A6 Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, February 16, 2022 SENIORS & HISTORY GRANT COUNTY SENIORS potato baked in an oven has a GL൵HUHQWÀDYRUFRPSDUHGWRRQH baked in the microwave? Why is that? Probably the same situa- tion that a wood stove has a dif- Rose Coombs ferent feeling of warmth than a furnace. (Hmm. Does that sen- Our meal was our St. tence have a proper subject and Valentine9s meal: chicken predicate? Oh, well&) We had to make a jour- legs baked in our new oven, potato baked in our new oven, ney to Baker on Tuesday. The green beans with bacon and temperature when we left P.C. onion, lime Jell-O with top- was 30 degrees. The ther- ping mixed in, and angel food mometer in the Ford pickup cake baked in our new oven had a good day of exercise as with strawberries and top- the temperature went up and ping. Cook Pam had a lot of down all during the trip. At fun with the new oven, I think. Whitney it was 2 degrees. On (Tee-hee.) The temperature top of Huckleberry it was 40 stays where you set it, the degrees! By the time we got doors have windows in them back, it was almost 50 degrees so you can see how the cook- in P.C. Which brings up the ing is progressing, and the question 4 where do they put whole thing is high enough so the thermometer in vehicles so you don9t have to bend over to that the outside temperature is tend to things or to remove the detected? Has to be away from items from the chamber. Oh, the heat of the engine& and yes. She is Very Happy! And can9t be where the sun would we want our cook to be happy! XQGXO\LQÀXHQFHWKHUHDGLQJ« Our delivery people and it9s certainly not inside the included Mary, Carla, Carlos, cab! So where is it? Gwynne, Tom, Del, Ginger, The spring cleaning has and Pam at the registration made it through the kitchen. desk. The other Pam (yes, that Whew. Took the items that I makes three of 8em) from the found I no longer needed (hint, ORFDOR൶FHRIWKHFUHGLWXQLRQ hint) to dinner today to put them was cook Pam9s helper, along with our other yard sale items. with Angie. Thanks to all who You can do the same. One had a part. Our sponsor was other thing I can always use Ye Olde Thrift Shoppe. Thank LV¿OHIROGHUV,I\RXFOHDQRXW you so much for your gen- \RXUROG¿OHVDQGDUHOHIWZLWK erous contributions through a pile of folders, I9ll take them the years. We had 53 dinners R൵ \RXU KDQGV WRR 5HPHP- go out the door, either home ber, one man9s trash is another deliveries or pickups. Thank man9s (or woman9s) treasure. I John 4:10 “This is love: you also to those who partake of our meals. The day of open- not that we loved God, but that ing to in-house dining is get- He loved us and sent His Son ting closer! Stay tuned. DVDQDWRQLQJVDFUL¿FHIRURXU Have you noticed that a sins.” Prairie City Seniors building and bathrooms and the cooks who prepare food and clean the kitchen and NLWFKHQÀRRUDQGWKHRQHVZKR greet and handle the takeout. Elsie Huskey Without our volunteers, we could not operate and support Our hall board met last our community. Thank you all week and made decisions for your participation. about opening for in-house On Thursday, Feb. 17, dining. Shay and Kim are making We will be getting new grilled chicken, bacon ched- ÀRRULQJSXWLQVRWKHEXLOGLQJ dar mashed potatoes, salad of will look great and be easier to their choice, and banana cake. For Monday, Feb. 21, care for. A dutch door was put on the kitchen and the cooling lunch will be Cincinnati chili system has needed some help, with Texas toast, salad of their choice, fruit cup and Mis- so that is getting done now. Plans for creating safe sissippi mud brownies. Last serving space is in the making week9s meals were great. so servers will only be needed Thanks, Shay and Kim, for all to serve beverages as we bring the good food. John 8:12 Then Spake our cups to them. Masks are required till the Jesus again unto them, say- table seating is full. Three per- LQJ , DP WKH OLJKW RI WKH sons to each side of the table ZRUOG +H WKDW IROORZHWK PH so visiting will be good. An air shall not walk in darkness, but ¿OWHULQJV\VWHPLVJRLQJWREH VKDOOKDYHWKHOLJKWRIOLIH added to the building and will ¿OWHUDOOWKHDLULQWKHEXLOGLQJ Monument seven times each hour. Keep Seniors watching for new news on this subject. Soo Yukawa Also it was agreed on by the hall board that the pokeno players may play in the card Terry Cade and Carrie room and have up to 12 peo- SOHH൵HFWLYHLPPHGLDWHO\ Jewell made us hamburgers Thank you for sending with all the fixings, curly your clean plastic food con- fries, macaroni salad, and tainers back to us to reuse. chocolate brownies for our You are saving us money that dessert. Wonderful meal, we would rather spend on ladies, and we are so thank- food and not supplies. We san- ful! Needless to say, I ate itize them before each use. everything on my plate. I9d like to say a word about Our greeters at the table our volunteers who do dishes, were Kristi Guimont and help set up for food takeout, Karen Stubblefield. Kristi the drivers and drivers9 help- led us in the flag salute and ers, the ones that clean the made the announcements. John Day Seniors Our volunteers collected and counted up the money and filled out the paper- work. Yours truly prayed the blessing over our meal. We had 33 guests din- ing in, including many folks from Spray. We had 30 take- out meals for a total of 63 meals served. The free meal WLFNHW ZHQW WR 5RQ 2GHWWH of Long Creek. We also had 5LFN/D0RXQWDLQIURP-RKQ Day of the Senior Advisory Committee. We hope that everyone enjoyed the meal and the fellowship! We had very cute decora- tions that were all specially handmade with love by some very creative second- and third-graders of Monu- ment School. Their teacher, Mrs. Mary Gilbert, had them make it for us and put a cou- ple of them on every table. We thank these precious little ones, and may the Lord bless each of them! I got to visit with some of the ladies and found a couple of them came from the Fossil area. They were raving about our meals and how if the Fos- sil people knew how good our food was, they would be driving over every Tuesday. I was like, really? Seriously? They emphatically said that they would totally come. Wow. We are truly humbled and grateful for what we have here in our community. May our senior center con- tinue to bless many folks in our community and the sur- rounding areas. Well, as I was driving to go to the Tuesday lunch and passing by the goat pen, I noticed that Ginger was not out with the others. I was considering going into the goat shed to check on her but the ground was extremely muddy and mucky and I had to get to the senior center lunch. When we got home, I changed quickly into my chore clothes and went out. Ginger had had twins as I predicted. The first one was white with long ears. She had apparently licked it dry but I believe she might have laid on it and it was dead. Then I found its twin brother, but it was still in its sack. It was also dead. I then looked for Ginger and found her way in the back of the goat shed and she was shivering. She was paralyzed on her hind legs. I quickly got a calf blanket on her and lay down a bunch of fresh straw all around her. I closed her off from the rest of the herd so they could not bother her. I gave her some hay, which she started eating right away. I put some grain mixed with some loose min- erals and salt. I also gave her some fresh water. To be continued& 2 Corinthians 1: 5-6 For DV WKH VXIIHULQJV RI &KULVW abound in us, so our con- solation also aboundeth by Christ. And whether we EH DIIOLFWHG LW LV IRU \RXU consolation and salvation, ZKLFK LV HIIHFWXDO LQ WKH HQGXULQJRIWKHVDPHVXIIHU- LQJVZKLFKZHDOVRVXIIHURU ZKHWKHUZHEHFRPIRUWHGLW LV IRU \RXU FRQVRODWLRQ DQG salvation. OUT OF THE PAST 75 YEARS AGO Midnight Fire Destroys Store at Long Creek As this paper goes to press, word comes from Long Creek that the Stussi store building at that place was destroyed by fire late Wednesday night. This was for- merly the Buseick store and had just recently been purchased from Mrs. Mary Buseick by Mr. and Mrs. John Stussi. Philip Dale, who with Leslie Herburger was in Long Creek that evening to assist in conferring a Master Mason degree at a meeting of the Long Creek Masonic Lodge, stated that the fire started just as lodge was clos- ing, about 11:30. It was thought that the blaze originated in a small storeroom at the rear of the store. The local fire department was on the job, but most of the building was destroyed and practically all of the contents totally damaged. About all that was carried out of the store was a cash register and a couple of showcases. A few items of merchandise, in the front part of the store, were not burned, but most of the contents were either destroyed or damaged. ZDVVKRWGRZQE\HQHP\¿UHRQ)UL- GD\)HEZKLOHÀ\LQJDKHOLFRS- ter over the Mekong Delta in South Vietnam. Huddleston was fortunate in only receiving a broken arm and head 50 YEARS AGO wounds in the incident, his parents said. He had been in South Vietnam Mt. Vernon airman shot down three months to the day when the over Vietnam incident occurred. Word was recently received that Huddleston9s parents received $UP\ :DUUDQW 2൶FHU :DGH ( word of his wounding from him Huddleston, son of Mr. and Mrs. when he arrived at Travis Air Force Flynn Huddleston of Mt. Vernon, Base near Oakland, CA, on Satur- GD\)HE+HÀHZIURP&DOLIRU- nia to Madigan General Hospital in Ft. Lewis, WA, and his parents met him there Sunday morning, Feb. 13. Mr. and Mrs. Huddleston returned Tuesday, Feb. 15, and reported that he will be coming home for convalescent leave in a couple of weeks. Huddleston, a 1966 gradu- ate of Mt. Vernon High School, attended Eastern Oregon College, La Grande, for three years prior to his service duty. MT. VERNON PRESBYTERIAN Community Church SUNDAY SERVICE ...........9 am 541-932-4800 EVERYONE WELCOME St. |omas Episcopal Church Join us on Facebook live Sunday 10am Like us on Facebook! Redeemer Lutheran Church Come Worship with us at Grace Chapel (EMC ) 154 E. Williams St. Prairie City, Oregon 541 820-4437 Pastor Robert Perkins Sunday School (all ages) 9:30-10:30 Sunday Worship 10:45-12:00 John Day Valley Mennonite Church Meeting every Sunday at Mt. Vernon Grange Hall Sunday School ...............................9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship ............10:50 a.m. Pastor Leland Smucker Everyone Welcome • 541-932-2861 2 Corinthians 5:17 Every Sunday in the L.C. Community Center (Corner of Second & Allen) Contact Pastor Ed Studtmann at 541-421-3888 • Begins at 4:00pm JOHN DAY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Worship " 9AM (541) 575-1326 johndayUMC@gmail.com 126 NW Canton, John Day Food Pantry Friday 3-4PM Like us on Facebook! 24/7 Inspirational Christian Broadcasting Tune into KSPL 98.1 FM For more information, call 541 620-0340 CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Sunday School .......................... 9:30 am Sunday Worship Service......... 10:45 am Sunday Evening Service ...........6:00 pm Children & Teen Activities SMALL GROUPS CALL FOR MORE INFO 627 SE Hillcrest, John Day 1 st Sunday Worship/Communion ..................10am 3 rd Sunday Worship/Communion/Potluck ...4:30pm 2 nd , 4 th & 5 th Sunday Worship .........................10am Sunday Bible Study .....................................8:45am For information: 541-575-2348 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School ..................... 9:45 am Sunday Worship ...................... 11 am Fox Community Church ............. 3 pm Sunday Evening Bible Talk ......... 6 pm Saturday Men’s Study ............... 6 pm Weekdays: Sonshine Christian School Full Gospel- Come Grow With Us Pastor Randy Johnson 521 E. Main • John Day • 541-575-1895 www.johndaynazarene.com 541-575-1202 Church 311 NE Dayton St, John Day Pastor Al Altnow 59357 Hwy 26 Mt. Vernon Celebration of Worship Sundays 5:30pm Youth: 0-6th Grade Midweek Service |ursdays 6:30pm Youth: 0-6th Grade Jr./Sr. High Youth Connection Wednesdays at 6:30pm Overcomer’s Outreach Mondays at 6pm at LWCC A Christ-Centered, 12-Step Recovery Support Group Pastor Sharon Miller 541-932-4910 www.livingwordcc.com S279286-1