a message from the Umatilla County Board of REALTORS ® REALTORS | What will it cost you to sell without one? ® |e thing about selling your home is just that. It9s about so much more than selling a piece of property 4 it9s your home! |at place where you9ve lived, loved, fought, and made up. Worked hard, played hard, and hopefully found some time to chill out like no one9s business in between! Our homes oven occupy such a special place in our hearts. It can be exceedingly tough to remain objective through the process of trying to sell your home to people who may not Molly Webb appreciate its charm like you do. President I mean, could they really be planning Umatilla County to remove that light oxture in the ® Board of Realtors bedroom I discovered on my last Principal Broker at Webb Property vacation 4 and then spent a whole Resources avernoon looking for a place that would ship it home for me? And oh, the work of preparing to sell. Are there repairs I need to do before I start showing the property? Does staging make a diference? And come on 4 is decluttering really even a thing? Once everything9s onally ready to go, there will be marketing to put together, showings to schedule, appointments to keep for those showings, and negotiating ofers when they come. And ohhhhh, the paperwork! |ere9s a bunch of it. When it starts coming your way in the form of ofers, will you know what to look for in those ofer documents to safeguard your interest? Are you prepared to manage all the deadlines that come along with that paperwork? And what will you do when some sort of hiccup comes in to threaten your transaction? But, okay 4 let9s be honest. Some people are wired to sell their own property. Maybe they9re not emotionally connected to their current living space, and thrive in the midst of organized chaos. |ey may even thrill over the thought of olling out highly detailed documents and mastering multiple deadlines at once. And when the market is hot 4 why not? Even under the best of circumstances, the process of moving can be a tough transition. When stress levels rise, it makes all the diference to have the calming presence of a REALTOR® at your side and on your team. REALTORS® are a special breed of real estate professionals who9ve committed to uphold a strict code of ethics requiring honesty, professionalism, and keeping a client9s best interest at the forefront of every transaction. From start to onish, a REALTOR® will have your back. As experts in the local market, REALTORS® know what it takes to get a property ready for a successful sale, and they9ve got the tools to help you decide on just the right price. Aver preparing a professional marketing campaign for your property, they9ll be the one handling all the inquiries that will come in, and will work to schedule all the showings, documenting who comes and goes. As true professionals, they understand the art of negotiation, and are familiar with the highly technical documents and disclosures required in Oregon, which are updated constantly. And your REALTOR® will be there to help you make it through the inspection process. Who should I call to make that previously unknown issue that was discovered by the home inspector? And do they need to be a licensed contractor? Should that repair work be scheduled before the adjustment needed in the kitchen 4 or aver? And besides planning out all those details, they9ll invest extra time required to make sure you stay on track with all those deadlines. Anxiety, be gone! So, let9s count the cost. Between the time you9ll save 4 the expertise you9ll gain 4 and the stress you9ll leave behind& Bottom line? Your transaction will be much more likely to get to the closing table without casualties when a REALTOR® is overseeing the process. How much is that worth to you? 6 // Eastern Oregon Real Estate & Homebuilders Guide • eastoregonrealestate.com // FEBRUARY/MARCH 2022