7 MIXED MEDIUM THE ARTS AROUND EASTERN OREGON FEBRUARY 16ǵ23, 2022 Fishtrap hosts writing workshops this spring *RVWDƬ NTERPRISE — Fishtrap be- gins a new season of online workshops starting in March. 5HJLVWHUDWZZZƮVKWUDSRUJ Here’s a look at this spring’s schedule. E EPHEMERAL MOMENTS THAT ENDURE In March, Fishtrap presents “an online micro essay work- shop,” led by E.M. “Lizzie” Sloan. The workshop will take place at 6-7:30 p.m. for four con- secutive Wednesdays beginning March 9. Registration is $180, or $160 for Fishtrappers. The Fishtrap website describes LWWKLVZD\,QWKHYHLQRIưDVK PLFUREUHYLW\QRQƮFWLRQWKLV workshop will play with isolated VFHQHVWKDW\RXƮQGDUHEXULHG deep in the recesses of your mind, your heart, your soul. Dig into the hollows and bring to light those KLGGHQưLFNHUVRIPHPRU\H[SH rience. Participants will dip into the popular topic of nostalgia by enlivening senses through writing prompts of ephemeral moments. RECIPES FROM POEMS WE LOVE Beginning April 2, Nellie Lizzie Sloan Bridge will lead an online poetry workshop on four Saturdays, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Registration is $240, or $215 for Fishtrappers. This generative poetry work- shop takes as its starting point the appreciation, wonder and beauty in poems you love. Every- one in this workshop will bring an inspiring poem to share and use some part of it (structure, voice, occasion, style, device) to craft a poem of their own. Participants will create recipes for poems together, discuss a poem’s parts We thank these Chambers Members for their continued support www.VisitUnionCounty.org Nellie Bridge and write freely with a goal to FUHDWHƮYHRUPRUHQHZSRHPV during the class. TWO IDEAS: GRAPPLING WITH PARADOX AND TENSION IN PERSONAL ESSAY AND MEMOIR This online workshop with Catherine Johnson will meet for four Wednesdays, begin- ning May 4, from 6-8 p.m. Catherine Johnson Registration $240, or $215 for Fishtrappers. In James Baldwin’s essay “Notes of a Native Son” he wrote: “It began to seem that one would have to hold in the mind forever two ideas which seemed to be in opposition.” As one of the great- est essayists of the twentieth century, Baldwin was a master DWJUDSSOLQJZLWKSDUDGR[DQG FRPSOH[LW\ZKLOHUHVLVWLQJHDV\ neat answers. In this workshop, SDUWLFLSDQWVZLOOH[DPLQHWKHHV say as a natural vehicle for this kind of intellectual and emotion- al work, both by reading other writers who do this masterfully, and looking for opportunities to do this in personal writing. Par- ticipants can share their writing DWDQ\VWDJHRUMXVWEHQHƮWIURP the conversation and in-class writing prompts). Shop Local, Grow Your Heritage Tuesday - Saturday • 10 AM - 4 PM 138 SE Court St.