The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, March 02, 2022, Page 18, Image 18

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Blue Mountain Eagle
If we had a Movie Theater people would make more
plans to see people and that would bring people to-
gether, more people would come to the Movie Theater
and more people would have friends to hangout with
at the movie theater. It would bring friends and families
If we had a movie theater that had all of these things
then more people would come to the county, people
here would be able to go to the movie theater, and it
would be a good place to hang out with friends and
watch a good movie, or even have your very own birth-
day party at the theater!
Summer Berry
Repair the Mt. Vernon Stone Fort
January 4, 2022
Repair the Mt. Vernon Stone Fort
The Mt. Vernon stone fort is a historical building
where a racing horse named Vernon lived. The town
of Mt. Vernon was actually named after him. I love the
block building and the history behind it. It is about three
miles east of Mt. Vernon. I think we should fix it up so
people can take pictures and maybe even go inside.
But the shack has fallen into disrepair, the blocks are
falling, the fence is torn down, and the rats have prob-
ably taken over. The block house is really important in
Mt. Vernon history. The block building was made to pro-
tect a colt, because his owner was tipped off that native
americans were after his famous racing colt. The block
building has eight gun holes, two on the front and back
and on each side to protect the colt, although no gun
was ever fired.
Mt. Vernon was never beaten in a race except for one
time. He was beaten by a horse named Black Hawk. He
was beaten in the final stretch by the beautiful black
stallion. Mt. Vernon was sold many times to breed.
There may still be disindence of Mt. Vernon today.
Then one day someone that had seen Mt. Vernon
perform a few years ago, saw him tied to a fence with a
few other horses, half blind, and very old. He found out
who owned him and asked if he could buy the old and
run down horse. The farmer said yes so he loaded up
the old and half blind horse and drove him home. The
horse lived to be forty one years old, sadly outliving his
original owner.
I think we should repair the Mt. Vernon block building
before it collapses so friends and family can see it and
take pictures. The block building is very important in Mt
Vernon history, so if you would like to see it preserved
please call Dustin Berry at 541-620-2375 today!
Emmie Saul
Opinion Essay
January 4, 2022
After School Riding Program
An after school riding program is a place where kids
can go after school and ride horses or learn to ride
horses. They also hold events like rodeos and horse
shows to raise money for a good cause. They offer rid-
ing lessons for kids of all ages. There are so many more
events that they could hold and raise money while do-
ing it. As you can see riding programs offer a lot not just
to the kids but to the community too. Therefore the cit-
izens of Grant County should push for funding an after
school riding program.
First, I know so many kids in Grant County that really
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
want to ride horses, but they can’t. Either their parents
won’t let them get a horse, or they don’t have the space
for a horse. Which brings me to another way we could
use the riding program, as a boarding facility. A board-
ing facility is a place where people pay to keep their
horse if they don’t have the space for a horse. But they
still have to care for their horses such as mucking out
their stall and feeding them. If they can’t make it to the
barn that day, a stable hand could do it for them.
Second, it could be a way to bring in income and it
could be a way to give people jobs. The boarding fa-
cility would bring in monthly payments. People would
also pay to get riding lessons, and there could be lots
of events held to bring in income as well. For jobs there
could be stable hands that muck out stalls, turn horses
out, and feed the horses.
Third, the events that would be held, like rodeos and
horse shows, would be a great way to bring families
and friends in the community together. They could even
have their own rodeo team. When I go to rodeos I see it
as a way to see my friends and family, and it makes the
experience ten times better.
What can the citizens of Grant County do to make
this happen? They can raise awareness of this idea and
make it seen. A riding program will add value to the
community, and it will make Grant County an even bet-
ter place to live and visit.
Noah Cobb
Opinion Essay
January 4, 2022
Please Keep Our Road Plowed
The Grant County Road Department works hard to
keep our roads clear of snow in the winter. They are
good at laying down gravel. However, the Grant County
Road Department should try to plow West Bench Road
and Meadowlark Lane better. It is very unsafe for me,
my family, and other families that live on West Bench
Road or Meadowlark Lane when they are not plowed.
It is important to plow our road, because it is unsafe
in the winter time. Sometimes there are people that
walk on the side of the road by our house for exercise.
If the roads are slick and not plowed, there is a chance
that our truck could slip and run into them while we’re
One time we had to drive to school with four inches
of snow on the road. It did not feel safe at all, because
there is this one turn and you either make the turn or
you fall off a very steep hill. There are not even guard
rails on the sharp curves.
There are many people that use West Bench Road
and Meadowlark Lane. Many parents use these roads
to pick up and drop off their kids at school. People use
these roads to get to work and back all the time. There
are also medical experts that live on that hill. Once my
mom had to call someone just to come and plow West
Bench Road.
What can we do to make West Bench Road and
Meadowlark Lane more safe for all drivers in the win-
ter? If you also feel that West Bench and Meadowlark
need to be plowed more often, please call and express
your concerns to the Grant County Road Department at
(541) 575-0138.
________________________________ Sean Perkins
Opinion Essay
January 4, 2022
Proudly Supporting Youth
in Academics and Sports!
They need more churches
I think Mount Vernon needs more churches because
if the people don’t like the church they can find a new
church. Grant County does have a lot of churches but
not all of them because what if they don’t like the church,
they’ll go to a different church. If they don’t go to that
church they’ll go for a different church. There’s a pat-
tern. Not all people like the same churches. At certain
times people don’t like it they might not go to church if
they can’t find the right church for them.
There will be more options if you decide to help build
more churches because they can’t get the right church
if you don’t build more churches. There will be more
people in the churches and possibly more religious peo-
ple joining and if they can find a better church it means
more churches equals more religious people there is
another pattern and if you could get more options for
more people it would be very good.
It is important to do this because we need better
churches and if we don’t get better churches, people
will be upset if they don’t get the churches that they like.
They would be way more happier if they got the church-
es that they want. It is important to do. They’ll be able to
get the decision that they wanted for a long time. If you
don’t do this people would be the opposite of happy.
They’d be mad because they won’t get the churches
they wanted.
They will be able to find the best church for them
because not all people like the same types of churches
because no one is the same person and if you help
you will be doing a great thing because we have a lot
of churches just not enough of the different types of
churches so please help us. It would mean a lot for you
to do that because it will not be fair if you do not. So
please help me.
If you agree that we need another church in Mount
Vernon, please email Please
help me do this to make it fair to Mount Vernon. Make
sure that we get more churches for people to go to that
church. help make more churches.
_____________________________________ RIGGIN
Opinion Essay
January 4, 2022
Juniper removal
Our forests are really important,but they have an en-
emy in them. Junipers is the name. They take up a lot
of water so the other plants can die. They also can light
on fire easily and they burn for a long time. Also,they
decrease the number of homes for many animals.
One reason why we should cut down all the junipers
in our forests is because there would be more water for
other plants because junipers take up a lot of water by
sucking all the water deep underground making it im-
possible for other plants to grow.
Another reason is that there would be less fire dam-
age because junipers light on fire easily,burn for a very
long time and the fire gets really hot.
Finally, there would be better habitats for most ani-
mals except birds because they really like juniper trees.
Will you help us get rid of Juniper trees? If you want
to cut down junipers near you, contact Jacob Dittel at
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Mon-Fri 9am-6pm
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