NEWS Wednesday, September 28, 2022 Justice Dept. balks at fees SURPRISE INSPECTION By DON JENKINS Capital Press Contributed Photo Oregon State Police Trooper Parker James (center) poses for a picture with students and faculty at Monument School on Monday, Sept. 19, 2022. James popped in unannounced and spent about two hours visiting with the students. COPS AND COURTS Circuit Court Sept. 22 Jack Daniel Bates, 47, pleaded guilty to the following counts in rela- tion to an incident which occurred on Sep. 24, 2020: Criminal driving while suspended or revoked; felon in possession of a fi rearm; driving under the infl uence of intoxicants; failure to appear in the fi rst degree. An addi- tional count of felon in possession of a fi rearm was dismissed. He was sentenced to a total of 30 months in prison and a period of 24 months’ probation. Terms of his probation include attending a Victim Impact Panel Program, obtaining a substance abuse assessment and completing all recommended treatment. He may not use or possess intoxicants and must install an ignition interlock device on his vehicle. Benjamin Keefe Yocum, 22, pleaded guilty to the following counts in relation to an incident which occurred on April 30: driv- ing under the infl uence of intoxi- cants; minor in possession of alcohol; and driving uninsured. An additional count of violating the open con- tainer law in a motor vehicle was dis- missed. Yocum was sentenced to 48 hours in jail and had his license sus- pended for one year. He was given 18 months of probation, with terms including requirements to attend a Victim Impact Panel and to complete all recommended treatment resulting from a substance abuse assessment. He must not possess or use intoxi- cants for that period, and must install an ignition interlock device on his vehicle. Yocum was fi ned $695. An additional $1,255 in fi nes was waived but could be reinstated if he violates his probation. Grant County Sheriff The Grant County Sheriff ’s Offi ce reported the following for the week ending Sept. 21: Concealed handgun licenses: 5 Average inmates: 9 Bookings: 9 Releases: 11 Arrests: 2 Citations: 4 Fingerprints: 9 Civil papers: 7 Warrants processed: 4 Assist/welfare check: 0 Search and rescue: 0 Dispatch Grant County dispatch worked 156 calls during the week ending Sept. 21, including: • Grant County Sheriff ’s Offi ce Sept. 14 1 p.m.: Responded to Northeast Elm Street, John Day, for a welfare check. 2:14 p.m.: Dispatched to reported theft at Owens Street, Dayville. 2:36 p.m.: Responded to East Main Street, John Day, for a welfare check. 7:36 p.m.: Took Olle Leroi Starnes, 52, of John Day into custody at The Outpost on a Grant County parole and probation detainer for vio- Showing Movies Since 1940! 1809 1st Street • Baker City  SEPT 30 - OCT 6  SMILE (R) After witnessing a bizarre, traumatic incident involving a patient, Dr. Rose Cotter starts experiencing frightening occurrences that she can’t explain. Friday Sat & Sun Mon-Thurs BROS 4:10, 7:10 1:10, 4:10, 7:10 7:10 (R) Two men with commitment problems attempt a relationship. Friday Sat & Sun Mon-Thurs 4:05, 7:05 1:05, 4:05, 7:05 7:05 DON’T WORRY DARLING (R) A 1950s housewife living with her husband in a utopian ex- perimental community begins to worry that his glamorous company could be hiding disturbing secrets. Friday Sat & Sun Mon-Thurs 4:00, 7:00 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 7:00 **SHOWTIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. VISIT OUR WEBSITE OR CALL AHEAD TO VERIFY** (541) 523-2522 lation of probation. 7:46 p.m.: Responded to report of a non-injury, vehicle-vs.-deer acci- dent at Front Street, Prairie City. 9:58 p.m.: Received report of fraud and theft at Suds Pub, Mt. Vernon. Sept. 15 2:16 p.m.: Responded to report of criminal mischief at Dixie Lookout. 3:16 p.m.: Received report of a non-injury four-wheeler accident at South Fork Road, Dayville. 3:38 p.m.: Cited Bethany Hollis- ter, 54, of Fort Bragg during a traf- fi c stop at Adam Road/Highway 395 South. 7:45 p.m.: Received a report of a civil issue at Hillcrest Drive, John Day. 11:17 p.m.: Received report of commercial burglary alarm at West Main Street, John Day. Sept. 16 10:07 a.m.: Received report of abandoned vehicle at Indian Rock Lookout. 11:03 p.m.: Responded to Cou- gar Crossing for a welfare check. 12:12 p.m.: Received complaint of animal abuse at North Johnson Street, Prairie City. 1:56 p.m.: Received complaint of harassment at Patterson Drive, Can- yon City. 7:10 p.m.: Received report of criminal mischief at Elk View Drive, Canyon City. 7:48 p.m.: Received report of verbal domestic disturbance at Aslin Avenue, Mt. Vernon. 7:59 p.m.: Advised Oregon State Police of injured fawn at Highway 26 near Gunther Street, John Day. Fawn dispatched. Sept. 17 12:58 a.m.: Received report of a gunshot at Cayuse Lane, John Day. 1:01 a.m.: Received report of barking dog at Mountain Boulevard, Mt. Vernon. 5:15 a.m.: Received report from USFS that vehicles needed to be moved from parking lot at Patterson Bridge Road, John Day. 8:52 a.m.: Received report of injured deer at Front Street, Prairie City. 10:48 p.m.: Cited Brad Lee Hartwick, 46, of John Day during a traffi c stop at Highway 26, milepost 173. 2:43 p.m.: Received report of a theft at South Canyon Boulevard, John Day. 3:35 p.m.: Cited Calvin Edward Metz, 20, of Roseburg at Highway 26, milepost 154. 3:54 p.m.: Cited David Alan Wynde, 67, of Portland at Highway 26, milepost 154. 4:13 p.m.: Cited Nina Victoria Edwards, 51, of Ione at Highway 26, milepost 154. 4:56 p.m.: Received driving com- plaint at Highway 26, milepost 153. 7:02 p.m.: Received report of driving quads without helmets. 7:23 p.m.: Received report of speeding vehicle at South Hall Street, Prairie City. 8:09 p.m.: Received report of criminal mischief at South Fork Road, Dayville. 8:24 p.m.: Received report of down power line at West Main Street, John Day. Advised Oregon Trail Electric Co-Op. Sept. 18 12:15 a.m.: Responded to domes- tic disturbance at Southeast Dayton Street, John Day. 8:50 a.m.: Received report of pos- sible domestic disturbance at High- land Place, John Day. Determined to be unfounded. 9:00 a.m.: Received report of money stolen at Highland Place, John Day. 2:45 p.m.: Received report of tres- passing at Middle Fork Lane, Bates. 3:06 p.m.: Received report of criminal mischief at Elk View Drive, Canyon City. 8:04 p.m.: Investigated report of theft of merchandise at Figaro’s Pizza, John Day. 9:00 p.m.: Received report of cat- tle on roadway at Highway 402 near Big Bend sign. Sept. 19 7:44 a.m.: Received report of abandoned car at West Main Street, John Day. 10:14 a.m.: Received report of a non-injury accident at Highway 402. 4:27 p.m.: Received report of an injured deer at Edgewood Drive, Can- yon City. Sept. 20 12:48 a.m.: Received report of stranded motorists at Parish Cabin Campground, John Day. 2:14 p.m.: Received report of missing child. Child found quickly. 2:34 p.m.: Received report of debris falling on the roadway from a vehicle at Highway 26, milepost 142. 5:49 p.m.: Removed road hazard at Highway 26, Milepost 165. 8:18 p.m.: Investigated report of suspicious vehicle at Timbers Bistro, John Day. Found someone sleeping in vehicle. All OK. 10:59 p.m.: Assisted Oregon State Police with disabled motorist on Highway 26, milepost 185. Sept. 21 1:57 p.m.: Responded to West Main Street, John Day, for a welfare check. • Oregon State Police Sept. 14 9:40 p.m.: Advised of cattle in roadway on Highway 395 North. Sept. 17 9:25 a.m.: Received driving com- plaint at Highway 26, milepost 144. 2:22 p.m.: Advised of cattle in roadway at milepost 110B, Highway 395 North. 5:20 p.m.: Advised of cattle on roadway on Highway 26, milepost 205. Sept. 18 9:11 p.m.: Responded to report of dead deer at Highway 26 at Dog Creek Road. Deer removed. Sept. 19 6:35 a.m.: Received driving com- plaint at Highway 26, milepost 156. Sept. 21 1:06 p.m.: Received report of cat- tle on roadway at Highway 395 North, milepost 78B. • John Day Ambulance Sept. 16 3:23 p.m.: Responded to High- way 395 north of Mt. Vernon for an 84-year-old male in need of a lift assist. Sept. 19 12:00 a.m.: Patient transfer at the airport. Sept. 20 3:05 p.m.: Responded to report A MAN WAKES UP in the morning after sleeping on... an advertised bed, in advertised pajamas. He will bathe in an ADVERTISED TUB, shave with an ADVERTISED RAZOR, have a breakfast of ADVERTISED JUICE, cereal and toast, toasted in an ADVERTISED TOASTER, put on ADVERTISED CLOTHES and glance at his ADVERTISED WATCH. He’ll ride to work in his ADVERTISED CAR, sit at an ADVERTISED DESK and write with an ADVERTISED PEN. Yet this person hesitates to advertise, saying that advertising doesn’t pay. Finally, when his non-advertised business is going under, HE’LL ADVERTISE IT FOR SALE. Then it’s too late. AND THEY SAY ADVERTISING DOESN’T WORK? DON’T MAKE THIS SAME MISTAKE Advertising is an investment, not an expense. Think about it! Blue Mountain Eagle S286526-1 Arrests and citations in the Blue Mountain Eagle are taken from the logs of law enforcement agencies. Every eff ort is made to report the court disposition of arrest cases. Don’t get left behind, call today! Kim Kell 541-575-0710 A5 of 39-year-old female with abdomi- nal pain at Trafton Avenue, John Day. Sept. 21 11:56 a.m.: Responded to 92-year-old female with lower GI bleeding at Valley View Assisted Living. 1:33 p.m.: Responded to 81-year- old female with dehydration and weakness at Southwest Moore, Mt. Vernon. 1:57 p.m.: Responded to welfare check at West Main Street, John Day. • U.S. Forest Service Sept. 15 9:54 a.m.: USFS and BLM advised of a forest fi re at Murderers Creek Ranch. • Long Creek Fire Sept. 21 2:11 p.m.: Responded with Ore- gon Department of Forestry and Grant County Sheriff ’s Offi ce to report of residential fi re at School House Lane, Mt. Vernon. • Mt. Vernon Fire Sept. 19 3:38 p.m.: Responded with Ore- gon Department of Forestry to a report of smoke at Dry Creek. • John Day Fire Sept. 17 10:15 p.m.: Responded to report of illegal burning at Screech Alley Loop County Road, John Day. • Prairie City Ambulance Sept. 15 10:07 p.m.: Received multiple reports of accident with injuries on Highway 26, near Hall Hill. Prairie City Ambulance, John Day Ambu- lance, Grant County Sheriff ’s Offi ce and Oregon State Police responded. Sept. 17 3:55 p.m.: Responded to a medi- cal issue at South Bridge Street. John Day Ambulance also responded. 5 p.m.: Responded to a medical issue at North Front Street. John Day Ambulance also responded. • Long Creek Ambulance Sept. 14 8:49 p.m.: Responded to a non-responsive male near Fox Val- ley. John Day Ambulance and Grant County Sheriff ’s Offi ce also responded. • Dayville Ambulance Sept. 19 5:08 p.m.: Responded to 35-year- old female with severe stomach pains at Owens Street. • Oregon Department of Transportation Sept. 15 8:06 p.m.: Received report of dead deer partially blocking High- way 26 westbound near Wiley Creek. Sept. 16 6:35 p.m.: Received report of a dead animal at Highway 395 South, near milepost 2B. Sept. 18 8:10 a.m.: Received report of big boulder in road at Highway 26, near milepost 89. Sept. 19 9:53 a.m.: Received report of dog struck at Highway 26, near milepost 141. YAKIMA, Washington — A Justice Department offi cial has objected to millions of dollars in fees sought by fi nancial advisers and a Los Angeles law fi rm involved in liquidating Cody Easterday’s farm- ing empire in Eastern Washington. Assistant U.S. Trustee Gary Dyer claims that Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones overbilled for legal services, while B. Riley Advisory Services and Dundon Advisors overcharged for fi nancial advice. Dyer fi led the three objections Thursday, Sept. 22. The three fi rms are among the professionals who took part in selling Easterday’s assets in the Columbia Basin to pay fraud victims and other creditors. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Whitman Holt already has awarded millions of dollars in fees taken out of sale pro- ceeds. Firms are submitting their fi nal bills for the judge’s approval. A spokeswoman for B. Riley declined to comment. Dundon Advisers and Richard Pachulski, the lead lawyer in the bankruptcy pro- ceedings, did not respond to requests for comment. Palchulski’s fi rm spearheaded the settlement between Tyson, Segale, other creditors and the Easterday family. The fi rm has been awarded $13 million and seeks another $1.7 million. Dyer argues the court should withhold about $460,000 for the three months the fi rm spent fi naliz- ing the settlement. B. Riley Advisory Services of Atlanta and Dundon Advisors of White Plains, N.Y., advised commit- tees that represented creditors. They seek about $1.4 million apiece. Attorneys fi le briefs for Easterday sentencing for the law for a “well-heeled defendant” who stole nearly one-quarter of a billion dol- YAKIMA, Washington lars to get a lighter sen- — U.S. attorneys commend tence than a small-time crack Cody Easterday’s conduct cocaine dealer, prosecutors since he admitted to fraud, stated. “The magnitude of Easter- but maintain that the size of day’s fraud is so large, his crime, $244 mil- it is diffi cult to com- lion, demands stiff prehend,” accord- punishment. ing to the depart- Easterday helped ment’s sentencing sell his family’s recommendation. farming and ranching Easterday, 51, will operations though be sentenced Oct. bankruptcy court, Easterday 4 by U.S. District raising money for his Judge Stanley Bas- victims, U.S. attor- neys acknowledge in a brief tian in Yakima, Wash. Easter- fi led in U.S. District Court for day pleaded guilty last year to one count of wire fraud. Eastern Washington. His sentencing was post- Easterday has repaid Tyson $62.4 million and his poned while he helped liq- second victim, Segale Prop- uidate his family’s extensive erties, $3.4 million and has farming and cattle-feeding pledged to somehow repay operations in the Columbia Tyson another $170 million Basin. U.S. attorneys are rec- and Segale $7.6 million. The good conduct, how- ommending a prison term ever, doesn’t excuse his of between 10 years, one long-running scheme to bill month and 12 years, seven his victims for cattle that months. Easterday’s attor- didn’t exist, according to the ney, Carl Oreskovich, is seeking probation, lasting Justice Department. It won’t promote respect three years. By DON JENKINS Capital Press STRUCTION, LL N O C C AW Featuring: • • • • • Roofing • General Construction Remodeling Fences Decks Storage Sheds Andy Wolfer 541-910-6609 and Much More! 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