3 GRAB BAG AN ASSORTMENT OF MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS APRIL 13�20, 2022 Explore chemistry at Cook Memorial Library By Lisa Britton Go! Magazine L A GRANDE — Kids can learn about chemistry during a special Earth Day Extravaganza event Friday, April 22, at Cook Memorial Library, 2006 Fourth St., from 3-5 p.m. Activities will be provided by members of the chemistry club at Eastern Oregon University in the library’s community room. This event, called “Chemists Celebrate Earth Week,” is pro- moted by the American Chemical Society, said Anna Cavinato, EOU chemistry professor. “It is designed to communicate the positive role that chemistry plays in solving major challenges faced by the world,” she said. Earth Day is April 22. Every year there is a diff erent theme and this year’s is “The Buzz About Bugs: Insect Chemistry.” Anna Cavinato/Contributed photo The EOU Chemistry Club will provide hands-on activities on Friday, April 22, at Cook Memorial Library in La Grande. The theme is “The Buzz About Bugs: Insect Chemistry.” “We will provide hands-on activities for children,” she said. Youth must be accompanied by an adult. The club will set up three stations. At one, kids will make a natural dye using Cochineal insects, which Cavinato said are used to color food, beverages and cosmetics. “We will observe how the color changes when we mix it with safe household products of varying pH,” she said. Another station will have participants pretend to be bugs and identify common aromas from natural fruits, fl owers and products that use scents as part of their ingredients. The third station will feature Dr. Laura Mahrt from the EOU bi- ology department with displays of bugs from all over the world. HISTORY The American Chemical July 30 & 31 2022 Gourmet Provisions, Majestic Pizza, Wine & Beer Bottle Wonderland, Dedicated Tap House, Craft Cocktails, Espresso Bar, Local & Far-Out Deli 403 S. Main Street Pendleton • 541.276.1350 Society joined the Earth Day celebration in 2003. According to the ACS website, www.acs.org, “for years chemists have been promoting a better world through recyclable plastics, cleaner-burn- ing fuels, phosphate-free deter- gents, environmental monitoring and green chemistry initiatives.” Prairie City FIBER FEST www.PrairieCityFiberFest.com Thank you for being a GREAT sponsor 4 years! HUFFMAN’S MARKET Family Foods