The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, September 28, 2022, Page 15, Image 15

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101 Legal Notices
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
101 Legal Notices
101 Legal Notices
101 Legal Notices
101 Legal Notices
101 Legal Notices
Monument School District is soliciting proposals from qualified individuals/firms to provide Construction Management/General Contracting (CM/GC) services for the construction of a tiny home located in Monument
Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that all respondents will be required to meet minimum qualifications to be considered for this project. To be considered as qualified, respondents shall have, as a mini-
1. Provide a brief overview of your firm’s last (4) completed CM/GC projects of $100,000 or more. Information on these projects should include the following:
a. Name of the owner, contact person, and current phone number;
b. The architect, contact person, and current phone number;
c. Location of the project and completion date;
d. A brief description of the project;
e. Final contract amount and total amount of change orders; and
f. Total project claims going to litigation/arbitration.
2. Demonstrated history of successful completion of CM/GC projects in Grant County;
3. Provide your understanding of the local environment and challenges associated with smaller Communities.
4. Provide a list of capabilities in regards to working with kids within a school district to provide educational experiences.
The scope of services will include assistance to the Architect/Owner during the design process, construction, and warranty periods. Specific tasks to be performed by the Construction Manager/General Contractor
(CM/GC) prior to construction are described in the pre-construction services scope of work in Section VI. A Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) will be required after completion of the 100 percent design construction
documents. Construction costs for the Monument School District Tiny Home is currently estimated at $130,000. This includes design fees.
The goal of the project is to construct a 600 SF wood framed Tiny Home in Monument, OR.
The Owner must receive requests for changes prior to the deadline established in the schedule set forth in the following Sections below. Any clarifications or revisions will be addressed and issued in addenda.
Proposals must be received by October 7th, 2022 @ 2:00PM, at which time the acceptance of proposals will be closed, and all proposals then received will be opened, but not read. Proposals submitted will remain
confidential in nature until a notice of intent to award has been issued by the Owner.
Proposer shall submit their respective proposals electronically to the owner, Laura Thomas, at no later than the time indicated above.
The Owner may reject any proposal not in compliance with all prescribed public contracting procedures and requirements, including the requirement to demonstrate the proposer’s responsibility under ORS
279C.375(3)(b), and may reject for good cause all proposals upon a finding of the Owner that it is in the public interest to do so. A proposal may not be received or considered by the Owner unless the proposer is
Monument School District Tiny Home Project registered with the Oregon Construction Contractor’s Board at the time of submission. Failure to register will be sufficient cause to reject a proposal as non-responsive.
No proposal will be received or considered unless it contains a statement by the proposer that the successful proposer and all subcontractors agree to be bound by and will comply with the provisions of ORS
279C.838, 279C.840 or 40 U.S.C. 3141 to 3148, as applicable.
By submitting a proposal, the proposer certifies conformance to the applicable Federal Acts, Executive Orders and Oregon Statutes and Regulations concerning Affirmative Action toward equal employment opportunities.
Each proposal shall contain a certification that the proposer has not discriminated, and will not discriminate, against minority, women or emerging small business enterprises in obtaining any required subcontracts.
The Owner is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minority businesses are encouraged to apply for this contract.
The intent of this CM/GC contract is to form a partnership with the Owner, the architect, and the
contractor, moving towards the common goal of a successful and cost-effective project. Project goals related to construction of the project include:
• Provide a tiny home that allows for efficient and effective use of funding.
• Minimize inconvenience to the public by minimizing construction time and delays.
• Maximize innovation to provide increased quality and performance within the project budget.
A key role of the contractor is to help acquire information to reduce risk. The project team relies on the expertise of the CM/GC to deliver a better product in less time and at a lower cost than design-bid-build
construction processes.
1. The CM/GC should be prepared to bring the following expertise to the project during the design phase:
a. The skills and knowledge to estimate the quantities of materials, labor, and equipment needed to construct the project and an understanding of the availability, cost and capacities of these
b. The skills and knowledge to determine the tasks (work breakdown structure) needed to complete the project and estimate the costs, duration, and sequence of these tasks.
c. The skills and knowledge to identify potential risks (including financial risks) and methods to mitigate them during the design process.
d. The skill and knowledge to evaluate the constructability of the project design, providing feedback throughout the design process.
e. The CM/GC will prepare several levels of budgeting, estimating and pricing appropriate to established levels of design, and should continue to refine cost estimates as the project progresses
through the design phase with input provided to the project team on clarifications needed to reduce risk and allowances for contingencies. Deliverable estimates to be provided for Schematic
Design, Design Development, and Construction Documents.
f. A work breakdown structure for the project developed in accordance with industry best practices. The latest edition of Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures is a universal standard
for preparing work breakdown structures. Each task in the work breakdown structure should meet the following requirements:
i. The task can be performed by a crew type.
ii. The quantity of work in the task can be measured with a single unit of measure, such as cubic yards or square feet.
iii. The task has a predictable duration, but not necessarily fixed.
iv. The following should be provided for each task in the work breakdown structure:
1. The preliminary quantity estimate.
2. The preliminary cost estimate.
3. The preliminary duration.
4. The scope of work for each task.
5. A preliminary schedule for the project.
6. The project overhead needed to complete the project.
g. When the 100 percent project plans and specifications are complete, the contractor will prepare and submit a Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal.
The project must be completed prior to June 2023. The CM/GC will provide significant input into the project construction schedule, trade sequencing and phasing.
Some potential constraints that will impact the schedule, include:
• Wet Weather Construction.
• Cold Weather Construction.
• Windy Weather Construction
1. The overall schedule is as follows:
Advertisement September 23, 2022
RFP Document Release September 23, 2022
Deadline for Questions September 29, 2022
Deadline for Mandatory Letter of Interest September 29, 2022
Deadline for Proposal Protest October 5, 2022
Final Addendum, if any October 5, 2022
Electronic Proposal due October 7, 2022
Interviews Announced, if any October 10, 2022
Interview Held TBD
Issue Notice of Intent to Award October 21, 2022
2. A one-page letter of interest is required to be submitted no later than 2:00 p.m., September 29, 2022, to Laura Thomas, at
3. Proposals shall be received no later than 2:00 p.m., October 7, 2022, at the following address: Laura Thomas, at
4. The above schedule is tentative. Responding firms will be notified of revisions in a timely manner via email to all those on the plan holders list.
5. Owner initiated changes to this RFP will be issued under numerically sequenced addenda. Addenda generally consist of the following items:
1) Corrections
2) Clarifications
3) Scope Changes
4) Time and/or Date Changes
6. Respondents must acknowledge all issued addenda in their submitted proposals.
7. Respondent initiated requests for clarification should be submitted to Pinnacle Architecture.
8. Requests for clarification shall be accompanied with statements that the respondent meets the minimum requirements specified in this RFP.
9. The Owner may request clarification or additional information on any aspect of a respondent’s
proposal. A respondent must provide a written and signed clarification within 2 days of the
Owner’s request. A respondent’s clarification will be incorporated into the into the respondent’s
1. A proposer may protest the project specifications or contract terms and conditions by delivering a written protest on those matters to the Architect by the deadline specified in Section II.A.1., above. A proposer’s
protest shall contain the information specified in OAR 137-049-0260(3)(b).
2. An adversely affected or aggrieved proposer may protest the Architect’s decision to exclude the proposer from the competitive range (short list) or the Architect’s intent to award the contract, within four (4) days of
the Architect’s notice of determination of the competitive range, or notice of intent to award, as applicable. Any protest of the competitive range or intent to award shall comply with OAR 137-049-0450.
1. All respondents accept the conditions of this RFP, including, but not limited to, the following:
a. All submittals shall become the property of the Owner and will not be returned.
b. Late submittals shall not be evaluated.
c. Any restriction as to the use or disclosure of submitted materials must be clearly indicated as proprietary (either as trade secrets pursuant to ORS 192.501 or as information submitted in confidence
pursuant to ORS 192.502. The requested limitation or prohibition of use or disclosure shall be identified in writing on a cover sheet. Blanket claims of proprietary submittals will not be honored. Fee
proposals will be considered proprietary.
d. The Architect/Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals on the basis of being unresponsive to this RFP or for failure to disclose requested information.
e. The Architect/Owner shall not be liable for any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation of submittals and proposals nor in costs related to any element of the selection and contract negotiation
f. Publicly funded project bidding requirements and labor requirements must be adhered to.
g. The respondent has reviewed all the appendices and by responding has agreed that the terms and conditions of the sample Construction Management/General Contracting Agreement, and all
requirements of this request for proposal.
h. Proposals shall be offers that are irrevocable for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the time and date proposals are due. Proposals shall contain the name, address and telephone number of an
individual or individuals with authority to bind the company during the period in which the proposal will be evaluated.
1. Respondent must comply with the following items, a through h. The Owner retains the right to
waive a minor informality should it be judged to be in the best interest of the Owner.
a. Submit one (1) complete electronic copy of all material. Not to exceed 20 pages, not including section dividing pages.
b. Responses to all items shall be complete.
c. All references shall be current and relevant.
d. Complete and execute the appropriate Acknowledgment and Attestation Form.
e. Modifications or changes to the Fee Proposal Form are prohibited.
f. All proposals shall contain the following sections in the order listed:
• Introductory Letter
• Experience with projects of similar size and complexity.
• Qualifications and experience of key people proposed for the project and the involvement of senior management on the project.
• Experience with the CM/GC contracting method.
• Project specific work plan (approach to project).
• Financial health and bonding capability.
• Local construction and climate knowledge.
All proposals from qualified respondents that address all minimum required qualifications will be
evaluated on the following criteria:
1. Experience with projects of similar size and complexity
2. Qualifications and experience of key people proposed for the project and the involvement of senior management on the Project.
3. Experience with the CM/GC contracting method
4. Project specific work plan (approach to project)
5. Financial health and bonding capability
6. Local construction climate knowledge
7. Overall Impression
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