T he C olumbia P ress October 18, 2019 Designs for Spur 104 deemed too restrictive B y C indy y ingst The Columbia Press Warrenton planning com- missioners rejected a variety of changes to the city’s de- velopment code, including implementation of a mas- ter-planned development area along Spur 104. After two meetings and sev- eral hours discussing Com- munity Development Direc- tor Kevin Cronin’s proposals, Commissioner Ryan Lampi made a motion Oct. 10 to ta- ble the changes, which was approved 6-0 with an absten- tion by Commissioner Ken Yuill, one of the 25 property owners within the Spur 104 project area. Earlier this year, the city sponsored and approved a zone change from residen- tial to commercial mixed use. During the summer, it held a charrette, or weeklong open house, to gain ideas from res- idents and property owners about how the area between A master plan proposal for development within Spur 104. Ocean Crest and Home De- pot should develop. The result was a plan that included things like tiny homes, a cottage courtyard development, small busi- nesses with living quarters above and unified street signs, lighting and landscap- ing. Most troubling to the plan- ners was the restrictions that might be placed on those who develop later rather than sooner. “Every developer is respon- sible for a traffic study,” Com- missioner Chris Hayward said. “If the traffic from their project impacts an intersec- tion, they’re responsible for coming up with a solution. … There’s going to be a tip- ping point where the first guy shouldn’t get off scott-free and the last guy in shouldn’t be holding the whole bill.” Lampi said he understood why the city wants to have a master plan for the area, but nothing should be done with- out an eye to traffic issues, 3 which was the City Commis- sion’s main concern. “I don’t see the root of what the issue is being addressed,” Lampi said. “It’s hard for me to restrict development based on a fear of the unknown.” Later, he added, “We’re beating a dead horse. Either we push forward and make a decision or we don’t. … Per- sonally, I’ve seen enough of this.” Also at the meeting, com- missioners voted unanimous- ly to delay until their Nov. 14 meeting a decision on a con- ditional use permit for Pa- cific Seafoods Group, which has proposed building a 90- bed dormitory off Northwest Warrenton Drive. Fire Chief Demers retires Warrenton Fire Chief Tim Demers has retired. His last day was Tuesday. Demers, who served 11 years as chief of the Demers Warrenton Fire De- partment, has spent 39 years as a firefight- er. His family home is in Sisters, Ore. Employee suspected of stealing from Walmart A Walmart employee was arrested Saturday on suspi- cion of stealing more than $1,100 in merchandise over 18 separate instances, all caught on video surveillance, according to store security in a police report. Kylene Johnson Quinn, 63, of Astoria was cited for felony theft. Store security observed the woman staging merchandise, including Halloween candy, rope lights, picture frames and an artificial Christmas tree, near a register in the garden center, according to a police report. She attached an old receipt to the items and left the store with them at the end of her shift. Security then reviewed available security footage from other days when she worked and found a similar pattern of theft. Among the items alleged to have been taken: a train set, a Lego set, portable grill, plants, clothes, toys and pet supplies. A court hearing was sched- uled for Nov. 12 in Clatsop County Circuit Court. COMMITTEE VACANCIES The CITY OF WARRENTON is seeking interested persons to apply for vacancies on the City’s various committees. We have vacancies on the following boards: • • • • • • • • • • • Warrenton Budget Committee - 2 positions (3 year term) Warrenton Planning Commission - 2 positions (4 year term) Warrenton Community Center Board - 1 position (4 year term) Warrenton Community Center Board- 1 position (1 year term) Warrenton Parks Advisory Board - 1 position (3 year term) Warrenton Parks Advisory Board - 1 position (2 year term) Warrenton Business Association - 3 positions (3 year term) Warrenton Business Association - 1 position (2 year term) Warrenton Urban Renewal Advisory Board - 4 positions (2 year term) Community Library Board- 3 Positions (4 year term) Applications are due by November 27, 2019. This is an excellent opportunity to participate in the important deci- sions affecting your community. For more information and appointment qualifications go to the City’s website at www.ci.warrenton.or.us, (click on the “Community” tab at top of the page and then “Citizen Involvement” from the drop down menu). If you need additional information, please contact Lindsay Duarte, Dep- uty City Recorder, at 503- 861-2233 ext. 102 or via e-mail: Lduarte@ ci.warrenton.or.us.