NEWS Wednesday, March 2, 2022 Aquarium Have you ever been to the Seaside Aquarium? Well, think of all the endangered fish and sharks in aquar- iums that don’t have room in a tank. There are some rare little swimmers getting killed and eaten by humans. First, when people say that they love fish they prob- ably mean eating fish. Some people might say that they love to see fish up close. I know your probably thinking how could you see a fish up close? Well, that’s why we need an aquarium. Second, some rare fish are not even alive because people have been eating them for a long time. When we eat fish we might make them go endangered. Endan- gered fish don’t survive in the wild. Third, some people might think that fish are dum, but they are sometimes smart when hiding from predators. When predators attack fish most of the time they hide. Like turtles, they use their shells to defend themselves against a shark attack. So ask your friends to tell the government we need an aquarium. ___________________________________________ Ethan Opinion Essay November 18, 2021 Starr Ridge, please contact the Forest Service at (541) 575-3000. ___________________________________________ Colton Lindsay Opinion Essay January 4, 2022 Fixing Dixie Snow Park Dallas Day Opinion Essay January 4, 2022 We Should Open the Bowling Alley Why grant countey needs a football stadium Have you ever wanted to go to a football game but you don’t have to travel 2,982 miles? That is how it is for every single person that wants to go to a football game. We need a football stadium. Remember the day that the biggest football stadium was built? Will let’s beat that record. First, well most people don’t like to travel so we need and it will be pretty awesome to have a football stadi- um. Like come on it is a football stadium! Like come on we should not need to tell you guys to build a football stadium now Second, and plus nobody likes to be in the car 24 hours a day,. so lets build a football stadium. If you like to stay in a car all day I don’t know what to tell you. If you like to be in a car for that long move out of town. Third and pulse we only have two footballs flag and high school football pulse you have two git good grads just two play football in high school i think thate is stupid many pepole whant to have the nfl but theay are not giv- ing it to us and high scholl probly going to suck becaus if yo dont have good grads you cant play i whant the nfl and many others whant the nfl so give it to us now If you want to the football stadium write to the mare not the president because he sucks or the building con- struction because they might build it we will ___________________________________________ Beau Opinion Essay November 18, 2021 Football Stadium Have you ever wondered what it would be like at a football stadium? We could have more players and we could have more games here in Grant County. We need it because it will look cooler and we will have more play- ers and more fans. We will be a better football team too and we might go to state and have more games at home. First, kids can have fun there and they can play catch there and they don’t need to play video games. They can play catch, they can play football with their dad and with their brother or sister. Second, we need it because it will look cooler and we will have more players and more fans. We will be a better team and we will have more players. Third, we will be a much better team. If you want to do challenges, you can do it at the football stadium and we will probably go to state most of the time. We may even go to state and we probably win state. We will be way better than the other years. In conclusion, if you don’t want a football stadium then you don’t need to get one, but if you do want one then go talk to the mayor. ___________________________________________ B5 Nugget Lanes was a bowling alley located on Main Street in John Day. It opened in 1996, but it has shut down since then. I think Russ Young should re-open the Nugget Lanes Bowling Alley in John Day. First, I think we should open the bowling alley so that people can have fun events. People could use the bowling alley for holidays, birthdays, and fun with their friends and family. I really wanted to go bowling on my birthday, but we couldn’t because the bowling alley was closed. The closest bowling alley is in Baker City. I would have to drive over an hour just to get there. Second, the bowling alley would provide jobs for people. Some of the jobs would include cleaning the bowling alley, cooking for the concession stands, taking food out to customers, and giving out shoes. I think at least 5 people could get jobs at the bowling alley. Third, the bowling alley could have league bowling. Families, business, or friends could form leagues and compete. There could even be trophies for first, second, and third place each season. Please help me open up the John Day Nugget Lanes bowling alley. If you agree that we need to open back up the bowling alley in John Day, please call Russ Young at 541-932-4223. ___________________________________________ The Dixie Snow Park is a wonderful place for chil- dren to play. It is also a good place to ski and be with friends and family. Unfortunately, the snow park is old and needs work done. I think we should push for fund- ing for fixing the snow park. First, the lights are old and never run. After dark ski- ing is very fun, but with no lights you could crash. That definitely would not be good. I think they should put in new lights. Second, the brush is so thick that it could hurt some- one going down. I think they should clear the ski / sled trail, then no one will get hurt. If it is a safe place, more people will go. Third, the tow rope is out of order. Even if they get it running the rope is old, dangerous, and could snap. I think they should switch the rope out for a cable. I think we should push for funding for a better snow park. Think of all the upsides to a better snow park. It would also create new jobs, that would be nice. So what do you say, are you with me or not? If you are, please contact the Forest Service at (541) 575 3000. ___________________________________________ Nolan Mobley Opinion Essay January 4, 2022 Starr Ridge Ski Tow Starr Ridge is up Canyon Mountain. The Snow Park at Starr Ridge is a great place to have fun for a day. People can go there to sled, snowmobile, and more. It is a lot of fun, and the experience is great. I recommend you go there for a day with friends and family. However, it is a lot of work to climb up the steep hill. I think if they put a ski tow in, the experience would be better. Starr Ridge does not get a lot of attention because it is a lot of work to climb up the hIll just for a few seconds of fun. Then you have to work hard again to go back up the hill. If you’re a skier you have to carry those heavy skis, making it even harder. Even though sleds are light- er, you still have to carry your gear up the hill. The best time to go sledding or skiing is in the deep snow, but the deep snow makes it even harder to walk up the hill. By the time you get all the way there you are wet, tired, cold, and hungry. After you do that once or twice you don’t want to do it anymore. If there was a ski tow, you and your friends or family might stay longer. Finally, there is a way to get income from it too. An annual family pass would be 100 dollars, a week family pass would be 25 dollars, and a day family pass would be 10 dollars. All the money would go to maintenance of the ski tow and to pay the operator. The ski tow would be open and run by the operator from 8 am to 8 pm Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Having a ski tow at Starr Ridge will let more families have fun in the snow. It will also bring income and jobs to Grant County. So that leaves you my friend. Will you help me take action? If you think we need a ski tow at RHYNNA WYLLIE Opinion Essay January 5, 2022 Improving the Grantville Movie Theater The Grantville Movie Theater is a great place to hang out and bring your date to watch a movie without any awkward silences. The Grantville Movie Theater would also be a good place to hang out with friends. I like the Movie Theater because the snack bar has the best popcorn, and the most sodas and candy bars to choose from! If the Grantville Movie Theater had kid movies play- ing on certain days and adult movies playing on the other days, that way adults can enjoy the movie without kids screaming and getting in the way. The Movie The- ater mostly plays movies that have been out for a long time, if the movies were movies that had just came out like the new Spiderman movie, then people would want to come to the Grantville Movie Theater instead of hav- ing to drive multiple miles to go watch a movie, when they can just come to the Grantville Movie Theater! If the Movie Theater plays movies weekly instead of monthly, more people would come to watch the movies. If there was a movie suggestion box people would be able to put suggestions for movies that they want to see if they get bored of the movies playing or there are no more new movies they could pick out of the movie sug- gestion box, and play those movies. ng Supporti xt the ne n o generati We have all your spring cleaning supplies! MALHEUR LUMBER COMPANY Supports Grant County Academics & Athletics 541-575-2054 • John Day, Oregon Nydam’s S283580-1 652 W Main, John Day • 541-575-0549 Open Mon-Sat 8-6, Sun 10-3 S283579-1