The Columbia press. (Astoria, Or.) 1949-current, December 08, 2017, Image 1

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    T he C olumbia P ress
50 ¢
C latsop C ounty ’ s I ndependent W eekly n eWspaper
December 8, 2017
Vol. 1, Issue 49
Give a gift if you want to love the holidays Marinas target
abandoned boats
B y C indy y ingst
City sells them via website;
others hold public auctions
The Columbia Press
People who love Christmas
tend to be people who love to
It’s no wonder a third of all
annual giving takes place in
December. Those who have
plenty can’t and shouldn’t
enjoy the holidays without
helping those with less.
The United States ranks
fifth overall in giving com-
pared to other countries, the
WalletHub reports.
WalletHub also ranked the
states based on 14 indicators
of charitable behavior and
Oregon did pretty well.
We’re seventh in volun-
teer rates, 12 in the number
of charities per capita, 13 in
the percent of income resi-
dents donate and 16 in both
the percent of the population
who donate money and the
B y C indy y ingst
The Columbia Press
Above left: Greg and Christina Merten’s leonberger dogs Gulliver and Murphy pose
with Santa at last year’s Clatsop Animal Assistance fund-raiser.
Above right: Owen and Savannah, rescued greyhounds belonging to Roger and
Jonena Lindsley of Astoria, get their time with Santa.
Bottom left: Visitors look through auction items at last year’s Clatsop Animal Assis-
tance party.
See ‘Giving’ on Page 6
Submitted photos
Recent incidents spur fears of chronic wasting disease in Oregon
The Columbia Press
and news services
Twice in the past month, hunters
have brought elk or elk parts infect-
ed with chronic wasting disease into
It’s a major concern for state wild-
life officials since Oregon is a CWD-
free state. The fatal neurological
disease has never been detected in
the state’s captive or free-ranging
deer, elk or moose.
In the most recent case, two hunt-
ers brought prohibited elk parts
from Colorado and Wyoming –
where chronic wasting is a problem
-- into the Rogue Valley.
Earlier in November, a Madras
man brought banned parts of a
CWD-positive deer from Montana
to Oregon. In that case, Oregon
Department of Fish and Wildlife
collected the banned parts and in-
cinerated them, which is one of the
only ways to destroy the pathogen.
In both instances, Oregon State
Police cited the hunters.
The risk of transmitting the non-
reversible disease to Oregon’s wild
game population is high, especially
in light of the two recent incidents.
Boat for sale at a steal of a price.
$1,000 will get you the American, a 35-
foot wooden recreational vessel.
For a little under
$8,000, you can
Buy a boat
have Master Chris, The city has avail-
a 72-foot commer- able boats listed on
cial craft.
the web at ci.warren-
has A link on
placed seven boats the home page will
for sale after going take you to Marina
through an ardu-
Items for Sale.
ous process to ob-
tain ownership rights through a state mar-
itime seizure process. All the boats were
abandoned – some of them for years -- and
left to die at Warrenton Marina.
“The Master Chris showed up in the mid-
dle of the night and they just walked away
from it,” Harbormastor Jane Sweet said.
Other boats were left to rot when owners
couldn’t afford the maintenance or moorage
fees. Some sank.
The city of Warrenton started out with
See ‘Boats’ on Page 5
One infected animal can affect the
future of all susceptible species in
the state.
By bringing potentially CWD-in-
fected elk parts containing central
nervous system tissue into Oregon,
the health and population of Ore-
gon’s deer, elk, and moose is jeop-
“We need hunters who go out of
state to be vigilant and not bring
prohibited ungulate parts back to
Oregon,” said Duane Dungannon,
state coordinator for the Oregon
Hunters Association. “CWD rep- The 35-foot wooden recreational vessel American
See ‘Disease’ on Page 4 will go for debt payment plus $1,000 or best offer.