The Columbia press. (Astoria, Or.) 1949-current, September 14, 2018, Page 6, Image 6

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    Legal ads
Disposition of Abandoned Property
(ORS 98.245)
The Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office has in its physical possession the
unclaimed personal property described below:
• 2001 Nissan Pathfinder, OR plate 008JNM, VIN JN8DR07Y01W519281
• 1997 Saturn SL four-door sedan, OR plate 746-KLN, VIN
• 1992 Toyota Camry, OR plate DPTN, VIN 4T1VK13E5NY035609
• 2002 Ford Taurus OR plate 683KAW, VIN1FAFP55U72G183508
If you have any ownership interest in this vehicle, you must file a claim
with the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office within 30 days from the date of
publication of this notice, or you will lose your interest in that property.
To claim a vehicle, you must provide satisfactory proof that you are the
lawful owner of the vehicle. The vehicle will only be released to the person
whose name appears on DMV registration records. In addition, the vehicle
must be legally licensed with the state of Oregon. You must provide a valid,
current driver’s license with signature and photo and proof of current in-
surance coverage for driver and vehicle.
To file a claim, please contact: Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office evidence
technician, 1190 SE 19th St, Warrenton, OR, phone 503-325-8635.
Publish: The Columbia Press, Sept. 14, 2018
The Warrenton-Hammond School District is hereby taking applications
for Budget Committee members.
The budget committee will have the responsibility for reviewing the fi-
nancial program of the district, reviewing the proposed district budget as
presented by the superintendent and recommending an annual or biennial
district budget in keeping with the provisions of applicable state laws.
Members are appointed by the Board of Directors
Members must live and be registered to vote in the Warrenton-Ham-
mond School District
Members must not be an officer, agent or employee of the Warren-
ton-Hammond School District
Members normally serve a three-year term, but some positions are
completing other terms of office and may be shorter in duration.
Position 2: Three-year term
Position 6: Three-year term
Applications and additional information are available at the school dis-
trict office located at 820 SW Cedar Ave., Warrenton. 503-861-2281. Or on
the district website at
Warrenton-Hammond School Board of Directors
Announce Vacancy
The Board of Directors of the Warrenton-Hammond School District No. 30
is actively seeking one applicant to serve on the school district’s Board of
Directors, Position 4, through June 30, 2019.
Any interested citizen, who is a resident of the Warrenton-Hammond
School District for at least one year immediately preceding the appoint-
ment, is invited to submit an application. Applications can be downloaded
from the District’s website,, or picked up from
the District Office Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., 820 SW
Cedar Avenue in Warrenton.
The deadline for receipt of applications is noon on Tuesday, Sep-
tember 25th.
Applicant interviews will be held September 26th. The appointment and
first meeting for the selected candidate will be held Wednesday, October
September 14, 2018
T he C olumbia P ress
Free Obituaries
The Columbia Press runs free obituaries for community mem-
bers who pass away. These are generally 7 to 12 inches and
include a photo. We do the writing using your information.
Those who want to write their own may do so. Cost for these is
$7.50 per column inch and can include a photo.
‘Other’ Flavel house featured
in three-day fund-raiser
Clatsop County Historical
Society is host for a three-day
“Flavel Fun” series focusing
on the family that had such
an impact on Astoria’s last
The event is sponsored by
the society, City Lumber and
the Newenhof family in hon-
or of Greg Newenhof, who
had worked to restore the
long-neglected residence be-
fore he died earlier this year.
The groups hope to raise
money to finish the resto-
“A Family Residence in
Decline” is the topic of John
Goodenberger’s lecture at
7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 20,
in the Columbian Theater,
1102 Marine Dr. The lecture
will trace the lives of Capt.
George Flavel’s descendants:
reclusive, mysterious, and
fodder for endless gossip.
“A lot of people run amok
with the facts regarding the
Flavels,” Goodenberger said.
“There’s no need to embel-
lish this story.”
The evening includes Fla-
vel home movies. Tickets are
$10 and sold at the door.
A reception at the Capt.
George Flavel residence is at
7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 21, at the
Newenhof’s Flavel House be-
fore any restorations.
home, 627 15th St.
Attendees will view home
movies never seen before in
public. The films span the
1930s, ’40s and ’50s and cap-
ture the family at home and
on world travels. Tickets are
$75 per person. Space is lim-
Attendees will enjoy cock-
tails and hors d’oeuvres. In
addition, attendees will be
able to bid for wine at the
Capt. Flavel home and a ca-
tered dinner at the Capt.
George Flavel House Muse-
Self-guided tours of the res-
idence are from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22. The
public will be able to see work
accomplished in the ongoing
restoration. Tickets are $10
for historical society mem-
bers and $25 for nonmem-
The Warrenton Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing at
6:00 P.M. October 11, 2018 at the Warrenton City Hall, Commission Cham-
ber to consider Case No. DCR 18-4, an amendment to Warrenton Munici-
pal Code Section 16.64 Water Dependent Industrial (I-2). This case will be
reviewed under the procedures, standards and criteria in Warrenton Mu-
nicipal Code 16.208.060, Type IV Procedure (Legislative and Map Amend-
ments.) and Chapter 16.232 Amendments to Comprehensive Plan Text and
Map, Rezone and Development Code.
Anyone wishing to testify on this proposal may either attend the pub-
lic hearing and speak to the Planning Commission, or submit written ma-
terials, which must be received by the Warrenton Planning and Building
Department no later than 5:00 P.M. on the day of the hearing. Written
comments may be mailed to Kevin A. Cronin, Community Development Di-
rector, Community & Economic Development Department, P.O. Box 250,
Warrenton Oregon, 97146-0250.
Anyone wishing to review and/or purchase copies of the proposed leg-
islation and/or staff report may do so at Warrenton City Hall, 225 South
Main, or may contact Kevin A. Cronin, Community Development Director
at 503-861-0920. The staff report will be available for review at no cost at
least seven days before the hearing.
Published: The Columbia Press, Sept. 14, 2018
Letter to the Editor
Why you should
support jail bond
I have lived in Clatsop
County since 1971. During
that period, I was employed
as an Oregon State peace offi-
cer with the University of Or-
egon assigned to Job Corps, a
member of the Astoria Police
Department and a part-time
jail deputy.
Working in this field of law
enforcement, I had occa-
sion to become involved in
the workings of the Clatsop
County Jail.
I am familiar with many of
the problems of the working
conditions that staff have had
to contend with. The cramped
space staff must work in, the
lack of living space prisoners
have to share and the ongoing
conditions that sometimes
cause safety concerns for both
staff and those incarcerated.
We have a great opportu-
nity to move the jail from
its confined area to a facil-
ity presently known as the
former North Coast Youth
Correctional Facility, locat-
ed just a few blocks from the
Sheriff’s Office. I have visited
these buildings many times
while serving on the Warren-
ton-Hammond School Board,
attending work sessions and
graduation ceremonies of the
youth who completed their
certificate of learning. The
buildings have great poten-
tial to hold and help and treat
Sheriff Tom Bergin has my
strong support. He’s a strong
proponent of remodeling the
youth facility for our jail and
has led the movement to lead
presentations to promote
the bond throughout Clatsop
County. I ask our citizens to
look at all accessible informa-
tion and attend discussions
that may help inform.
Melvin Jasmin