The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, June 01, 2022, Page 6, Image 6

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Soo Yukawa
We had a very small and
faithful crowd for our Tues-
day lunch. Word did not get out
fast enough that the Monument
Senior Center was going to be
open for lunch. For those of us
who were present, we enjoyed
our lunch.
Terry Cade and Cindy Jewell
prepared for us sloppy joe sand-
wiches, curly fries, three bean
salad, and pudding for our des-
sert. It was quite a hearty meal.
We thank our cooks for prepar-
ing our delicious lunch for us.
We welcome Cindy, who just
moved into the area.
Our greeters at the table were
Kristi Guimont and Bob Cock-
rell. Bob led us in the flag salute
and made the announcements.
Kristi and Bob collected and
counted up the money and Kristi
filled out the paperwork.
We thank everyone who
came out to help with the ren-
ovation of the senior center’s
kitchen. We thank Larry Vote
and Pam Callahan for moving
all the equipment and pantry
items out for the renovation and
putting things back afterwards,
which is no small feat! We
thank all who came to paint the
kitchen, it looks fabulous. The
new floor in the kitchen looks
beautiful. We thank Charles
McKinnen and Bill Nichols for
installing the appliances back.
A shout of thanks to all the kids
who also came to lend a helping
hand. Our senior center would
not be a blessing to our commu-
nity without all the folks work-
ing together.
A request for Prayer War-
riors out there, prayers for Bruce
Strange who is going in for a tri-
ple bypass. Lord, we thank You
for being our mighty and gra-
cious Father. We thank You for
hearing our prayers. We pray for
Your wisdom for the doctors to
treat Bruce’s arteries. We ask for
Your quick healing and recovery
over Bruce’s surgery and give
him peace. We pray against any
spirit of fear and that Your Holy
Spirit would help him trust You
in Jesus’ name, amen!
I am finally getting started
on some gardening. I weed-
whacked down some crazy grass
that was growing in the front of
the house and my potted plants
were getting buried by them.
Uh, I guess I still haven’t gotten
in the swing of things because
apparently my weed-whacking
was a little uneven in my hub-
by’s opinion. Here I thought I
was getting better! Ha.
I had bought some hosta
plant bulbs from Costco online
and I planted them in these big
plastic pots that I got on clear-
ance last year. I think I paid like
less than $2 on $15 pots. Score,
right? Good thing I bought two
boxes of plastic forks, too. Yup, I
planted them in the pots as well.
Hopefully the cats will not try to
get into those pots.
It was a race against time
when I was planting that day. We
were expecting a thunderstorm
in the evening. Oh yes, and it
came, yes it sure did! It was a
torrential downpour for like 10
minutes with thunder and light-
ning. It was beautiful.
1 Corinthians 3:8 Now he
who planteth and he who water-
eth are one, and every man shall
receive his own reward accord-
ing to his own labor.
John Day
Elsie Huskey
I am 450 miles from John
Day and still can communicate
with my John Day family and
friends. This is just amazing to
me. All the new technology is
so fantastic.
On Monday, May 23, we
dined on a large chef salad with
dressing of our choice. We had
focaccia bread with the salad
and then a lovely blueberry
muffin for dessert.
At the desk to greet everyone
coming in was Darlene Nodine
and Carol Roe. Dale Stennett led
the flag salute and Rachel Car-
penter asked the blessing and
she was the server for the meal.
Krista Sheedy washes dishes
for us as a volunteer. We really
appreciate you, Krista. Thank
Forty-five fresh and 24 frozen
meals were delivered through-
out our community. There were a
number of drivers for these deliv-
eries so it didn’t take quite as long
and possibly the drivers and help-
ers had time to share a few words
and/or a smile or two with the
recipients of the food. The driv-
ers and helpers were Mike and
Patty Davis, Jeanette Julsrud and
Matt Jones. You guys are so spe-
cial to take your time, use your
own vehicle and share words and
smiles with the ones you take
food to. They appreciate you also,
I am sure. Thank you so much. It
is so important to meet the needs
of others in our community.
Elsie Huskey won the Len’s
certificate and Betty Ruther-
ford won the free meal in the
There were 14 diners in atten-
dance, besides the chef and his
helper (Shay and Kim). Thank
you, Shay and Kim, for listen-
ing to diners’ responses to the
meals you prepare and taking
into consideration their needs and
requests for the meals they prefer.
Linda Stoltz, our librarian,
brought in several plants to share
with anyone wanting a plant.
Free of charge. Linda says the
library is now complete and will
be open on Mondays and Fri-
days. Linda has done a super job
going through all the books and
placing them on the shelves. She
even moved all those shelves into
the room and put them into place.
Linda works so hard to give us
all a lovely place to see books
and choose books and even has a
table to sit at and scan books or
read for a bit. It looks lovely in
there, stop by to see her craftiness
and the beauty she has created.
Thank you, Linda. Nancy Nelson
did help Linda with a few things
needing done. Thanks, Nancy.
There are some nice-looking
jars near the desk that are for the
taking. Help yourself to the ones
you want. Also there are items of
food from Chester’s grocery that
are for the taking. If a food item
is not good, just toss it out or feed
to animals; just know it is leftover
and day-old usually and there
was not time to check each item
before placing it on the table.
On Thursday, May 26,
Carol Roe and Darlene Nodine
greeted each diner at the desk
and checked them in and saw
that everyone signed a ticket for
the drawing. Thanks, Carol and
Darlene, for being there to greet
us and your positive attitude and
smiles each meal. Darlene did the
announcements today.
Carol Roe brought silk flow-
ers today to dress up and brighten
the tables. Thank you, Carol.
The Catholic Church were
our servers and cleanup crew
today: Father Christie, Matt
Jones, Barb Comer, Jim Maple,
Marylou Wampler and Kathy
Ridonovich. Thank you, each
one, for your efforts today and for
your service to God and His peo-
ple who are all of us.
Our visitors for today were
Doug Sweet from Monument
and his sister Sonja from Wash-
ington. D.C.
I hope you enjoyed your visit
with us today. Thanks for shar-
ing lunch with us.
Jeanette Julsrud, Mike and
Patty Davis, and Matt Jones
delivered 46 fresh meals today.
What a thrill to know that peo-
ple care about others. You folks
have a loving heart and are so
very appreciated by all the ones
you care about.
There were some different
table covers on the tables today
so thank you whoever you are
that did this for our meals.
Jean Willey won the Thrift-
way card and Jerry Mediger
won the free meal. Congrats,
you two.
There were 24 people in
attendance for lunch and three
people picked up a meal to
take out.
There was no bingo today
but we plan to have bingo next
Thursday, June 2. We are try-
ing to get more than 10 people to
play bingo so we can continue to
have bingo. Bring someone with
you to play. It is a nice getaway
and a time to visit with others.
Also we play pokeno on every
Friday at 1 p.m., so if you would
enjoy a nice visit with a small
group and play pokeno (simi-
lar to bingo), join us here at the
senior center at 1 pm on Fridays.
A group of bridge players
meet here to play on Thurs-
days. I am not sure if it is
every Thursday or not.
Progress is being made
to open our senior center for
more activities in the near
future, so watch this space for
news about that.
Mark this date: Saturday,
June 18. The annual hall board
meeting will begin at 5 p.m.
Anyone is welcome to attend
this meeting. There will be a
complete hamburger feed and
several prizes, so come see what
it is all about. You need to be
present to receive one of these
gifts. You will get to hear who
the new board members are and
learn how some things operate
to make our senior center run
smoothly and maintained prop-
erly and who does what.
The first annual OTEC meet-
ing since the COVID-19 halted
meetings, on Saturday, May 21,
was at Baker this year. A large
bus (even had a bathroom in the
back) picked up those in Burns at
5 a.m. and those in John Day at
7:30. It wasn’t the People Mover
this year. It was a smooth ride
over and back and a great day all
in all. Subway-like sandwiches
and trimmings were served for
lunch with bottled water and
other beverages, served by stu-
dents of the Baker High School.
They did a great job. Live coun-
try music was played and sung.
That being one of my favorites
made it almost impossible for me
to just sit and listen, I just had to
move to that great music. Thank
you, OTEC, for a lovely day.
Plans are underway to
improve our parking lot and the
landscaping around the building.
Dale Stennett and Darron Hus-
key have done a great job so far
getting the weeds out of the cin-
ders surrounding the building.
Thanks, Dale and Darron.
By the way, we have free
weeds so please help yourself
to as many as you like and take
them with you.
Proverbs 4:13 I CAN do ALL
things through Christ who gives
me strength.
Prairie City
Rose Coombs
First off, congratulations
to all the graduating seniors
in Grant County. My standard
advice is the motto of a my
father’s class w-a-a-a-y back in
the 20th century: Push, pull or
get out of the way. Still holds
true today.
We were very pleased to have
a table reserved for the Pickle
family and their friends from San
Francisco today. Turns out that
the friends have had property in
the area for almost 100 years —
and they read the Blue Moun-
tain Eagle way down on the Bay!
That makes two families who do.
My, my, we do get around.
Tom’s word for the day: “An
onion can make you cry, but
there’s never been a vegetable
that can make you laugh.” (Will
Rogers) Think about that one. On
this day in history, Jesse Owens
broke three world records and
tied another one in a little more
than an hour. Whew. In 1968, the
Gateway Arch in St. Louis was
dedicated. Double whew. That’s
one thing that you’ll never find
me in! Tom asked for a show
of hands of veterans who came
to eat with us. Quite a bunch!
Thanks for your service.
Ginger led the flag salute and
Tom asked the blessing. Today
was May birthday recognition
day, too. We had two names: Sha-
ron Thissel and Sue Reeves. Sue
was the lucky winner of the $10
gift certificate donated by Huff-
man’s Market. Ginger announced
the passing of Mike Emmel. Wife
Helen was our assistant cook for
many years. We extend our con-
dolences to her and the family.
Our volunteers included Mary,
Carlos, Gwynne, Sharon, Tom,
Theresa and Chris. Thank you all
so much for all you do to make
the meal site work. Our meal
today was chicken alfredo, brus-
sels sprouts, cottage cheese and
choice of birthday cake supplied
by Driskill Memorial Chapel.
Thank you, too, for doing this
every month for us.
We had a successful yard
sale. But we are glad it’s over
and all the things that were left
have been donated — again.
And the little pink stapler that
was lost was finally found! Hal-
lelujah and PTL! Now if I could
just find my needlework album
... What’s frustrating is that I
can’t blame it on anyone else!
When we got the word
that our grant application was
approved, and that one of the
projects would be new flooring,
we tore out the old, not-up-to-
code chimney. The dropped ceil-
ing had been installed around it,
so there were some special chan-
nel strips that had to be removed
also. But we would need them
later when the demolition and
refurbishing of that area was fin-
ished, so I put them away for
safekeeping. Yep. You guessed
it. Where did I put them?! Found
them today, too. Double halle-
lujah and PTL! Whew. Wasn’t
looking forward to manufactur-
ing something to hang the ceil-
ing panels on!
Luke 15:32 But we had to cel-
ebrate and be glad, because this
brother of yours was dead and
is alive again; he was lost and is
Community Church
SUNDAY SERVICE..............9 am
St. Thomas
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Lutheran Church
Come Worship with us at
Grace Chapel (EMC )
154 E. Williams St.
Prairie City, Oregon
541 820-4437
Pastor Robert Perkins
Sunday School (all ages)
Sunday Worship
John Day Valley
Meeting every Sunday
at Mt. Vernon Grange Hall
Sunday School ................................ 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship ............. 10:50 a.m.
Pastor Leland Smucker
Everyone Welcome • 541-932-2861
2 Corinthians 5:17
Every Sunday in the L.C.
Community Center
(Corner of Second & Allen)
Contact Pastor Ed Studtmann at
541-421-3888 • Begins at 4:00pm
Sunday Worship • 9AM
(541) 575-1326
126 NW Canton, John Day
Food Pantry Friday 3-4PM
Like us on Facebook!
24/7 Inspirational Christian
Tune into KSPL 98.1 FM
For more information,
call 541 620-0340
Sunday School ............................9:30 am
Sunday Worship Service.......... 10:45 am
Sunday Evening Service ............ 6:00 pm
Children & Teen Activities
627 SE Hillcrest, John Day
59357 Hwy 26 Mt. Vernon
1 st Sunday Worship/Communion ...................10am
3 rd Sunday Worship/Communion/Potluck .....4:30pm
2 nd , 4 th & 5 th Sunday Worship ..........................10am
Sunday Bible Study .....................................8:45am
Celebration of Worship
For information: 541-575-2348
Midweek Service
Sunday School ..................... 9:45 am
Sunday Worship ...................... 11 am
Fox Community Church ............. 3 pm
Sunday Evening Bible Talk ......... 6 pm
Saturday Men’s Study ............... 6 pm
Weekdays: Sonshine Christian Schoo l
Full Gospel- Come Grow With Us
Pastor Randy Johnson
521 E. Main • John Day • 541-575-1895
541-575-1202 Church
311 NE Dayton St, John Day
Pastor Al Altnow
Sundays 5:30pm
Youth: 0-6th Grade
Thursdays 6:30pm
Youth: 0-6th Grade
Jr./Sr. High
Youth Connection
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Overcomer’s Outreach
Mondays at 6pm at
A Christ-Centered, 12-Step
Recovery Support Group
Pastor Sharon Miller