NEWS Wednesday, February 16, 2022 A5 Meat processing grant applications open By GEORGE PLAVEN Capital Press SALEM — The Oregon Depart- ment of Agriculture is accepting applications for $2 million in grants to upgrade and expand meat process- ing facilities. Funding was provided by the 2021 Legislature to jump-start investments while ODA revives the state’s dor- mant meat inspection program. The six-week application period opened Feb. 9, and closes March 23. Grants are capped at $500,000, and ODA expects requests will exceed available funds. ODA Director Alexis Taylor said the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for more options in meat pro- cessing for livestock raised in Oregon. “These critical resources will expand Oregon’s regional meat pro- cessing capacity and strengthen our food supply chain from disruptions we saw early on in the pandemic,” Taylor said. “I am excited to see the proposals we receive which will sup- port our rural economies, open new markets for Oregon products and connect local consumers with local producers.” The Oregon Meat Processing Infrastructure and Capacity Building Grant is open to all Oregon meat pro- cessors, including slaughter facilities that fall into one of three categories: • Those planning to expand capac- ity to include animals raised in Ore- gon and operate under the State Meat Inspection Program. • Those planning to build new plants and facilities to process ani- mals raised in Oregon and will oper- ate under the State Meat Inspection Program. • Plants operating under USDA inspection that are planning to increase meat processing from ani- mals raised in Oregon. ODA anticipates its inspection program will begin in July, pending approval from the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service. Andrea Cantu-Schomus, ODA spokeswoman, said the program’s ¿UVWVHWRIGUDIWUXOHVZHUHHYDOXDWHG by the federal government in January. “We are in the midst of making necessary changes to meet their pro- gram requirements,” she said. Oregon has not had a state inspec- tion program since 1971, when it was eliminated due to budget cuts. In 2020, the Legislature allocated $926,195 and three full-time employ- ees to re-establish the program. Currently, Oregon has 13 USDA-inspected meat plants that are either at full capacity or require ranch- ers to drive long distances — what are known as “processing deserts.” By expanding processing capacity, ODA says it can reduce transportation WLPH DQG FRVWV VXSSRUW GLUHFWWRFRQ VXPHU PHDW VDOHV UHGXFH SURFHVVLQJ ERWWOHQHFNVSURYLGHZKROHVDOHRSWLRQV IRU YDOXHDGGHG SURFHVVRUV DQG JLYH producers greater control over the price they receive for livestock. The $2 million Oregon Meat Pro- cessing Infrastructure and Capacity Building Grant is meant to help spur this work. For additional questions or to receive a paper application, contact Sierra Dawn McClain/Capital Press, File ODA Trade Development Manager Gary Neuschwander at 503-551-1706 Beef carcasses in a meat processing plant. The Oregon Department of Ag- or gary.neuschwander@oda.oregon. riculture is accepting applications for $2 million in grants to upgrade and expand meat processing facilities. gov. COPS AND COURTS Court reported the following activity for the week ending Feb. 9: Driver’s license suspen- sions: 3 Hunting license suspen- sions: 2 Grant County Circuit Persons on probation: 43 Court 7UD൶ FFLWDWLRQV¿OHG Feb. 3: Matthew Paul 9LRODWLRQV¿OHG Walker, 38, of John Day admit- 6PDOOFODLPVFLYLO¿OHG ted to two counts of contempt Community service hours of court. On one count, he was completed: 20 ordered to serve three days Hearings held: 8 in jail. On the other, he was Violation of the basic rule: ordered to serve eight days in Susan Lee McDougal, 58, jail, submit to 18 months of Bend, Jan. 23, 75/55 zone, EHQFKSUREDWLRQSD\D¿QHRI ¿QHG-DVRQ'1LFKRODV $100 and complete an anger 41, Bend, Jan. 30, 70.55 zone, management course. ¿QHG Feb. 8: In a negotiated Exceeding the speed limit: agreement with prosecutors, 7LU]D $QQ 6KD൵HU &DQ Karlie Nicole Farr, 26, pleaded yon City, Jan. 14, 55/30 zone, JXLOW\WRRQHFRXQWRI¿UVWGH ¿QHG.DWK\$QQ.RVWDO gree burglary and one count 68, Brookings, Jan. 17, 46/35 of third-degree assault. On the ]RQH¿QHG ¿UVWFRXQW)DUUZDVVHQWHQFHG No operator’s license: Jacob to three years of supervised Clarence Brown, 33, Dayville, probation and ordered to serve -DQ¿QHG 90 days in jail, with credit for Driving uninsured: Jacob time served or for completion Clarence Brown, 33, Dayville, of a 90-day rehab program. -DQ¿QHG&XUWLV:LO She was also ordered to per- son Perry, 19, La Grande, Dec. form 80 hours of community ¿QHG service or work crew time. On Careless driving resulting the second count, she was sen- in an accident: Jacob Anthony tenced to three years of super- Dodson, 27, Prairie City, Jan. vised probation, 40 hours of ¿QHG community service or work Obstruction of vehicle win- crew time and 30 days in jail, dows: Juan Terrazas Patino, with credit for time served. The &XOYHU-DQ¿QHG two sentences are to be served Failure to display license concurrently. Two counts of plates: Jacob Clarence Brown, harassment were dismissed 'D\YLOOH -DQ ¿QHG as part of the plea deal. The $115. charges stemmed from an inci- Dispatch dent in Mt. Vernon on New Grant County dispatch Year’s Day. In a grand jury indictment, Farr was accused worked 133 calls during of illegally entering a woman’s the week ending Feb. 10, home, hitting her with a brick, including: • Oregon State Police pulling her hair and stabbing Feb. 9 her in the neck with a lighter. 7:25 a.m.: Advised of a *UDQW&RXQW\6KHUL൵ dead deer on Highway 26 near 7KH*UDQW&RXQW\6KHUL൵¶V milepost 138. 2൶ FH UHSRUWHG WKH IROORZLQJ 4:26 p.m.: Advised of a for the week ending Feb. 9: calf on Highway 26 near mile- Concealed handgun post 147. licenses: 13 5:44 pm.: Advised of a Average inmates: 12 non-injury accident on High- Bookings: 9 way 26 near milepost 160. Releases: 15 Feb. 10 Arrests: 3 8:28 p.m.: Advised of a Citations: 3 vehicle vs. deer crash, no inju- Fingerprints: 4 ries, on Highway 26 just east Civil papers: 14 Warrants processed: 4 Asst./welfare check: 1 Search and rescue: 1 Arrests and citations in the Blue Mountain Eagle are taken from the logs of law enforce- PHQW DJHQFLHV (YHU\ HৼRUW LV made to report the court dispo- sition of arrest cases. Justice Court The Grant County Justice of Mt. Vernon. *UDQW &RXQW\ 6KHUL൵¶V 2൶FH Feb. 5 DP 7UD൶ F VWRS on Highway 26 near mile- post 179. Driver warned for speeding. 11:48 a.m.: Received a report of a scam from Hillcrest Drive, John Day. 12:47 p.m.: Responded to Northwest Third Avenue, John Day, for a civil problem. 2:12 p.m.: Responded to Riverside Mobile Home Park, John Day, for a trespassing complaint. SP 7UD൶ F VWRS on Highway 26 near mile- post 146. Tami Lyn Sasser, 40, of Canyon City cited for speeding. 4:39 p.m.: Responded to Green Acre lane, Mt. Vernon, for a runaway report. 7:54 p.m.: Advised of a stolen animal on South Bridge Street, Prairie City. Complaint unfounded. Will be a civil matter. 9:18 p.m.: Responded to Highway 26 west of Mt. Ver- non for information regarding a runaway. Feb. 6 12:13 a.m.: Responded to North Cozart Avenue, Prairie City, for a car prowl. 11:52 p.m.: Responded to North Humbolt Street, Can- yon City, for a welfare check. 4:17 p.m.: Responded to North Johnson Street, Prairie City, for unwanted subjects. 4:41 p.m.: Responded to Forest Service Road 36 near Cottonwood Creek for a report of a vehicle stuck in the snow. Everyone was OK. 5:37 p.m.: Responded to John Day Trailer Park for a reported assault. 5:50 p.m.: Responded to North Humbolt Street, Can- yon City, for a report of a sub- ject trying to run someone over with a car, 5:56 p.m.: Received a report of harassment from East Second Street, Long Creek. 5:58 p.m.: Received a report RILOOHJDO¿UHZRUNVRQ&RWWRQ wood Street in Mt. Vernon. 7:44 p.m.: Received a noise and harassment complaint from Maple Street in Granite. Feb. 7 8:35 a.m.: Received a report of criminal mischief on North- west Fourth Avenue, John Day. 2:24 p.m.: Advised of a telephonic harassment com- plaint from Moon Creek Lane, Mt. Vernon. SP 7UD൶ F VWRS RQ Third Street extended, John Day. Joshua Wayne Haskins, 37, of Prairie City was cited for driving while suspended, driv- ing uninsured and failure to carry registration. 9:12 p.m.: Responded with Oregon State Police and John Day Ambulance to Southeast Gunther Street, John Day, for a suicidal subject. Unfounded. Feb. 8 9:08 a.m.: Took a complaint of harassment and trespass- ing from North Canyon Boule- vard, John Day. 5:24 p.m.: Responded to Riverside Mobile Home Park, John Day, for a harassment complaint. 5:45 p.m.: Responded to Southeast Council Drive, Mt, Vernon, for a harassment complaint. 7:54 p.m.: Responded to Northwest Charolais Heights, John Day, for a verbal dispute. SP 7UD൶ F VWRS on Bridge Street, John Day, Driver warned for lighting. Feb. 9 8:15 a.m.: Advised of a theft at the Southfork Mini Mart, Dayville. 8:26 a.m.: Responded to Dayville School for a report of custodial interference. 12:54 p.m.: Responded to Seventh Street Sports Com- plex, John Day, for a suspi- cious person. 1:12 p.m.: Responded to South Canyon Boulevard, John Day, for a parking complaint. 5:12 p.m.: Responded to Riverside Mobile Home Park, John Day, for a burglary. 9:26 p.m.: Responded to Clyde Holliday State Park near Mt. Vernon for a report of crim- LQDOPLVFKLHIDQGVKRWV¿UHG 9:33 p.m.: Responded to Bridge Street, John Day, for a noise complaint. 10:29 p.m.: Responded to the Budget 8 Motel, John Day, for a welfare check. Feb. 10 4:44 a.m.: Responded to Bridge Street, John Day, for a noise complaint. 7:40 a.m.: Dispatched to Long Creek for a report of a plane wobbling in the sky. 8:04 a.m.: Dispatched to Ortelco, Mt. Vernon, for a 911 hang-up call. 8:20 a.m.: Advised of an animal complaint on East Main Street, John Day. • John Day Ambulance Feb. 5 11:10 a.m.: Dispatched to East Main Street for a medical alarm. 4:37 p.m.: Dispatched to Valley View Assisted Living for an 81-year-old male with a medical issue. 5:18 p.m.: Patient trans- port from Valley View Assisted Living. Feb. 6 6:24 a.m.: Dispatched to valley View Assisted Living for a 78-year-old female with a medical issue. Feb. 7 4:11 a.m.: Dispatched to Grant County Fairgrounds RV Park for a 64-year-old man with a diabetic issue. 7:01 p.m.: Dispatched to Highway 26 in Dayville for an 85-year-old woman with abdominal pain. Feb. 8 11:27 a.m.: Dispatched to Grant County Fairgrounds RV Park for a sick male. Feb. 9 2 p.m.: Dispatched to Northwest Boyce Place, John Day, for a 72-year-old male with a broken ankle. Feb. 10 4:26 p.m.: Dispatched to Blue Mountain Care Center, Prairie City, for a female with a fall injury. 6:18 p.m.: Patient transport from Blue Mountain Care Cen- ter, Prairie City. • Prairie City Ambulance Feb. 5 12:49 p.m.: Dispatched to North Johnson Street for a medical issue. John Day Ambulance also responded. Feb. 6 9:44 a.m.: Dispatched to McHaley Avenue for a 65-year-old male with a medi- cal issue. John Day Ambulance also responded. • Mt. Vernon Fire Feb. 8 8:49 p.m.: Responded to a report of two fully engulfed motorhomes. Grant County 6KHUL൵¶V2൶ FHDOVRUHVSRQGHG Oft Angw Roch - Vmad Catle 25th Annual Sale ȄƿƢƪĢþǢܒږƟůɺʵˁ rþƢěʼnږڜܒڗڕڗڗ £ƢŻĢƿěĩƢƪhŎǛĩƪƷŻěţܱßþŦĩܒƢĩłŻű &!"#$ !"#$ Huge Offering of Age Advantage Bulls! %% %%% %% % Buy Bulls Driven by Results! Load of Heifers Harvested at JBS in Hyrum, UT • Graded 93% Prime • 86% Certified Angus Beef • No Yield Grade 4’s ANGUS: f FĩűűĩƷƷ ŻűƪƷŎƷƿƷŎŻű ŻűűĩþŦǢŦþěţGƢþűŎƷĩ HEREFORD: rŎŦŦþƢNŎěţŻţ þŦĢƢŎĢłĩ ŻůůþűĢ ĩʼnůږڕڕà ƿĢþښڕڙ f¼®ůþŦŦ¼ŻǜűfŎĢ ݂tĩŎŦŦ݂ƪdŻěţ S279200-1 OFT ANGUS RANCH ¼ĩƢƢǢǼƷ ܣڞڝښܩڡڡڢܳڟڡڙښ ܣڛڙڡܩڠڝښܳڙڡڛڝ VALLAD CATTLE Jason & Deanne Vallad (541) 881-7989 S278510-1 S273986-1