorneys, 842 Broadway,
Seaside Oregon 97138, within four months after the date of first publication
of this notice or the claims may be barred.
All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain
additional information from the records of the Court, the Co-Personal Rep-
resentatives, or the lawyer for the Co-Personal Representatives, Ashley
Dated and first published on Jan. 17, 2020.
Ashley Flukinger, OSB No. 120864
Attorney for Co-Personal Representatives
Seaside Attorneys
842 Broadway
Seaside, Oregon 97138
Guild Mortgage Company, Plaintiff/s,
Taylor S. Birdwell aka Taylor Scott Birdwell; Hillary Hope King; and
all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, lien, or
interest in the real property commonly known as 534 SW 1st Pl., War-
renton, Oregon 97146, Defendant/s.
Case No.: 19CV19368
Notice is hereby given that the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office will, on
Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 10:00 AM, in the main lobby of the Clat-
sop County Sheriff’s Office, 1190 SE 19th Street, Warrenton, Oregon, sell, at
public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier’s check, the real
property commonly known as 534 SW 1st Pl, Warrenton, Oregon 97146.
Conditions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to
the auction to allow the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office to review bidder’s
funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier’s checks made payable to Clatsop
County Sheriff’s Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full im-
mediately upon the close of the sale.
For more information on this sale go to:
Free Obituaries
The Columbia Press publishes free obituaries of community members
who pass away. These free obituaries are 7 to 12 inches long and include
a photo. We’ll do the writing for you. Those who want to write their own
obituaries to honor a loved one may do so. These are $7.50 per column
inch and can include a photo. Please call us at 503-861-3331or send an
email to
Chamber: Awards given for service to community
Continued from Page 1
Healthy Kids, which provides
money, food and school sup-
plies to local children in need.
She also served on the board of
Way to Wellville.
She coordinates the Thanks-
giving basket give-away and
organizes the Christmas gift
She has catered team dinners
for student athletes, cheers
them on from the sidelines,
and has sponsored athletes
unable to pay to participate in
sports, Balensifer said.
“This year’s winner consis-
tently advocates for other fam-
ilies in Warrenton, not just
through the school system,” he
Winners of the George Award,
given to Astoria residents who
make a difference, are Dulcye
Taylor, Mike and Mary Da-
vies, and Teresa Brownlie. The
awards were presented by As-
toria Mayor Bruce Jones.
d ulCye t aylor
Taylor, who owns Old Town
Framing, was instrumental in
organizing Astoria Downtown
Historic District Association
and served as its chair for many
years. She helps coordinate the
Jane Barnes Revue, the Pacific
Northwest Brew Cup and was
instrumental in saving the his-
toric Tourist 2 ferry.
She has served on the boards
for Astoria Parks and Recre-
ation Foundation, the Garden
of Surging Waves, Astoria Vi-
sual Arts, the Diversity Com-
mittee, Astoria Music Festival
and Cascadia Chamber Opera.
“Her love of this community
shines through in everything
she does,” Jones said.
M ike and M ary d aVies
The Davieses, who own sev-
eral food shops including Sub-
way and Beach Burrito, are “a
dynamic duo, a couple whose
collective community involve-
ment is so extensive that we
will only be able to touch on
a fraction of it tonight,” Jones
said. Through their businesses,
they have donated thousands
of sandwiches to any cause that
A public hearing is scheduled before the Warrenton Planning Commis-
sion at 6:00 p.m., Thursday, February 13, 2020 in the Commission Cham-
bers, Warrenton City Hall, 225 S Main, Warrenton, regarding a land use ap-
plication submitted by Pacific Coast Seafood for modification to approved
plans for a 2,016 SF addition to a seafood processing facility. The subject
property is located at 450 NE Skipanon Drive and is identified as Tax Lot
This application will be reviewed under the procedures, applicable stan-
dards and criteria in Warrenton Municipal Code (WMC) Chapters 16.64,
Water Dependent Industrial Shorelands, 16.160 Columbia River Estuary
Shoreland and Aquatic Area Development Standards, 16.164 Impact As-
sessment and Resource Capability Determination, 16.128 Vehicle and Bi-
cycle Parking, 16.140 Stormwater and Surface Water Management, WMC
Section 16.208 Type III Procedure (Quasi-Judicial), Chapter 16.212 Site
Design Review, and Chapter 16.228 Modifications to Approved Plans and
Conditions of Approval.
Anyone wishing to participate in the above-noted public hearing may
present testimony orally at the public hearing, or submit written testi-
mony, which must be received by the Warrenton Planning and Building
Department no later than 5:00 P.M. on the day of the hearing. Written
comments may be mailed to Kevin A. Cronin, Community Development
Director, Warrenton Community & Economic Development Department,
P.O. Box 250, Warrenton Oregon, 97146-0250. Failure to raise an issue on
the record in person or by letter before the close of the record at the public
hearing, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the
decision making body an opportunity to respond to the issue, will preclude
appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on that issue.
Anyone wishing to review and/or purchase copies of the application and/
or staff report may do so at Warrenton City Hall, 225 South Main, Warren-
ton. The staff report will be available for review at no cost at least seven
days before the hearing. Copies may be purchased for a nominal fee. For
more information, please contact Kevin A. Cronin – cityplanner@ci.warret- or 503.861.0920.
Published: The Columbia Press, Jan. 31, 2020
needed them, he added.
Mary Davies is a founding
member of the Assistance
League of the Columbia Pacif-
ic, served on the Liberty The-
atre board and was its first di-
rector, and volunteered with
Astor Street Opry Company
and Coaster Theatre in Cannon
Beach, performing in many
shows, along with assisting As-
toria High School with its dra-
ma productions. She’s also on
the board of Lower Columbia
Mike Davies serves on the
Astoria Armory board, the ad-
ministrative council of Our
Lady of Victory in Seaside, and
has chaired the parent-teacher
groups for both Gearhart El-
ementary and Star of the Sea
School. He served on the cham-
ber board, helping coordinate
the annual seafood festival.
“He was there setting up,
hauling garbage, running sump
pumps and anything else that
came up,” Jones said. “And
then he was there afterward to
tear everything down.”
t eresa B roWnlie
Brownlie, who works for NW
Natural, is a longtime chamber
ambassador and volunteer.
She has volunteered for the
chamber’s Crab, Seafood &
Wine Festival, Business After
Hours, UnWined, Great Co-
lumbia Crossing and with the
Rotary Club, Astoria Regatta,
United Way, Iron Chef Goes
Coastal, Miss Oregon, March
of Dimes and the Lunch Buddy
Mentoring Program.
“(She) fulfills her volunteer
duties with a smile, a deeply
caring spirit and an unflappa-
ble determination,” Jones said.
“She’s definitely a person you
want on your team.”
o ther aWards
The President’s Award for
outstanding business was given
to Astoria Brewing Company.
The Ambassador’s Award
for going the extra mile went
to Hyak Tongue Point, which
provided a barge for the an-
nual Fourth of July fireworks