A6 Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, October 5, 2022 SENIORS GRANT COUNTY SENIORS Prairie City Seniors Rose Coombs Keep forgetting to tell you about our wonderful bug- keeper-outer that has been built on our back porch. It is inhabited by some enterpris- ing spiders. They have built bug-catching webs so that we hardly ever have any bugs in the house. After it freezes, I will sweep all the webs away and clean the window that they were attached to. But until then ... do your thing, arachnids! News fl ash! This week — Oct. 5 — the ladies from the Grant County Health Depart- ment will come and do their thing by giving fl u and COVID shots from noon till 1:30 at our center. You have been informed if you read the paper early enough ... Ginger led the fl ag salute, Theresa did the “What hap- pened on this day” and Tom asked the blessing. The win- ner of the $10 gift certifi cate donated by Huff man’s Market was Delores Scott. She was the only one who signed up as having a September birth- day. (And it was her 94th on the 10th.) Birthdays of the past include Ed Sullivan in 1901 and Brigitte Bardot in 1934. This was the day that Wil- liam the Conqueror invaded England (read all about that in the Welsh history book) in 1066. The Siege of Yorktown began in 1781, which led to American independence — from said England! How about that! In other news, the fi rst game of baseball was played in 1846 against a team of cricket players. (They didn’t like it.) Of course, it’s Ameri- ca’s national pastime! And this was the day that Johnny Car- son took over “The Tonight Show” in 1956. He was the third host. The table to answer this question got to go through the serving line fi rst: Who did Joe DiMaggio marry in 1954? And we all knew that answer! You have to be quick on the draw in this crowd! The wise saying for the day is: “Wrin- kles are where smiles have been.” Good one, Theresa! Pam and Pam prepared pot roast with baked pota- toes, carrots, Jell-O with fruit, and served the birthday cake donated by Driskill Memorial Chapel. Thanks so much to all our gifters. We really appre- ciate all you do for us. And thanks to Cycle Oregon for the gift of fruits and vegetables that were left over from their ride. Thanks to our volun- teer delivery people: Gwynne, Sharon, Mary, Theresa, and our in-house help Tom, Chris, Pam, Ginger, and Theresa. (That lady does get around!) A special thanks also to Cheryl Neault for the gift of takeout containers. (Have you counted the thank-yous!) We appreci- ate all gifts of whatever sort. Del brought in a couple of his squash to give away. And we know that fall is offi cially here because he then drained the swamp cooler. Thanks, Del. You are the only one who knows how to do it! Happy Jewish New Year 5782. Hebrews 13:7, 8 Remem- ber your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Con- sider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yes- terday and today and forever. John Day Seniors Elsie Huskey The week just past has been so refreshing, with per- fect temperatures. Not too cold and not too hot. Just the way most of us like it. By the time you are reading this, it will be October already. With time going by so fast these days, we don’t seem to have time to sleep as we need to sleep so fast to keep up with the time. Mercy! A few new faces are being found at our senior cen- ter and sure are welcome. Since COVID-19 showed its unruly self to all of us, and it has taken so long to catch up with all the lost time, we are so ready to resume a normalcy in our lives, our senior cen- ter and all of our comings and goings. Janet Binger is one of the new faces, and she has vol- unteered to work with our cen- ter to build it up. We all appre- ciate you, Janet. I sure hope no English teacher reads this and is frustrated in all the termi- nology used here and the poor English behavior. This last week we had a luncheon on Monday and Thursday, and the food was very tasty and beautiful to the eye. The folks that greet all of us lunch-goers were Carol Roe, Janet Binger, Judy Thomas and Darlene Nodine. Thanks to all four of you for your willingness and desire to serve the public. Mary Jones and Dale Stennett led the fl ag salutes this week. Rachel Car- penter and Pati Davis asked the blessing for the meals this week. There were a total of 29 in-house diners this week and several meals were taken out. Also, 104 fresh meals and 38 frozen meals were delivered by Jeanette Julsrud, Michael Shockley, Rachel Carpenter, Cindy Combs, Peggy Molnar, Mike and Pati Davis, and Mary Jones. That was a lot of food out of our kitchen this week. Good job, Shay and Kim. Several people deserve a big thanks for their service this week. Ronnie, thank you for helping out before each meal to wrap our dinnerware. This is very sanitary and nice-look- ing, too. Ronnie has been doing this for some time but I was not aware of it. Ronnie has a big heart. He does other little things to assist diners and always has a great smile. Darlene Nodine does so many things that need done to make the lunch experience turn out well. She oversees all the paperwork for keeping track of food going out from the kitchen and where it goes and sees that all the needed sup- plies are available to do each task. Thank you, Darlene. You are very important to all of us at our senior center. It is so hard to even think about all the little details that need to be in place for success. Carol Roe has been diligent in helping with greeting each person that comes into the building and sees that no one is neglected or falls through the cracks, so to speak. Thank you, Carol for your attentiveness. It is next to impossible to name each task and the ones that perform it, so we’ll keep trying not to miss anyone in the long haul. You that help out and volunteer at the senior center know who I am talking about — yes, you. Linda Stoltz has done a great job to get a real active, beautiful library inside our building. Stop in and look around, it is very pleasant in there. Thank you, Linda. You put in many hours and days doing all you do for the library and keeping our dining room attractive. So much goes into the planning and actual organi- zation of all the diff erent things needed to accomplish this task. We appreciate you so much, Linda, just keep smiling. Ladies from the Blue Mountain Hospital Auxiliary on Thursday and Rachel Car- penter on Monday were the servers this week. The menu for the week was just as it was printed up. Harvest Share did share a huge amount of produce this week. The carrots were so fresh and sweet. There were so many oranges, people keep taking them and there are still more. Joe Pippin brought in some cucumbers from his own garden to share with us. Thank you, Joe. Everyone should have enough COVID tests now. The hope is that we wouldn’t need them, but it is better to be safe and have them than be sorry without them. We are still collecting pull tabs from soda pop cans and vegetable cans. Ronald McDonald House is using them to assist them in having needed items for the people they help out so much. This week Joe Phippen and Mya Ennis won the Ches- ter’s and Len’s cards, and Glo- ria Kulis and Deda Porter won free meals. Congratulations, all four of you. It has been nice to hear the buzz of conversations in our center. It had been too long silent due to COVID. So many things coming in my head with all the memories of the times together. We all need this kind of fellowship. Come on in and see what I mean. You will enjoy it. On Thursday, Oct. 6, (my mouth is watering as I am reading this to type) lasa- gna, cucumber salad, and it is birthday time so birthday cake will be provided by Drisk- ill Memorial Chapel and they sponsor the whole meal. Good food and good sponsors. What could be better? Thank you, Driskill. Psalms 91:6 and 7 Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you. Monument Seniors Soo Yukawa Our fabulous cooks Terry Cade and Carrie Jewell made us some very juicy pork chops with stuffi ng, cole- slaw, cucumber salad, din- ner rolls, and chocolate cake with cherry fi lling on top for our dessert. The pork chops were so moist and tender! All who were present thoroughly enjoyed our scrumptious meal. Thank you to our won- derful chefs. Our greeters at the table were Bob Cockrell and Sue Cavender. Bob and Sue checked in the guests. Bob led us in the fl ag salute and Judy Harris made the announce- ments. Yours truly prayed the blessing over the meal. We thank all our volunteers who help to make our senior center run smoothly. Judy thanked everyone who came and helped with the Buckaroo celebration. Judy and Jeannie Strange orches- trated this whole event with lots of hard work and time. We appreciate them very much. Everyone’s concerted eff orts helped to make the Buckaroo a wonderful time and we were able to raise $17,000 after all was said and done! We thank all who came to serve and those who came to support our town and community! Roger Lawrence was the lucky winner of the $50 gift card to the Squeeze-In diner. Please mark on your calen- dar that we will be celebrating our veterans on Nov. 8. We are celebrating and recognizing our veterans for their service to our country. Well, I guess maybe my comment that I did not see any changes of the leaves turn- ing color made a diff erence? It seemed that all of a sudden, there was a shift in the weather and the leaves started turning colors. Oh, I just love seeing the many diff erent shades of red, red-orange, browns, yellows, and copper of the fall leaves. It is very beautiful indeed. The Lord is such an awesome Cre- ator. His beauty is seen all over creation. Bless the Lord and His breathtaking handiwork. Are you in a mad dash to get things done before the winter comes upon us? There is so much to do and I am hop- ing to get all of it done before the fi rst snow falls. My garden is slowing down. I am still getting toma- toes and some zucchini. I still have peppers growing and I got two cucumbers! Ha. Praise the Lord for my tomatoes. I don’t know how much pota- toes I will get because I for- got to keep putting new dirt in their cloth pots so I am think- ing there will be maybe two meals’ worth, but hey, it is bet- ter than nothing. My mommy is coming to visit me very soon. She is coming to help me for I will be having surgery done. The Lord is good, all the time, and He is forever faithful. His per- fect love casts out all fear. To live in Christ and to die is gain. There is peace and rest in the Lord. I look forward to the coming winter. Maybe I will get some more sewing proj- ects done or do some reading? Psalms 93:1 The LORD reigneth, He is clothed with majesty. The LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith He hath girded Himself. The world also is established, that it cannot be moved. MT. VERNON PRESBYTERIAN Community Church SUNDAY SERVICE..............9 am SUNDAY SERVICE..9 am 541-932-4800 EVERYONE WELCOME Redeemer Lutheran Church Come Worship with us at 627 SE Hillcrest, John Day 2 Corinthians 5:17 Every Sunday in the L.C. Community Center (Corner of Second & Allen) Contact Pastor Ed Studtmann at 541-421-3888 • Begins at 4:00pm Grace Chapel (EMC ) 154 E. Williams St. Prairie City, Oregon 541 820-4437 Pastor Robert Perkins Sunday School (all ages) 9:30-10:30 Sunday Worship 10:45-12:00 John Day Valley Mennonite Church Meeting every Sunday at Mt. Vernon Grange Hall Sunday School ................................ 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship ............. 10:50 a.m. Pastor Leland Smucker Everyone Welcome • 541-932-2861 1 st Sunday Worship/Communion ...................10am 3 rd Sunday Worship/Communion/Potluck.....4:30pm 2 nd , 4 th & 5 th Sunday Worship..........................10am Sunday Bible Study .....................................8:45am For information: 541-575-2348 24/7 Inspirational Christian Broadcasting Tune into KSPL 98.1 FM For more information, call 541 620-0340 St. Thomas Episcopal Church Join us on Facebook live Sunday 10am Like us on Facebook! CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 59357 Hwy 26 Mt. Vernon Sunday School ............................9:30 am Sunday Worship Service.......... 10:45 am Sunday Evening Service............ 6:00 pm Children & Teen Activities Celebration of Worship SMALL GROUPS CALL FOR MORE INFO Thursdays 6:30pm Youth: 0-6th Grade Weekdays: Sonshine Christian Schoo l Pastor Randy Johnson 521 E. Main • John Day • 541-575-1895 www.johndaynazarene.com Sundays 5:30pm Youth: 0-6th Grade Midweek Service Jr./Sr. High Youth Connection Wednesdays at 6:30pm Overcomer’s Outreach Mondays at 6pm at LWCC A Christ-Centered, 12-Step Recovery Support Group Pastor Sharon Miller 541-932-4910 www.livingwordcc.com JOHN DAY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH johndayUMC@gmail.com 126 NW Canton, John Day Food Pantry Friday 3-4PM Sunday School ..................... 9:45 am Sunday Worship ...................... 11 am Fox Community Church............. 3 pm Sunday Evening Bible Talk......... 6 pm Saturday Men’s Study ............... 6 pm Like us on Facebook! Full Gospel- Come Grow With Us Sunday Worship • 9AM (541) 575-1326 541-575-1202 Church 311 NE Dayton St, John Day Pastor Al Altnow