The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, October 12, 2022, Page 6, Image 6

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Prairie City
Rose Coombs
I didn’t ask any of those
who came to get their shots if
they had read about it in the
paper. We had a good show-
ing of people to get their arms
poked and some who even
decided to eat a meal with us.
Thank you. The people from
the health department waited
until they were done poking to
eat their meals. Thank you, too.
So all that got accomplished
very effi ciently. Nice to have
room to do those kind of things
for the community.
While I was feeling good
about that, the mail delivered
a letter from our insurance car-
rier. It said that we were not
going to be renewed because
we are a — and I quote —
“social club.” So? That’s what
the government is encourag-
ing, right? Get old people out
of their houses and get them
talking to other people, right?
And it took them a year to
discover this? If you get the
impression that I am upset, you
are correct. So I better move on
to more mundane items
Theresa rang the dinner
bell and Del led the fl ag salute.
Gwynne won the gift card
donated by Len’s Pharmacy.
Chris asked the blessing. The
table to go fi rst got chosen by
assistant cook Pam G. because
she answered the question
about a scary movie. I have not
watched any of that genre, so
I had not a clue. Anyhow, she
picked our table! So away we
went to pick up our plate of
hamburger steak with onions,
mashed potatoes and gravy,
creamed corn, and your choice
of Jell-O, oranges, or a cinna-
mon roll for dessert. Mmmm,
We got some more oranges
to give away. And Ginger
picked some plums from her
tree and brought a box full to
share. She said her dog likes to
eat them, too, seed and all! The
deer eat them and spit the seed
out. Guess their teeth are not as
strong as a dog’s.
Famous birthdays included
Ray Kroc of McDonald’s fame
and Allen Ludden of old TV
quiz show fame. And would
you believe that more candy is
sold for Halloween than Valen-
tine’s Day? That just isn’t right!
Another botany fact: pumpkin
is a fruit, not a vegetable. Won-
der who decides that? What are
the criteria?
Our meal today was in
memory of Terry Ketchum.
Thanks to her anonymous
included Mary, Carla, Gwynne
and Sharon. Chris and The-
resa were on duty in the hall.
Thanks to all of you for a job
well done.
We are still waiting for the
cantaloupe that we picked to
show signs of ripening — and
it’s been two weeks! Curiosity
will get the better of us soon,
I’m afraid. … Meanwhile,
I’m doing a renovation on the
south side of the garden. The
carrots and cantaloupes are in
the middle and on the north, so
I won’t bother them. Can only
work two hours in the morning
on it, so that leaves the rest of
the day for other pursuits! Was
given a bunch of English mys-
tery books so am working my
way through them.
Eph. 3:6 This mystery is that
through the gospel the Gentiles
are heirs together with Israel,
members together of one body,
and sharers together in the
promise in Christ Jesus.
John Day
Elsie Huskey
Two years ago we noticed
we were running out of water
and had to wait awhile for the
well to get more water and we
could get some for a while and
run out after a few minutes of
using it. So we found a well
driller, but due to COVID and
then so many people needed
wells drilled or cleaned out,
we waited till a month or so
ago and fi nally got one drilled.
Now, after several weeks, we
are fi nally getting it connected
to the house with six times as
much water as we had. I am so
anxious to be able to use water
and not tell hubby and son I
need water and vice versa.
On Monday Oct. 3, Dar-
lene Nodine and David Pasko
greeted all in-house diners and
checked them in and got their
names in the drawings for the
day. Dale Stennett led the fl ag
salute and Elsie Huskey asked
the blessing. Thanks, every-
one, for doing a part for a suc-
cessful lunch.
Mary Jones and Gloria
Kulis of the hospital auxil-
iary were the servers for lunch.
Thanks, ladies, we appreciate
you. Lunch was beef mush-
room Swiss melt, potato salad,
dill pickles and pumpkin cream
cheese bread for dessert. It was
all very good. I had never heard
of pumpkin and cream cheese,
but it was very good. Thanks,
Shay and Kim, for a great
Thirteen in-house din-
ers, one takeout lunch and 83
delivered meals makes a total
of 97 meals out of our kitchen
this day. Shay and Kim are to
be applauded for preparing all
these meals, boxing and bag-
ging and serving these meals
and then cleaning up after-
wards. That is quite a feat. We
appreciate both of you. The
delivery drivers were Mike and
Pati Davis, Mike Shockley, and
Kim from our kitchen. A big
thanks to all of you for helping
our members of the commu-
nity who cannot get out. This is
a wonderful service.
If anyone has an Oregonian
paper for Oct. 2, Dale Stennett
would love to get it. An obit-
uary in it is important to him.
Thanks for your eff orts to get
one of these for Dale.
Linda Leavell won the
Len’s card and David Pasko
won the free meal. Congrats,
you two.
Jeanette Julsrud assisted
Linda Stoltz with sorting deco-
rative items, pictures, and other
items in the new space pro-
vided for that purpose. Thanks,
ladies, for helping with this
Harvest Festival and the
farmers market are joining
together on Oct. 14 from 3
to 8 p.m. and Oct. 15 from 9
to 2 p.m. This will be a fun,
interesting fall day to mingle
and hear music from the jam-
mers and see things other peo-
ple make. Try to come out
and have some fun while the
weather is tolerable. This will
take place at the Heritage Barn
at the fairgrounds. They will
have an apple cider mill so you
can get some fresh cider and
even bring your own apples to
be ground, right there.
Everyone who participates
at our senior center is appre-
ciated. Ron (I can’t remem-
ber his last name, forgive me)
is great to help with wrapping
our dinnerware in the napkins
and putting a band on them and
we don’t want to forget even
one volunteer as it takes many
to complete each event.
The Assembly of God
Church is putting together
shoeboxes for Samaritan’s
Purse. You can fi nd boxes at
any church and Len’s has had
them in the past. Fill them with
small items — crochet hooks,
embroidery thread, Beanie
Babies or other small dolls,
pencils and sharpeners, rubber
balls, notepads, washcloths.
For more suggestions you can
call any church for a longer list.
Len’s will know also. These
are for Christmas for children
in poor communities and coun-
tries. Samaritan’s Purse will
distribute them.
Darlene Nodine and Carol
Roe greeted diners on Thurs-
day, Oct. 6, and got everyone
seated as it was the day for
Pacifi cSource so there were
many diners this day. Thanks,
Joe Pippin led the fl ag salute
and Pati Davis asked the bless-
ing. Since the crowd was larger
than anticipated, Shay was
concerned that his food prepa-
ration would not be enough, so
Pati asked our Heavenly Father
to multiply the food we have
so no one was left out. At the
end of the day, we had food
left over to share with others.
God is so good. We never need
to need anything, just ask Him
and He provides all we need.
Pati’s prayer was answered just
like she asked.
Pati Davis and Jeanette Jul-
srud were the servers today.
They did a great job. Thanks,
ladies. Lunch was lasagna,
cucumber salad, and birthday
cake (chocolate with chocolate
frosting) all made possible by
Driskill and Pacifi cSource.
There were 73 in-house
diners, fi ve takeouts, and 52
meals delivered by Matt Mol-
nar, Jeanette Julsrud, Mike and
Pati Davis. Thanks to all four
of you for this wonderful ser-
vice. The total meals from our
kitchen today were 130. Wow!
Thanks again, Shay and Kim.
That’s a lot of work.
Kay Cotham won the Ches-
ter’s card and Harriet Crum
won the free lunch. Congrats,
you two.
We had a nice donation of
books for our library from Dan
and Karla Averett. Linda was
so grateful, as we all are. Thank
you so much for contributing
to our center.
Tomorrow, Oct. 13, lunch
will be barbecue chicken bites
with bacon and cheese, navy
bean salad and s’mores bars.
Then on Monday Oct. 17,
lunch will be clam chowder,
dinner rolls, green salad, and
apple spice cake.
Isaiah 41:13 For I the Lord
thy God will hold thy right
hand, saying unto thee, Fear
not; I will help thee. (That is
a great promise we have if we
will trust Him for it).
Soo Yukawa
Well, our cooks Terry Cade
and Carrie Jewell did it again.
They served us a wonderful
meal which they called Hus-
band’s Delight Casserole, fresh
green salad, garlic bread, and
peach cobbler for our dessert.
All were pleased and delighted
with this new dish. We thank
our great cooks and tip our hats
to them!
Our greeters at the table
were Bob Cockrell and Sue
Cavender. Bob led us in the
fl ag salute and Judy Har-
ris made the announcements.
Yours truly prayed the bless-
ing over the meal. We thank all
our volunteers for their help.
We also had our usual friends
from Spray join us for lunch.
I think I heard Terry say that
they served about 65 meals
total, including to-go lunches.
Judy again thanked every-
one for their help and volun-
teering for the Buckaroo. The
multitude of the community
coming together to help put
together the Buckaroo made it
possible for the event. Every-
one’s help was much appreci-
ated! This is why I love living
in Monument.
My mommy and my friend
are here visiting. Even though
I am older now, my mom still
treats me like a little kid. I am
just praying and asking the
Lord to help me have patience
with her. She is partially
deaf in one ear and when she
talks, people who don’t know
her will think she is mad and
To keep her busy, I am
going to have her dig up my
garlic and maybe my potatoes
too. I will put her to work about
planting some lettuce and spin-
ach. Hee-hee. This is the only
way that I can keep her from
getting in my business and rep-
rimanding me like I’m 5 years
I showed my friend my
goats and she loves them! Ha.
She especially loved Billy. He
came running over, followed
her around, and nibbled on her
pants. She just adored him. She
said that they acted like they
were little puppies. I told her
that I could not eat Billy since I
raised him and he was a bottle
baby. She totally agreed, say-
ing, “Of course you can’t eat
It has been nice having my
friend and mom around. Hope-
fully they will really enjoy their
stay here. My friend is appreci-
ating the scenery and the qui-
etness of the country life. She
said it is very peaceful here.
We took my mom and
friend to John Day and we
had lunch at the Outpost. They
liked the food and I showed
them the one traffi c light in our
Grant County. Ha. I think they
found it amusing.
My friend will have to get
her fi ll of goat love while she
is here. Ha. I did warn her to
not pet the billy goats because
they stink and that pee-pee
smell will not come off . I don’t
know if she understood what
I meant? She is not really fl u-
ent in English so sometimes it
is diffi cult trying to communi-
cate with her, too, along with
my mother.
Psalms 23: 1-3 The Lord is
my Shepherd, I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in
green pastures, He leadeth
me besides the still waters. He
restoreth my soul: He leadeth
me in the paths of righteous-
ness for His Name’s sake.
Community Church
SUNDAY SERVICE..............9 am
Lutheran Church
Come Worship with us at
627 SE Hillcrest, John Day
2 Corinthians 5:17
Every Sunday in the L.C.
Community Center
(Corner of Second & Allen)
Contact Pastor Ed Studtmann at
541-421-3888 • Begins at 4:00pm
Grace Chapel (EMC )
154 E. Williams St.
Prairie City, Oregon
541 820-4437
Pastor Robert Perkins
Sunday School (all ages)
Sunday Worship
John Day Valley
Meeting every Sunday
at Mt. Vernon Grange Hall
Sunday School ................................ 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship ............. 10:50 a.m.
Pastor Leland Smucker
Everyone Welcome • 541-932-2861
1 st Sunday Worship/Communion ...................10am
3 rd Sunday Worship/Communion/Potluck.....4:30pm
2 nd , 4 th & 5 th Sunday Worship..........................10am
Sunday Bible Study .....................................8:45am
For information: 541-575-2348
24/7 Inspirational Christian
Tune into KSPL 98.1 FM
For more information,
call 541 620-0340
St. Thomas
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live Sunday 10am
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59357 Hwy 26 Mt. Vernon
Sunday School ............................9:30 am
Sunday Worship Service.......... 10:45 am
Sunday Evening Service............ 6:00 pm
Children & Teen Activities
Celebration of Worship
Thursdays 6:30pm
Youth: 0-6th Grade
Weekdays: Sonshine Christian Schoo l
Pastor Randy Johnson
521 E. Main • John Day • 541-575-1895
Sundays 5:30pm
Youth: 0-6th Grade
Midweek Service
Jr./Sr. High
Youth Connection
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Overcomer’s Outreach
Mondays at 6pm at
A Christ-Centered, 12-Step
Recovery Support Group
Pastor Sharon Miller
126 NW Canton, John Day
Food Pantry Friday 3-4PM
Sunday School ..................... 9:45 am
Sunday Worship ...................... 11 am
Fox Community Church............. 3 pm
Sunday Evening Bible Talk......... 6 pm
Saturday Men’s Study ............... 6 pm
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Full Gospel- Come Grow With Us
Sunday Worship • 9AM
(541) 575-1326
541-575-1202 Church
311 NE Dayton St, John Day
Pastor Al Altnow