The Columbia press. (Astoria, Or.) 1949-current, September 28, 2018, Page 2, Image 2

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    T he C olumbia P ress
The Week Ahead
Public Meetings
M onday
• Airport Advisory Com-
mittee, 4 p.m., KAST Termi-
nal, 1110 S.E. Flightline Dr.
t uesday
• Clatsop County Fair
Board, 5:30 p.m., Fair-
grounds Exhibit Hall, 92937
Walluski Loop, Astoria.
W ednesday
• Warrenton-Hammond
Schools Finance Commit-
tee, 12:45 p.m., District Office,
820 S.W. Cedar Ave.
Groups & Events
s unday
• Astoria Sunday Market,
10 a.m. to 3 p.m., along 12th
Street in downtown Astoria.
M onday
• Warrenton CERT, 6 p.m.,
Commission Chambers at City
Hall, 225 S. Main Ave.
W ednesday
• TOPS, 10 a.m., First Baptist
Church, 30 N.E. First St. Info:
s aturday
• Storytime at the library,
11 a.m., 160 S. Main Ave.
September 28, 2018
Public Safety Calls
t hefts and Burglaries
• Stolen weed-eater, 4:50 p.m.
Sept. 13, 600 block Fleet Street,
Hammond. Equipment was
valued at $400.
• Shoplifting, 6:35 p.m. Sept.
14, Walmart. Eniece Rachelle
Badham, 29, of Astoria was cited
for criminal third-degree theft
after she allegedly left the store
without paying for $24 in make-
up and other merchandise.
• Stolen bicycle, 7:40 a.m. Sept.
15, KOA. Taken was a black and
green mountain bike valued at
• Stolen bicycle, 2:25 p.m.
Sept. 15, 1600 block Southeast
Honeysuckle Loop. Taken was a
15-speed bicycle valued at $200.
• Theft, 2:52 p.m. Sept. 16, Fort
Stevens State Park. Taken was a
recreational vehicle water hose
and various supplies.
• Robbery, 8:30 p.m. Sept. 16,
Walmart. Several men were
suspected of stealing and run-
ning out of the store with items.
One threatened an employee.
A search of the area resulted
in the arrest of Joshua Martin
Biamont, 25, of Astoria on suspi-
cion of third-degree robbery,
C latsop C ounty ’ s only Independent Weekly neWspaper
Published by Clatsop County Media Services LLC
Send news or address changes to:
5 N Highway 101 #500, Warrenton OR 97146
Cindy Yingst, Publisher/Editor
Peggy Yingst, Advertising Director
D.B. Lewis, Circulation Director
Postage paid at the Warrenton Post Office
All content copyrighted by Clatsop County Media Services LLC
criminal mischief and an out-
standing warrant.
• Stolen bicycles, 4:24 p.m. Sept.
17, 200 block Southwest Second
St. Taken was a $200 lime green
Trek mountain bike and a silver
with black Electra bicycle worth
• Theft, 5:14 p.m. Sept. 17, AT&T
store. Someone left the store
without paying for a Samsung
Note 9 valued at $1,000.
• Fraudulent use of a credit card,
noon Sept. 19, 600 block East
Harbor Drive. A man who spot-
ted fraudulent charges on his
card suspected his wife’s friend
after his wife had taken her to
dinner. Marvel Louise Williams,
34, of Warrenton was arrested
on suspicion of fraud and iden-
tity theft for making purchases
at four stores totaling more than
• Theft by employee, 2:35 p.m.
Sept 19, Walmart. Jeanne P.
Bussard, 18, of Astoria was cited
for second-degree theft for six
alleged incidents over eight days
involving failure to scan items in
• Stolen bicycle, 6:55 p.m. Sept.
20, 1400 block Southeast Willow
Drive. Taken was a black BMX-
style bicycle valued at $120.
• Stolen cans, 2:32 p.m. Sept. 21,
400 block South Main Avenue.
About $60 worth of cans were
taken from a residence.
• Shoplifting, 2:50 p.m. Sept. 23,
Walmart. Suzanne K. Snodgrass,
48, of Warrenton was cited
for criminal third-degree theft
and criminal mischief after she
allegedly attempted to leave the
U-scan area without paying for
less than $5 of hot food items.
s uspiCious CirCuMstanCes /
• Trespassing, 8:15 p.m. Sept. 12,
vacant property on Southeast
19th Street. Five people were
arrested on suspicion of criminal
trespassing after failing to vacate
a transient camp. They are
Robert Antone Frier, 51; Kim-
berly Kay Thomas, 47; Bradley
Scott Minder, 38; Ronald Lynn
Carrier, 68; and Raymond Clark
Heath, 66.
• Disorderly conduct, 2:09 a.m.
Sept 18, 100 block Southwest
Birch Avenue. Robert J. Bartlett,
27, of Warrenton was cited for
criminal disorderly conduct.
• Trespassing, 5:20 pm. Sept. 20,
Neptune at East Harbor Drive.
Kevin Roy Herbert, 54, of War-
renton was arrested on suspicion
of criminal trespassing.
• Found cell phone, 6:52 p.m.
Sept. 20, 200 block South Main
• Verbal disturbance, 1:25 p.m.
Sept. 22, Walmart parking lot.
While the man and woman no
longer were arguing when an
officer arrived, it was discovered
the man had dumped motor oil
over the embankment into an
area that drains to a water via-
duct. Jonathan Caleb Hinton, 18,
of Bon Aqua, Tenn., was cited
for criminal offensive littering.
• Trespassing, 10:15 p.m. Sept.
23, Harbor Drive at Neptune.
Natasha A. Fleming, 36, with
no known address, was cited for
criminal trespassing.
V ehiCles
• Unlawful turn without signal,
6:47 p.m. Sept. 13, 2200 block
Southeast Willow Avenue.
• Drunken driving, 11:58 pm.
Sept. 13, Harbor and High-
way 101. Nancy L. Leifheit, 69,
of Portland was arrested on
suspicion of driving under the
influence of intoxicants. Her
blood-alcohol content was re-
corded at 0.14 percent.
• Traffic stop, 8:10 p.m. Sept. 15,
Ensign at Highway 101. Driver
cited for driving while suspend-
• Illegal U-turn, 9:35 p.m. Sept.
15, Ensign at Discovery Lane.
Driver cited.
• Running a stop sign, 2:54 a.m.
Sept 17, Harbor at South Main.
Driver cited for failing to obey a
traffic-control device.
• Single vehicle crash off roadway
with injury, 1:58 p.m. Sept. 17,
Highway 101 at milepost 13.
• Two-vehicle noninjury colli-
sion, 5 p.m. Sept. 19, Youngs Bay
• Traffic stop, 6:27 p.m. Sept. 19,
Southeast First Street at South
Main Avenue. Tiffiny Jane Rich-
ardson, 32, of Astoria was cited
for criminal failure to carry and
present a driver’s license.
• Traffic stop, 8:50 p.m. Sept. 19,
Harbor at South Main. Sara E.
Poirir, 35, of Warrenton was cit-
ed for criminal failure to present
a license, driving while suspend-
ed, driving without insurance
and failure to register a vehicle.
• Traffic stop, 3:36 p.m. Sept. 20,
Ensign at 19th Street. Driver cit-
ed for driving without insurance.
• Two-vehicle noninjury colli-
sion, 3:46 p.m. Sept. 21, Fred
• Hit-and-run collision, 6:24 p.m.
Sept. 21, Fred Meyer.
• Two-vehicle collision with inju-
ries, 7:34 p.m. Sept. 21, Highway
101 at Marlin. Driver cited for
failing to obey a traffic-control
device. The driver who caused
the crash and his passenger had
minor injuries.
• Hit-and-run collision, 12:30
p.m. Sept. 22, Fred Meyer park-
ing lot
• Speeding, 1:35 p.m. Sept. 22,
Highway 101 at Youngs Bay
Bridge. Driver cited for going 57
in a 45 mph zone.
• Speeding, 2:20 p.m. Sept. 22,
Ridge Road at Southwest Ninth
Street. Driver cited for going 75
in a 45 mph zone.
• Rear-end collision, no injuries,
3 p.m. Sept 22, Highway 101
at Ensign. One driver cited or
following too closely.
• Two-vehicle noninjury colli-
Continued on Page 3