B4 NEWS Blue Mountain Eagle Bryant Baker Opinion Essay November 18, 2021 Trampoline Park Have you ever wanted to jump 20 to 40 feet in the air, ride on a zipline,take a pic, play basketball on a tram- poline, play on a Skyline, or play in a jungle gym that has slides? What about little punching bags, tightropes, big bumps, and swerves? Maybe we need a trampoline park in John Day. First, Some people in John Day might not agree with this because I’m putting it in the old bowling alley but you could have lunch, bowl jump , run, play, and rough House. How do you rough house? you ask. We have these huge foam pits and ball pits where you can tackle your friends and then you could laugh at them and you can hang over them on the monkey bars. But be careful because your friends can grab you off the monkey bars and they can sink you to the bottom of the The ball pit or the foam pit. Second, If you get hungry you can go to one of the food stands. The food we have is burritos, tacos ,ham- burgers,ice cream,dippin dots,bubblegum and pizza.If you want all the desserts you have to go upstairs be- cause the Stans are two stories. If you are ordering and you look behind you there are tables that you can eat at. Third, The skyline is where you Ride on that little zipline thing all around the trampoline park. There’s one spot where you might get stuck but if it does happen you can detach yourself from the skyline and fall into a foam pit . The people that work there will move .The zip line back where it belongs. If you make a mess at the table we will clean it up but if you take your food over to the play place and you make a mess you have to clean it up. But you cannot take your food anywhere else oth- er than the tables and the play Park just cuz it’s more solid than anything else. In conclusion, these are my ideas for the trampoline park. If you want a trampoline park, you should write a letter to the mirror or the city. ___________________________________________ Wednesday, March 2, 2022 get sleepy and go to bed at night. If not, they’ll get sleepy during the day, and get so grumpy that they will go back to sleep. Second, kids need to have fun so they will be tired and they will go to sleep. If not, they will be bored. A trampoline park can get kids to sleep because they have so much energy that their bodys are getting exer- cise. They all need sleep to be energetic in the morning to go to the trampoline park. Third, kids need to play with friends. They can play and have fun. Kids need freedom and fun to play with friends. At a trampoline park you can see friends and play games like trampoline tag, dodgeball and follow the leader. All of these games can bring people togeth- er. What can kids do? They can have a fundraiser for a trampoline park for kids in many different ways. They can do a fundraiser, a charity. They can save money, savings. They can do it if they work together. ___________________________________________ Tori Opinion Essay November 18, 2021 Grant County Needs a Pool Do you remember the days when Gleason Pool was open, where people could have lots of fun.I do if we brought it back we could all have fun again it would be a nice place to cool down and if we get the pool back we could also get the swim team back. First, If we get the pool back it would be fun for all the kids and it would be a place for the parents to hang out and a lot of entertainment for the kids.It would be fun because you can swim a lot. A pool would be enter- taining for the parents because they can talk with each other Second, If we got the pool back it would be a great place to cool down because not everyone has their own pool to swim or play in.it would be a good place to hang out with friends on a hot day.Some people might go to a river.But not all people can get to one. Third,if we get the pool back, we can also get the swim team back. That is a fun sport that kids like to do to stay active in the summer. Swim team is important because kids have the chance to make friends. In Conclusion, to get the pool back you can talk to your mayor or city council or post your thoughts in the newspaper. If you have one maybe you could write let- ters stating your ideas. ___________________________________________ Ivy LaFramboise Opinion Essay November 18, 2021 Why We Need a Bowling Alley Dawson Clement Opinion Essay November 18, 2021 Trampoline Park What wood it be like if we had a Trampoline park What would it be like if we had a trampoline park kids here in Grant County want a trampoline park it’s fun, you get to bounce around and have a great time. Also if your kids get in the candy that’s one way to get the energy right out of them also in the trampoline park you can play trampoline dodgeball. Just imagine if you didn’t have a trampoline to jump on all that’s what Grant County needs is a trampoline park kids love jumping on things and they love having trampolines And you can do all kinds of tricks like front flips back flips Side flips maybe even do a triple backflip a front-flip it will be fun. Now why wouldn’t you want to trampoline park it’d be the greatest time of your lifeYou could also make a fund- raiser And you can have some fun at the trampoline park but most people have fun on trampolinesWitches who wouldn’t have fun on the trampolining cuz every- body likes trampolines.| ___________________________________________ Ana J. Hancock Opinion Essay November 29, 2021 Trampoline Park Indoors Have you ever wondered why kids don’t go to bed at night? Well,you need to go to the trampoline park to wear out your kids. Kids need to get out their energy. Kids need to have fun. First, kids need to get out their energy so they can are always in the water. The ladders are also not so sturdy and you can fall and hit your head. People should vote for a pool so we can have fun and a swim team during the summer.This is why we need a place for swimming and a swim team for fun, exercise, and sports. We need a pool!!! ___________________________________________ Do you ever wish that there were more family fun ac- tivities around here or something fun to do in the winter here in John Day and Canyon City? Well this is why we need a bowling alley. There could be different foods to eat, something for kids to do, and a place to go in winter when it is cold outside. First, in the winter there is nothing to do. If we go to the park all the equipment will be wet and it will be cold. Also at home when you play outside sure it’s fun for a while, but then you get cold and you go inside. Then once you take all your snow clothes off they are wet. This is the first reason why we need a bowling alley. Second, we all love restaurant food. In a restaurant you order food but then you have to wait and wait and wait, there is nothing to do. Maybe grown-ups have stuff to talk about but what about kids? With a bowling alley we can order food and still play while we wait. Then before you know it your food will be here. This is the second reason for a bowling alley Third, kids need to play. Parks are fun but we need something new to do. A bowling alley will do the job. It will be fun and entertaining for everyone, even grown- ups. It will be a place for family and friends to hang out and have fun. This is the most important reason why we should have a bowling alley. So what can we do to get a bowling alley? Many things, like writing to the mayor or sending a letter to the Blue Mountain Eagle. If we work together the children, their friends, and our families will have a place to hang out and have fun. This is why we need a bowling alley! ___________________________________________ DANNER MAY Opinion Essay November 29, 2021 POOL Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could not swim? Well, that’s what it’s like for everyone in Grant County. We Need a pool. First, at a pool we can have fun with friends and fam- ily. We need somewhere to swim so we don’t have to drive a long distance. Second, at that pool we also had a swim team, which for me and my sister it was the main thing we did during the summer. We went to Prineville, Burns, Lakeveiw, and sometimes Pendleton for swim meets. We also had swim meets here in John Day. Third, the Gleason Pool is pretty old. The paint chips Skylrr Mitchell McQuown Opinion Essay November 18, 2021 Grant County Needs a Swimming Pool Remember the days the Gleason Pool was open? We need a Grant County swimming pool. We would be able to get together more. We would have lots more fun instead of swimming in our own pool. Also, it would be easier to get together with besties you have not seen in a long time. We also can get the swim team back. First, everyone in Grant County needs to have fun even if some people are small or tall. When the Gleason Pool was open almost all the people went there to have fun. For example,when people went to play at the pool it was because they were bored at their house. We need the pool open so that people can have the most fun they ever had in their entire life. Second, most people need to get out to have a swim to see family members they have not seen in a while. We also need to see friends that we can only see at school. Also, sometimes people and their family just need to cool off. When people want to see family mem- bers they just need to go to the pool if it was open. Third, most of the people here in Grant County were on the swim team. So if we get the Gleason Pool back we can also get the best swim team back!! Most of the people just like to watch the swim team go up in com- petitions to win every single one of them. So you know what if we get the pool open we can have swim team try-outs!!! We really need to get the pool open so we can have the best swim team back up and winning ev- ery single competition. What can we do to get the Gleason Pool back up? You can write to the mayor or you can write a letter to the Blue Mountain Eagle newspaper. If everyone joins together then we can convince the mayor to make the people you bought the pool open the pool back up. So with this information I hope that you either write to the mayor or write to the Blue Mountain Eagle. Please, we all need the public pool to be open in the summer or we will all be dying of hotness in the summer without it. ___________________________________________ Ellie Opinion Essay November 18, 2021 Why We Need a Petting Zoo When was the last time you were at a petting zoo, where you could love animals? Well I think we need one in John Day Oregon, so we can enjoy nature and have fun with animals .Have you ever felt like you could not love on other animals?. We need a petting zoo because people need to have lots of fun with animals and maybe feed them and play with them First, people need to have fun with animals because maybe you like elephants and you can’t own your own elephants. so If we have a petting zoo you can pet what- ever animals. Don’t you get the point? Second, enjoy animals and laugh with them because you can go enjoy nature with your family and enjoy learning new things about animals and laugh with the wild animals. you get the point? Third, you can play with animals and feed them be- cause if you are sad then you can play with them.It will make your day. If you bring food then you can enjoy feeding the animals. Conclusion, if you love the zoo then you will love this. If you love the zoo and the zoo is too far away and you live in John Day, then we should have a petting zoo somewhere in john Day because We have somewhat room in John day. ___________________________________________ Lily Botts Opinion Essay November 18, 2021 Strong Traditions, Stronger Future Supporting the younger generation for the future and valuing their Opinions S283583-1