Wednesday, July 6, 7, 2022 2021 Wednesday, July July 2022 e r n a t s Page P The Mental Health Benefits of Spending Time Outside 541-575-1263 235 S Canyon Blvd. John Day, Oregon 97845 Accepting new Patients! Go to: 541-575-0404 Zachary Bailey, MD Janessa Sickler, DO Emily Lieuallen, DO James Cook, FNP Erika Adams, FNP-C Caitlin MacCoun, MD Brian Jennings, MD Robyn Jennings, MD 541-575-0404 There are places in every corner of our community that offer beautiful scenery, great opportunities for exercise and can have a positive impact on your mental health. Reduces Stress: Research shows that just as little as 30 minutes in nature can significantly reduce stress levels and enhance your ability to be more creative. Mood Elevation: Natural light and fresh air can boost your mood. Many studies have shown that exposure to natural light can not only improve your mood but also improve your self-esteem. Reduces Mental Fatigue: Being outside can give your mind a much-needed break. Allowing yourself some time outside gives your mind a chance to stop thinking so hard and can rejuvenate your brain. Helps Fight Depression & Anxiety: Research and studies have shown that spending time outside not only reduces the risk of becoming depressed but also alleviates symptoms of depression and anxiety for those who already experience it. Green Exercise: A runner high is a feel-good phenomenon that oc- curs as a result of your body releasing endorphins during exercise such as walking, biking, or hiking. ADVERTISE HERE Call the EAGLE today 541-575-0710 CCS Changing Lives NO COST SCREENING High Quality Services Include: Mental Health Alcohol and Drug Developmental Disability 528 E. Main • John Day • 541-575-1466 ADVERTISE HERE CCS Changing Lives Call the NO COST SCREENING EAGLE High Quality Services Include: today 528 E. Main • John Day • 541-575-1466 541-575-0710 ADVERTISE HERE Call the EAGLE today 541-575-0710 A9 A9