T he C olumbia P ress 1 50 ¢ C latsop C ounty ’ s I ndependent W eekly n eWspaper 503-861-3331 December 15, 2017 Pipe deficiencies mean changes or water rate hikes College poised for increased maritime funds B y C indy y ingst Bill signed by Trump could mean expanded program The Columbia Press The Columbia Press and news services Maritime programs at Clat- sop Community College could win federal status making them eligible for funds to expand, and increasing the college’s prominence in the industry. President Trump signed the National Defense Authoriza- tion Act this week, approving additional spending on the military and programs like those at the college. The House and Senate passed the $700 billion bill last month. Above: Students in a maritime science class participate in a wa- ter safety drill. Maritime science training at Clatsop Community College could get a boost. Left: A student studies mechan- ics aboard the Forerunner, the college’s training ship. Photos courtesy Clastop Community College See ‘Maritime’ on Page 7 Some residents envision pedestrian overpasses B y C indy y ingst The Columbia Press Most of us don’t spend our days pondering improvements to the city’s road system as city planners and transportation engineers do. But the tables were turned in Warrenton last week, when resi- dents were asked to dream about ways things could improve. Some of the ideas: • Building a pedestrian overpass above Highway 101 that would connect the dike trail from the air- port area to the path behind the Premarq Center. • Adding sidewalks on Main Av- Vol. 1, Issue 50 enue connecting the high school to the existing sidewalk system at Ninth Street. • Raising and widening the Ski- panon River bridge on Highway 104 – also called Alternate High- way 101 – west of Cash and Carry market. • Making a safe pedestrian path or overpass that would connect soccer fields on both sides of Ridge Road. • Connecting existing trails in Hammond to Fort Stevens, par- ticularly from Pacific Drive. Oregon Department of Trans- portation’s open house at Warren- ton City Hall on Dec. 7 was meant How to participate To view the plan and have a say about road, bike and pedestrian improvements, visit warrentontsp.com. to garner ideas and input about the city’s roads, hiking trails and bike paths. “We want to work our plans into this jurisdiction,” said Ken Shonk- wiler, a senior region planner for ODOT. It’s especially important in a community like Warrenton be- cause so many of its main arteries come under state jurisdiction, in- See ‘Transportation’ on Page 4 Warrenton has 89 miles of pipes in its water system and many of them need to be replaced. That was part of the dire news at a City Com- mission briefing Tuesday by a consultant work- ing on the city’s 20-year water master plan. The other dire news: Warrenton residents will need to cough up 25 million in to- day’s dollars to address the pipes and other deficiencies and ex- pected improvements during the next two decades. “We’re already the highest in the county and we need another, what, 25 percent” increase in res- idents’ water bills, Commission- Baldwin er Mark Baldwin lamented. Cannon Beach water users pay an average of $29.95 per month; Seaside users pay $32.46 and Astorians pay $37.42. Warrenton’s average is $39.83. The city has been too kind in charging low fees to new commercial and housing develop- ers, Baldwin said, “and we haven’t helped our ratepayers one iota.” F IxIng the problem Warrenton should develop new agreements with its largest water users – the city of Gear- hart and Pacific Coast Seafoods – and plan for a 1.8 percent per year average growth rate over the next 20 years, said consultant David Stan- gel, a public works engineer with Murraysmith, which is developing the water plan. Already the city is replacing all the city’s resi- dential water meters and adding them to previ- ously unmetered accounts, such as the marinas, public works yard and wastewater treatment plant. And it’s conducting a study, funded by grants, to determine where the system’s leaks are. As much as 40 percent of the city’s water is lost through leaky pipes or faulty water meters. Earlier this year, the city approved raising wa- See ‘Water’ on Page 5